This quango was set up to regulate universities and to monitor the content of academic courses and the awarding of degrees. It is hopelessly woke and is having a negative impact on higher education.
The code issued by the QAA states that higher education establishments must consider the needs of all students – including those studying at different locations, from different cultural/educational backgrounds, with additional learning needs, or with protected characteristics – when designing courses.
The chilling effect of this can be seen in the recent brouhaha at Exeter University. The Department of Social Sciences (yes, I know a pseudo-science) and International Relations at Exeter is going through a wholesale redesign of its curriculum, ostensibly at the behest of the QAA. According to reports in the press, a number of academics are shocked at the changes proposed to curriculums in subjects like philosophy, law, politics, anthropology and sociology, likening them to a “Maoist cultural revolution” and a threat to free speech. Their curriculums apparently have to be “decolonised” and expunged of outdated notions and theories derived from “white supremacy”. Otherwise a few snowflake students might be traumatised. Academics must apparently broaden “ epistemological and ontological horizons by moving away from a white, Eurocentric curriculum”.
One academic opposing the changes said “ there are lots of people here who feel the same way as I do but no one will come forward because there is a deep culture of fear.”
In its defence the University has said if they don’t do this their courses will not be approved by the QAA.
This would be a joke we’re it not so serious. Close the minds of the young and you might as well turn out all the lights on academic freedom and enquiry and on the project of western civilisation as a whole.
What a pile of cunt.
(Their senior leadership team is all white. Well, well, well – how fucking racist is that? – NA)
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Marxist agents and agencies trying to take over education and replace with the ramblings of Socialism and communism.
A permanent problem in the UK and western society in general.
Give them a fucking good kicking and jail them for life as traitors and enemies of the people.
Where’s Senator McCarthy when we need him?
Universities are in the pay of and under the controlling influences of insidious communist shills.
It is the duty of education ministers to cut this cancer out. Remove academic funding from any establishment that perpetuates critical race or anti-British indoctrination ?
How the fuck can you teach a biased version of law? It’s the law. Idiots.
Easy. It’s the same law that energetically prosecutes a drunk for pissing near a statue, when all toilets are closed, but leaves piedough Muslim rapists free to roam the country at will because prosection is not ‘in the public interest’. No bias there, is there?
Another excellent cunting, MMCM?
Thanks CG.
It would appear that while Marxism was busy failing in Eastern Europe, it was also busy gaining a foothold in Western Europe.
The late Yuri Bezmenov’s lectures from the early 1980s were an interesting foretelling of where Western academia and culture has eventually ended up.
I’ve seen many of Yuri Bezmenovs videos HJ, I find him amusing and interesting. His video on useful idiots is very true, and his predictions of them being “disposed of” when they’re no longer needed.
Everyone better get used to this! It is after all the future, sadly!
Fuck off!
Anyone that wants there piss heated to beyond boiling point should take a look at the second link about “decolonising” the curriculum where it says “You are likely to find that the majority of academic textbooks you find are written by authors from the Global North. You will likely need to look beyond traditional textbooks and publishers to find materials offering different perspectives.”
Fine. So we need to look for textbooks of African Physics, traditional African Medicine or, if studying the Wars of the Roses we need to look for an African take on the subject? This is why the study of English literature has declined – too many academics selecting inferior and obscure African writers over far superior English ones.
There’s a reason the majority of textbooks originate from western authors. Our system of education, knowledge and appetite for enquiry has been superior to many other parts of the world.
I think any medical advice that comes from a country that allows/encourages female genital mutilation should be banned.
What about MALE genital mutilation? Oh that’s right, God ordained it you schmucks.
They have books in Africa?
Lots of pictures ?
Make no mistake, this is a revolution, that if not stamped up will turn GB into the Soviet Union. Its happening as we speak. Just because the guns arnt firing the effect will be the same. Mass hysteria, poverty and murder, once they get going. In the meantime “cancel culture” ,trans, political correctness and critical race theory is the gulag. Only the working class can effect this. Like every other disaster that has befallen this country its up to the working class to stand up and actually fight.
Higher education means staying in school a bit longer because you’re an unemployable cunt!!!!
As well as too thick to get into trade school, most tradesmen or farmers I’ve encountered are more intelligent and worldly than these sheltered academics and intellectuals.
The problem with that is that even though they are unemployable mongs, they infest like locusts, every institution and corporation. I think freedom is over . ISAC is just about the only place where you can speak your mind. How crazy is that. Maybe were the counter revolutionaries. Antidisestablishmentarianism as it were ( do I get a free point for that one)
As Admin points out, no dark-keys on their leadership team. Racist white supremacist bastards ! They need to decolonise themselves first.
Speaking as a white man (sorry!) I need to immediately decolonise my underwear drawer. Fuckling racist Y-fronts!
The Politburo never decolonises itself. Its above all that . Thats why there has never been a lezza labour leader. Thats why the scotch Nazi party want 500 000 a year immigrants who will all come to London. Its all someone else’s problem. Someone elses money. The Tory party are no better.
That’s from the second link. An oxymoron on a par with ‘womens football.’
Good nom btw. I have three sons who teach but they tell me fuck all. Can’t think why?
A shame to read about Exeter being done down like this; my elder daughter did a science degree there a few years ago when it was definitely on the up. However, take heart! As pointed out by MMCM in the nom it is only the Department of Pseudo-sciences which is the one attended by the lesser intellects who couldn’t handle maths or physics.
Once again an agency that is named the exact opposite of what it really is. It assures lower quality and turns higher education into no education but rather indoctrination. The next generations of graduates will be mindless drones of the state no doubt.
“Education, education, education” said the great Anthony Blair. He forgot to add “we’re going to fuck it up and turn it into a giant wokey, globalist propaganda machine. You can vote Tory if you like, i’m a Tory with a red tie anyway. You cunts.”
“Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination” was what Blair meant to say.
I can trace the accelerated downfall of the UK from the day this rat took office.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”
Abraham Lincoln
That man spoke sense.
The one about not fooling all of the people, all of the time, comes to mind-more and more, these days.
Another fuckin wokest leftist quango. Just what we don’t need. As much use as an Italian Cable Car Safety Inspector.
I’m glad I went to university when I did. Inasmuch as I’m glad I went to university at all. Biggest waste of time in my life.
I strongly believe the future is home/distance learning?
I strongly believe that kids nowadays learn absolutely nothing useful to them, only to their handlers.
Jordan Peterson talks a lot about the universities being full of Marxist shit.
He does. And he’s 100% correct. Many academics want to push back but are scared for their jobs. A climate of fear exists in our universities today. The government needs to take it in hand.
Wait till the fuckwits start to de colonise and deconstruct horticulture and plant genetics. We will be back to the ideas of that Ruski prat who convinced Stalin that peas would grow up mountains in winter and the other commi arse who told chairman Mao that the secret to feeding the country was plant the seeds at a much greater density which worked incredibly well not. Once ideology and bullshit replaces basic sanity we will have no choice but to import millions of technically competent Chinks and Indians just to run the fucking country and because the woke is so ingrained and knowledge so devalued we will likely end up with the Indian contingent made up of a mixture of Blackfoot and Sioux. Tis a grand day for it!
Ha ha?
I dread the decolonisation of medicine. Doctors will start turning up with hideous African tribal masks and prance in circles around the surgery with a pigs bladder on a stick to cure cancer.
Fucking bastard who rammed a camera down my jap’s eye a few months ago did exactly that.