Woke TV Ads

Box ticking lefty woke TV adverts.

Fuck me. Every bastard advert on TV is riddled with some right-on LGBTQ message or even worse BLM propaganda.
Diversity to the fuckin extreme.

A group of millenials order a pizza… and the cast includes.

Non binary boy/girl
Heavily pierced overweight “thing”
White hipster with eyelinered boyfriend.
Single parent lesbian.
Wheelchair bestie!

and even a MIDGET!

Ok…. be honest.
How many of you have midget mates?

* Disclaimer. I have nothing against migetism*

Nominated by: Kendo Nagasaki 

and seconded by: Hard Brexit Cunt

I’ll second Kendo Nagasaki’s cunting of woke TV adverts.

The one that really gets on my tits is the GoDaddy advert which ticks the following woke boxes:
– presented by a dark key
– the business is VEGAN (yuck!) pies
– endorsed by an Indian
– and the pièce de resistance – it has another endorsement by a (male-to-female) tranny called Miranda

You can’t beat the adverts from the 1970s – this one in the middle of the Kenny Everett Show (12′ 18″) features an Indian but take note of his name – definitely not woke!


And here is a link to that fucking annoying GoDaddy advert for vegan pies with the tranny.


85 thoughts on “Woke TV Ads

  1. On the occasions I watch TV I mute the ads.
    Anti white anti heterosexual racist propaganda.
    There will be one HELL of a reckoning when the 95% of people who hate this shit have finally had enough.

    • Unfortunately the Tory party is fully on board with this bollox. Every institution is infected with it, including the British Army and the Tory party. So where is the reckoning going to come from?

      • Smugcunt@ – This being the problem – the sheeple will suck it up every day.
        I fucking despair.

      • The Army doesn’t listen to this shite. It’s just overpaid fucking spazdick consultants who don’t have a fucking clue.

      • Fifty plus years in the making. We reap the benefit of lefty libtard treason. The steady placement of pc bastards throughout the establishment is nearly completed. Taking the knee will likely replace the national anthem. Brain deadened masses fed a steady diet of celeb wankery, cockeyed game shows, mass media manipulation all adding up to the destruction of what’s left of our culture the rewriting of our history to fit the quislings narrative and subjugation of the English people. Time for an English Reconquista

  2. Get woke, go broke.
    Accountants run businesses, not woke cunts.

    I really hope these pricks reap what they sow…

  3. Admin:

    Bah! A photo of a Hollywood junkie-you could have used a photo of lipstick-lesbo wimminz??

    I bit even the most ardent IsAC preverts, will be left as limp as a dishrag, by that photo?

    • I think there’s maybe one or two on here who’d get a bone on. Admin’s making sure minorities are catered for.

  4. Not an advert but if you want to see the biggest pile of Wokery in action watch an episode of Clarice, a series based on Clarise Starling from Silence of the Lambs, with the latest episode been a real doozy.

    Clarice and her cop partner are getting a ‘woman’ to help them in a case. Whilst talking about Buffalo Bill, the woman announces to the two stunned detectives that she is indeed transgender. So Clarice, now known as one of the cleverest detectives hadn’t worked out this six-foot? (maybe more) brick shit house, with hands that could crush a coconut in each, is a bloke!

    I dare you to Google Jens Richards and make your own minds up!

    • Ps, She/he? could give Ralph Ineson a run for his money voice-wise. However despite all these clues just because it was wearing a skirt it seemed to fool these two Spartan detectives even though from the first millisecond I saw it I was laughing and shouting “it’s a bloke ffs”!

    • Exactly! Which begs the question why a decorated detective stood there aghast, mouth open, in total shock at such a surprising revelation! There’s a fucking academy award right there!

  5. It works though doesn’t it? We watch the output and the ads and subliminally believe the message.

    3% of the population is black but according to the ads it must be 50% because every couple is mixed race.

    Official figures state that 1 in 600 people are LBGT, but I suspect that is overinflated because the evidence of my own experience tells me it’s a lot less.

    They are creating a false narrative that we are a diverse multicultural society but we really are not.

    The media is not informative, it’s not entertaining but it has been weaponised.

    • Id like a midget mate.
      Love a midget me!!
      Get him bladdered and dancing in the pub, carry him round on me shoulders, be great!
      Love those little cunts,
      Throw em in the air they always land on their feet!
      Because they have oversized heads.
      2\3rds of their body weight the head.
      Science that is.
      Fuck that shite!!?

      • Moderated?!!!
        Fir what!!?
        I refuse to be silenced!!
        Cancel culture!!!

      • Moderated?!!!
        Fir what!!?
        I refuse to be silenced!!
        Cancel culture!!!

      • Midget porn is available on most disreputable internet porn sites. Somewhere between h for horse and P for Prince A.

      • If two thirds of their body weight is in their heads and you threw them up in the air, they would land on their head, or on their back at least, depending on how far they were thrown into the air of course. The heavier end always lands first, like a dart, it’s the law!

      • The word “midget” is banned under the geneva convention on woke bullshittery. The correct term is dwarf, as in “a dwarf with a huge fucking cock.” You don’want to piss the little fuckers off, they’re surprisingly chunky and can become aggressive following the smallest provocation. I once knew a dwarf girl (true, I’ve had an interesting life) and tried picking her up to see how easy it would be to have a knee trembler. No chance, she weighed more than 2 normal sized women. I have a theory, dwarves are alien beings from a planet with very low gravity, where they stand over 8 feet tall. When they come to earth the high gravity and air pressure compresses them into the fun sized beings we are familiar with. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.
        (The above refers to achondroplastic dwarfism, the most common form. Other types of midget are available and weigh considerably less. They don’t pose a physical threat so you can refer to them however the fuck you like.)

    • Id like a midget mate.
      Love a midget me!!
      Get him bladdered and dancing in the pub, carry him round on me shoulders, be great!
      Love those little cunts,
      Throw em in the air they always land on their feet!
      Because they have oversized heads.
      2\3rds of their body weight the head.
      Science that is.
      Fuck that shite!!?

  6. That tonic water advert is a classic. Imagine having an Indian character dressed like that and called Tandoori these days. There would be snowflake heads exploding all over the place.

  7. The joys of not watching the idiot lantern. Not having to hear that mongrel meerkat Sir Ghey hawking some insurance bullshit.. bliss.

    Fuck TV and fuck radio. Legacy media is a walking rotten corpse that wants to eat your brains.

  8. This is the world now that bullying is banned, the reason you didnt see so much of this shit in the 80,s and before is because they would have got piss taken big time at best and god knows at worst.
    Bullying is obviously very wrong but now and then i see someone/thing that makes me think its a shame the 80,s lesser spotted skin head with 10 hole DrMartins and bleached jeans is now extinct due to glue sniffing, because he would kick their fucking heads in.
    Tolerance is much more a thing now and its allowed these weak arsed, wierdo,s to flourish in the knowledge that they are safe to get on every fuckers nerves without getting touched and some dick heads actually listen……bring back the boneheads i say, stomp these wankers

    • Anyone remember the old Birdseye beefburger adverts?
      Starring our own Vernon Fox?
      Loved them!
      ‘ee thee beefburgers arent a patch on birdseye!”
      Little Yorkshire lad who rightly took his food serious from a early age.

      • MNC@ – Given that you had an attack of the vapours and had to retire to bed after some cad recently “dissed ” British food recently it’s the tonic you need and deserve!
        Still no news from Sir Fiddler about our camping trip to his vast Northumbrian estate..

      • Foxy@
        Dont let Fiddler kid you with all that bluster about not being welcome!
        Hes just shy.
        He’ll be thrilled to bits really,
        Baking cakes and stocking up the ale.
        He struggles to show affection.
        All he needs is a hug!

      • Rumour has it he leaves little chocolates on the pillows of the beds in the caravan and lights sandalwood incense too.

      • “Dick can I have a hot water bottle and some cocoa?”

        Sound of gun cocking…..

  9. The adverts where ‘families’ have one kid who is white and another kid who is black. Not mixed race, but as black as the ace of. Every family in adverts is now like that. It’s totally ludicrous. And theones where there’s an extra kid who is peaceful are even worse. The P@k!s having their Christmas dinner on TV adverts make me fucking sick.

    And the one I hate the most is the Maltesers commercial. That mutant creature at the wedding bragging about having the best man’s phone number. Utterly implausible but totally and absurdly woke.

    • He must of lived in a fuckin bungalow then or had a ramp upto his bedroom.

  10. Not TV but onebus syop advert that boils my piss is for eBay and features “James” (why aren’t James’ known as “Jim” anymore?) and Natalie. She is a dark key. He has long receeding hair, and a beard, teeth that look like David Brent’s and dressed smart Albert Steptoe. He has the rictus grin of the soy boy pussy whipped feminist.

    They “restore” furniture, which gives James great joy.

    They have obviously watched too many episodes of Money For Nothing” and no doubt do not have benefit of clergy for their “relationship”

  11. “….one bus stop advert”. My fucking computer is giving up on me.

  12. I’m sick and tired of racially manipulated TV ads designed to project some multi-racial paradise. I find them false and patronising and if anything, they put me of buying whatever’s advertised.

    It’s all contrived anyway. Tell me, is this “equality” when blacks make up about 5% of the total population? Where are the Chinese-White mixed couples or the Indian-White mixed couples? How about an ultra-orthodox Jew and an aboriginal woman?

    Seems to me that Bleks Love Mansions must have set up an advertising agency. Brain-washing bullshit.

    • Its funny because our family stretches into Yorkshire and Stoke and is quite large but not a single tranny!
      No sooties or curry rats.
      All white.
      Theres a gay!
      On the missus side, but hes flounced off upset about Brexit!
      Suppose soon itll be law?
      Have to adopt a dinghy sailor as part of the family.
      Well the cunt wouldn’t have time to unpack!
      In through the front door straight under the patio within 15 minutes.

      • I thought Stockport was bad enough. But fucking Yorkshire? And doesnt that gibbering monkey man from Fuck That come from Stoke?
        Oh dear.

      • Who? That nice Robbie Williams?
        Yeah think so.
        Used to like listening to my cousin’s accents!
        “Aw! Dunna thee do that!”
        No welsh though luckily ?

      • MNC@ – Yorkshire you say?
        I trust you got a discount on that Country Cream paint! ?

      • MNC It does seem odd that nearly all nancies are so dead against Brexit – it is not as if their rights are in any way impaired due to Brexit. If that was true, Mandy and Adonis would be cowering behind the doors in their gated houses, but, no – they remain gobby plucky duckies flying the blue and gold flag

      • Yeah, all ducky types are for the EU arent they?
        Think their worried about paying duty on imported hamsters?
        This fuckin plum fell out with his own mother and sister and hasnt spoken to them since.
        Soft cunt.
        I used to taunt him mr Boggs!
        Childish I know,
        Couldn’t help myself!
        Id provoke him to watch him explode.?
        Passed the time though.

    • What gets me is they all live in huge houses. I mean let’s do a reality check, that’s fucking unlikely isn’t it? It’s more likely you will find them in a small house or flat scrounging off the tax payer.

  13. Must be tough being a whitey actor these days. You are struggling even to get a gig in a fucking advert. A stranger in your own land, a land where only the BAMES can be trusted and where whitey historical characters turn black .

  14. It’s not just the fucking adverts. Channel fucking 4 has it’s clumsy 4 thing bringing refugees in. All doctors of course.

  15. The worst one at the moment seems to be the one with Cuntley “yes masser” Banjo and a group of Greta Mongberg wannabes. I think it’s for Persil. I always turn off the sound – at least I don’t have to listen to it. Mind you, I record most things now and watch later, specifically to avoid the adverts. Oh, and I also notice that any thick cunt in adverts s usually played by a white fella.

  16. Gogglebox has two dark key snappers in bed together during the ads. I’ve no idea what they’re trying to sell but why two fucking blokes in bed?
    I personally never watch any ads as I always record and FF through the breaks. I’m pretty sure a majority do now.

  17. The Cadbury creme egg advert was the ultimate puke fest. Fuck adverts lost interest since Lorenzo Fandango and Black Lable dam busters. Fuck em, fuck em all.

    • Cadburys have really gone down the drain, compared to the days when it was a British company and the lovely girl with her big knockers walked through a cornfield, pretending the Flake was her boyfriend and she was giving him a blowjob. I think it is an American or European company now, hence the two woofters sharing an egg.

  18. The dialect and accent in that GoDaddy advert sends my blood pressure stratospheric. I very rarely watch television, nowadays. It’s not good for my health, and, what I do watch, I’m increasingly switching off due to this woke bullshit. I think Vernon Fox is correct – there WILL be a kick back when the majority are pushed too far.

    • I doubt it, common sense and normality has been made right wing and therefore illegal. Perversion and mental illness are the new normal.

  19. There is a simple answer – stop watching tv. I gave up over a year ago because as others here have observed it is like being repeatedly slapped around the face. My tv is connected by hdmi to the desktop, and there is a wealth of both original content and old favourites available on Youtube (increasingly censored), Bitcute, Odysee and others. Television and modern films are mind poison so stop drinking the poison.

    • This?

      I haven’t watched TV (mainstream) or listened to the radio for over a year.
      I get news from IsAC and several podcasts on YouTube.

      • It really is that simple. Plus there is the pleasing bonus of knowing that you no longer have to contribute to Gary fucking one point three million Lineker’s illegal immigrant bed and breakfast service, leaving you with £160 a year extra to spend on booze, drugs, prozzies and ornaments for your mantelpiece.

  20. If the fuckers only want to sell to trannies, mongs and effnics, they can fuck off and do so. Let the twats starve.

    The ad that boils amuses me most at the moment is the one that tells you to get vakzinated to keep yourself and others safe! Ha, ha, ha. The fucking vakzine manufacturers admit their vakzines do not stop you getting or spreading the covids. In fact taking the vakzine makes you more likely to spread it as you will probably not know you have got it. Anyone believing this shite is a fuckwit clot! Fuck off with your NHS propaganda bullshit.

  21. It’s just propaganda at a Stalinist level.
    It never ends and it’s quite pervasive.

    Needless to say it has me ready to enlist in the Waffen SS.

    • Fuck that the Chinks will only win for every one trained western soldier, they will kill ten of um, but the fuckers keep coming. Wait until they start screwing their own and put them back in the backwards dog eating bat eating shit hole they deserve.

  22. How about the continuity announcers on the BBC nowadays?

    Used to be 100% received pronunciation. You could imagine the chap (t’was usually a gent) sitting there in his smoking jacket, clicking his fingers at his butler between swigging the finest cognac and introducing ‘The old Grey Whistle Test’.

    But what were my ears treated to recently?

    An obvious dark key ‘multi cultural London English accent’. It was something like “Next. Da FA Cap Quartah fahnal. Laihv ahn BBC whahn!”

    What is this fucking shit?

    • Not even a regional dialect of this fucking country. I make a point of asking cunts that talk like that where they’re from. I’ll get struck off, one day…

      • Mate I used to play footy with said to a honky lad speaking with this accent ‘Why are you talking like a duck?’ lol

      • I always thought Ali G was a piss take but it seems to me that if you talk like a complete tit these days then you may well end up on a cushy number at the beeb.

  23. back in 2015 there was an add that nearly made me piss myself laughing, but it was got rid of due to complaints,
    it was Cadburys egg and spoons, featuring aforementioned egg and spoons in the add, well i nearly fucking died laughing, if only adds were funny i would take allot more notice, check out the vid, i put in a link…,.

    • Well, one of them was! Mixed-race couple, of course, as is 90% of the population, apparently.

  24. I would go out of my fucking way to buy a product that does NOT try to tick all the boxes possible in the few seconds of my attention they have. Show me a traditional, normal (what was normal), anglo, heterosexual selling me something I might want.
    It’s as though they think everyone watching is a bohemian phagghut who frequents raves at night and has freaks for a circle of friends. No longer do we have to pay for a sideshow at a carnival we simply go to the store or turn on the goddamn TV!
    Cunts galore!

  25. My rule is simple: if an advert employs a foreigner, stanley, trannie or poove (either sex), promotes blood-mixing, multiculturalism or foreign political movements then I boycott that product for life.

    I am currently living off grass and lapping water from puddles.

  26. You can rent out midgets, my friend done it for his stag do. Basically just get him to use a banner and say I love being abused and fuck off you cunts ruining my living. It’s not abuse if he is making a mint off it, hardly fucking human trafficking like the stupid low paid bellends want to infest us with.

    • Put me down for five of em.
      Fiddlers paying.
      Use em as sherpas when I walk the Pennines.

  27. That GoDaddy advert is definitely a piss boiler.

    More like GoneDaddy with regards to that annoying Dark key.

    Why is he reading a broadsheet? Is the advert trying to depict him in a light of intelligence?

    It’s not fooling me, – get fucked and pick up your copy of the Daily Stab and read that instead.

    I also wonder where he has stolen that gold chain from?


  28. Just seen a trailer for a programme about Anne Boleyn, the fucking actress playing the part is a fucking tree dweller for fucks sake. It is outrageous that this is allowed to go unchallenged. Utter cuntishness

    • Yes, it’s an outrage indeed.

      There must have been lots of ginger spear chuckers around in Tudor England.

      This country has gone to hell in a handcart.

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