The Vegan Armed Forces

The British Armed Forces

Apparently vegan soldiers and airmen are despondent due to the lack of vegan meal options in the Armed Forces. To add insult to injury, woke servicemen are also having to buy their own vegan Doc Martens (is there such a thing? – Ed.) because they cannot in all conscience wear the standard issue leather boots.

Quite right too!

A Vegan Society spokesperson bleated:

“Vegans in the UK, whether they serve in the British Forces or not, have the protection of human rights and equality law. Employers must do everything they can to remove any observed disadvantages faced by vegans. The Vegan Society has heard first-hand from those serving in the Army and RAF who have struggled, not only when it comes to the food on offer but also with uniforms, some having to buy vegan footwear at their own expense!

“These barriers not only make it more difficult for those already following a vegan lifestyle but also have the potential to put off those in the British Forces that are keen to give veganism a go.”

Pro-vegan Jo Foster, claiming to have inside knowledge of the Marines, informed your intrepid ISAC reporter that one Royal Marines training exercise ends with the slaughter and eating of a live rabbit or chicken.

“I didn’t join the Marines to kill rabbits and chickens”, whined Jo, “I signed up to kill people!”

A spokesperson for The Guild of Uphill Gardeners said:

“Guild president Gladimir Putin is quaking in his size 7 Pride issue marching boots.”

This Country Is Finished.

Nominated by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff 

101 thoughts on “The Vegan Armed Forces

  1. Thing is the army have lowered their standards, because the new generation is too fat, too soft and emblazoned with tats. I know this because an army General said so and I was there to listening to what he said. The Army has outsourced recruitment to Crapita whereas the Navy still take an initiative (at least by some kind of invitation).

    I wish instead of whinging about the meals and boots they would whinge about proper care for service veterans once they have left. Who knows, maybe in time these snowflake soldiers might start whinging about pensions, guaranteed housing, social and health care for vets a reality. The Australians really look after their vets. We need that system here. In the meantime, give the snowflake soldiers/sea persons some plants to eat.

    Excellent nom 🙂

    • I am ashamed as to how this country treats its veterans.

      They show more compassion and give better financial support to fuckers who have arrived here by dinghy and contributed nothing.

      A national disgrace.

      • Absolutely Willie. Time we did something about it. If Boris can spunk millions on useless PPE, he can jolly well sort out this veteran mess. We need a proper Veterans Affairs body that actually makes sure these people aren’t waiting for physio, therapy, housing or whatever they need. Fuck off Help for Heroes charity; it shouldn’t need to exist!

        This is just another example of where Labour don’t bother their ginger and are completely useless on anything.

      • Labour hate the military, Magic Grandpa could fly to some shithole and lay a wreath at the grave of a dead terrorist but wore the smallest poppy he could find on Remembrance Sunday as well as looking like his usual scruffy cunt self.

      • My dad was crippled in WW2.
        He was entiteled to a pension, based on that, but was never informed of the fact. He only found out by a chance meeting at the Legion, 40 years too late.
        I’m sure you can guess how successful he was at getting it back-dated.
        As for the ‘vegan’ thing….. no sympathy whatsoever. Don’t sign up for anything before reading ALL the fine print.

        A certain Mr. H. Kissinger obviously held the military in very high esteem, based on his comment “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

    • I’d like to cunt ( for the umpteenth time for various reasons) ‘is a cunt’. This time it’s for not having any alerts when someone responds to your posts which reveals them as either weapons grade arseholes or sensible bastards whom you could have a pint with down the pub.

  2. Why can’t we argue the flood of refugees coming in this country? Are you racist? Yes you are! You are defending Britain. Are you a facist. No you’re not. Wtf is all this vegan shoe bollocks come into it. If people ordered them is be on to them like a flash.

  3. Loads of pale, ill looking, Charles Hawtrey types moaning in the mess hall,
    Cant carry their bergan an rifle,
    Always feeling cold?
    Buy your own Doc Martens you whining cunts.
    Or wear your fuckin sandals!

  4. How will they cope with all those really loud bangs? They should consider themselves doubly blessed that they do not have to use some of the shit gear I had to make do with in the 70’s, those fucking crap DMS boots for starters. Buy your own was the best option. I do hope that option is no longer required

  5. Is that header photo a pic of army lads?
    Fuck off. Girl Guides more like. Unfit wankers- the lot of them.
    And when you have finished baking that cake, I have a job for you…..

    • My dad went up the beach. June 1944. Normandy.
      Got shot to fuck and survived. If he saw these cunts, he would turn in his urn…

  6. Are we going to be protected by the likes of that silly halal tart in the SAS nom four days ago? The army aren’t even allowed to call each other Lads now in case it upsets some wooly woofer.
    The armed forces now resemble a concert party from It Aint Arf Hot Mum.

  7. They should watch the film scum and take note what happens to archer when he didn’t want to wear leather boots

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