Cody Lachey (2)

Cody Lachey is by far the absolute biggest cunt you will ever see cunted on is-a-cunt. This is gonna be a long cunting but worth it and long overdue. Cos the first cunting he got did not detail why he is such a massive cunt. So here goes

This fat ginger cunt has been throwing himself in the media for years now from being an “ex gangster” “ex prisoner” “former gangland enforcer” and “ex serving soldier” all of which his back stories are exaggerated to the extreme!

His biggest and most shameful media whoring came when soldier Lee Rigby was murdered.  Cody the fat pigs arse went straight to the Army Surplus Store and got himself kitted out like a 25 stone Action Man then in front of the press OUTSIDE LEE RIGBY’S PARENT HOME!….lay down some petrol station flowers and started talking to TV cameras about how he was some kind of fellow comrade…. He was outed soon after in the press. (I will provide links if needed but just a Youtube search will show you the footage)

Next up. Big bad Cody the cunt attaches himself to sex offender Domenyk Noonan the fat nonce gangster and dosser from Manchester and appears in his failed TV series “At Home With The Noonans” tryin to make himself look hard.

Here he says he did TWO tours of Afghanistan (which he did not!) and saw a lot of bloodshed. Utter bollocks.

Then as a show of loyalty to his fat boyfriend Noonan he even goes and changes his name by Deed Poll to….wait for it … LATTLAY FOTTFOY THE 2ND …?

This is Dom Noonans dumb legal name which is an acronym for “Look After Those That Look After You. Fuck Off Those That Fuck Off You” What a fuckin pikey gimp cunt!

OK so then as well as parading in TV as a gangster and war hero Cody the dosser decided that while he wasnt earning enough money taxin drug dealers and getting protection money he would earn himself a quick few quid doing some Gay Porn movies.

I kid you not folks! After years of YouTube prison stories to his chavvy subscribers Cody finally admitted what was know about for years. Cody worked for Triga Films and can be seen noshin off builders and hairy rugby players in at least 4 of their titles. And they are;

All along while allegedly calling gay premier footballers faggots and queers on Twitter!!… oh yes indeed Cody loved to get all hated on Twitter. Again this stuff is all online.

There is at least 4 huge threads gong back years on the Army Rumour Service Forum outing and detailing all his attention seeking as well as his man on man activities.
Could it get any worse?

Well how about when he put all over Twitter and Facebook that murdering cunt Raoul Moat was “A lion of a man” …just Google that to see the posts.

Oh and the icing on the cake. Get ready for this!

On the day child killer IAN BRADY died…Cody a pen pal of Brady’s went up to Saddleworth Moor where of course the press were filming and …making sure he was filmed and photographed left an open sympathy card APOLOGISING ON BRADY’S BEHALF!!!!

There is a LOT more. However Cody has now been outed and humiliated as a dog sex fiend, allegedly, resulting in his Youtube hardman days being well and truely over. this video is a good starting point. It explains the dog stuff as well as when he was pulling his man sausage over a sleeping Darren Gee (another YouTube hardman) lol.

Anyway hope this cunting gets approved cos he is one hell of a cunt.
Even bigger than Chris Spivey!. Cody Lachey pretending to be a soldier outside Lee Rigbys parents house. Cody’s warped sympathy card apologising on behalf of Ian Brady. Cody on BBC saying hes an ex soldier but supported the chav scum rioters in Manchester. Notice the £39 Asda suit. Twat! Codys sickening post supporting the murders committed by the steriod cunt Raoul Moat a huge thread going back to 2017 exposing this cunt. Cody acting hard for Donal Macintyre during the Manchester Riots. Cody gets the local news to his bedsit pretending he had been injured in battle.

Nominated by: Kendo Nagasaki 

(NOTE – We admins are not lawyers. Despite the excellent supporting links, we should add that some of Cody’s actions – as far we know – are allegations rather than absolute fact.  YouTube links are not always absolute proof of guilt, but just support the allegation in the public domain. – DA)


80 thoughts on “Cody Lachey (2)

  1. Another fucking fantasist I’ve never heard of. Perhaps this sad Walt wannabe cunt will end up pissing of the real pondlife hardmen, and end up with a permanent limp for his efforts. The real ‘hardmen’ are all maggots anyway, so being a fake one makes it even more pathetic.
    Talking about pathetic fantasists, our resident Walt has been quiet lately, has he been banned again? What I can’t understand about that tool is that even his fantasy life is boring as fuck. Either way, glad of the respite, however brief.

    • Another fucking fantasist I’ve never heard of.

      You seem to have a short memory Mr Japseye. You commented (twice) about this bellend just three months ago.

      I still waiting for a reply from Purple Aki.

      • Deary me, we are having a do, aren’t we? “I’m still waiting…” does work but more straightforwardly I typed “I still wait…”. Rather more elegant, wouldn’t you agree?

        Predictive text does occasionally “muscle in” on things, rather like yourself.

        Moreover, I still await a reply from Purple Aki, whom I met in Altcourse. It isn’t you is it, TB?

      • I only ask TB, because Purple Aki liked to “muscle in” too. Something he has in common with SwiftKey (and yourself).

        I really am laughing out loud!

  2. Jeez. Don’t think I’ve ever read about a bigger lunatic (allegedly) on ISAC and that’s saying something. He sounds like a serious mental health case.

    Excellent and well documented nom.

  3. This balloonic cunt is a product of media madness. In days gone by he would have been found a place in Bedlam Hospital, strongman in a circus, or as an extra in Fellini films. Nowadays his options are more limited eg social meeja celeb or Labour Party Candidate in some sad Northern constituency.

    • For a second there I thought you meant Goldie Hawn (and she certainly did!)

      As for this lemon – looks and seems like a sad bellend. But typically is milking social media in order to be a sleb of some sort.

      One suspects if a hard-noses SAS commando confronted him he would shit himself like Gary linekunt did back in 1990.

  4. Associated with Noonans. Says it all really
    Aka plastic gangsters.
    There are many serious gangs in and around Manchester, the Noonans or what’s left of them aren’t one of them. They tend to legalise nowadays themselves by moving into ‘security’.
    Plod certainly has its hands full just treading water.
    Locking them makes no difference, the gangs are huge.
    Getting sidetracked there for a .minute.
    The likes of Cody Lachey should be put down, not least for being called Cody.

  5. What a fucking loser, hopefully he’s on a downwards spiral to media oblivion and death, fucking dog bothering shitstain.

  6. I saw some fantasists being outed by former soldiers at a remembrance day event some years ago. I wonder if this fat Walter Mitty was one of them?
    Sad little dweeb.

  7. Cody Lachey is the result of coating the special bus windows with lead paint.
    Daft lad best hope he doesn’t meet any real gangster types.

  8. His real name is Craig Aiden Langley.
    He changed it to Cody Lachey and was even credited as that on the Triga Films dirty porno WHITE VAN MAN….the daft cock suckin cunt!
    He has even done himself a fuckin IMDB page as if he’s a celebrity! someone please add his Triga Films titles too it.
    He also advertised himself as a GAY ESCORT online under the name CodyCoxxxx … paste @CodyCoxxxx into Twitter and there is still some replies from hairy arsed blokes aswell as some gangster bullshit.
    His normal Twitter is @ExOffenderCodyy
    See him trying to get attention from TV related folk….(Most likely Paul O’Grady aswell now tryin to get invited onto his dog shows* ?)

    No doubt when Cody sees this page he will report it to the cyber police like he does with all Youtube piss takers and awesome trolls who mock him.
    So much for the “gangster code” of not grassing. ?

    • You are Purple Aki (Previous Cody nominator) and I claim my £5 😀

      Other than that I’ve only ever heard of this mong bean here as I don’t trawl YouTube looking for him or watch any of the other nonsense you have given links to, or the gay porn films you say he has been in that you seem to know quite a lot about.

      If he is a Walt impersonating a soldier he is indeed a cunt!

      Fuck off!

    • As a white van man im just stating the film has nowt to do with me!
      And I’ll take legal actions at any insinuations otherwise.*
      *(Sick of it).
      Cody is obviously a mental of some sort,
      And whats the best treatment for mentals?
      Strap him in the chair and flick the switch.

  9. Just getting back to those Noonans or the Catholic Robin Hoods.
    Three sons all with names starting D.
    Damian killed in a motorbike accident in the Dom rep.
    Demond (Dessie) stabbed in Chorlton and the police closed schools due to high profile gangster funeral.
    Dominic who is serving time, his last 11year sentence is a consecutive one.

    Each time one of their ilk meets their demise the funerals are lavish affairs with idiotic neighbours pouring out grief and standing along the road to show respect ffs.
    Whoever’s funeral it is has probably donated some ill gotten gains into the community making them a hero. What a crock of shit

  10. Looks like a fat bum boy sounds like he’s a fat bum boy = fat cunt.

      • Good to be back Willie. Been a while since I last posted. I decided to take a break from all things that raised my barometer while I focussed on dealing with the clown government bodies that seek to keep me trapped in a state of I’ll health. Im actually surprised anyone remembered me, you must have a good memory 🙂 . Ive returned as this is one of the few places where common sense still exists in this clown world. Hope you are keeping well too!

      • You’ll be pleased to know your troll, Héinz Hammer, is toast.

        However, he lives on to some extent as his first name subsequently became a trigger word for moderation…

      • I don’t remember him Ruff. Would it be before my time?
        How far back was he around?

      • @ Bertie – HH was banned in May 2018, a few months before you arrived.

      • I’m frightened Ruff!
        Your records are detailed and damning. If MI5 ever gained access to them we’re all doomed!

      • Actually Bertie, the earliest record I have of you posting is April 4th 2019, when you were posting as Bluntspeakingcunt – about 11 months after HH was banned and Basement Bob went on extended leave.

        All will be revealed in my soon to be published book: ‘The Bumper Fun Book Of ISAC Cuntings & Comments For Boys & Girls, But Not Gender Neutrals’.

        Be seeing you…

      • @rtc I can’t even remember when I last posted here prior to this morning, was thinking it might have been around 2017 though my sense of time is absolutely terrible thanks to prescription painkillers. The last 5/6 years have flashed passed worryingly fast.

    • Totally understand Basement, I did the same thing for a few months myself.

      Wanted to draw a line under the whole Brexit fiasco and take a break from all things generally.

      I know you had a bit of a run in with a miserable troll, I know he was banned and was concerned you might have also.

      Spent a lot of time at the allotment, going for long walks with my wife, and generally ignoring the news and ISAC for some mental health well being.

      I don’t post nearly as frequently as I used to, as I have said most of what I have to say several times already.

      Anyway, good to see you back, keep strong and best wishes.

      • I had forgotten about that clown. Can’t even remember who it was or what I was being trolled for now. I had an accumulation of things comprising of or subsequent action of divorce, loss of job due to injury following an accident, clown NHS service misdiagnosing & failure in duty of care and to top it off, the dwp who arsed me about in my time of need. Quite frustrating being off work, no pay and an ex wife trying to bleed you dry of what you have left while also wanting half the house. Not exactly good position to divide assets and remortgage the house in my own name. The brexit malarkey really boiled my piss at the time as it was another stab in the backs of 17.4m voters. What really fucked me off was I had paid in handsomely to the HMRC for decades, never needed NHS treatment and the first time I needed help of these government departments, they weren’t there. I decided to focus my attention on things that made me happy and that were actually within my control and closed my eyes & ears and switched off to everything else. The troll who stalked me had no impact in my absence, I honestly can’t even remember what I was being trolled for but I’m assuming they moved on to someone else in my absence and got banned for their actions. I just at woke up one morning and decided to quit the internet like I did with smoking. I didn’t even check my email for weeks and for well over a year, I only went online to order things I needed. I stopped watching MSM news on TV, I ditched listening to most LBC radio shows and now listen mostly to Talkradio instead. My biggest problem aside my own ongoing health / fight with NHS is how to de-radicalize my elderly parents who have spent too much time glued to BBC TV over last 17/18 months while isolated. They have been silently reprogrammed with fear in the absence of personal family contact. This has been an urgent wake up call as I only realised last week how far gone they are following a telephone conversation with my dad. He was an engineer all his life and a real critical thinker who has been sent to sleep now by Al-bbc pandemic / vaccination programming. Where do i begin to undo this though?

      • @Mr Fiddler Good to be back.

        @rtc That was a blast from the past which I wouldn’t have remembered otherwise. On reading that I recall he cropped up regularly on the threads discussing Grenfell where he liked attacking firefighters for some strange reason. Think I recall him trolling posts I made in cuntings non Grenfell related referring to firefighters or ranting about others being ‘anti polis’ too. Maybe he thought I was a firefighter myself, who know but he certainly had some axe to grind with them. I do recall now that he was trolling months into my past postings having seen his comments claiming me and my mates ‘broke into a mobile breast screening clinic at a supermarket car park’ when in fact, it was daytime, it was open and staff present and we knocked on the door before engaging in conversation with the nurses who had no patients and were ‘twiddling their thumbs’ until we actually provided them some amusement to their day. He clearly had some anger issues and that’s not even seeing the missing / deleted comments.
        Thanks for posting the link for recap purpose, I was racking my memory and convinced it was something to do with soup recipes I either cunted or posted about on someone else’s cunting.
        Hopefully he has found peace within himself elsewhere .?

      • “who know but he certainly had some axe to grind with them.”

        Probably failed the fire service entrance exams and the bitterness eats him up every time he sees a fireman or fire engine.

        (That’s a genuine opinion and not a piss-take).

    • @rtc The name doesn’t even ring a bell. I must have been AWOL longer than I thought. I actually just remembered this site last night when hearing them talking about closing down free speech on line and I searched not knowing if ISAC was still active. I read a few cuntings on finding the site alive & kicking and here I am. I could probably troll back and recall what he was all about but I really can’t be bothered. If I remember correctly, I suspected them of being either an ex work colleague of mine or some 77th brigade government clown trying to strike a nerve though I think it all started when I said the soup manufacturers of same name had changed / fucked up all the decent recipes of good old days.

      • You don’t have to research anything Bob. Ruff has established himself as the IsAC archivist. What he doesn’t know about the site is not worth knowing.
        I only support him because I’m his book agent.

      • PS: I managed to archive several of the deleted HH posts before Admin deleted them. Needless to say they were extremely unpleasant and wholly unjustified.

      • RuffTuff is the “Curator of C*ntingdom”

        Seriously worried about some of the things I’ve said over the last 2+ years I’ve been on here.

      • Oh, he was a fucking bellend, wasn’t he?
        Forgot about Asimplearsehole, he was tidy, and some great inside info too. Sorely missed.

  11. Attention seeking heap of shit. That’s bad enough, but being a Walt cunt pushes him over the edge for the biggest cunt I’ve seen so far this year. What a fat wanker.

  12. Well kendo, that is an epic cunting, worthy of any Tolkien book, and a very fine cunting too I must say, he looks like some sort of fat uphill gardner, the sort the the Krays would have covered in flour and aim for the wet spot and stretch his hoop like a barrel, but I digress…he is a fantasist fat cunt..

  13. Big bugger bears, big bugger bears! This cunt is hardcore. Dog fiddling as well. Each to their own I suppose just fucking miles away from me. We are doomed all doomed.

  14. I need glasses. The fifth paragraph, I thought the words were, ‘He did TWO HOURS of Afghanistan’. 😀

      • That’s not to be confused with the hoovering of the helicopter prior to arrival of the VIP’s (Ross Kemp and his camera team).

    • I knew a cunt that could claim that. He didn’t even make it beyond RSOI as he started faking ‘panic attacks’ and ‘night terrors’ in the tent. RTU’d with a full ops bonus – the absolute genius level cunt, but a cunt nonetheless.

  15. Wow! If even 1/2 of this shit is true he is a Vesuvius sized cunt. Well put together nom! You could feel the disdain in the writing.

  16. Risky business trying to bugger a dog, I’d imagine. I can’t see the Hounds being too amenable to some fat botty-basher trying to pork them. Mr.Lachey does have the look of a Rambler so he’d be well advised not to come trespassing in Northumberland,knob in hand, looking for some “doggy-luvin'”.

    • In Woking (of all places; dunno if it has a mosque…) Minnie the cat has been fucked, and not by a tomcat, it seems.
      There seem to be an awful lot of sad fantasists around, right dweebs. Including some ginger cunt who insists he is Prince Charles’ son.

      • Woking is full of peaceful cunts.
        Fucking stinks of curry. Reeks of the stuff!
        ©️Combo ‘This Is England

  17. He could be a film actor. A shoo in for Mussolini. His final scene. He has the face an necks for it.

  18. I used to work with an idiot who was always boasting about his military exploits – first he was a Tornado pilot but didn’t recognise one when it flew over our workplace. “Oh, is that Concorde?”
    Then after a few pints he’d go on about his exploits in the SAS. One night in the pub we were joined by another colleague who was ex-military but never really spoke about it. If you asked him what he did his usual response would be “drink tea, complain and salute” then change the subject.
    So he sat listening to idiot babbling on about his days in “the Regiment as we lads in the Regiment called it” and then asked him “So when were you in the SAS?”
    “Oh, I can’t tell you, Official Secrets and all that.”
    But he persisted and idiot said “Well it was 1980 to 1996”
    “80 to 96 eh?” the real ex-army guy said quietly, then after a pause said “That’s funny because I don’t fucking remember you!”
    Idiot suddenly went white and then realised he had an important meeting and scuttled off. I asked the ex-army guy if he had been in the SAS, he just laughed and said “Nope but neither was that prick.”

  19. My grandad fought and was caught by the Japanese, and my great Uncle John was at the Battle of the Bulge. But neither shouted about it and it was hardly ever mentioned. But this certifiable bottybasher never shuts up and lies his fucking head off. If this fat doughnut punching fuck has ever seen any kind of military action, then I’m going to be bouncing off Hayley Atwell’s funbags tonight (which, unfortunately, I’m not).

  20. What an absolute tool, this cunt just needs to be flushed down the fucking toilet, his parents must be so proud, unless of course they drowned in this useless fuck monkeys verbal diariouh years ago(that’s probably spelt incorrectly).
    Uncle Terry’s oven awaits I’m sure….

  21. After the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege, which was shown live on TV at the time, with the masked lads abseiling down the ropes and swinging through the windows after the stun grenade had been lobbed through the skylight and the smoke started coming out, every cunt and his brother was SAS, from the ordinary soldier, to territorial, to never fucking been in military service at all.

    Ask them a few basic questions and then watch the thick cunts tie themselves up in knots with bullshit answers.

    They join a long list of weak as piss in real life nonentities claiming to be, Soldiers, Fireman, Doorman, Deep sea divers etc, trying to pretend they have “dangerous” or “edgy” jobs to look tough, mainly to be found on Social media sites making complete fools of themselves by not realising no one believes them, or better still pretends to believe them by humouring them for everyone else’s amusement! 😀

    Fuck off!

    • That cunt, Barry George claimed to be an SAS man who was in on the Iranian Embassy. When he wasn’t pretending to be Gary Glitter, Lee Majors, or Freddie Mercury. What a loopy fucking cunt.

      • And Bobby George….pretended to be a dart player….at least he was believable 😀

      • And that cunt Esther pretended to be a champion for a telephone helpline for abused children to call for help in confidence while pretending not to be championing a telephone helpline set up to catch, filter out and bury any accusations made against any rich or famous abusers before they see the light of day. Funny how the BBC were all over this for years ensuring they netted all they could before finally deciding to transfer it to a private organisation to run. I bet the BBC still have their hand in though just in case a complaint of interest surfaces. They are like Tony fucking Blair, once their grappling hand has been in they don’t want to ever leave.

      • He pretends to be innocent too (allegedly). In my honest opinion, the cunt is guilty as fuck of murdering Dando. Not a fan of Nick Ross, but he’s got s website that goes into detail on why he thinks George is guilty.

        He convinced me, anyway.

  22. Remember that bloke dressed all in black, used to abseil down hotels or jump of cliffs, just to shag wimminz? Used to leave a box of sweets.

    That was me, that was?

    • Anyone remember the Milk Tray bars? My grandad used to get them for us when we were kids. Them and the Fry’s Five Centres. Lovely.

      • Fry’s five centres were great. Don’t understand why they’ve never been manufactured again though as they’ve done the chocolate, the peppermint and the orange cream bars since. Wonder if someone ran off with the recipe when they retired

      • Another one I liked getting at the ice cream van occasionally was a Golden Cup but they were quite expensive compared to other chocolate bars for some reason. He also had these bars called Ritter (or something similar) but I could never afford to buy one and never saw how r heard of anyone else buying one. They had different colours of wrappers so must have been flavour variations. They waere about 4 times the price of a fruit & nut or whole nut bar. Toblerone was another one he wanted a fortune for.

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