English Heritage

Fellow cunters, for your cuntsideration:

English Heritage’s hatchet job on Enid Blyton.

An “Oh Timmy, you’re so licky” cunting please, for those woke fascists at English Heritage.

It seems that poor old Enid’s adventures of a submissive blond, a closet homosexual, a control freak and a Cornish pre-op transsexual and her hairy sidekick, has triggered the wokerati!
Or maybe it was their council estate compatriots?

Or perhaps it’s the adventures of a garden gnome rent boy who is such a cunt that he has to wear a bell on his hat, to warn others of his imminent arrival? (Actually, those hats should be compulsory for some cunts?).

Or was it that little dark chap?

What would Enid say?


Looking for offensive language from 75 to 100 years in the past is ridiculous-her story’s were fantasy and escapism.

Surely these wankers know that life is so much more tolerable, with a good helping of Dick or Fanny??


Nominated by: Cuntfinder General

98 thoughts on “English Heritage

  1. I couldn’t give a fuck if Enid Blyton was the grand dragon of the Mississippi KKK,
    So fuckin what?!!!
    The woke witchhunt continues to point the finger,
    Tarnish reputation, and cut short careers.
    Fuck me, Matthew Hopkins had nothing on these cunts!!

    • Testing new name

      (Hi, Odin. Your first comment went into the MQ by default because you’re using a new name. Hopefully when you post your 2nd comment it should appear in the thread directly. Can you try? – DA)

      • Hi all. Hope all is well with you and yours.

        Welcome! Glad to have you on board. Sorry about the whole wordpress thing (seriously out of our hands). Always nice to see a new cunter. – DA

      • @Odin you’ve had your balls cut off by Admin.

        (Took a few years to find a pair of scissors small enough to take the job on! – DA)

    • MNC@ – Interestingly enough I have just been chatting with Laurence Fox about heritage, democracy and a lot of other things! (TBH I think he was a little starstruck!?)
      But I had to turn down his invite for a jar as I had a train to catch ?

      • Has he recruited you to his cause?
        You could be our man in Whitehall?

  2. When she wrote her books Blyton views were the consensus and the popular opinion of the day. She was not uniquely “evil”. She thought like everyone else.

    Today the woke consensus is somewhat different, to say the least. It’s adherents are following the woke popular consensus of today. Just as Blyton followed the popular consensus of her day.

    So what’s the difference?

    The irony is that if today’s followers of woke fashion had been around in Blyton’s day then they would have shared her views. Because that was the popular consensus of the day. And the woke are not profound or original thinkers – they just blindly follow the consensus.

  3. Poor Enid. Been dead for donkeys years but the wokies are going after her blue plaque. Well, if they’re pulling down statues of Washington and Columbus I suppose she’s fair game. Does any parent buy her books anymore? Are they still on sale. I have no idea. But we definitely need a Bebelplatz to burn all these wicked works of literature. Sieg Heil!
    Anyway what do we need Enid for when we’ve got such brilliant children’s writers such as the Duchess of Netflix? Have you cunts read her book? It’s fucking brilliant! Well worth a half a mill advance.

  4. Dear old Enid use to hold naked Tennis parties at the weekend, for that alone she deserves a blue plaque.
    Millions of my generation learnt to read because of her books, they were the best children’s books ever.

    • I seem to remember reading somewhere that she had a reputation for being a bit of a goer, but I may be confusing her with someone else.
      Anyway, I remember poring through her books as a kid and loving them, as have millions of kids for donkey’s years. The patronising pseuds who class her work as ‘without literary merit’, and the utterly charmless wokerati can go fuck themselves.

  5. When we have the likes of david walliams writing children’s books this is the outcome

    • ‘The Boy in the Dress’. That’s about a boy bravely finding the courage to wear a dress to school.
      What would Enid think?

  6. Getting a group together and digging up Henry vlll cos he was well bad antiwoke needs to be punished and told right.

  7. As a tiny tot, snuggled in the blankets, Mum reading a few chapters of the Faraway tree or later on, the Fous Five.
    Wonderful memories, to be cherished.?

    Fuck the wokerati-the fucking joyless nerks.
    I pity them and the way their mind have been poisoned.

  8. Wont be long before the cunts start digging up people to hang them……Oh! thats exactly what they are doing………. wont be long before they start destroying living people in the witch hunt…….er……er. Time to stand up to the cunts and tell them to fuck off. If the fearful majority do, it will be defeated in a week like the Poles defeated the Soviet Union with Solidarnosc. They have nothing but fear.

  9. The interesting thing about Blyton is that outside of her core audience of children she has always been intensely hated. The BBC started banning her in the 30’s because she was a “second rater”. Many libraries banned her books. One critic described Noddy as an “unnaturally priggish … sanctimonious … witless, spiritless, snivelling, sneaking doll.” Yet children loved her and she sold millions – because she could tell a good story. Unlike Sparkletits book which sounds hectoring and moralising and is surely destined to be remaindered.

  10. One of the purposes of children’s stories is to pass on the collective wisdom of the culture to the next generation. We have a responsibility to prepare them for life and literary theorists say that a certain amount of peril can be cathartic to the developing child.

    So that said, the time Noddy was car-jacked by three wollies, stripped and left for dead in the woods is not only good material for a laugh, it is a positively vital bit of knowledge to impart to white kids growing up in places like South London.

    • Noddy and Big Ears were given a woke makeover and banned from enjoying “gay times in the woods” and “coming over all qu*er”. I thought the whole point was to shoehorn as much identity driven shit into everything as much as possible.

  11. I won’t hear a word said against Enid.
    I was taught to read by my older sisters with bedtime stories from their EB books about the goings on at an all girls school, Malory Towers. All harmless stuff although for some reason I sometimes still have strange dreams about what went on at night after lights out in the girls dormitories, the after hockey shower rooms, blue sports knickers and over the knee spankings from the beastly games mistress.

  12. Any writer that has characters called Dame Slap and Dick and Fanny is ok in my book.

  13. I am a member larfed at the National Trust, these cunts are starting as well. It is the modern trend of sack cloth and ashes. All cunts everyone.
    As for this-
    This is not just any lingerie… this is M&S underwear inspired by George Floyd: High Street giant launches ‘inclusive’ range in five shades designed for different skin tones

    • Rather like having a range health vitamins inspired by Harold Shipman.

      Wtf did Chiggin George have to do with women’s undies?


      • Thats what he choked on.
        Found a pair of Victoria secret frilly knickers in his windpipe at the autopsy.
        Also a car number plate in his digestive tract,
        Like in Jaws.

    • English Heretics can suck my ballbag!
      The treacherous cunts will never get a penny off me,
      Nor will National Distrust.
      And I’ll swan about your sites without paying, probably steal something too.
      Bunch of poseurs.

      • There’s a nice Rembrandt worth lifting at the NT’s Buckland Abbey Estate, MNC. I’d lift that one if I were you.

      • Oh these twats are loaded with treasure, artworks, sculpture, booty and swag.
        Don’t hear them saying it was the proceeds of colonialism?
        We’ll hand it back do you?
        Well mrs Miserable might like a new picture on the wall,
        Put it next to the 3 flying ducks!

      • Fill yer boots Miserable! I have a Benin bronze doorstop and the dog sleeps on some 300yo tribal quilt.

    • M&S just trying to flog their very low paid labour made shite under woke banner for fat women.

  14. This sort of shitty caper makes my fucking blood boil.
    English Heritage?
    Is it or isn’t it?
    You don’t get to decide you revisionist cunts.
    Bulldoze the HQ.
    Find the staff that fuck about with our history and shoot them.
    These cunts would water everything down to a lifeless grey mush.
    Another disgrace.
    Get fucked.

  15. This madness gets worse by the day. Who the fuck are these meddling twats who keep poking their noses into history to destroy everything us elders enjoyed? Apart from the USA does any other country pull their heroes apart and airbrush the past? History is history good or bad. Winston Smith would be absolutely fucked after a shift at the Minstry of Truth if he had to deal with all these changes!!! I seem to recall a group of folk who liked to burn “unsuitable” books 80 odd years back. Now what were they called….?

  16. Much as I dislike English Heritage, and indeed any organisation with Heritage in its title, a blatant attempt to extend its scope and look important (see also Scottish Natural Heritage) I think there may be an element of overcunt here. The EH site says this:

    English Heritage unveiled a blue plaque to Enid Blyton in 1997 at her home in Chessington where the children’s author – beloved by many – lived between 1920 and 1924. We updated our online Blyton entry in July 2020 and at the end of that entry, it includes a reference to the fact that the author’s work has been criticised for its racism.

    – the plaque isn’t being removed, and it’s quite true Blyton was less than enlightened on the subject of race, as was most of the UK prior to 1970 or so.

    It would be good it this and similar outfits could manage not to obsess about minority issues, and if EH more robustly defended the values and people who made this country what it…er…used to be not too long ago, rather than caving in to woke subversion. But these cunts are in the grip of marketers, because their ‘product’ has to sell. And marketers are in need of culling.

  17. It’s only a matter of time before every writer’s been attacked, dissected, eviscerated, cancelled, and banned. Every detail of their life will be scrutinised, facts stretched, “evidence” found. Petdonally I always found Blyton twee, provincial, unexciting, prosaic and unpoetic with dreary, conforming, indipid characters. Don’t ban her, just encourage your child to aim a higher.

    • The woke psychos will end up gunning for everything, Captain. Asterix will be banned because of Boy/Baba, the black pirate in the ship’s crow’s nest. Tin Tin will be axed because of Snowy, the white dog. And all the Mister Men will be either emasculated or turned into pooves and trannies.

      And the Caped Crusader will be up the creek. Soon it will be Bat-Trans and Robin The Dyke Wonder.

      • Cap’n M and Norman.
        Check out “The Critical Drinker” on YouTube. He really tears into the woke cunts and what they are doing to what was once harmless entertainment…

  18. I got nicked at a English Heritage property. I’ve always had an interest in mannequins and their construction and they had some dressed in period costume.
    Unfortunately I was caught on CCTV lifting the dress of Mary Queen of Scott’s and now face historical sex assault charges….

  19. Some day should write a book in tribute to the fine works of Enid to drive these wokie cancel culture, history dredging cunts to their grave.
    I’d like to suggest a book about the famous five and their lives between where Enid left off to current day.

    The title? ‘Five grew up normal’, That should have the cunts all chimping out on its release.

  20. It shamefully took over sixty years for there to be a bomber command memorial, and it’s just as well it happened when it did, as there was a small window of time that it could have been deemed acceptable to build one, as that time is no more.
    Bomber Harris is once more in the crosshairs, as the woke brigade have been told by someone, because I don’t think they have the smarts to actually research the man, his brief, and the sacrifice of the men under his command, of his city bombing campaign, most probably Dresden. Fuck context, millennials don’t have time for that shit, give me some bullet points and I’ll make my opinions on that.
    Unfortunately, context is everything, especially when dealing with episodes or attitudes of the past, and cunts try everyone in the court of now. But, they can’t accept how we have got to now, and have no interest in exploring the lessons that humanity has passed, and failed, to get to the unbelievably easy living we enjoy in the West. Soon these cunts will be in charge and if you think the world is corrupt and immoral now, imagine what it will be like then. I never thought I’d see the statue of Churchill in danger of being toppled and his legacy demonised, but here we are.
    Good luck cunts, you’re going to need it.

    • The cunts should be wiped out. Bomber Harris was a fucking hero. The Germans were fond of bombing places like Guernica.
      It was a lot different bombing Britain, we bombed back, with interest. The cunts deserved it.
      Good old Arthur.
      Ruthlessness with charm.

      • Attributed to Harris
        “…We can wreck Berlin from end to end. It will cost us a thousand bombers. It will cost Germany the war…” that’s ruthless

      • They sowed the wind, they shall reap the whirlwind.
        An eloquent way of saying ‘fuck ‘em, they started it.

    • Whenever Dresden is mentioned, it worth remarking that for every person who died there at least 40 died in Auschwitz.

  21. I don’t give two fucks for English fucking Heritage or the National fucking Trust.
    These cunts, amongst others, seem intent on destroying everything that has gone before, or twisting it, to fit in with some preverted ideology.
    I’m sick of these fascist twats, who seem determined to destroy mine and others happy memories. I would recommend that if they are so unhappy with the UK and its history and traditions, then they should fuck off to some fly blown shithole, with wall to wall dark1es, kill themselves or offer themselves up for execution.
    Just fuck off, you pathetic quislings, fuck off and take your running dogs with you. When you’ve fucked off, just die and rot.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Great post Jack.
      I’ve just cancelled my long term National Trust membership. They’re even too embarrassed to to write to me.
      The reaction has been that severe that I think the NT will go bust.
      Beautiful buildings and gardens will now just crumble.
      Fuck off, you woke wankers.

  22. First book I ever read was ‘The Boy Next Door’. Fucking ace, complete with illustrations of white children culturally appropriating Red Injun costumes – must be where I got my all consuming white supremacist ideology from!

    A 1st edition takes pride of place in the Creampuff Manor Library (unless LL has pinched it), along with several other titles by the great author.

    Go on you Woke bastards, continue to sow your hatred and division, you’ll get yours in the end… ?

  23. The nomination picture, the satisfied look on her face, it makes me imagine a young Enid (or her ghost) has let off the most foulest, silent but deadly fart in a room full of the most miserable killjoys. She sits awaiting their reaction. 🙂

    Dog bless you, Enid. 🙂

  24. As a young boy I read all of Frank Richard’s “Billy Bunter” books. What’s the betting they’ve all been erased from history, courtesy of the incinerator?
    I also read Richmal Crompton’s “Just William” series (written in the 1930s I think) and, amusingly enough, all the posh ladies that Violet Elizabeth’s social climbing mum tried to ingratiate herself with were into crackpot New Age causes like worshipping bugs, trees, nature, dodgy guru types and fairies etc.
    Guess some things haven’t changed…?

    • Hurree Jamset Ram Singh (comic Indian stereotype) was the token diversity, as I recall. Racist, fattist and genderist, to say nothing of glorifying Empire and corporal punishment. Anyone having read Richards’ books will have to be sent to the re-education camps.

      Very apt remark re. Richmal Crompton. How true.

    • Thatcher’s been on trial ever since the late ’70s. Goes without saying she’s everything the Wokes despise.

  25. English Heritage should cancel themselves using their own logic, after all they are the ones looking after Roman forts (slave economy), country houses (no doubt some of them are from plantation money). Fuck off.

  26. Enid Blyton was my go to author of choice as a child. EH can fuck off. I went to Ashby Castle recently and it’s run by EH. Now I get endless ads on Fuckbook asking me to be a member. I’d be a member to join the cunts.

  27. That picture of Enid gives me the ‘orn.
    ‘Enid, do you have any Indian in you?’
    ‘Would you like some?’
    ‘No, I would not! Abdul, whip this dark key to within an inch of his life! Now pull my carriage to the front door.’

    • I thought it was Vera Lynn in the photo at first DKC. Surely Vera hasn’t done anything I thought. Then of course ‘There’ll be blue birds over the ‘white’ cliffs or Dover…’
      Ih no Vera’s had it.
      But it was Enid Blyton.

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