Edward Colston’s statue is now on display in a horizontal state at a Bristol museum.
So it was not enough for a mob to pull the statue down and roll it into the river. It now has to endure the humiliation of being laid flat with all the illiterate graffiti left on it for everyone to see and no doubt be laughed at and scorned by woke types.
I don’t defend slavery which was a hideous practise (white but I do dislike what is a blatant attempt by BLM supporters to shame the current white population. To make us feel guilty and thus more likely to give in to their ridiculous demands.
That is what this is really about. And it is a tactic they will no doubt use again and again to discredit and abuse our history. It is already working in schools and universities which are busy dismantling the our record of empire. Everything we did was bad and we are to blame for everything which has gone wrong since. Right up to Mugabe. All our fault. Of course.
Nominated by: Lord Helpuss
Replace it with a solid gold replica.
Paid for by a tax on Londonistans chiggun outlets.
Oh and find who vandalised and toppled it and fucking gas them.
The cunts are due to go on trial in December
Listed building too, they seem to have record of this. When the law was changed you cannot squat in residential buildings but you can happily wreck the inside of a grade 1 listed commercial building. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Who are paying these people.
I wonder when BLM are toppling the statue of terrorist murderer Nelson Mandela?
The melanin blessed murderers don’t count VF
CQ@ – And from my experience reading and writing prove challenging for them as well!
Left-wing Marxist have far too much power in this country and not enough stern punishment! The upper-class twits of the year who went to court for vandalism of this fine historical figure should have got 5 years each.
Didn’t they get a 100 lines or something?
LL, the case of what is now hyped by the left wing media as “the Colston four” was adjourned until December. Ironically enough as per your comment, my money and the writing on the wall is they won’t even get 100 lines ?
Like Stinky Rebellion gluing themselves to aircraft or the front doors of a multinationals HQ, any fine will be paid for by their rich backers or crowdfunded by other cunts, rendering it pointless.
LL@ – All in ancient Latin I presume! ?
Exactly that, sadly, LL ?
Id love to know what these cunts are going to do about the statue of slave owner and trader Efunroye Tinubu that sits in pride of place in Tinubu sq in Nigeria?
Time to stop pandering to a vocal minority. Put the statues back and a public flogging for those that defile them.
We’ve now got a nation of pussies who’ll be no match for any decent fighting force when they get called up in the future.
I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty, I did have sympathy before all the BLM protesting but now zero fucks are give.
You may think this is harsh but I had no control in Britain’s past, it was all waaay beyond my control and still is, what’s more relevant is France, Belgium, German,Italy, Egypt, all that Arab states and most Oriental countries all based there whole economy on slaves in the past, I would love to see the BLM cunts rock up in Saudi and start smashing stuff up, they would get fucking lynched and rightly so, if this country wasn’t run by snow flakes and pussies they wouldn’t dare do it here either, there were far worse offenders than the UK.
Crime is still chrime, vandals should be dealt with, if they don’t like the history of the UK feel free to fuck off back to your origins cunts, also if your so offended by the uk and everything to do with it they should also be boycotting the horrendously cruel systems of benefits, housing, health are and generally carrying these cunts and allowing them to live with nvery little in exchange apart from protests, violence, vandalism and endless moaning.
So no any sympathy I used to have has long since evaporated and as far as I’m concerned it’s going to take,, BLM 100 fucking years to get the respect back they had 2 years ago, never happy, if they keep it up I think a taste of how there ancesters lived is what’s in order, back to the flyblown shit holes you hailed from, or a life in the UK, how many will opt for the shit hole….. Not a single soul
Problem is if you do something about it the idiot judges are on their sides. Not patriots.
The evil that men do lives after them – the good is oft interred with their bones.
The time for complaint is past. The time for action has arrived.
Yes Komodo. The end of slavery in the Western world was done half-assed. Abolish slavery part A. Done. Part B should have been return them all where they came from. Not done. Now we have the shit show.
Hind sight is 20/20.
I could be wrong. Probably am.
MC@ – No, you are not wrong – we should have taken the opportunity to send them back.
BLM seem to have also forgotten who raided the historical Africa and sold the locals into slavery in the first place or of course kept them as slaves themselves, you will never guess it was Africans.
That silly tart from Malvern should be moaning in down town Lagos a out the down trodden black people, if she isn’t raped, killed and her parts used for black magic she could become the new Nigerian president….
How many of these BLM cunts know that the press gangs were rounding up white men to man the Royal Navy when it was involved in suppressing the slave trade ? I have not heard any mention of this situation from any woke, BLM supporter or the BBC.
Edwars Colston did them a favour.
Only time theyve worked,
Before or since.
Slavery is thousands of years old and happened to pretty much everyone at some point in history not just africunts.
Besides they got a cruise, learnt new skills, etc.
What else would they have been doing?
Collecting fuckin termites on a stick?
Not only should the put Colstons statue back on its plinth,
They should worship it as their god.
It’s not like he wasted the money from slavery, he did good stuff, school, hospital and houses for the poor in Bristol, jolly fine chap!!
Unlike BLM who are just wasters and thugs that want smash everything.
The house across the street has a blue plaque outside because it was once the home of a famous writer.
Our house was once the home of the bloke who invented toothpaste so we don’t have a plaque….
Not sure if it’s already been said but GB news starts at 8pm
Only just it starts. Did you see that the totally impartial BBC attempted to shut down GB news at the 11th hour in a move to bar access to footage of public events?
The BBC really are left-wing terrorist sulking cunts!
Ps, i’m so glad I don’t pay my license fee ?
I’m just watching it for Michelle Dewberry.
That shit is worse than Orwell’s “memory Hole”. Removal of a historical symbol is one thing but to display it vandalized permanently as a is a new low.
The cunts of the world are being allowed to get their way.
MC@ – O’Brien tells us that two plus two equals five, comrade – and we must believe it.
Everything has gone to CUNT!
BBC, Pride Month, and BLM all on here today – it’s a lovely day and reading about all this shit is making me depressed so I’m going to fuck off and drink another few beers.To be fair nobody seems to have mentioned the G7 cuntfest so it could be worse!). TTFN ?
Wish we could put the BLM fuckers in a museum after a good battering. Or a zoo.
Back in the day, slavery was not about blacks and whites. It was about a greedy, more highly educated and advanced people taking advantage of a less educated, less advanced people.
These days it has to be about colour.