The Media vs Israel vs Palestine

The media vs Israel vs Palestine.
*disclaimer I have no interest in either side*

etc etc

Yes I’m going there. Fuck the media about the coverage of this conflict. I’ve been watching social media videos of arabs being harassed and assaulted all throughout ramadan. They’re evicting families from their own houses. Little kids being arrested by armed fucking police holding rifles by the IDF for walking down the wrong street.

You poke a population enough they fight back. So now Israel have the justification to fucking bomb the shit out of the place (mainly civilians) and claim it’s self defence. Do you think a fucking SINGLE news article is pointing any of that out? no. They’re all about the brave Israelies who have a massive army fighting back against the evil Hamas.

Also they’re Israelies posting selfies and videos celebrating their deaths.

I have no doubt Hamas are cunts, but if you tell me demolishing civilian buildings and killing innocents is justice you can fuck off. I don’t care if a fucking 7 year old threw a rock at you in your full body armour, you don’t fucking threaten them with a gun.

Nominated by: Lazybiscuits

And added to by Miles:


Oh here we go again. It’s usually around every 4 years there’s a flare up. Here’s the latest one. You know the score already. It will be about 10 Palestinians to 1 dead Israeli.

What was the cause this time? 4 Palestinian families were to be evicted from their homes provoking protests. Then the IDF went into the All Asqua mosque compound.

I see the essential problem as one of Control. And that’s where I blame the Israelis. You could say they are ‘control freaks’ to my mind.

What am I trying to say? There is tough talk from Netanyahu as usual. ‘The bombardment of Gaza will go on as long as is neccessary’. But violence breeds violence. With every attack they make more raging radicals. And the thing quietens down again and we’re all supposed to forget and Israel supposedly returns to being a normal country again.

All it is is we’ve just got to control these peky Palestinians from time to to time,,-give them a good kicking to show them who’s in charge.

So depressing.

It would be better if they did ‘drive them into the sea’ then at least the agony would end.
If that doesn’t happen these flare ups will continue to happen.

There is a difference this time. The ‘Arab Israelis’ are joinng in. There is ‘civil war’ in many Israeli cities according to accounts. I welcome this development.

I welcome it because I think Israel needs to become a ‘failed state’. I want it to collapse. I think it would help matters all round. Then we can start over again. (the Jews there of course) with an equitable distribution of the land.

The situation is untenable. I don’t say that as wanting violence. It just is. The Palestinian population is growing. And they’re not going anywhere. You cannot kill them all. The controls cannot work in the end, the guards, the roadblocks, even the wall won’t work in the end. People on both sides cannot live like that. People need peace in the end.

The conflict might go on for a further hundred years but it will come to an end eventually.

You know the IRA did ‘bomb their way,’ to the negotiating table. The Palestinians need to do the same in Israel. Turn it into a failed state. Then from an equal position of strength sue for peace.


…and this from Smugcunt

“Palestinians” are cunts.

First up Palestine was only a thing under the British mandate. No sovereign state has ever been called Palestine.

These pathetic people are the show donkeys of the muslim world to show how hard they are. Every five years the cunts fire rockets from hospitals and schools so the BBC ,CNN,Chanel4 can show what “journalism” has become.

I would recommend “Fauda” on netflix to show what a shit hole built on hate these cunts live in. By the way Pakistan was founded as a religious state in the 1940s. They have been at war with their neighbours over land ever since, have acquired nuclear bombs clandestinely, and actually murder minorities as government policy.

Not a peep from the left. Silence. Pakistan has contributed nothing to mankind while Israel is tripping over themselves with nobel prizes while exporting water from a desert.

Israelis dont blow up kids in the Manchester arena either.

148 thoughts on “The Media vs Israel vs Palestine

  1. I have nothing sensible to add other than that I couldn’t give a toss about either side. Fauda is very good.

  2. ‘Israelis dont blow up kids in the Manchester arena either.’
    They do in Gaza though. Fucking experts at it. I mean finding them to kill. Netanyahu and Libermen are child murdering cunts.

    • Im with the big noses on this.
      Come on pennypinchers!!
      Wipe the Palestinians off the fuckin planet.
      Stop arseing about
      Just genocide.

      • Morning RT.
        I think you’ve often said how ‘integrated’ and content the Arab ‘Israelis’ are there? There seems to have been shift. You would agree?

        Morning Miserable.agree to differ.

      • Morning Miles.?
        Agree to differ.
        I despise Hamas, terrorism playing freedom fighters.
        Fuck them.

      • Morning Miserable.

        My reply of “Bullshit” was in response to Miles’s post @ 9:17am.

        I happen to agree wholeheartedly with your comments.

      • Sorry Ruff.
        Thought you were being cheeky!
        I started to do the ‘Ali shuffle’?
        My apologies.?

    • They killed jesus too, although I am sure you’re not forgetting that, and this has no basis for your bitterness towards Israel, especially with you not being a fundamental religious type 😉

      • Good point TBRILW. I have no doubt that religion was the original source of anti-semitism. The religion has gone for many but old habits die hard. The Catholic Church has rowed right back on anti-semitism now and regards it as a sin. Also, to be fair, the Jews did not kill Jesus. That was the Romans. And the idea that they did it at the behest of the Jews is nonsense. The Romans never did anything at the behest of the Jews, a subject people. The Romans killed Jesus because they regarded him as a rabble rouser who was disturbing the peace and threatened a popular uprising.

      • That’s not the way Mel Gibson tells it, MMCM ?

        Religion and Politics in a nom, should have been tonight’s main feature. Saturday night bundle….what could possibly go wrong ?

      • Mel was of course giving a strict literal interpretation of the New Testament. The New Testament was shaped by StPaul to frame the Jews. He wanted Christianity to appeal to Romans, so he couldn’t make them the villains of the piece. A sly old fox was StPaul. Whereas Mel Gibson is just a cunt.

      • And don’t forget that ridiculous kilt and phoney Scottish accent, MNC.

        “Thay mie tik ooorrr luyves bit nefer oorr fraydooooooommmm”

      • Although we do have Mel to thank for the wonderful insult “sugar tits”!
        That I thought was sheer brilliance.
        The daft anti Semitic luvvie.

      • Once watched Braveheart in a student house I was living in as a younger man. One of the lads was Scottish, with the full Glaswegian Rab C Nesbitt accent.

        At the end of the film, as Gibson shouted ‘Freeeeedooooom!’ and died, I stood up and exclaimed, “Three cheers for the king of England! Hip, hip ..!”

        Old Jocky wasn’t impressed lol.

      • Funny you should say ‘well bowled’.

        Watching the cricket live right now on YouTube (sky are showing a live game for all on YouTube – Surrey v Middlesex for any cricket cunts out there).

        Well bowled? Spooky lol

  3. The problem here as I see it is that the Israelis were there first according to the skyfairy writings, their skyfairy book is a couple of thousand years older than paedo muzzy skyfairy book so I reckon they have a point.
    Peacefuls being like they are then go on to outbreed the natives and then start murdering and attacking the locals. Arabs being what they are are cowardly lazy smelly cunts and I wish Israel all the luck in the world in their fight for democracy and freedom in the heart of this Peaceful shithole of an area. Once they’ve ethnically cleansed that area they are welcome to come here and sort our Peaceful cunts out because our lily livered wankers in Parliament are shit scared to do anything about the fuckers.

    • The trouble with that we have a large brown Muslim population in the country. And we are wide open to attack. They see little distinction between white Chtistian and Jews.
      America backs Israel.
      So we (as in ordinary western people nominally Christian) have pay for Israeli ‘security’ in terrorist bombs and murders.

      • You’d bow to the terrorists and throw our allies and democratic principles under a bus, would you?

        Don’t you understand – appeasement never works.

  4. Israel’s failure to wipe Iran (and every other surrounding Islamic shithole) off the map makes them a failed state by default.

    More power to our Old Testament allies!

  5. I don’t give a fuck.

    Hamas is a fascist organisation. Read Article 7 of their charter.

    Netanyahu could start an argument in an empty room. And he’s a thief (allegedly).

    What you have here is essentially a very simple situation. Two groups of people claim the same land. The only solution is partition…

    But with religion involved, you know these twats will still be at it when your great-grandchildren are drawing a pension.


  6. Well said Smugcunt. I fucking hate Palestine. The cowardly cunts put there weapons in civilian areas so when Israel fights back they can’t help but kill civilians. The whole of the middle east was once and firstly Christian and Jewish. The Muzzies stole it like the thriving bullying war mongering cunts they are. The goat worries have contributed fuck all to mankind. They’re just backward barbarians trapped in the 7th century. Fuck em.

    • ‘The cowardly cunts put there weapons in civilian areas…’

      Palestinians don’t care about their children that’s why they out them in harm’s way. That’s right.

  7. You do stick guns in rock throwing little cunts faces, right before caving their noses in with the butt of a rifle, teach the fuckers to behave and stop them growing up into big bomb making rocket firing cunts.

    • That’s exactly how you make them into ‘bomb making rocket firing cunts’.

      • We gave a home and benefits to the skidmark who blew himself up in Manchester Arena.

        No you do not control these filth with reason. You kill them ,all of them.

  8. Even if the Palestinians gained the upper hand in the Middle East, the Israelis have the full backing of the US and they know it. As for wiping anyone off the planet it was tried back in 1939 and if things had gone differently we wouldn’t be here now. Think about it like we do with immigration here. Some belong and some most certainly don’t, trouble is money talks, and we know who likes a shiny coin and a bit of land. Adolf Hitler had a hatred of Jews. Was it unfounded ? If you do a bit of digging around try and find out who controls the majority of the world’s media and banks, and then tell me who the biggest cunts are.

      • The more muzzie sympathisers in American politics the quicker America will die. The jews are not trying to spread world wide its the Muzzies. Keep it a mono culture or conflict will arise. Diversity increases division not unity.

    • You could say if islam had never come into existence we wouldn’t be here right now. Just because jews happen to control a lot of the worlds money isn’t a reason to exterminate them. They are not trying to jewify the world but the muzzies are trying to Islamify everywhere. They are by far the most oppressive fanatics on the planet. Hitler’s hatred didn’t end with jews it extended to everyone he considered non aryan. He would have wiped out all orthodox Russians as he believed them subhuman and they weren’t jews. He believed all the peoples of eastern europeon were subhuman and to be used as slaves or removed. They were Christians.

      • ‘Anti-Semitic garbage’

        I was watching a news report and they were interviewing a Palestinian family who had lost members in the fight with thing called ‘Israel’. Anyway the interviewer had the gall (to my mind) to ask if they were antisemitic. Can’t remember what was said I think they were lost for words.

        If it was me I would have replied something like: ‘well after what has happened I think we’re allowed to be a little bit antisemitic’.

      • Come on Miles!

        I also think the Israelis are entitled to have a less than charitable view of Palestinians after their leaders threaten to anhilate all Jews and fire rockets into Israeli civilian streets every day. The Jews are quite touchy about threats to anhilate them. They’ve heard it before.

        Oh, but I forgot. Israel is the only nation in the world not allowed to defend itself.

      • Ps – the anti-Semitic garbage I was referring to was Rob Knotts comment about Jews controlling the worlds money. I accept that their can be legitimate criticism of Israel. But much of it is not – it’s hysterical woke nonsense which refused to judge other countries , many of whom do worse things under far less provocation than Israel, by the same standards. Anti-Semitic hypocrites.

      • And why do you refer to Israel as a “thing”. Would it choke you to call it what it is – a nation.

  9. If they made peace the Sunni “palastinians” would just go back to their thousand year old war with Shia Iran. Peace aint happening either way.

  10. Time to flatten Giza or nuke the Persians, otherwise it will go on forever.

  11. I watched an interview with a resident of a town close to Gaza, his solution was simple ‘bulldoze Gaza into the sea’

    Not a fan of the Y*ds but all Muslims are cunts.

  12. Not got a dog in this fight, but I rarely hear of an Israeli suicide bomber or a beheading in the name of jeohovah.

    Met an ex Israeli Defence Force Apache pilot once, perfect gent, softly spoken, hard as nails. Lost some close members of his family to Hamas ‘freedom fighters’.

    That’s all. Get fucked.

  13. Having had a lot of business dealings with the so called chosen ones I can emphatically state that I have nothing but the deepest contempt for them the caricatures of them being a scheming devious tight fisted bunch of bastards is very true. If it came to a forced choice kissing carpets and poking my arse in the air five times a day seems a good trade of compared to having to deal with the hook nosed cunts.

    • I have had good experiences in business dealings with both Jews and Muslims. In fact one of my business partners was indeed a Jew and he was good man.

      • Likewise. Only good experiences of Jewish people. A beacon of integration and good citizenship compared to the peacefuls. I declare an interest as one of my parents was Jewish and I have never seen any harm or malicious intent in the Jewish community. When did you ever hear of someone being afraid to go to Golders Green?

    • nasty Cornish cunt could try telling that to the 1000’s of ISIS victims. He sounds like the type of person who feeds the crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

    • Many peacefulls in Cornwall then? What are they doing selling camels perhaps, offering trades for fair skinned red haired Cornish maidens?

  14. Terrorism is a cunt of gigantic proportions. Terrorism against the Uk and it’s forces is a cunt for sure. There is a little known terrorist attack that always seems to be ignored, especially as Israel refuse to negotiate with Hamas because they are ‘terrorists’!

    Oy vey, hypocrisy is a cunt too!

    Still got to side with Israel though, but they really don’t help themselves (unless it is to more of someone else’s land/houses) and with political trends changing, much like the Saudi’s, they may have to wind their neck in while the world watches on with yewman rights abuses, plus there is only so many times they can deny genocide!

    Fuck off!

  15. We all know that if Israel wasnt there then it would be a land of milk and honey. Just like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and so on. And how dare the Israelis oppose an organisation that vows to destroy them and deny their right to exist.
    Greater Palestine would be leading the world in desert agriculture, Nobel prizes, democracy and philanthropy. Just like Saudi and the Gulf States.

    Israel may be a cunt at times. Ultra-Orthodox jews are definitely cunts (I lived in Sedgley Park, Salford once which is full of the cunts) However secular jews are fine people.
    But what is the alternative? Islam is the enemy of western civilisation. Chose your side.

    • Well said fella. Israel may not be nice neighbours but would you rather Hamas had the bomb ?

      Well Israel do have it and they haven’t used it.

      I know which side I’m on.

  16. My ill-informed, pull it out of my arse opinion on this?

    Hamas are terrorist cunts and the peacefuls in the region fucking hate diversity near them (four be twos). The peacefuls only champion diversity if they’re a minority invading whitey countries. You watch Khan and co drop the ‘rights for racial minorities’ shite when the peacefuls control the country.

    The four be twos seem heavy handed at times though. I’m not one of those who thinks the front wheels control the world and want the honkies dead, but there are a lot of the cunts who are in academia promoting anti white open borders shite, while at the same time, wanting a country for themselves.

    Yes, large amount of honkies within academia do the same anti white shite too, but the point stands. Academia is anti white and look at who the big influencers are.

    But most front wheels I know are good eggs. Most peacefuls are a bit cunty.

    I’m an equal opportunities offender. You’re welcome and good fucking morning.

  17. The Palestinians and Hamas are cunts. Their plight is self inflicted and brought about by their manipulative, evil Iranian sponsored Islamic fundamentalists. You know the type – the ones that murder children in Manchester.

    The West’s obsession with what happens in Gaza displays bias. There are worse and longer running conflicts in the Middle East about which we hear nothing. Why do we never hear about Turkey’s genocide against the Kurds? That has taken more lives than the Israel-Palestinian conflict and is frankly more brutal. We don’t hear about it because whatever Israel does to defend itself is seen through the distorting lens of anti-semitism.

    Western liberals sitting in the comfort of London criticising Israel make me sick. They have no idea. Israel is on a war footing with an implacable foe which has boasted that it will kill all Jews, is sponsored and armed by Iran, uses children as human shields and fires hundreds of rockets a day into Israeli civilian streets. Why is that never mentioned? Instead we get hand wringing over Israelis when they have no choice but to take the situation in hand.

    Why is it that so many hate Israel with a passion bordering on irrational hysteria? The Turks, who have one of the most powerful military forces in the region, have used F-16s, F-4 Terminators and other terrifying hi-tech weaponry to pummel Kurdish positions in northern Iraq in recent weeks. Why aren’t Corbin and his friends out on the street demonstrating about that? Saudi Arabia can bomb a school bus killing 40 children in Yemen and no one mentions it.

    Israel is defending its citizens. I hope our government would do the same if London became an independent radical Islamic caliphate, dug tunnels into our territory and lobed rockets into the Home Counties every day.

  18. Couldn’t give a shit about either side, though I’ve done my share of Israel’s dirty work when in the mob. It is just depressing to see dead children.

    The only thing that truly bothers me is seeing them continue their vendettas in the streets of our cities. Wish they’d all just fuck off.

  19. Looking at the comments, this is why I come here.

    A massively controversial topic with no holds barred comments from both sides of the argument.

    Enjoy it before the gulag lads (I’m blaming you cunts for leading me astray).

    • Ive already submitted by signed statement to the feds Cunty bollocks.
      I’ll get off with a suspended sentence.
      Most of you are looking at 15yr with good behaviour.

      • I’ve got my crying video confession ready already

        “It was that cunt with the Kes picture. I was good little boy until his rants led me astray. He’s the one that done it, officer!”

    • Yeah it’s the main reason I come here. I may not always agree with the comments but I respect their ability to post them without people throwing a hissy fit.

  20. And because of the ‘take a knee for the niggnoggs’ appeasement, they’re know draping Palestine flags over themselves at cup finals.

    Not political you say? Bollocks!

    I hope Jamie Vardy turns up to this weekend’s game in full SS Regalia then, and throws out Roman salutes to the crowd.

    Fuck off.

      • Natalie Portman in her early to mid twenties, yes. She was my ‘number 1 fantasy shag’ back then.

        Looks a bit haggard now though, (she looks about 10 years older than she is) and has gone full woketard, so fuck her lol.

        But yes, I’d have rattled her until she had shell shock when she was in her prime.

  21. It needs a fucking good clearing out.
    The Gaza Strip and all that festering shite just needs obliterating.
    Send the Goat Kissers over the hills into Iraq or some other dump.
    Fuck them.
    The Israelis stand for civilization in the face of complete barbarians.
    The BBC and all other appeasing watery cunts should be shot.

  22. It’s ironic that Israel decries Hamas as a terrorist group when their own
    Zionist paramilitary group the Irgun, operating in Mandatory Palestine between 1931 and 1948 was instrumental in fighting for the establishment of the state of Israel.
    Many civilians were murdered by this group and British soldiers hung or shot.
    Palestinians are fighting for no more than the Israelis did at the time – the creation of their own homeland state.

  23. Oh and the cunts provoked it. Like they as aleays do. Like they did in 2014, like they did…oh all the other times. This time it was the eviction of the Palestinian homes in EAST JERUSALEM. But East Jerusalem is recognised in international Law as part of the Palestinian territories. So you have a court pronouncing sentence in which it has no jurisdiction that Palestinians should be evicted from their homes.
    Anyway the unrest wasn’t too great after the eviction. I know let’s raid the al Asqua mosque compound like we did in 2914. That always provokes the ragheads. And si it happens.
    Probably Netanyahu wants a boost in the polls as well.
    As I say this entity called ‘Israel’ will eventually collapse.

    • I doubt that Miles. You underestimate the perseverance of the Jewish people. There has to be an understanding between Israel and the Palestinians. I hope in the fullness of time it will come. But until cooler heads rule in Palestine, Israel has the right to defend itself.

    • They had a spokesman on sly news the other day for Hamas.
      A surly, arrogant, sour, fat cunt.
      Obviously like a certain mr J.Corbyn it was bias towards the Palestinians,
      And yet even with a easy ride from the media he still came across fuckin dreadful.
      Black September and hijacking planes, PLO and reaching out to other terrorist organisation,
      These fucks won’t ever stop!
      They dont really ever negotiate,
      They only respect strenth.
      Come on Israel!!
      Lets end this bullshit,????

    • “Turn it into a failed state.”

      “I say this entity called ‘Israel’ will eventually collapse.”

      As a self confessed “old antisemite” you would say that, wouldn’t you Miles?

      In your dreams.

      • Scratch a Catholic and you find an anti-semite just under the skin.
        Ironic when you think their 3 in one sky fairy was Jewish. Go figure as they say.

  24. And that cunt Biden has the balls to take credit for the ceasefire. What the fuck did you do? Drool down the phone?

    • And the BBC are giving him credit for it, of course (did anyone else see their recent ‘fact check’ article on his first 100 days or whatever? Everything Biden promised ‘came true’ of course lol. He’s a fucking god to the BBC).

      The BBC are all over this stair crawlers cock, a bit like they were with Savile, Mugabe and many other cunts.

      All I know for the BBC ‘fact checkers’ is this.

      The middle East was as quiet as it’s ever been with the evil Orange man at the wheel. The place is now on fire and the peacefuls are on the streets of other countries going ape, of course.

      Now that’s a fact, you cunts.

      • Fact checking is not the BBC’s strength, unfortunately.

      • As witnessed with the Bashir shite this week.

        The BBC started going downhill around the time Kevin Keegan fell off his bike on Superstars.

  25. The Israelis don’t fuck about that’s for sure. They’re no angels but we need them to keep Iran in check. You’d think all these countries would have learnt their lesson after the Six Day War.

    • During the 2014 slaughter I was going to the pub a lot. There was an ‘ard man I kept meeting.
      (Barnsley accent)
      ‘tha’ dunt fuck arrraaaand with them Israelis’
      Me ‘but there’s been a lot if children killed’
      Next day-‘a tell thi tha dunt fuck arrahhnd with them’
      Me-‘ yeah, I know but there’s more children being killed’.
      Next day-
      Hard man-‘you don’t want to fuck with those Israelis’.
      Me ‘I think there has been more than five hundred children killed now’.
      Next day, Me ‘I think it’s six hundred children now’.
      Hard man-‘I don’t want to talk about it anymore’.

      • Be nice if Hamas didn’t deliberately place Palestinian children in the firing line.

        ““Peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.”

        (Attributed to Golda Meir)

  26. The eviction of the families in Sheikh Jarrah happened because they were basically squatting on land that wasn’t theirs. Hamas then took it upon themselves to fire 1000’s of rockets into Israel.
    Those rockets are not precision guided and can land anywhere and kill anyone, including Palestinians in gaza, when the rockets fall short after launch.
    Indiscriminate rocket fire is a war crime.
    Launching rockets from the middle of civilian areas is a war crime.
    Hiding rockets, munitions and locating military command centres in schools, hospitals, mosques and private homes, is a war crime.
    Using civilians as human shields is a war crime.
    Hamas are guilty on all counts.
    Hamas are an Islamic fascist dictatorship, inspired and funded by Iran. They are thieves who have stolen $billions in foreign aid. They are the world experts in deliberately exposing their own people to danger and death, all for the purpose of scoring points in the propaganda war. They are very good at starting a fight, losing and then whining and screaming for sympathy afterwards, all at the expense of their own people.
    I agree that the Palestinians deserve better, but that won’t happen until the Hamassholes are gone. Unfortunately that is unlikely to happen anytime soon. Ask the ordinary Palestinian in gaza what he thinks of hamas, and you’ll find that they are intensely disliked.
    The media coverage is an absolute disgrace too, BBC, Sky etc are all cunts. The only decent media coverage has been from Sky News Australia, wish we could get them here.
    For Miles Plastic, don’t be under any illusions that Israel will disappear. It will still be there long after ISAC has vanished into the ether. As far as east Jerusalem is concerned, it + the entire West Bank territory, was occupied by Jordan for nearly 20 years before 1967. I don’t recall the Jordanian occupiers or international community giving it to the Palestinians then.

      • ‘The eviction of the families in Sheikh Jarrah happened because they were basically squatting on land that wasn’t theirs.’

        So an ‘Israeli’ court decided that in E Jerusalem these particular families were squatting.

        You could say the entire ‘Israeli’ population is squatting on Palestinian land.

        ‘Hamas then took it upon themselves to fire 1000’s of rockets into Israel’

        I thought the raid on the Al Asqua mosque came first.

        ‘Those rockets are not precision guided and can land anywhere and kill anyone,’

        Well it does have the Protective Dome. Gaza has nothing, is defenceless.
        As bd if the ‘Israeli’ rockets are si accyrate sbd targeted why do they manage to kill a lots of children.
        They must target them.

        ‘including Palestinians in gaza, when the rockets fall short after launch’.

        Yup they’re thick. Its their own fault.

        ‘Indiscriminate rocket fire is a war crime.’

        So the bombing of innocent civilisians in Gaza is not?

        You talki in this official military language.The legitimate ksngusge if s state official. It doesn’t wash with me.

        It’s still killing kids

        ‘Launching rockets from the middle of civilian areas is a war crime’

        Launching rockets at defenceless Palestinians is a war crime.

        ‘Hiding rockets, munitions and locating military command centres in schools, hospitals, mosques and private homes, is a war crime.

        Having a huge military in full display locking up a whole people for years and years is a war crime. It is torture.

        ‘Using civilians as human shields is a war crime’

        Yup that one putting their children in harm’s way. Because they don’t care about their children do they?

        ‘Hamas are guilty on all counts.

        ‘Israel’ is guilty in all counts.

        Hamas are an Islamic fascist dictatorship, inspired and funded by Iran.

        ‘They are thieves who have stolen $billions in foreign aid. They are the world experts in deliberately exposing their own people to danger and death, all for the purpose of scoring points in the propaganda war. They are very good at starting a fight, losing and then whining and screaming for sympathy afterwards, all at the expense of their own people.’

        ‘I agree that the Palestinians deserve better, but that won’t happen until the Hamassholes are gone. Unfortunately that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
        Ask the ordinary Palestinian in gaza what he thinks of hamas, and you’ll find that they are intensely disliked’

        Why do they vote for them then?

        I thought a ‘Palestinian people’ as such didn’t exist.

        ‘The media coverage is an absolute disgrace too, BBC, Sky etc are all cunts. The only decent media coverage has been from Sky News Australia, wish we could get them here.

        ‘For Miles Plastic, don’t be under any illusions that Israel will disappear.’

        No it will collapse. The tide will turn.

        It will still be there long after ISAC has vanished into the ether.

        No it will collapse.

        As far as east Jerusalem is concerned, it + the entire West Bank territory, was occupied by Jordan for nearly 20 years before 1967. I don’t recall the Jordanian occupiers or international community giving it to the Palestinians then.

        I thought the Palestinian people were Jordanians or some such shit.

  27. There cannot ever be a political solution because this is all about the peaceful’s wanting to kill the Jews. Every one. End of. It is written.

    • Well we know from past experience the tally will be lot more Muslims dead than Jews.

      • Because the Jews defend themselves. If they didn’t I can guarantee hundreds of thousands of Jews will die. The Peacefuls are implacable when they are motivated by their 12th century religious bigotry. Backward, savage cunts.

      • Miles, killing is wrong. Peaceful s have waged war on the Jews and seek their annihilation. The Jews don’t seek to annihilate the peaceful s. One Jewish leader once accurately put the problem as thus. There can only be peace when the Muzzy lot start to love their kids more than they hate us. There you have it.

      • Yup they deliberately put their own children in harm’s way.
        The children they have bourne and bred and nurtured and fed and raused only to put them deliberately in harm’s way.
        That’s how you lot justify it in your heads.

  28. Slightly OT, but I think my new team is Oxford United. Against Blackpool the other night in a lower league play off semi, none of the players took the knee. They just looked at the Blackpool players and the ref like they were daft cunts.

    Come on the ‘insert Oxford United’s nickname here I don’t know it yet’ !

    They got beat though. Ah well. Good lads anyway.

  29. If I’m honest, I’ll say bring back the old Palestine that existed before 1948, back when cunts actually mixed and didn’t bring religion in to every corner of life, Israel and Palestine are both cunts in this respect!!!

    • Not too sure about that Captain Q, there was violence and murder well before 1948, whipped up by the mullahs.

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