
I feel there is no need for me to write much of an introduction, if any, to this Cunting. The site speaks for itself, viz –

“ This page was created to invalidate the false narrative that the British Media has created against the Duchess of Sussex. The Royal Reporters have used gossip and made up stories to bully(before pregnancy, while pregnant, and even postpartum) a woman who has done nothing but championning for equality since she was a little girl, supporting women businesses, using her voice/ platform to empower girls and giving a voice and bringing attention to charities that wouldn’t be at the forefront otherwise but are doing amazing work. They have been relentless with false stories because they don’t want to focus on what’s really going on in and with the country and any real scandals because she’s the SCAPEGOAT.”

Meghanpedia is the most absurd website I have ever come across. It seems to regard Sparkletits as the second coming of the Mesiah. I wonder who is behind it? It looks very professional so there must be some serious money behind it. I wonder where that came from?

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

58 thoughts on “Meghanpedia

  1. Meghan achievements so far :

    1. She fucked off her father
    2. She fucked off the Royal Family
    3. She fucked off to America
    4. She fucked up her husband
    5. She rewrites her life on a regular basis
    6. She redefined the word sociopath
    7. She failed to commit suicide (yeah, right…)

    Wouldn’t surprise me if she publishes that site herself.
    I’m with Piers Morgan – I wouldn’t believe a single word that came out of her mouth. She’s a fucking nutter.

    If she and her emasculated husband really want a private life, then stop talking, stop lying, stop doing interviews, and fuck the fuck off. Nobody is interested…

  2. Anyone watch her show Suits?! Always wanted to watch it out of curiosity to see her act but Lawyer drama tv shows bore the fucking tits off me

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