The cunt was back last week with a comedy programme.
I know it was comedy because it was exactly the same Alan Partridge act that was mildly amusing, in small doses, back in the 90s. Nothing seems to have changed.
Awkward, embarrassing, needy.
And Partridge is no better.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Alan Partridge is less of a cunt than Steve Coogan.
This leftwing cunt as a face I could punch all day.
Partridge is his golden goose.
There were some moments of pure genius in the early series-the Norfolk Yokels throwing a dead cow on him, whilst presenting a corporate video for a canal boat firm was memorable.
The longevity of Partridge? He is a cunt. So is Coogan….
He lives near me in Lewes Sussex. Saw him sitting on his own in a Pub when they were still open. A right miserable git.
The only thing i thought he did a good job of was playing Stan Laurel.
Both parts were played very well I thought in Laurel and hardy by coogan and John C Reilly and his early shows were funny but ultimately a one trick pony like Norton and the rest of the leftwuffe. He’s a miserable cunt by all accounts too but cannot confirm that.
Weren’t the early shows co-written by Ianucci or someone?
As a Laurel and Hardy lover, I agree that the portrayals of these two comedy greats was superbly done. But I find the film depressing and can hardly stand to watch it. I know this is probably an accurate portrayal of the disappointing latter years of Laurel and Hardy after they left Hal Roach but I don’t like to see it.
Im a big Laurel & Hardy fan, and a mate dropped me a copy of the film off thinking id like it.
I never watched it.
Apparently its well done, but no point as I can just stick ‘way out west’ or ‘sons of the desert’ on.
Someone says comedy I think Stan and Ollie.
Have seen the film several times. Superbly acted by Coogan and Reilly, a fitting and touching tribute and I imagine a close portrayal of Laurel and Hardy’s final tour.
A brilliant film and a must see for fans, well scripted and extremely moving.
Don’t like Coogan’s lefty politics and can imagine he is an obnoxious cunt at times but there is no denying that he is an extremely talented individual.
Here he is with Herring:
Partridge was shite and Coogan is a shit cunt.
The irony is that he can see the amusement in a fictional twat like Alan but he can’t see it in a pompous, arrogant, wokie twat like himself.
I suppose that’s what happens when you get success and the money that comes with it……another irony in itself.
BBCistan probably found another room full of someone else’s money and gave him a ring.
This ring, was it rylan Clarke’s or paul Burrells, could have been John barrowman, you never know with the poofery of the bbc
Coogan is yet another of those talentless “comedian” cunts that only survive because the BBC employs them – their pitiful;personalities spread far too thin.
This woke wanker is one of their worst examples: “Alan Partidge” has been done to death for 20 years now and is as banal and predictable as a David Lammy tirade – and just about as funny.
Coogan is a right pretentious twat.
Hes one of those cunts who likes to drop quotes by Baudelaire and tell you so.
Champagne socialist, depraved enough to shag Courtney Love,
A right little charmer.
Through work I met his uncle a few times and it must be a family trait, because he was a prick too.
Early Partridge, Paul Calf, was brilliant though to be honest.
You are Paul Calf and I claim my £5.
Jesus! Your right CC!
I am.
£5 alright in lose change?
These days I’m inclined to think that Alan Partridge is real and his genius consists in creating an absurd parody of a left wing ant-Brexit luvvie, ridiculously named Steve Coogan. Keep up the good work Alan. Your creation of Coogan is brilliant, up there with Dame Edna Everidge and Sir Les Patterson.
Spot on comment about Partridge being real and Coogan the act. He spends his life pretending not to be Partridge but the act slipped when he flew into a rage about Brexit.
The EU is like some sort of religion for cunts like this. There are so many of them they can’t all be getting backhanders from the Brussels Cabal so it can’t be anything other than blind faith in fuck knows what.
Pure, unadulterated cunt.
It’s because their hero figures like Anthony Blair and Hilary Benn tell them the EU is good.
It just shows how far down the food chain cunts like Coogan are, if they regard them as heros. Anyone who looks up to Gaylord Adonis and Aloholic Ali Campbell probably haven’t even discovered fire yet.
Anyone who hero worships Hilary Benn over Tony Benn is a certified cunt.
Someone has just spotted my same post on Coogan in The Spectator a few days ago and referred to me as a “Marvellous Mechanical Comedy show”. ?
Who are you? Identify yourself?
Small world.
Revealed as an ISAC lurker who is tempted to get involved here. I told him to steer clear as everyone on ISAC is a degenerate, myself included.
Coogan is very much the one-trick pony, relying on Partridge as his Plan B when things go shitshaped or very quiet with other projects.
He’s also a two-faced cunt: displaying his Lefty/Woke credentials for all to see and yet still chooses to live in a “whitey” area of the SE rather than Inner London such as Tower Hamlets, or other more diverse/multicultural areas of the capital.
He’s also loaded, and enjoys a comfortable lifestyle – one wonders how much he donates to the various Woke charities (and the tax relief opportunities that go with them)?
Oh and I didn’t see many BAME characters in the early Partridge shows either. I wonder why? Probably not fashionable back then; not a bandwagon in sight. Plus Coogan didn’t want to rock the boat given that he was showcasing a new character and a possible fortune behind it.
Coogan gives plenty of dosh to certain BAMEs of his acquaintance… when they hand him his latest consignment of Colombian Nose-Candy.
I can’t believe this cunt has only been cunted five times. Feels like he should be well into double digits.
Not funny.Same old boring shite.Bore off Coogan.
I like to compare Partridge to that other comic character David Brent……we’ve all met them so we recognise the wankers immediately. I know a lot of people don’t like Gervais but he’s not in any way in the same knobjob category as Coogan.
There are other comic characters who don’t make us laugh because they are real……..Linekunt, Bercow and Hewitt the Halfwit spring immediately to my fucked up mind. There are others I am sure.
A programme comes to mind that shows how ‘in touch’ but so ‘out of touch’ celebs are. Coogan and Rob Brydon travelling round Europe. Forgot what it is called. Anyway, kind of funny-still relying on funny voices though. But it suddenly got sickening – it was unscripted so it ended up with th them going to expensive restaurants, seeing the sights and just making quips. No effort. Should have called it ‘A Freebie’.
Then not long after Rob Brydon gets those adverts for cruises. So all we see of him now lounging on deck, partying etc…
They get to the top then they couldn’t care. I liked Rob Brydon initially now I can’t stand him.
I like Ricky Gervais.
Not sure what his politics are,
But whenever ive seen him interviewed he comes across as a savvy, bright bloke, not up his own arse like Coogan.
That Stephen Merchant though is a bit ducky.
Ricky is a funny fucker who is anti Brexit but does not shove that viewpoint down our throat. I imagine his views are genuine and not just a fucking bandwagon the likes of Coogan jump on. Afterlife was genius and I cant wait for series 3. He hates woke fuckers as much as anyone on here if you remember his Oscars speech.
Ricky Gervais is a comedy genius.
Comedy you watch from behind the sofa.
Ricky Gervais might well be an IsAC regular??
Good monstertruck
Fuck off!
Unfunny leftie Corbyn loving cunt about as funny as a sore thumb.
Claimed in the lockdown for his Gardener & Housekeeper despite being a millionaire? So draw your own conclusions on that one? I pay for everything was his cryptic comment apparently not Mr Coogan Do us all a favour and fuck off
Not surprised this cunt has been spotted in a Pub on his own. A fucking friendless snotty cunt living off BBC money conned out of the public with that fucking TV licence tax. A cunt , the worst cunt because he can’t see how much of a cunt we all think he is.
Oh, Coogan is a right miserable cunt. The way he blanks and ignores fans and well wishers is well known. Yet he thinks attractive birds should fall at his feet and giggle. And he really hates it if and when they don’t.
The cunt was exhorting us to vote for Corbyn. What a fucking mong.
The irony of a Ferrari/Aston Martin enthusiast voting for someone who would drag us back to pre industrial donkey power.
What a “bag o shite” cunt…
Coogan is a good example of a performer (Partridge at his best is brilliant) who thinks being on telly gives him the right to lecture the thick bastards who don’t think the same way as him.
Good performer, massive cunt.
His character Gareth Cheeseman in Dearth of a Salesman was fucking hilarious.
“A wank, I think!”
I liked Saxondale. Morwenna Banks was the star of Saxondale as the saucy office manager, Vicky. She gave me the right horn. How she married a cunt like David ‘Chelsea Come Lately’ Baddiel, I’ll never know.
I never liked Steve Coogan or his alter ego, Alan Partridge, right from the start. He has a face that needs a good punching, no matter what his politics are. However, his politics are such that, combined with his shit comedy and his face, I would be hard pressed not to batter the cunt to death if we met. I sincerely hope we don’t because I’m a bit too old for Her Majesty’s Pleasure.
I thing Gervais is a respectable remainer who would prefer to stay in the EU but believes it wrong to overthrow the referendum. Fair enough – I can respect that type of remainer. He’s definitely anti-woke.
Sorry – meant to post this above in the Ricky Gervais bit.
Was mildly amusing few years back, now an unmitigated cunt, fuck off.
I don’t need to watch this cunt’s show, I already know I wouldn’t like it.
Once a cunt, always a cunt.
Wish I could make shit loads of money acting like a cunt.
Whenever I hear anything about Steve Coogan I remember this story.
I know it is old and he has sobered up now; but that is all you need to know about him.
Coogan may be a cunt, but taking the word of a slag like Cuntney Love is something I can’t take seriously. Love acting ‘caring’ and lecturing on morals after what she did to her own husband is laughable. She turned Kurt Cobain into a smacked up and dribbling pussywhipped wreck, and she certainly drove the poor cunt to his suicide (at the very least). And even her daughter (by Cobain) can’t stand her either.
Also, isn’t Owen Wilson a grown man, capable of making his own choices? It’d be like Mick Taylor blaming Keith Richards for his own mid 70s heroin habit (which, to be fair, Taylor has never done). Love cares about no fucker, and she’s covering herself in some way. She’s a fucking snake and a total cunt.
I lost it with this cunt when he was paying people to go to anti-Brexit demonstrations. Stupid fucking tosser, fuck off and die. If I saw him alone in a pub he would get a fucking mouthful – of fist.
He’s also applied for Irish citizenship.
Nuff’ said – cunt.
He has Irish roots (Irish mother) but it’s very cunty when someone applies for dual-citizenship for spurious reasons like those Israeli-American creeps in the U.S. government. Pick a country and get on with it.
Saxondale was his best character. But This Time with Alan Partridge is real end of the pier latterday Beeb shite. The arselicking of the revolting Emily Maitlis in series one was particularly sickening.
I would tub that bird who presents it though, Oh aye.
I’ve got the boxset of Saxondale and have started it a few times but get bored of it quite quickly. To me it just seems like Partridge with a northern accent. Too harsh, Norm?
Saxondale is more like somebody who would be a member of ISAC. The character is also more three dimensional than Partridge. Tommy has his good points (when he shoots that hippy for a start), while Partridge is a total twat. Partridge gets all the hype, but Saxondale is the better character.
Thanks Norm. I’ll give it another go, thinking Saxondale is a would be an ISAC contributor. Cheers – IY.
Coogan has been doing Partridge for 30 years now. It was a brilliant creation by Armando Iannucci and Coogan. But Coogan on his own has made the character shite without Iannucci (and Peter Baynham) and I hate how Alan now looks “young” without the wrinkly makeup and grey hair he had in “I’m Alan Partridge” (1997/2002) as if Coogan is now self-conscious of looking old, even though he’s 55 and has grey hair. I have an idea that Alan runs for Mayor of Norwich and offends everyone, yet still becomes Mayor and further offends everyone, which I think would be great if done right.
And Coogan shagged Courtney Love. She claims to have sucked off rambling redneck rocker Ted Nugent when she was 12 back in the 70s, maaaaan. Barf.
Cuntney Love is a notorious liar. She also claimed she lost her virginity to Julian Cope, when she never did. But what she said about Nugent might be true, because she is also a monumental STD and smack riddled slut.
Nugent used to be open about the teenagers he had sex, but has since changed his tune. But he’s on tape about it, the Detroit doofus. He was actually going to go to prison after bedding a 17-year-old so he adopted her instead and got off! Only in America. Only in showbiz.
Unfortunately Coogan is far from talentless. Partridge has to evolve over time. He’s always been grotesque ( Coogan does this really well) but the current incarnation is darkly satirical in a way that I like. He also knows how to let a longer form joke breathe. As a right wing cunter I know I’m the butt of this shit but I still laugh.
Saxondale was brilliant but in a different way…more nuanced and warm hearted and that lanky Nordic looking bell end was great in it as the pompous neighbour. You just wanted Saxondale to tazer him into a puddle of his own piss.
Coogan does come across as someone desperate for female attention. Like he wants them fawning over him and it’s just weird and sad as he ages.
Let’s make him part of the EU permanently by turning him into pigshit in Cunty Kildare.
The coke-addled cunt.