Yvette Cooper (6)

A “don’t-you-know-who-I-am?”, back to 1997 mini-cunting please for schoolmarmish, self important Pixie Balls – yes, Yvette “Sugartits” Cooper is back to leap aboard the Blair bandwagon since she saw Rachel Reeves creep back to the front bench last week – aided and abetted by the greasy old queen himself, who lets us know he is still available.

How long before working class heroes Hilary Benn and Mandy join them in the foetid chamber, still reeking from the afterglow of AnalEase;s soiled bloomers?


Sugartits takes herself FAR too seriously and it should be remembered that, in addition to her part in the expenses scandal, with her husband, she and Hilary did all they could to overturn Brexit. These days though, like Kweer and Anthony, not forgetting Doreen Lawrence (though she is highly forgettable) she has taken up epidemiology. and crystal ball gazing.

Britain needs a strong opposition but Kweer’ s shambling shower isn t it. We don’t need an infant school teacher dreaming of 1997 mithering on, and the re-emergence of these ageing backbench harpies is depressing and disgusting to see.

Of course, the big question for the little lady is – how has Ed Balls managed not to flatten her in bed?

Nominated by: W. C., Boggs

95 thoughts on “Yvette Cooper (6)

  1. In her earlier years she looks like a tranny (but the opposite way) as aforementioned in a previous post – girl would be boy.

    • Its a certain type of woman that goes in for blokes haircuts.
      Lefty, well paid position, sometimes twinned with dangly ethnic earrings, generally a bit of a condescending twat.
      Headmistress, lecturer, copper,
      Social services etc.
      One thing they hate is white working class blokes who dont show them what they consider due respect.
      “Watch yerself there luv”
      “Any chance of a brew darling?”
      ‘does your husband mind’
      Are all great to get them swallowing their tongue!?
      Id have Yvette sobbing within half an hour and theres a strong chance id give her a ‘dead arm’ too.

      • Oh Im the elder sibling CS,
        And yes it was deep, im known for entrenched philosophical musings.
        Bit like your known for straight talking, if you struggle with any of it just ask!

  2. Of course, the big question for the little lady is – how has Ed Balls managed not to flatten her in bed?

    Easy answer: she believes in women being on top.

  3. Because of people like this Labour will never win anything, we should be thankful!

    Fuck off!

    • Bet RTC would!
      He likes a boyish figure,
      And Yvette certainly falls into that category!
      Like a posh Billy Kasper!!
      No point wearing a bra,
      Like Kojak owning a comb.

    • Mrs Balls “has the body of an ironing board and a face like a turnip.”

      © Captain Magnanimous 2019


  4. Put her in Room 101 along with the rest of the Labour Party, toss in a ‘nade and seal up the door Wuhan style.

    • Not overly keen on sloppy seconds or going where Balla has been but I would too OHOAC.

      Don’t agree with her politics but wouldn’t expect her to be talking much.

  5. What’s that on her mug she is holding in the picture? “Controls on immigration” Maybe in her own leafy upper-class North London twat hole but fuck the rest of the country.

    • The lying bitch is holding that mug so you don’t see the “No” before “controls”.

      • What a piss-take. Labour has been warned repeatedly that they must accept Brexit. Here, old sconeface has been told to hold the cup and grin which she begrudgingly does although her smile is as warm as a witch’s tit.

        Sorry to bring up tits, darling. At least you still have your looks.

      • Is she a five pinter Cap? A six? Fuck it, a bottle of Polish moonshine.

      • The mug was meant to represent a Labour manifesto pledge in 2015. Labour was selling them on their website. Flabbot got her knickers in a twist at the time saying it was “shameful” and there should be no immigration controls at all. Stupid cunt. Yours for a fiver. The mug that is, not Flabbot’s cunt.

      • She’s an six-pinter, Liquors. That sounds reasonable but Angela Rayner is a four-pinter.

  6. Unless i’m very much mistaken the mug that mug is holding reads……”controls on immigration” followed by “Vote Labour.”
    Has she got her thumb over the bit that says “fuck all”?

  7. Yvette has been likened to a pixie but turns into a goblin when her head is struck down Ed’s y- fronts.

  8. Sir Kweer thinks the answer to his troubles is to reintroduce all the Brexit hating morons that we learnt to despise in 2018/19, like Cooper. And of course he’s one of those himself. Dream on. Labours problems stem from the ant-democratic out of touch elitist attitudes it has adopted. Cooper with her ant-Brexit shenanigans epitomises this. Until Labour learns to love the electorate instead of only dark-keys and immicunts, then no one will love them.

    • I think that there is good chance of reaching for the front and discovering she has a cock.

  9. I wish this bastard had lost her seat at the last election, it’s unforgivable how much she tried to stop Brexit.
    I will never forgive labour for it, it’s just depressing the Tories are the only alternative. I had hopes for Sir Nigel, but he’s just one of them now.

  10. Totally agree. The Brexit traitors will never be forgiven. That means most of the Labour Party, all of the Lib Dem’s and the Tory wankers like Sourberries, Mavis, Hammond, Grieve etc
    Oh, and Bercow of course. There’s a special place in hell reserved for that bastard.
    I gob on them all.
    Never forgive , never forget. ??

  11. I fucking hate anything to do with Labour and particularly the “Blairite” cunts who gather to like the ring piece of the Master. Sugartits and that fucking oik she calls a Husband need a fucking half decent exposure to a nasty isotope rammed up the arse. That’ll make their fucking eyes light up like Blackpool Tower doing a Grenfell.

    This is the Bitch who hamstringed and imposed a “must have deal” on all negotiations with her eurocunt twats, that ended in the Brino we have today.

    If Elon Musk is so fucking clever, he can design a missile to seek the odour trail to her minge and blow the fuck out of it.

      • Five-Eyes, if Cooper can survive that parasitic, bloated, fame-hungry, shameless cunt Balls being inside her, she can survive an isotope.


  12. Guess what?

    ?PPE at Oxford
    ?Went to Harvard
    ?Claimed around £159,000 in expenses back in 2007/2008 (allegedly natch)
    ?Flipped their 2nd home 3times in 2 year (allegedly)

    For the many and not the few…..?…sure about that?

    • Just so I’m clear I’m not fan of the Tories, Lib Dems, Green, Kippers, Reclaim etc.

      They’re all part of the same corrupt, grasping, broken system.

  13. Cooper is it?
    Strident, hectoring shrew, xylophone dressed in curtains with a rotting squirrels face badly stitched on top.
    I cannot think what would be the worst of two visions – seeing this creature au naturelle or the thought of fat Ed trumpeting loudly then mounting her vinegary skeleton.
    The living embodiment (one of way too many) of quotas over quality – screeches about wimminz equality and all the dweadful ? discwimination they face whilst simultaneously forgetting to mention the fact she was illegally selected from an all female shortlist and given one of the safest seats in the UK.
    Shut the fuck up Yvette.
    I would give snotty entitled jolly hockey sticks bint Katy Balls a good rattling though!

  14. I was at a wedding in London a while back and wasn’t sure what to make of the groom, until the best mans speech mentioned he was in university with the delightful Mz Cooper, I think it was part of the debating team, but the punchline was that he tipped a pint of beer over the harpies head for a laugh.
    He definitely went up in my estimation after that.

  15. Dear Admin

    Why have you used a photo of Spud the scarecrow off Bob the builder for the header pic?, I know the resemblance is uncanny but still!

  16. I’ve never seen pictures of her three kids but if she breast fed them, they must all have sunken lips.

    • Hahahaha ?
      She had a one night stand with Andy Burnham,
      He tried to suck her threepenny bits,
      Why hes got a harelip.

  17. “how has Ed Balls managed not to flatten her in bed?”

    Not sure what you’re getting at there Mr Boggs. I mean, could she get any flatter?

  18. So ‘self important’. Really enjoyed the limelight of the ‘Cooper Amendment’. I am part of history. Busily ‘negotiating’. So ‘self important’ when she rose to speak. A little cough.

    I suppose what’s written on the mug is a sop to her Pontefract Brexit voters.
    The must have made quite a few of them.
    Lots of mugs.

  19. Saw the header photo and just knew that it was another tranny nom…. he’s not a very convincing woman,I must say.

    • I bet his father,Henry,is very disappointed with this young man.

      • John Cooper Clarke was signed by a record label, in one of the biggest ever contracts for new talent.
        He is, I believe, one of the music industries biggest disappointments.

      • The fact that Robbie Williams is still alive is one of the biggest music industries disappointments as far as I’m concerned.

        Fat Fruit.

      • You have a favourite poet,Mis ?…..Dear me, the evidence mounts.

      • Like a nightclub in the morning
        Your the bitter end
        Like a recently disinfected shitehouse
        Your clean round the bend.

        Your like a dose of scabies
        Ive got you under my skin
        You make like a fairytale =grimm.

        Youve got a slippery quality
        It makes me think of phlegm
        And a dual personality
        I hate both of them.

        What kind of creature bore you?
        Was it some kind of bat?
        They cant find a good word for you
        But i can.
        ‘Twat’ John Cooper Clarke.

      • “I trespassed lonely as a cloud
        That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
        When all at once I saw a crowd,
        A host, of Country-Cream daffodils;
        Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
        Fluttering and dancing in the breeze”

    • D.B. Cooper was not a Cunt and so was probably not related to Yvette.

    • I went to school with a Justin Cooper….I didn’t like him.

      • I’d like to have rammed his fucking fez up his ring,General. I only laughed at the Cunt once.

      • And I suppose that was when he died of a heart attack on stage.

        Evening Fiddler, you dreadful man.

      • Fucking right,LL…still makes me chuckle…..nearly as funny as Rod Hull falling off the roof while adjusting the aerial so that he could watch the football

      • I don’t like Alice Cooper either…wears make-up….probably one of The Gays.

      • ‘fraid not,Miles…but I’d like to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel if you can find anyone to make one suitable for a Gentleman of my Standing.

      • Cobblers Mr Fiddler. Do you have a cobblers in the vicinity?
        Chesterton said the local cobbler was usually the most vocal Atheist.
        Did you ever hear that?

      • Ive a mate who was till fairly recent a cobbler Miles.
        Got arthritis in his hands though.
        Lovely little bloke.
        Northern soul DJ as well

      • There was a cobbler,Miles…a lovely old bloke…beautiful smell of leather I remember in his shop.

      • Never heard his views on God,Miles, but he was a very inoffensive man so I suspect Chesterton may be wrong in this case.

      • Chesterton says ‘it was always known…’ that the local cobbler was the village atheist. Just stuck in my mind.
        Then I thought that’s maybe where we got cobblers from. As in nonsense. But that it seems is rhyming slang cobbler’s awls: balls.

      • No, Miles, it was “awls” and not “cobbler” that was the functional word. Usually referred to as “rhyming slang”, this particular thieves’ vernacular (or argot, if you will) finds its basis in a speech form known as “Polari”.

        Etymolgists are unanimous about this matter and I would not challenge this analysis myself, even for a bet.

    • I took the Amtrak Surfliner down the Californian Coast. July 2019 to San Diego. Beautiful – and the truth..
      But when I got to Venice Beach. Fuck me what a fucking stink.
      Was that you you cunt…?

  20. Is normally a bully to anyone who dares disagree with him but when he has a racist black supremacist on like Diane Abbot, Denise Headley, Shola Mos, Malaika Gangooly etc he always acts out his submissive bdsm fantasy and that makes him a massive cunt

  21. This ‘thing’ made it very clear that she was prepared to take a back seat in her parliamentary career, so as not to directly compete with her husband’s. The intention being that he may ‘rise to the top’ and she would support him.
    Sweetheart. How did that turn out?

  22. How can this pinhead Labour anal cumslut expect to be taken seriously when everyone knows that in order to further her career she has rammed her greedy tongue right up her fat sweaty husband’s shit-encrusted bum hole .?

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