These cunts think they have a point, they don’t.
They think laws don’t apply when they do (you can look up Sovereign Citizens and their insane logic). They waste police time for no reason when they can be actually stopping crime.
Worst of all they film it and think they’re right!
Look at this ‘owning’ clip. Oh those terrible cops they just got ‘owned’, no you’re a a cunt and I wished they’d punch you in the face. They didn’t because they’re actually better than you as they have decency and a job.
Nominated by: Lazybiscuits
It is probably stretching the boundaries of the first amendment. Policewoman in the first clip seemed really nice and far more patient than I would’ve been with the stupid time wasting wanker!
Would you of scratched his eyes out?
Oooooh you brute!!
She seemed really sweet and genuinely concerned. The other cop was the least confrontational thing I have ever seen ‘Hey Bud, watcha doing’ isn’t exactly antagonistic now, is it?
Stupid time wasting walt snowflake cunt. If he had asked at the gate if he could take some photographs of the tanks, they would most likely have escorted him round them for ten minutes.
Stupid prick.
Hi. I think wordpress really hates the second part of your name as this is the second time I’ve had to approve your posts tonight. Nothing wrong with the posts, think it just doesn’t like your name so potentially change it. Either that or it doesn’t believe in Norse mythology which is rather unlikely. – DA
WordPress is a bit of a prudish cunt isnt it?
Is it developed by fuckin Quakers or something?
Yep. It also detects offensive words within words, but we’re on it and have to abide by its odd rules. – DA
Creampuff needs to archive this with all the other trigger words and software quirks forthwith.
Odin, maybe Odin’s Gonads or Brass Clankers
So what? The police are already being filmed on dash cams and body cams. If I’m a cop and I am doing as I should then who cares if I’m being filmed by some cunt that is trying to “own” me? Cross reference with my body cam if it looks bad when posted by the cunt and get the facts.
The key thing I should have added is want to do this outside a police station/council fine. These cunts do it outside army bases and nuclear arms facilities. Then act surprised when guards come out.
You see these camera weilding twats arguing with police all the time, the police should just be able to chin the cunts and confiscate their cameras job done, these arse clowns just want a little confrontation to be able to put up on Youtube so they can say wow how clever am i and get some likes, which og course is what these workshy dickheads live for.
So if they want to really impress go and film an army barracks Nazazin Zaghari Ratcliff style, that i would love to see, but then dont come crying to us when your arrested, given 100 lashes and 10 years in jail[ but if someone filmes that i would love to watch it] as for the rest of these limp wristed amateurs trying to get a response out of the police, pepper spray the cunts and then release to dogs….fuck em
It does make me laugh though as to how fucking clueless the UK coppers are when confronting these people. I personally wouldn’t waste my time doing it, but it is up to them. We are still (apparently) a free country. The UK coppers never know the law (any photography is lawful from a public place), and always bleat on about “in this current climate”. They moan about being videoed, then turn on their body cameras! The real surprise, or maybe not, is how officious the new breed of dark key and parki coppers are. Stupid cunts.
It’s the camera. Aren’t there primitive jungle indians that say a camera can steak your soul?.
Pointing camera is an aggressive I think act.
During the BLM riots last year I saw one demonstration where each side seem to be pointing cameras at each other.
They’re usually cranks that do things like this.
I think it uses the word ‘reasonable’ in the First Amendment. Is it reasonable for him not to answer the police? He should have said ‘I am testing my First Amendment rights’.maybe.
Just cranks.
The First Amendment.
‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[3]’
So the cops said they were making them nervous. It is certainly odd behaviour just to be standing out some facility filming. But does it break ‘peaceably to assemble’?
There have been instances in which 1A auditors have been arrested in police station foyers due to the presence of a female domestic abuse victim in the foyer who understandably doesn’t want to be filmed and the frauditor more or less says “fuck you” and “but muh raaaghts!” The nasty little sociopaths get what they deserve as far as I’m concerned.
As for the 1A rights, rights come with responsibilities and if a sovcit impedes a federal employee, makes them feel uncomfortable or makes members the public feel uncomfortable/unsafe, the federal staff can ask the sovcit to leave the premises, if the sovcit refuses then the police can be called and the sovcit trespassed, arrested for breach of the peace and removed from the property.
Example here
Im going to rename my band. ‘Primitive Jungle Indians’
The thing with these cunts who are deliberately trying to cunt the cops are same bastards who would be the first to complain if some cunt hanging about outside a military base, stabbed a member of the armed forces, ‘oh why didn’t the cops do something, he was acting suspiciously’ or some cunt in a library taking inappropriate images ‘where was security’
The only thing these cunts want is to get as many hits on Twat Tube as possible.
I know a sovereign citizen.
Hes fuckin puddled.
Thinks a loophole or vague technicality in the law gives him firm footing to break the law.
Asked me, do I pay road tax, insure my vehicles,
Told him I did.
Called me a mug!!??
Said hed declared himself a independent and not governed by UK law.
Refused to pay MOT, tax, insurance and carried on driving about.
I asked how it was working out for him.
“In court next week’.
Daft cunt
The vehicle-born sovcits are the funniest. They tend to be beligerent, thick as pig shit flat earthers too.
In America, police encounters with sovtards rarely result in a police firearm being discharged as I think the police enjoy the comical sight of a sovcit going from haughty prick with an attitude to being tazed and crying on the floor like a little bitch.
However, as recent history has shown, some times a taser can be mistaken for a gun so it’s best to deploy the fury torpedo.
I worked with a fella like that Miserabke. Funny he did mention the American Constitution. But his thing was he didn’t have to obey the law because money wasn’t real or something. ‘See here it says I promise to pay the bearer on demand…’ I renember him once and wide- eyed smiling ‘they can’t keep their promise ‘ or something.
‘Oh aye’
Promissory notes. Basically an IOU will pay you back later (never) some cultures believe they’re the same as money and get upset when you tell them fuck off it’s not. Dealt with a few in my time.
Spooky types Miles.
Best kept at arms distance.
Always looking to prove theyre exempt from normality.
This bloke has a sticker ‘flat earth society’ on his van.
I thought it was a joke!
Now not so sure?
Get hisself into all manner of trouble.
Yup, his name was ‘Kasim’.
Funniest one I had was saying to accept to pay off their £200K mortgage with one. They got told to piss off.
For some reason, British sovcits seem to often be either black or of the asian persuasion. Very strange.
That lady cop gave me the horn. I was imagining I’d just something naughty to her and she just kept saying “ nothing to tell me”.
I do not know what the rules are in the States but in this country when stopped by the police the standard questions are name, address, age and occupation. I believe you do not have to answer the latter two but you certainly have to give your name and address and you may be rquired to prove the same. This seems to me to be entirely reasonable. If someone knows better I will gladly concede. In custody suites in London this is often modified slightly to name, address, age and “Do you work?”. Often the response to this last question is a look combining bafflement and “Are you taking the piss officer?”.
If they have not stopped you for committing an offence, or you are not behaving in a manner which can be genuinely construed as likely to cause fear, offence or concern, then you are under no obligation to give personal details.
Even under Covid measures.
These cunts, just like sovtards, do it to harass and antagonise government employees and 1A Auditors seem to treat government staff like some kind of slave class because “I pay your wages”…… what with? monopoly money?
My favourites are the ones who go to the Post Office or DMV under the guise of “reporting the news”……… yeah because the shady goings on at the USPS and DMV are the real issues piquing the interest of average Americans.
No comment.
I’ve come across a few of these clips on YouTube and I don’t bother clicking on them now as it’s always the same whether it’s an over zealous power hungry town centre Marshall or copper, they fall into the trap of hounding some cunt for making videos on their phone in a public place which they should know is not an offence. Many end up looking stupid, clearly uneducated in the laws they are supposed to uphold and they often lose their ability to maintain self control. Calling out further cunts in number from the station never usually helps their position. They should just move on and let the cunts film. Most of what’s being filmed is already being filmed by a nearby CCTV camera anyway. If people are getting enjoyment out of this pass time of ‘policing the police’, what’s the problem? The problem occurs only when cunts take the bait and engage. Otherwise it’s job at a modern form of trainspotting where government buildings are substitute for the trains.
True, the cops invariably fall into a trap and that’s what it is – a trap and a financial grift because 1A auditors are often out to make money through litigation.
The cops should just ignore the simple bastards however that would probably just make the frauditor escalate their behaviour to borderline criminal or petty misdemeanout resulting in the police having to respond and that’s the point – the issue isn’t about recording the police’s response; it’s about getting the police to respond by any means necessary.
Fuck the filth, they’re the cunts.
How’s your neck?
When you get up from your armchair, is there a sound like velcro tearing?
In my day the insolent cunts would have been pushed down the stairs leading to the custody cells where they would be given a warm welcome from the non-woke, non-PC duty officers.
A popular technique (told to me by a French cop) was to whack them really hard on the top of the head with a telephone directory. It hurts like fuck and leaves no marks.
A less subtle approach was to lock them in a cell with the resident queer who bugger some respect into the cocky gobshites.
PS: doesn’t the ginger halfwit consider himself to be an expert on the amendments?
Looks like John Mcafee was a victim of his own virus ?
I saw a documentary on him earlier this year, gone completely paranoid and thought everyone was out to get him, more fool me, after seeing it I should’ve picked him for the Deadpool ?
Yawn of the dead.