The Silence of the Knee

Yes, fellow cunters, at this weekend’s FA Cup final, 20,000 fans were allowed into the stadium. This also meant the players taking the knee in honour of Chiggun George, had to do so if front of fans for once.

I was waiting for the crowd’s reaction with great anticipation, as the imbeciles took to their knees in honour of an anti white Marxist group (and if it was for ‘a racist murder’, even the prosecution said race was not a factor in Floyd’s death…so why do it you thick cunts?)

I was watching the coverage live on BBC1 and heard nothing but a smattering of applause. Disappointed and grumbling something about ‘too many wokes and dark keys like footy nowadays’ I soon switched off.

But wait…it seems the media went into meltdown that evening over the fans booing the knee taking. Well I heard fuck all. Hmm. Interesting.

It seems fans in the ground said the booing was loud and obvious.

So why was it only applause I could hear on the BBC? One would almost think they drowned out the crowd noise to suit their own propaganda and agenda?

Well, one could think such a thing, but you’d have to be a bunch of evil cunts to do such a thing, and surely, they wouldn’t do something like that of course?

I mean that would just be fucking ridiculous, right?

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

78 thoughts on “The Silence of the Knee

    • Simon, as well as football players stealing prosthetic knees from hospitals, I fear they have also stolen ISACs very own intrepid reporter Ron Knee.

      Admin, could you contact him and let him know we miss him and await his reporting on the latest goings on?

  1. Of course they drowned out the booing the commie bastards. They were ready for it this time so made sure we couldn’t hear it. The big test will be the England games coming up at Wembley in a couple of weeks. The kneeling cunts are going to get some serious stick, trust me.

    • I hope you’re right and the place is
      cacophony of booing.

      Will be interesting if the players get a cobb on and walk off the pitch in protest with Wokegate backing them.

      • Please please please let it be so. Fuckin’ laugh? I’ll never get them dry!

  2. It is a worrying situation when the BBC acts in such a manner. Even during WW2 the BBC reported news and events in an even handed manner. The current, ongoing agenda is disgraceful.

  3. Football already had its anti racist messages before chigun george tried to damage chauvins knee with his neck so why, oh why adopt a gesture which is clearly linked to a political movement.

    Do the FA, teams and players think that all footy fans are thick cunts who don’t see the BLM shit, well they do and they don’t like football being linked to BLM. The FA can try to claim that taking the knee is a stand against racism but it will never be separated from BLM.
    It’s like trying to separate the straight arm salute from Nazi Germany.

    Fans have a right to express their feelings, booing taking the knee isn’t racist it’s a message that to say football has nothing to do with far left propaganda.

    PS, why did big nose Rashford get loads of abuse on Twitter, did he miss the penalty that gave the victory the Villarreal ???

      • How obvious can this cunt get, and then the media make such a big deal about it.
        He is more nauseating than that little Swedish tart ?

      • You fuckin’ what…??
        “250 grand a week for this shite.”

        £250,000…? …a fucking week!

        …and now he’s talking to Obongo? Lemme see… since that useless spook Obonobo signed off on the destruction of Libya and installed I.S.I.L. you can now literally BUY a brown cunt in the burgeoning slave markets around Tripoli for about £300…
        …which works out as 833 and 1/3rd yard apes per Rashford. Nice freinds you got there Marcus… you cunt!

    • He scored his penalty in the shoot out, it was De Gay or whatever he’s called (the keeper) who missed his penalty.

      I think the piss taking may have been due to him missing an absolute sitter near the end of the game when it was 1-1. I saw it live and went ‘Nnnnno!’ as it went to him, as it looked like he would get the glory. It was harder to miss.

      I laughed my cock off.

      So I guess that is why he’s getting stick. And also because he’s a cunt lol.

      His pre match interview I saw was nauseating. “I’ve always liked to help people..” etc.

      Full Smashy n Nicey ‘like to do a lorra work for chariddee but don’t like to talk about it mate”

      I wouldn’t mind it’s not even charidee. It’s taxpayers’ money. He puts his safely away in tax dodging offshore accountsv(allegedly).

  4. I was watching the Man U vs Villareal game down the boozer the other night, and just before kick-off the united players bent the knee while the Villa players just stood around not giving a bag of fucks! (Or for that matter did their fans)

    Of course no mention of this disparity was mentioned in commentary or with the fuckwit punters back at the studio. Perhaps they didn’t want to offend the Spanish!

    It will be interesting what happens at the City Chelsea Champions League final on Saturday. Can you imagine the hoo-hah should either team choose to ignore the Knee! They would be crucified in the media, in the studio, on social media, and the PM would have to make a public statement/apology!

    The rest of Europe don’t seem to give two shits about The Knee, and the UK media don’t bother reporting on it. But if it happens in England, then prepare to be hung, drawn and quartered.

    • While the Man U players were taking the knee the Spanish players should have run up and booted each of the Man U players in the face as an act of Reparations for fucking up their Armada.

  5. Its a submissive act,
    Like bowing or prostrating yourself on the floor,
    A act of surrender.
    Why not just do what theyre really asking you to do?
    Roll over exposing your tummy like a dog.
    Weak as fuck.

  6. Is this why Saint Markus of Rashford is crying again about racial slurs thrown in his general direction, when will the stupid cunt realise its got nothing to do with race or colour its because he,s a cunt and rather than running around campaigning for all sorts of bollocks, he should be concentrating on his football that he is payed an absolute fortune to be doing.
    Wrong as i feel it is to make millions out of kicking a fucking ball its one of the two talents this cunt has, the other is whinging about the racism the cunt has to put up with, so Markus for fuck sake kick the ball and shut the fuck up……TWAAAAT

  7. Fucking hell – aural airbrushing enough to make TASS (Soviet state broadcaster) blush!

  8. If any other countries did this knee taking shit then they stopped it after a week or so.
    But as usual the UK have to do everything to the last degree.
    Before every team game, lightning up town halls on the anniversary of a foriegn, career criminals death, protests and marches about events thousands of miles away.
    It will never stop.

    I often use IPTV, usually for football matches, and if I get a slow connection I will watch coverage from whatever country that gives me the best quality picture.
    This is often ‘black’ countries.

    They do not feel the need to shoehorn white people in their adverts, in fact you will never see a white face.
    Their news presenters are all black.
    The accents from the programme announcers are all local.

    For anyone who thinks that the UK is a racist nation, the question to ask is “Compared to where?”.

    • It is the fucking BBC, they should be prosecuted for incitement to riot. They had an absolute wankfest in the run-up to the 1st anniversary.

      they could be telling such a positive story about UK anti-slavery and black history but they choose not too.

  9. And at the end of the Final 2 Leicester players (Peacefuls obviously) were running around with a Palestinian flag. That’s what happens when you allow politics into sport…..the next fucker wants to take it up a notch.
    For years cunts have been weeping about the politics in the Old Firm game……the waving of certain flags, the singing of sectarian songs etc. So why is it so terrible in Scotland but encouraged in England? The booing has nothing to do with racism…….it’s working class people saying get your shit out of our game. We pay a lot of money to see football, not to be lectured to with your libtard gesture politics. Take the money, play the game and shut your fucking mouth.

  10. They need to round up the cunts responsible for this impartial bullshit, place an angled leg across the gullet of each and proclaim, ‘Thou Shan’t Breef!’. Cunts.

  11. All this nonsense just cos a cop knelt on a career criminals neck!
    The only thing that cop did wrong was not emptying his gun into the cunts head.
    For every cunt who thinks it was a tragedy. Tell that to the pregnant women whos belly he held a gun too.
    Take the knee? How about TAKE THIS FIST!
    All George Floyd memorials need a good cunting.

  12. Fucking outrageous. Kneeling, groveling to the memory of some career criminal . Is it compulsory? Do the clubs say they have to? I thought politics was supposed to be kept out of sport? Any player with a backbone should refuse. They would instantly go up in the estimations of the vast majority .
    Fuck off knee taking supine cowardly bastards.

    • The official line is that it’s ‘voluntary’.

      There are a few black players refusing to do it as they either see it as virtue signalling or supporting a Marxist organisation. It’s ok with everyone if black players refuse to do it. It’s not really voluntary because a white player refusing to do it would be ruined by the media, his ‘fellow’ pros and probably his team’mates’. His club would disown him and no cunt would buy him.

      And they fucking well know it. Which is another reason it needs banning. White players (some of them, anyway) are being held hostage to it in many ways. I doubt someone like Jamie Vardy agrees with doing it deep down (I could be wrong of course).

      • CB@ – Voluntary but your career if you refuse to do it.
        A national broadcaster drowns out the truth with canned applause.
        Time to separate The Department for Newspeak from our money – the BBC are traitors and enemies of the people.
        And I am amazed Rashford could see the floor – the concorde nosed oxygen thief doesn’t seem able to see an open fucking goal.
        “I just likes to help poor people” – then try paying your taxes cunt.

  13. “I’d rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.”

    Emil Zapata

  14. I might agree with taking the knee if it was in honour of Derek Chauvin’s sore knee.

    Must have smarted a bit being down on it so long, poor fucker.

  15. I am actually genuinely offended (no, really!) by the kneeling. There have been minutes silences before, mainly after terrorist attacks – it will be for one week and they don’t bother kneeling. Why is the death of a violent criminal on the other side of the world SO much more tragic than all the innocent lives lost here in our own country? All the little kids killed and maimed in Manchester?
    It is just an insult to REAL victims. And I’m not sure how re-enacting chiggun George’s method of execution by kneeling isn’t in itself offensive to everyone’s favourite drugged-up dead gangsta. Maybe if Sasha Johnson croaks we might see the players shooting themselves in the head before the next game as a mark of “respek”? One can but hope…

    • “…we might see the players shooting themselves in the head before the next game as a mark of “respek”? One can but hope…”

      Rashford would miss the target.

  16. Silence can be taken in many ways. For instance, below is my opinion about the BBC!


    Can you guess what I thought!

    Fuck off!

  17. I was trying to find something to listen to on the radio the other night (not the fucking BBC obviously). So I got on to LBC…..Slasha Johnson…fuck off….Talkradio…..Chicken George …..fuck off…….Talksport…..racism in football……just fuck off! So I tried an American station……racial disadvantage in schools. Jesus fucking Christ!
    Ok i’ll listen to some music ?
    So I reach for my CD case. Open it up, first one out……”Hendrix/Band of Gypsies.” ? Fucking black pikies!! Second one out…..Joan Armatrading. ? Fucking black lezza!! I fucking give up.
    Ever felt somebody is trying to tell you something?

    • Just looked at my CD shelf, Freddie. And I can see New Order, The White Album, and Eric Clapton. That’s much more like it.

  18. Taking the knee was a thing long before George. If you think about it for a second it’s almost taking the piss out of how he died by mimicking his assailant.

    Like honouring Kurt Cobain by posing with a shotgun in your mouth.

  19. Doesn’t this taking the knee crap seem a bit tasteless and probably insulting? I mean, if you wanted to mock Floyd’s demise, or show support for the cop who killed him, taking the knee would be perfect. It’s like if Jesus was actually a real thing, and he popped back to earth, I doubt he’d want to see another fucking cross ever, but churches are filled with the fuckers. If he had been topped in more recent times, there would be effigies of him in an electric chair, hanging, or blindfolded in front of a firing squad. And he’d still look like a honky with a beard instead of some middle eastern cunt. True story though apparently….??

  20. This shite is truly sickening.

    I just heard on the radio that it’s planned to monitor social media after games to make sure no nasty things are said about the poor, vastly overpriced and overrated, footballing snowflakes. Yet it’s OK for a bit of black on black stabbing in Londonistan – nothing to see here move along sort of thing.

    When I was young there was a saying: “sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me”. Too bloody factual for the snowflakes of today who believe the complete opposite of this.

    Never mind using stadia for football games – make the players earn their millions – send them all out their with a Bowie knife each and see how they get on. The Cherry Blossom boys can indulge in a bit of their favourite passtime and stick the knife in each other and the survivors can then have a go at the whiteys kneeling down ready for a bit of Halal slaughter. While all this goes on the Referee can make sure no abusive words are used and the fans can enjoy a bit of Colosseum style slaughter and nobody will be offended.

    I wonder how the B B fucking C would report that?

  21. A more appropriate gesture before a game would be to mime getting shot in the head by some kaffirs.
    It’s what she would have wanted.

  22. I’d have loved to have seen the FA (Fuckwits Association) ‘demand’ that the Leeds side of the 70s take the knee. The likes of Bremner, Giles, Big Jack, Norman Hunter and the rest being ordered to pay tribute to a sambeau career criminal? Hell would freeze over first. Because – even though I am MUFC – they were proper men and proper players..

    • To be fair-I doubt the “crazy gang” would go along with this cuntfest,

      • They were tough bastards, CG. Vinnie, Big Lawrie, Alan Cork, Dave Beasant.

        I reckon Fash would have taken the knee. As he was a media whore and a race card pulling cunt.

      • Although the kraut keeper playing on with a broken neck took some beating.

        I remember telling some lads a bit younger than me and others I was with about that, and him holding his neck and getting his medal with a slumped neck and cradling his own head.

        They thought I was taking the piss or lying until they checked a clip on YouTube (as every cunt does nowadays when you mention something that happened in the past).

        What a fucking mad bastard lol.

        Could you imagine a soft cunt like Ozil doing that lol?

  23. I don’t recall such fuckwittery when that PC was butchered during the Braodwater riots in the 80s.

    Wasn’t the perp a black fella called Sillcott Winston?

    Footballers, wankers and thick as shit clueless bellends.

    Still I don’t pay for them, fund it or watch it. I sleep well at night.

    That is all have shit day Cunters.

    • Or PC Keith Palmer, murdered whilst protecting the (increasingly ungrateful) public from a knife-wielding terrorist. Don’t recall too much kneeling at football matches or lighting up public buildings for that poor fucker murdered whilst carrying out his duty.

      (PC Blakelock was murdered whilst trying to protect fireman who had come under attack by the rioting scum, I believe).

  24. And who else is sick to death of foreign tosspots on social media claiming to be ‘lifelong’ fans? My fucking arse. And the ones from Stakipan, India, Thailand, Africa and all those other shitholes who put ‘Manchester’ as their location make me want to throw up.

    ‘But… But… I love game! I stay all night to watch Man U! I as Manchester as you are! I never go to game, but I support as much as you! I United till I die!;

    No, you are not. So fuck off!

    • Norman:

      I cancelled sky sports the very minute the knee taking started-I made a point of telling sky this was the reason.

      I keep up to date with live matches by checking Sky football online-good stats and info. The “comments” are mostly from cunts in Asia and Africa:

      “Pogba is God, umbongo, bongo, in-de-Congo”
      “Leave “my” club!”

  25. Horse shite.Utter horse shite.Over a year of “Remembering St.KFC George”.I despair.Why is Britain involved in American affairs?First up the mobile oven for these wasters please Unkle Terry.

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