Online hate (forgetting nutters exist)
Recently we’ve seen a big drive by football pundits in particular, to stamp out ‘online hate’.
To the point endless pieces on the phenomenon are shown on tv. Most of this ‘hate’, in my opinion, is simply people pointing out that their opinion is a bad one (look up Carney and Leeds tweet for example).Having a different opinion is not hate. And if you can’t handle a different opinion, maybe you shouldn’t be mouthing off your ill informed opinions on TV?
But there is genuine online hate. And it’s from obvious nutcases. If you took a random sample of 30,000 people, it would be very surprising not to have a handful of nutters on there. The ones Jasper Carrot used to talk about sitting next to him every time he got on a bus.
These pundits have tens, sometimes hundreds, of thousands of followers. You are always going to get fucked up loons with those numbers.
So my message is this. You’ll never stop nutters existing. Do you want to ban the mentally ill from the internet? Can’t see any other solution.
Unless you campaign for that (not good optics eh?) then shut the fuck up.
You’re talking about people who probably roll around in their own shite and shout ‘Wensleydale!’ at random moments during the day.
There is fuck all you can do to stop the nutters, so get off social media if you can’t handle it and stop bothering us with your shite. You’re asking for the impossible.
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
..and on a similar topic, this from Biggus Cuntus
People Who Are easily Offended
Suddenly, out of Satan’s arsehole, the world is swamped in cunts who are easily offended. ‘I’m offended because…’You used the wrong pronoun’; ‘You looked at my tits’; ‘You said Michelle Obama’s a man’*. It never fucking stops.
Cunts on television, cunts in the movies, cunts in the papers all fall over themselves and twist up into ludicrous semantic knots so as not to ‘offend anyone’. Well fuck that! Being offended is good for the soul, it keeps your feet on the ground and stops you crawling up your own arse and admiring the view.
If World War 2 broke out tomorrow, all the German High Command would have to do is go on fucking Twatter and say ’You Britishers are really smelly’ and the whole fucking country would have to rush off to a safe space and cuddle a life size dummy of Diane Abbot while the Bosch waltzed in and replaced all the chip shops with bratwurst and sauerkraut outlets.
So I hereby nominate cunts who are easily offended for a proper old-fashioned cunting, for their own good. Also, there is a pleasing karmic symmetry knowing that people who are easily offended will be offended by an article cunting people who are easily offended, it squares the cosmic circle.
People who are easily offended are cunts, we all know it, so let’s shout it loud and proud!
*Michelle Obama is not a man, she is a tall, muscular broad-shouldered woman who just happens to have a large penis and a five o’clock shadow
Haha splendid show!
Indeed a soft bunch of purple haired blimps and soy stragglers.
Grow a spine!
Then shut the Fuck Up.
I think I’m fairly difficult to offend.
I have this simple guiding principle – for you to insult me, first, I must value your opinion.
Fuck ‘em, if they can’t take a joke.
The example of pundits is good one, they have an opinion which is just that, not fact, so there will be disagreement.
Some pundits are better than others and the ones who are shit will get called out as shit by the football followers. It’s tough but that’s life.
Onto the easily offended, the internet and social bollocks should come with a warning, like on TV, ‘this programme contains strong language and scenes of a sexual nature’
Social media, ‘if you are easily offended don’t bother signing up’
Soft Cunts!
I live for the easily offended, the offended and those that pretend not to be offended but by their behaviour show they really are 😀
Just remember this, sooner or later I am coming for you 😉
Fuck off!
People who are easily offended are weak and totally ignorant and should just shut the fuck up. Going out of their way to find reasons to be offended and then having nothing better to do than go on, and on, and on about it.
Use the turn off button if you don’t like something on the tv or radio, here’s another thought, don’t go on social media such as Twitter which attracts other offended brain dead’s.
Also, always remember other people are also entitled to their alternate opinion (not just you) regardless of whether you agree with them. Or not.
Fucking cunts.
I’ve just heard someone on a phone-in show complain about a comment they didn’t understand blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- stereotypes blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- gendernonspecificity blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- blah- stereotypes (again) blah- blah- for 10 or 15 minutes and then wound it up with, “TYPICAL BOOMER.”
I switched off immediately.
That’s why I like ISAC. We don’t give a flying fuck who we offend.
I find that remark really, really offensive.
I do care who I offend, I make sure the cunts will fall apart otherwise it’s not worth it.
Online hate seems mainly to come from people who are against online hate. They seem to like hate as long as they get to define what it is and who is and who isnt allowed to hate or be hated.Hate, like love is a perfectly normal human emotion. Trying to stop it is rather juvenile.
Nail on head smug, if the woke rainbow people ever find this site they will hate everyone on it and try to have us arrested or killed. In their fucked up little minds anyone who reads the daily mail ia a fascist who must be exposed and hounded. Luckily most are effeminate little pussies who don’t know what sex they are, but some of the fat bull dykes are scary. I blame the internet, people of zero consequence who in normal times would be mocked/bullied/ignored have banded together and now think their attention whoring bullshit is important. It isn’t and never will be, we should just relax and enjoy the hate crime hypocrisy show as stabby stabs stabby, and peacefuls attack jews.
I am really offended by this post…
Easily offended. hmm Fuck off you stinking puss filled g ay bum boy nob jockey pubic radish of an excuse for a tran s g ender non binary sagging titted peaceful loving woman of colour that smells of pig shit. No offence.
Never understood why peoples ‘offence’ gets so much traction nowadays. ‘Im offended by that’ is simply an opinion on something you are offended by. if you are easily offended and a sensitive little weakling to any opinion differing to yours why are you in a space where people share opinions? if you are offended by 20 year old comedy why watch it? Why is someone being a little wetwipe the rest of the worlds problem?
Its like the definition of “Hate crime” that has been expanded and encompasses almost everything from misgendering weirdos and degenerates to wolf whistling wimminz.
Good to see Oriel College from Oxford University decided to keep the Cecil Rhodes statue from being removed but I suspect this was because of the threat over donations and bursaries being withdrawn rather than the powers that be growing a pair of balls.
I think it’s tottering. From the reaction. He holds his position, just.
Google the pictures of the protest over this last year, the huge crowd were opposite the college in the high Street, tell me what you notice?
Would it be a rabble that needs gassing?
Without doubt, unkle!
However, that is not quite the point I am trying to make. Google Oriele College Oxford High Street protest and tell me what you see?
A different or critical opinion demonised as hate speech in an attempt to stop debate and ensure the “correct” narrative and agenda is followed?
Hmm – having just been permanently suspended from twitter for alleged “hate speech” (I asked a well known BAME race baiter why BAME having more rights than white people was celebrated but why any white people highlighting this are immediately branded racist, twitter received a single complaint and “de-platformed” me) I feel there is more than a whiff of fascism around those who would use this tactic.
Dangerous and evil people.
Join the club Vernon ..Twatter =cunts
They can’t stop online hate, they just can’t.
It’s what keeps me going.
You know what I hate things that are unfair not race creed or colour, but the cunts running the media say I do so many times I just think hey ho fuck it.
Online hate is a beautiful thing so stop messing with it.
If a footballer is crying in the changing room,
If a female politician has a panic attack,
If a celeb hires a bodyguard,
You my son have done a good deed in a tired an weary world.
I find it hilarious that old TV classics like Steptoe & Son, Minder, Fawlty Towers, Porridge and even The Muppet Show now have a ‘warning’ on them about ‘offensive’ content. Yet there are trannies, sodomites, dykes, blacks who want to kill ‘whitey’ and all kinds of other freaks, uglies and deviants that invade our screens without any warnings whatsoever. Mind you, the BBC used to let a creepy as fuck peroxide peed-oh present Top Of The Pops every week, didn’t they? No warnings then, was there?
To me if someone’s such a vain cunt to post on social media they deserve to receive abuse.
Fuck them!
Don’t worry, Aunty Doris has a plan:
Hate is the same as hero now. A hero is some cunt who scores for England not some nutter storming a machine gun. Hate is now a disagreement and not threatening someone’s life. As for pronouns, if they don’t like them I use CUNT. Good evening gentlemen
I was once offended by some drunk who once called me an ugly long haired micro cocked sex pest Brummy pee-doh!!! Cheeky cunt. I’m closer to Worcester than Brum.
If Michelle Obama looks like a silverback what does that make her cunt of a husband
Is that racist? Not sure anymore. It all keeps changing.
His wife.
Well, you speak of nutters on the bus.
I once got onto an empty bus in the depot. I was early and found a nice seat, at the front, with a good view.
Some cunt got on and told me, that’s my seat, I always sit there.
I said fuck off, the bus is empty, find another seat.
He said, “Well if I don’t sit there I can’t drive it.”