Fag-Free Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire wants to ban smoking outdoors too.

Fuck right off. If I want to smoke I fucking will. Stop trying to impose your pathetic health concerns on me as I have a choice and I’d rather have a pint and a smoke than an avocado and kale salad. I know there’s a risk to my health and I don’t care.

Just do what Japan does and introduce designated smoking areas instead of ‘Oh I’m standing alone in a field having a nice cig wow I’m breaking a law that doesn’t exist because I might give the grass cancer.’

Why not try actually stopping the shit load of fucking drugs in Blackbird Leys? Oh wait the police are scared of the place.

Smoke-Free Oxfordshire

Nominated by: Lazybiscuits 

47 thoughts on “Fag-Free Oxfordshire

  1. This move shouldn’t surprise anyone, once the Covid Nazis at the local council haven’t got anyone to grass up anymore or tell them to put on their face nappy then they will find new ways to nanny people to conform. Oxford was also at the centre of a grooming gang scandal, so maybe the council should concentrate on priorities and become pee dough free first.

  2. Well with Fuhrer and Reichskanzler Adolf Jellyfish depriving us of our civil liberties and taking the piss it’s hardly surprising that some cunts lower down the food chain want to flex their muscles. There’s nothing some pen pushing Council jobsworth loves more than ordering cunts about.
    Round my way you can’t smoke outdoors……as soon as you light up half a dozen filthy immos are attracted like moths to a flame…… “you give cigarette…I pay twenty pees….you give ok?”
    So my advice to the Gauleiters of Oxfordshire is to import a couple of million dinghy sewer rats into your county.
    See how your constituents like that you Nazi bastards!

  3. If I want to smoke I fucking will, fuck Oxfordshire won’t be holidaying there anymore and any other county that bans it, like the fake vaccine my body my choice, on another note if all them cunts in Cornwall ain’t following their own advice then like fuck am I,
    I was in Falmouth on Thursday 20,000 plod on passenger ferries coaches, mini buses, not a fucking mask to be seen, no social distancing , fucking party for them,
    Go and get fucked Boris enough is

  4. The Left love to BAN. I don’t do it BAN it. Or with the ‘taking the knee’ nonsense you MUST do it, you MUST support it.
    I went for an afternoon session. You can only smoke outside under this canopy thing. But I wanted to sit with my pint in the sun and smoke. Anyway, as the day wore on people started lighting up wherever. And the servers were so busy with the Covid restrictions (you could only order your drinks through them) that they didn’t bother to enforce it.
    Yeah waiting about twenty minutes for your drink. It was an afternoon drinking session but ‘not as we have known it Jim’.
    Smoking outside everywhere will come.

    • People sat round drinking AND smoking and enjoying conversation. That is a ‘healthy atmosphere’ in a pub.

  5. I don’t smoke, but slowly freedoms are getting taken away by the fucking idiot councils and politicians.

    As if covid laws were bad enough some councils take it upon theirselves to add bits to it, like having to wear a mask when stood up outside in a pub, no law for that at all cunts.

  6. I like bans like this.
    It’s a splendid excuse to tell some fat dyke dressed like a traffic warden to Get Fucked.

    It’s also another sign this country is finished.

    • They are already working on that.I remember when lots of bank branches were being closed and they go converted into boozers – All Bar Ones and the like. Over the past 20 years so many pubs have gone out of business due to exorbitant business rates, overheads and cheap supermarket booze. So the empty boozers got converted into blocks of flats.

      Fast forward to today and the lockdown rules will finish off another 40 percent of the remaining ones or more especially if 21 June arrives and does not allow them to open up at full capacity.

      Freedom and enjoyment…..henceforth banned.

  7. All of these pathetic rules are not for health reasons, they’re just to make life miserable. If heatlh was truly the reason they would encourage exercise, outdoors activity and healthy eating…not just make noises about it. Obesity is a far bigger health crisis.

    The two countries with the close to the highest life expectancy in the world (2021) are Japan (no 2) and Spain (no 6). There is not much difference in the top 7. Blighty is number 29 on the list.

    Approx. £3 pounds a pack of 20 in Japan and around £4 a pack in Spain. In both countries loads of people smoke, far more than the UK percentage wise. Strangely, enough both populations consume the most fish in the world per capita. Go figure.


    • I dont smoke anymore but wouldn’t want to to begrudge others the pleasure.
      They cant stop you outdoors
      Thry might not like it,
      But tough shit.
      Not just gays, gyppos and ethnics with rights
      We have them too.
      Smoke and tell them to eat shit
      Theyre powerless to stop you.

      • MNC@ – Well said Sir (spoken from my own position as an ex smoker) – if people want to smoke where it does others no harm crack on.
        Are we returning the massive financial contribution smokers make to the NHS then?

      • They will likely try and get their Covid Marseholes to enforce this bullshit too. Deal with them just like TV licence goons, tell them to fuck off and interact no further. They can’t issue a fine to a nameless cunter though I suspect this is where they will fuck you by the smartphone in your pocket continually emitting BLE signals. Mark my words when I say BLE enabled phones & smartphone are the tools than will leave you open to evilness from government cunts. Leave them at home and use an old handset which has no Bluetooth because if it has it, it has the BLE constantly enabled which cannot be turned off. It consumes such low power it’s active & operates for months even on a phone that’s powered off. A brand new Nokia 3g mobile with no Bluetooth can be had from Amazon cunts for around £20

      • Yep indeedy, got a 3G phone, can’t see what benefit G4 or G5 would bring but I see a fuckload of downsides vis a vis personal freedoms of movement, thought and speech. But these 30/40 year old over-socialised snowflakes in a condition of permanently arrested development will crave the most connectivity they can just to play fucking Candy Crush in full disregard of the bugs and backdoors such omni-connectivity offers! Fucking grow up and smell the Java you wankers!

    • So after clicking that link I find basically Africa is a shit hole mmmmm?

      • You wanna be a tyre retailer. The demand for them is endless. They burn them out quicker than an Essex boy racer in a souped up Vauxhall Corsa

  8. Every day, the freedom loving UK of my youth becomes more like the Soviet Union of my youth. We can only hope for a “wall collapse” moment.

  9. Unfortunately the government and councils go for the easy target like smokers and drinkers as they are things that can be seen and a finger wagged at. Peedoh’s and drug dealing is mainly hidden and need investigation so too time consuming.
    I wonder what they will ban next. They are running out of options.

    • If they ban smoking and drinking you have to wonder what they will find to tax the fuck out of to replace the lost income.

      • Climate change bollocks. A tenners worth of gas / electricity energy in today’s money will cost you £50 once you’ve been herded by the merchants onto electric only.

  10. More unenforceable nonsense or should that be “n.once-sense”

    Expect restrictions on meat, alcohol, petroleum, firearm ownership, in the name of climate conservation, very soon?

    Not for the elites, though?

    • We already have restrictions on firearm ownership, don’t we?

      Banning smoking outdoors makes ZERO sense… unless it’s a stealth measure toward banning smoking altogether. Which it obviously is.

      Morning General, morning all. ?

  11. Banning smoking is the thin edge of the wedge…private cars will be a rarity in 30 years time,traditional Pubs will be gone, websites like this banned,bank-accounts monitored for suspicious activity, cash money declared worthless, electricity usage rationed etc.
    I expect that “reeducation” centres will have been set up to help us recidivists understand the error of our ways.

    It’s all for our own good,of course.


    PS…Since learning that each cigarette takes 11 minutes off your life, I have made a concerted effort to double my intake.

    • PPS….Most Councils are run and staffed by officious little Nobodies who were deservedly bullied at school.

    • “Banning smoking is the thin edge of the wedge…”

      Ooooh dunno about that Dick, I’d say we’re at least half way up, to ram it home further up the arse of Britons will require a fucking paver’s mallet.
      Over the past 18 months of belt-fed cuntery a lot of behavioural data has been acquired by the various govern-mentalist ‘nudge’ units, the stats are in and they now know exactly how far and hard we can be poked in the back towards the Slave State Britain. Their summary – seemingly as hard and rapidly as they fucking want basically!

  12. You’ll like this story. I parked up in Ocean Boulevard (LA) , walked across about 30 yards of grass to the sea wall and gazed at the Pacific Ocean and the spotless empty beach below. This was about 7.45 am and about 30 yards to my right were 2 tramps kipping on a bench. Their dogs were sleeping underneath the bench and they were surrounded by empty bottles, cans, fag packets, dog ends, all sorts of shit.
    Anyway I hear this heavy breathing behind me and a voice says “you can’t smoke here”. I turn around and this bird was jogging on the spot. She was about 35, well tasty and stank of money. She had on this brand new designer track suit, brand new white trainers (absolutely the height of fashion back then) and brand new headband and wristbands.
    “Pardon” I said.
    “This is a public park, you can’t smoke here.”
    “It’s not a park darling, it’s just a bit of grass.”
    “This is a park, it’s against the law to smoke.”
    So I pointed to the 2 sleeping tramps…..”well what about those two? They must be breaking the law. Why don’t you wake them up and tell them? I’ll stand here and watch you. I could do with a fucking laugh.”
    She wasn’t impressed. “You’ll get a ticket” she said and jogged on.
    Now, when you are in a foreign country the last thing you want is trouble with the coppers. I thought i’ve just given a load of lip to some rich bird, I need to get the fuck out of here.
    I remember thinking, this load of bollocks will come to Britain one day. That was about 14/15 years ago and, to be fair, it’s taken longer than I thought.
    Of course I couldn’t possibly have foreseen the Chinky Flu and if you had told me that commies would be running America on the back of a blatantly bent election I would have laughed in your fucking face. Just shows you dunnit?

    • “…and if you had told me that commies would be running America on the back of a blatantly bent election I would have laughed in your fucking face.”

      Commies (for want of a better term that doesn’t require an hour of explanation) have been controlling American politics since WW2 and before through EVERY presidency.

  13. Maybe it could be possible to ban Oxfordshire what with this nonsense and the stooooopid Don’s at the university colleges. Failing tht just carpet bomb the cunts.

    • “Maybe it could be possible to ban Oxfordshire what with this nonsense and the stooooopid Don’s at the university colleges. Failing tht just carpet bomb the cunts.”

      Now in a Chops government that’s just the sort of radical and innovative blue sky thinking I’d want from my Cabinet Minister for the Regions and Local Government.
      He has a little list; there’ll none of them be missed.

  14. My father-in-law is currently undergoing treatment for throat cancer. Always smoked and once a frequent binge drinker. It’s not good to see him struggling and plummeting to under 8 stone in weight as he struggles to eat, due to the cancer in his throat and neck.
    Can’t understand why people smoke. It’s expensive and it may well kill you. However, it’s a choice. I don’t agree with banning it. More and more our lifestyle choices are being eroded and our lives being controlled.

  15. One thing that should be banned is cunts eating KFC in the street. Fuck off.

    Fuck off and leave smokers alone. They don’t even stop cunts smoking dope in the street, and that is already illegal. Fuck off again, jobsworth, meddling, hypocritical, fatso feminist, marxist cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

  16. What they want and what they get may be two different things.
    Spineless, lettuce munching, green agenda ,woke, puke bag mother fucking cunts.

    • Can I now invite our Diversity and Inclusion Csar the Right Hon. Mr. Uttercunt to present his findings to the Cabinet?

      “Thankyou P.M. …ahem… Spineless, lettuce munching, green agenda ,woke, puke bag mother fucking cunts.”

      Well there we have it gentlemen, proof if proof were needed! Please repair immediately to your constituencies and fire up your emergency Nightingale Ovens.

  17. Good cunting. I’m not a cigarette smoker but smoke the occasional pipe or cigar. It’s bad enough not being able to smoke in public indoor places which are especially reserved for smokers away from non-smokers. But banning outdoor smoking is pure authoritarianism. Not surprised the idea comes from a council. Councils are the most authoritarian bodies in the UK. Burn the cunts in a bonfire of Dunhill Mixture 965 Pipe Tobacco. At least the smell will be fantastic.

  18. I think what we have here in Oxford is another manifestation of a widespread and little-recognised fear of freedom. It seems to me that many people are afraid of having personal freedom and absolutely terrified of others being free. If you apply this test to people’s words and actions it explains a great deal; belief in g*ds, support for the “green” lobby and votes for politicians who promise laws to protect other people only from themselves. Just try it and I’m sure you will turn up many more examples.

    • “…another manifestation of a widespread and little-recognised fear of freedom. It seems to me that many people are afraid of having personal freedom”.

      Yup, that’s exactly what it is, well spotted Arfur. ? Gonna be a hard spell to break now.

  19. When I saw ‘Fàg Free Oxfordshire ‘ I thought that some kind of purge against the Gays had started.
    In the not too distant future, smoking outdoors will he banned, whereas bumming will be allowed.
    Crazy fucked up shit never ends.
    I’m considering pizza for breakfast.
    Get To Fuck.

  20. I wonder if these rules will apply to the 500ish dinghy riders who appear in Kent daily, and the first thing they do when they hit dry land is to light a cigarette?

  21. Fag free Oxfordshire. No more mincing bum boys . Oh cigarettes! Fuck that I’m smoking a massive joint of Colombian weed and chipping it out on a inspector Morse statue.
    That is if they haven’t ripped Morse down for being to imperialist.

  22. I’ve been nicotine-free for over a year, don’t regret it. It’s good to be able to taste stuff again, for one thing. But that was my choice, and should remain so. The filthy weed is closely associated with slavery, imperialism, yadayada, and it is frighteningly addictive and dangerous to health. From the NHS point of view it should be banned immediately.
    BUT. Personal freedom. BUT. The risk to the public pales into insignificance alongside traffic and heating particulates. BUT. No government is willing to take effective action other than localised bans for fear of losing revenue from the tobacco companies.

    Who, as the prime instigators of plantation slavery are all racist colonialists and increasingly OK in my book.

  23. The council are absolutely right to ban smoking everywhere in Oxford, and Blackbird Leys especially. I used to live there and I saw the poverty caused by people buying cigerettes instead of hardcore drugs. Some of the children of hardworking minority entrepreneurs have to share scales to weigh out the drugs, because they can’t afford their own. What kind of upbrininging is that? We should be embracing the diversity of immigrants and the hard work they put into making a living and bringing us the new experiences their culture offers. God bless Steve Jobs

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