I’ve noticed this creeping into more and more aspects of daily life, be it cunts on the idiot box, radio, Internet or the population in general.
The lack of very basic knowledge about anything, seems to be a source of great hilarity for these cunts. I think París is a country. I don’t know who Winston Churchill was. I don’t know when WWI took place.
The latest advert for Alexa, where the cunt is helping his sprog with its homework and doesn’t know when Pompeii was destroyed or by what volcano brought about this cunting.
Useless wallopers.
Nominated by: McCunterson
Advertisers seem more concerned with the body than the mind these days, and, anyway, to appear on a TV quiz programme you need thickos to provide the studio audience with a cheap laugh. It doesn’t help that there are so many ignorant bastards working on TV, like Arfur Smiff, who makes a virtue of his coarseness.
I know the ad you mean (another multi-cultural “family”) but far worse to me is the fucking Peloton advert with the pansy “leader” and the Parking Stanley woman weigh training while some gormless dark key tries to sing.
Excellent nom. The ignorance and stupidity of Millennials and Snowflakes has become so deep and so complete that they are now stupid enough to see it as a virtue instead of something to be ashamed of. Cupid stunts.
The glorification of ignorance is prevalent due to the simple but undeniable fact that the vast majority of people are utter fucking morons.
Welcome to the brave new world.
I just ignore it.
Ignorance coupled with arrogance is my personal Kryptonite.
Fuckwits whose only historical reference point is Hitler and the Nazis without being able to name a single policy they pursued.
Twats who spout off about the peaceful nature of Islam without having read any part of the Koran.
Cocksuckers who attack figures like Issac Newton or Charles Darwin whilst being entirely devoid of knowledge about their scientific work.
Thought #27…
I had a date with this Yank bird once……not in Yankland, in West Croydon to be precise. I told her I had a special interest in the American Civil War and started listing the battlefields i’d been to. I thought she would be impressed.
“When was the Civil War?” She asked.
I hesitated and said “Is this a test?”
“No……it’s just that my grandad was always going on about it so I figured it was the 1940s?” with that upward inflection that Yanks do.
Fuck off. ??
Well, if the poor lass was from the West Coast and she found herself in bloody West Croydon, especially in winter….. 🙂
This glorification of stupidity became noticeable (to me at least) with the rise of the ‘Big Brother’ tv show and Jade Goody in particular.
Then it seemed they flooded television with the most achingly thick borderline retards they could find.
If they signed the contract in crayon, they were in.
* Going ‘darn sarf ‘ today☹️
She was from Colorado and it was June I believe, definitely summer anyway. Ok West Croydon is enough to fuck anybody’s brain but to be that far out? Purleeeeeeeease, as our Yank friends say.
Yes, yes, yes!
……..but did you “nail” the dumb cunt?
is West Croydon somewhere in Africa? pardon my ignorance, I’ve only been there a few times
Ignorance in itself is relatively acceptable as long as the ignorant person is aware of their ignorance and either,
A. Keeps their fucking gob shut.
or (preferably)
B. Takes steps to rectify the situation and actually learn something.
The problem with millennials etc these days is that they are phenomenally gormless and badly educated whilst simultaneously believing they know everything.
Such a situation is fucking dangerous and I primarily blame the education system with its pandering “everyone gets a prize” ethos and general indoctrination as opposed to teaching facts and calling a cunt a cunt when necessary.
The thick as shit game show contestants.
“I don’t know anything about sport”.
Well why come on a quiz which often has sports questions?
“It was before my time”.
That’s what books are for you thick cunt.
Here in Spain there are many people, usually English, that proudly boast that they have lived here for decades and don’t speak a word of Spanish.
Yes you cunts, waiters can understand what you are ordering but just wait until you urgently need a doctor or the police.
Fucking cretins.
Here is a game show that even Granny Rayner or AnalEase could enjoy and participate in:
AC I share your pain re the “non language” skills. If nothing else it’s fucking bad manners to live in a country and not be able to speak a fraction of the language. However as we all know that is not a problem in Blighty. You can live here for years and never learn any of the language. Twenty five years working as a mini cab driver in east London and the horrible little cunt had to have an interpreter for his court case. Old judge no jail was actually surprised. Anyway I digress, I picture some overweight ex pat going into a Spanish hospital for ingrown toenail and coming out with no legs because talking loudly and slowly don’t cut the fucking mustard.
Not just ignorant, but also essential.
For instance, an important document for Brits living here since Brexit is the TIE card…..Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero.
It is proof of the permanent residency rights for non EU people to live in Spain.
To get one yourself costs about 12 euros and a little time.
People are paying Spanish speaking people to help them at costs up to 300 euros each.
Same with having to change your old EU driving licence to a Spanish one.
Do it yourself with a little knowledge of the language for very little money, or pay someone to do it for you for 150 euros a pop.
Ignorance amongst the lower orders has enabled the proliferation of the political correct doctrine we now all have to suffer. For example, how many of our comprehensive skool stoodents and their naive, but militant, leftie 30 year old teachers know exactly what Burn Loot Murder’s real aims are?
Sir Kweer is a fine example of the cosseted, upper class, ignorant Islington chatterers. He takes the knee with the floppy titted hag Rayner (who is the village idiot and bike), so is he supporting the defunding of our police force too?
Everywhere we are surrounded by and controlled by rank mediocrity, yet the fight against it is pitiful.
As Ruffers often says – this country is finished.
I really liked the village idiot / bike combination, regarding Angela Rayner. The thing is she’s from Greater Manchester, with a population of 2.8 million. That’s some village idiot / bike.
There are grown-up people who are so daft they believe in angels or who think that Noah’s Ark actually occurred and that is why we have instructions on shampoo bottles.
CM@ – If Noah was that clever he would know how to use shampoo! ?
Shifty fkin carpenters..
Imagine actually believing you can be born in the wrong body or that the world is going to end in ten years or that marxism is the answer to anything. And thinking this makes you intelligent enough to go to Cambridge university.
A scary thought. All the more so, due to it being factual.
I met a woman once who was concerned about her dog.
She had brought it over from England and it wouldn’t play with the local dogs.
She was completely convinced that the reason was that the Spanish dogs couldn’t understand her English dog.
They are only interested in X-Box and Nintendo. The only universe of which they have knowledge is the Marvel “universe”. History and literature are closed books to them because they contain too many “micro-aggressions”. I’m certain some of them believe that the Earth is at the centre of the Solar System. 600 years of scientific knowledge wiped out in one generation. It’s the new barbarism – the age of woke ignorant cunts.
Kmobheads on quiz shows sums it up. If you have ever watched the Chase you’ll know what they mean.
What’s Pompeii? Where is Volcano? So so many questions: Thank goodness for the God Google and Goddess Alexa. They are beyond mere human intelligence and comprehension.
Another one…..
Welsh cunt down the road to me.
He used to walk into town at least twice a week for his shopping.
A good 5 mile round journey.
When I asked him why he didn’t catch the bus from the stop at the end of our street he told me that he had tried several times but only coaches had stopped.
The fucking idiot was waiting for a red double decker to turn up.
Cue comedy sound effect:
“Waw, waw, waw, wawawawawa”
The other version is better—
Knowledge, will be the next thing on the Woke’s list to moan about, suggesting that having intelligence/knowledge is a form of discrimination against thick cunts.
They’ll go further and suggest that’s why the dark keys don’t get good jobs because they’re not blessed with intelligence – ergo white supremacy has emancipated BAMEs and blah blah.
If ever the BBC brought back Mastermind, can you imagine the kinds of “specialist subjects” some contestants would come out with?
“Kim Kardashian”
“You Tube Top Ten Hits 2019-2021”
“The music of Ed Sheeran”
“Big Macs Through the Ages”
“Apple iPhone Apps 2018
“Microwave Greatest Ready Meals of 2005”
Your prediction has already come to pass, Technocunt –
Fucking hell, what a dimmo! Mind you the fact she calls herself “Vogue” is a bit of a clue.
Even in the general knowledge round she only got one question correct. And that was about Harry Potter. Great rack though.
Oh no – sorry. The rack belongs to Kim Kardashian.
An unfortunate choice of forename. Everyone with a three figure IQ will call her “Vague”.
She probably couldn’t spell “Vaughan.”
Opted for something close…
They still do ‘Mastermind’, Techno, and, you’re not far wrong with your post, especially on the ‘Celebrity’, (a liberal use of the word), version. It’s as if they wear their ignorance with the same pride as I used to wear my stripes.
Although thick cunts can always raise a laugh.
There is a clip out there somewhere (I think it’s a ‘Mr and Mrs’ clip, possibly from Australia) that made me piss myself laughing.
The host asks the woman. “Name the strangest place that you’ve made love?”
The woman is embarrassed and isn’t keen on answering. After being pushed she says, “Up the arse.”
Name a SuperPower?
Being invisible.
Being a mong is regarded as a “superpower” today.
People don’t read or research anymore. More interested on what’s in the idiot box or what some celeb is wearing.
The amount of people who don’t know about Muslims marrying cousins, Mohammed and his marrying a 6 year old girl that he didn’t fuck until she was 9, hence the acceptance of under age girls in the Muslim society, is quite staggering.
Of course the fact that MSM is trying to change history doesn’t help.
But people are far too busy on their phones and consoles to research anything. Of course the championing of thickness and celebrity via people like Jade Goody and Joey Essex, means every twat thinks being ignorant is wonderful and a passport to fame.
My son said to me recently, Dad how do you know so much about so many different things? I told him because I read and researched as a kid and still do as a 54 year old, and I don’t just accept what the TV tells me.
Really does make me wonder sometimes when the conspiracy theorists with there dumbdowned single colour future race that are subservient and easily pliable aren’t far wrong.
“Pompeii was destroyed in 79AD”
“What was the volcano called?”
“Alex, why is there a Pakistani girl sitting in my house?”
When you see the mess at Pimlico Academy it’s no wonder that the “yoooth” of today are as ignorant as pig shit.
I see the Headmaster has got the boot MMCM. Oh well, he tried.
Shocking but inevitable. They hung the poor cunt out to dry. He was fucked the moment he walked through the door and tried to make a difference.
The telling point of the article was the whinging parent who said the head had made the school (gasp) a ‘bit more conservative.’
Yes, you fucking daft cunt. If you hadn’t noticed, most of the country have conservative views if you look at recent elections (even if the Tory party lets conservatives down).
The cunt uses the word as though you’re a far-right nutcase, if you think it’s wrong to have a student refusing to sit behind a shorter student who maybe can’t see because of a fuck off afro!
Pardon the teacher for trying to make sure every student can see for fuck’s sake!
The student who refused to move snd complained will grow up to be an even bigger cunt now, so well done. What a little fucking cunt. Needs a slap.
And the parents who cried racist too are fucking cunts.
This country is finished.
He did indeed Miles. He was fighting a losing battle. That school should be intervened and closed down.
Whole swathes of our inner cities are becoming no-go areas filled with vacuous, moaning, self – entitled immos, mudslimes and woke idiots. Pimlico School shows it. I’d nuke the lot of them. Cunts.
Thirty years ago, a car manual told you how to adjust the timing belt.
Now it tells you not to drink the contents of the battery.
Enough said.
Reminds me GJ, of the woman who ran her shiny new Toyota for several thousand miles and then it stopped. The engine was seized due to there being no oil left in the sump. She expected Toyota to replace the engine under warranty. Guess the answer she got. Several decades ago I read in an AA publication the statement that in the days when horses were the main form of transport you were regarded as a fool if you knew nothing about horses, yet large numbers of people who rely on their car don’t know how to open the bonnet. This level of ignorance is how manufacturers can sell huge numbers of cars which don’t have a spare wheel in the boot.
When we lived in London Mrs Cunter and I booked an overnight trip with another couple.
They brought along their passports and travel plug adapters.
We were going to Northampton.
At dinner the woman was asked how she would like her steak.
“On a plate with chips and peas”
A couple of years ago, I don’t know where I saw it but not YouTube, I watched a couple of episodes of Bullseye. “Your money and your Bully, that’s safe, don’t worry about that. Super, smashing, greaaaat.”
Anyway I was astonished at how hard the questions were ( with correct answers) compared to the simple shite they ask on gameshows today. That’s got to tell you something.
I’m genuinely waiting for the day when a ‘question’ on Tipping Point is something along the lines of “Say ‘dog'”.
Quite a few years ago I worked as a lorry driver, a young lad started not long after me, and he was absolutely stupid.
I don’t know how he got his license, he ran over af fox which damaged the fibreglass on his bumper bar.
When he filled the accident repair sheet in he couldn’t spell fox, so he put he’d hit a dog.
I blame much of this upon the abolishment of boredom. As a nipper, I was often prompted by tedium to reach for that dusty old book on the shelf, watch that black-and-white film made half a century before my birth, or play that scratchy old LP my parents had forgotten they owned.
And consequently I learned a thing or two.
But now, the young need only seek a screen, and what they find on it is only something made by someone just like them, and no later than five minutes ago.
When I was a child my mum bought the 20 volume Children’s Brittanica. I would often pull out a volume, just open it to a random page and read what was there. I still do it now with books I have in the house. My wife will say to me “How do you know all this stuff?”. That’s how.
I remember reading Harmondsworth’s Medical Encyclopaedia round at my Gt. Aunt and Unc’s place. I didn’t become a medic, but found offshore fumigation of marine vessels particularly fascinating. Likewise, enemas..
“When I was a child my mum bought the 20 volume Children’s Brittanica. I would often pull out a volume, just open it to a random page and read what was there.”
Used to do it with the dictionary and was glued to a huge and fantastically detailed World Atlas the old man had that weighed about ten pounds, I was also fascinated by a three volume set of carpentry textbooks he had and would study the hundreds of different wood joints and then try to draw them out m’self. The Ashley Book of Knots was another fave; still got that one 😎
My desk in grade six was next to the encyclopaedia rack. I read them from one end to the other during classes that year
That is why I am usually the “Most Trivial Person” whenever I play Trivial Pursuit
“I blame much of this upon the abolishment of boredom. As a nipper, I was often prompted by tedium to reach for that dusty old book on the shelf, watch that black-and-white film made half a century before my birth, or play that scratchy old LP my parents ”
Yep pretty much that, although I can’t honestly recall ever being “bored” as a nipper? Found a copy of “Kidnapped” on the shelf which was my “oh that’s what books can do” and I was hooked on reading from that point on. Not many toys but a box o’ Lego, a fuck off sized Mechano set and a pushbike.. errr that’s it … always out and about from 9am to 6pm back in time for tea.
Try watching the Chase. Ffs some folk are really dense.
It’s University Challenge compared to Tipping Point.
Uttercunt@ – I watched the chase recently, some dark key wimminz type – embarrassing.
the only thing worse than the Chase is the celebrity special Chase. It should just be called special Chase.
Alexa, remind me again of what a brainless ignorant cunt I am, that I have to ask you for the answers to the simplest questions.
I’m an old cunt now and I’ve spent all my life trying to avoid stupid bastards. I’m probably only of average intelligence myself but I find thick twats depressing. I don’t have the patience to deal with them and I find it’s best to put distance between them and me. It’s the only thing that works.
I worked with a bloke once appropriately nicknamed Plantpot who would cycle downhill from his house to work each day. On the way home he took a different route and cycled downhill all the way home He was in charge of huge chemical reactors.
I once worked with a guy nicknamed ‘Harpic’ because he was clean round the bend.
At the risk of going off-piste, thank goodness it was a stupid man who was having the conversation about Pompeii. Well they could hardly have cast a woman into a position of stupidity, it would have been sexist. A wamyn would NEVER plumb such depths of ignorance, right. Right?
Fortunately, makers of the latest “Speed Kills” advert have got another stupid man queued up, driving like a cunt and about to visit death on his precious cargo of multi effnic children, silently pleading in language beyond their years and education, for the idiot penis-owner to slow down.
At least, as Mr Churchill once said, “you can always take one with you”.
And here’s another thing, why do cunts on the TV have to sound like they’re fick?
De-clu’uhrin’ your wardrobe? No.
Kentucky Fried Excrement burger for only “fowh-nain’y nain’yn” No fanks, fam.
And a YouTube favourite:
“Yolt makes it……sewEeesy to seehowmuchmoeyyou’respending”. Firstly, so does my fucking bank statement, and secondly, why does that little fucker look and sounds like it’s dying for a shit and needs to mumble the advert into the camera before p00 comes out.
Thickoes aplenty, fuck off.
I’ve noticed this. Actors on tv ads are usually thickos that can hardly string a sentence together. And often blek.
One “actress” is so stupid she thinks Anne Boleyn is black..
Some viewers are so stupid they will probably believe her.