Dieter Reiter

(Oh no it’s that pesky Dieter Reiter again probably should get his own section on this site – DA)

Dieter Reiter…who? The mayor of Munich. Who, offended by Hungary’s recent legislation to keep The Gayness out of educational materials and programming for under-18s, thought this required retaliation and that it would be a great idea to illuminate the Germany-Hungary match – in Munich – with a rainbow light display. However:

Uefa has declined a request to illuminate the Euro 2020 stadium in Munich in rainbow colours for the Germany v Hungary match because it believes the gesture has a political context.

European football’s governing body said it received the request from the mayor of the German city, Dieter Reiter, on Monday (UEFA initially denied this, but seems to have found the email now – K).

Uefa said that the mayor’s reason for the request was a response to legislation passed in Hungary banning gay people from appearing in school educational materials or programmes for under-18s.

The Hungarian side (not well represented in Western media); I consider it very harmful and dangerous when anyone tries to mix politics and sports. There have been some attempts to do this in world history and those ended very badly,” Peter Szijjarto told reporters in Luxembourg on the margins of the European Union’s Foreign Ministers meeting.

“Everyone knows what this is about, we in Hungary passed a law in order to protect Hungarian children and there is protest against this in Western Europe and they also try to express it by trying to bring politics into a sport event when that sport event has nothing to do with the national legislature.”

Reiter’s virtue-signalling (if it is virtuous to promote gays – some think not) gesture politics ensure that he is, and I so nominate him, a monumental lefty cunt who, in earlier German history, would undoubtedly have been strung up with piano wire.

Nominated by: Komodo

Handy link provided by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

More info by: Komodo

This has the bare bones of it:

The Hungarian quotation is here –

61 thoughts on “Dieter Reiter

  1. Presumably UEFA believes ‘taking the knee’ has no political context.

    Inconsistent cunts.

  2. The only way to stop Germans interfering with other nation’s business is to station the red army there.

    Over to you Vlad.

    • Rita metre or whatever the fuck hes called likes the duckies?
      Once was a time his country men wasnt so keen.
      Had them disco dancing behind barbed wire.
      Whats he fallating above?
      A chocolate bar?
      Is he at Anthea Turners wedding?

  3. Benders used to be counter culture. Like Punk they were pretty cool. Today they are sad, conformist, boring wankers. Gay “culture” is dull and bigoted. Yawn.

  4. England wear the poppy to remember the dead of war – political.
    Leicester City players run around the pitch after the FA Cup Final with Palestine flags – not political.
    England take a knee for a politicised racist rabble – not political.
    Arthur Harris knew what to do with Munich.

    • Leicester city players did what? Palestinian flag ??? That’s a fuckin joke right!? What a bunch of cunts.

      • Uttercunt@ On a related note, the IOC have outlawed any knee taking or fist clenching salutes at the upcoming Olympics.

      • Excellent VF. That’s a definite plus. It’s time this posturing shite was put back in the box.

      • How will they stop it. That blue lipped hammer thrower….. fucking cunts should fuck off to North Korea.

  5. He sounds a sizable chocolate stabbing bastard. Mind your own business kraut. What Hungary does is fuck all to do with you.
    The krauts, they’re still trying to convince the world they are humanitarian and have made up for the horror they inflicted on Europe in the 30s and 40s. Trouble is the only part of their 1000 year Reich that will survive is the horror. And they’re still the same. Cunts will never change .

    • Good cop bad cop routine, will end up in tears. British people see through it.

  6. If I were Dieter I’d be shitting bricks given the Syrian invasion of Germany.
    Notoriously unforgiving of Gayness I think he will find.
    Indeed given last week’s Peaceful Migration Knife Display leaving 3 women dead I’d invest in a stab proof vest.
    Paint it in rainbow if you want you daft Jerry Knob Jockey.

    Arthur Bomber Harris says Fuck Off.

    • The best thing to come out of Germany, an empty Lancaster. It’s an oldie but a goodie too.

    • I don’t hate gays, not homophobic in the slightest.
      Doesn’t mean ive got to treat them like fuckin film stars though!
      I treat them like anyone else,
      With disdain, bigotry, and sneers.
      They dont like it?
      They can shove it up their arse!!

      • They eat the same shit sandwiches as the rest of us, surely that’s what they wanted all these years, equality?
        Equality is never enough for pressure groups.

      • Ruff@
        Im not going to Japseyes party,
        Are you?
        Sounds like the catering leaves a lot to be desired..,?

      • Not too sure about the guacamole, but the packaging, why? Isn’t walking around like you’re holding a marble between the cheeks of your arse enough without having to gay up everything they do?
        Gay sandwiches, for fucks sake……?

      • They certainly would Arfur.
        Im like Catnip to the Ducky Boys!
        Like flies round shite.
        High level of testosterone see?
        Sends the little Mary Annes hysterical.
        Like im Elvis Presley or something.
        I tell them
        “Your a abomination and going to hell”.
        They laugh!
        Think im joking!

        Well im not …?

  7. Cheek of the fucking Devil!!!

    So Only people that are pro Lgbtq…p (we all know it’s next ?) have the right to condemn, but Hungary, who have passed a perfectly reasonable law in regards to not showing poof, woke lgbtq…p propaganda aimed at under 18 children are demonised on the world stage and told there is no place for them in the European Union!

    Fuck it, I hope Hungary are wearing it like a badge of honour ?

    • What I understand from my Hungarian friends is that Hungary is still a place where men are men, women are women, kids should be allowed to be innocent for as long as possible and the family unit means everything.

      Not a lot of space for the gerbil smugglers in that picture.

      • Certainly, Odin. (Stolen balls ?)

        I have friends from Poland and the situation is the similar. They are being persecuted by the EU for not accepting a quota of Middle Eastern swarthy refugees/immigrants.

        A minister explained this concept quite easily to an angry journalist by pointing out the fact Poland has had “Zero” internal tanned terrorist attacks!

        Good luck to them!

        Let’s take a moment of silence to remember Odin’s Balls. We barely knew ye. WordPress you bastards! Seriously Odin I’m glad we finally solved that issue. – DA

  8. I have nothing Against Gays but this shite is getting too much so I’m with Victor Orban on this one. We will all be getting HIV at this rape I mean rate. The gay society fuck like rabbits.

  9. I watched the game, there were a couple of cunts in the crowd waving rainbow f*gs, ooops I mean flags.

    LGBT, you can shove it up your arse ?

    Apologies for the edit. You can guess why – DA

  10. We’ve got a pre-op transgender monk living in the monastery at the end our street.

    Friar Tucked….

  11. So I’m guessing when Germany play any one of the 71 countries in the world where it is illegal to be gay there will be a similar bout of hand-wringing? Comically, Allianz, the company who sponsor the stadium, were major supporters of those cuddly LGBTQ+ friendly rainbow flag waving Nazis back in WW2.

    • Yes, I seem to remember that they refused to pay out for fire damaged property and stolen art and valuables.

  12. This is what happens when you allow politics (ie the knee bollocks) into sport. Every other fucker wants to get in on the act and promote their particular cause. So you get Palestinian flags at Wembley and this Gaylord shit. The light display didn’t go ahead but I believe several cunts came on the pitch with pooftah flags.
    The Olympics will be the next shitshow. Already in America you’ve had the qualifying trials and cunts refusing to stand for the anthem and disrespecting the flag. These virtue signalling cunts have made a rod for their own back, they have painted themselves into a corner the wankers. Get the popcorn out, sit back and enjoy.

  13. Eu Cunts are sticking their noses where it doesn’t concern them again.
    That Clog wearing Tulip Sucker Mark Rutte being that loudest Gay Dictator.
    I must say that i defend Victor Orban’s decision 100% to stop Bummery being shoved down kids throats at School.
    It should be a decision they make when they leave school.
    Adam & Eve yes. Adam & Steve a resounding NO.

  14. Dieter looks like he appreciates a bit of brown dick himself, judging from that nom pic. What a hypocrite!

  15. I think I might move to Hungary. Does anyone know is English in common use as in the rest of Europe? Don’t mind learning a new language but I’m a bit old and slowing down now.

      • I have to correct you there Komodo. Mrs Fistula is Polish and believe me it’s the hardest language in the world to learn.
        Long unpronounceable words that look completely different to how there pronounced . I can just about get by but will never be able to learn it properly.
        In Fact i have never met a Brit than can speak it fluently.

      • Thanks for the correction, FF. My pedantic, not to say CS-ic, point was that Hungarian is a nearly unique member of a completely different language family – sometimes lumped in with Turkish, but the similarities are faint – while Polish, while admittedly a boon for Scrabble players, is still recognisably Slavic and my understanding (probably faulty, but I’ll give it a try) is that once you’ve got past the alien spelling it has affinities with Russian. Either location would be preferable to here, though.

      • I love the way of life in Poland Komodo.
        No Peacefuls and Bum Foolery.
        But by voting for Brexit i’ve shot my self in the foot . 90 day visa now and if i want to retire there i have to speak the lingo . Careful what i wish for in future.

      • You can still hope that the Germans will succeed in pissing off the Poles (again!) to the point where the EU is a nation smaller. Two if I am any judge of Orban. Just hope the Russians don’t fill the influence gap.

  16. What sort of sick message does this UEFA ruling send out to the players, the majority of whom are clearly gay?

    It’s homophobia gone mad.

    • Lets hope there is no embarrassing misunderstandings when England players take the knee tomorrow. The Germans usually leave this sort of thing until the showers.

  17. I’m surprised there’s a country in Europe that has the bollocks to bring in legislation like this. Well done the Magyars. I hear they are not too keen on immos, especially Peacefuls, either. Anyone on here ever been there? I’d be interested to know what it’s like.

    • Beautiful countey, very friendly people, great food and beer.

      Fascinating history and architecture.

      Just be warned that when your host cracks open a bottle of palinka, you won’t be leaving until it’s empty.

    • Ii work with 2 Hungarian lads. No nonsense, hard working reliable lads with no time for anything that isn’t Hungarian. I have alot of time for them both.

  18. I’ve nothing but respect for Hungary. Closing off their borders with armed guards and fences, actually saying they don’t want illegal immigrants in their land. Not bowing down to the PC woke shit. Looking after their own people first. Maybe the UK and Germany should look at their example?? Fuck knows who we’ve let in to UK recently and the Germans are now paying the price for Merkel’s immigration insanity.

    • Plus they’re net beneficiaries of EU expenditure, what’s not to like?

  19. Think i’ll move to Hungary, they seem to be the last bastian of common sense.

  20. Respect to Orban, he’s got big balls telling the eu and their insane values to fuck off.
    The Polish Government are constantly being threatened by Brussels . I had an argument with some young Pro eu Poles in a pub. I said you had the Nazis in control then the Soviets and now the eu. where the fuck is your sense of national identity . I certainly hit a raw nerve .

  21. I have a Hungarian couple as neighbours (not the ones that keep me up at night with their sounds of exercising).
    They are very polite and friendly. They made me some goulash. They said it’s like a casserole.
    It didn’t have the usual beef in it but pork and chicken and lots of vegetables. Plenty of paprika. Very tasty. 🙂

  22. I like Hungarians. Had one as my research supervisor, an absolute gentleman and far kinder than I deserved.

  23. Only a gay as hideous as that freak Ryan Clark would consider snogging this ugly buggerer.I bet that his breath smells of spunk and diarrhoea.

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