Nadia Whittome MP Takes Time off with PTSD (2)

Nadia Whittome MP is a snowflake cunt.

Like Harry halfwitt this cunt carnt deal with reality, and everything is “mental health”. Shes the youngest MP aged 24. Pitt the younger defeated Napoleon aged 24. Bomber command defeated the Nazis with an average age younger than this PTSD twat.

Nominated by: smugcunt

Helpful link provided by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

71 thoughts on “Nadia Whittome MP Takes Time off with PTSD (2)

  1. ? Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
    I’ve got a little message for you.
    Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-dup,
    If you are wise you will shut the fuck up.

    • ?

      “What do you do, as a Labour MP
      Fiddling Expenses, or taking the Knee
      Looking for racism, where there is none
      Pissing on white folk until they are gone
      Young wimminz effnics signed off on the sick
      Cause they are lazy, deluded aaaaaaaand thick!!!

      The fucking stupid ba-a-stards

      Oompa Loompah do-be-do-de
      If you are wise you’ll listen to me
      Career politicians, bile they spew
      Like the Labour loompa do-be-de-do


  2. I seem to recall that she was amongst the first to claim that she had Chinky Flu. In order to get PTSD I thought that you required a traumatic event first. Perhaps Nadia could shed some light on the event that triggered her diagnosis.

  3. Looking like a chipmunk that has fallen down a chimney would stress me out. She needs cock in her life.

  4. She has all the hallmarks of a serial liar. Remember her well publicised selfless work in the care home during the height of the pandemic that we all knew was a Labour publicity stunt? Then the press announcement from her saying that she had got the sack over complaining about PPE shortages!

    Another low trick from Labour rumbled right from the very start, carried out by what must be one of the ugliest people, both inside and out, in politics!

    The Demi Potato of politics you could say 😉

    • I lost some of my post 🙁

      And now this PTSD look at me again publicity stunt nonsense! What next? A change of pronouns perhaps and wants “they” and “them” instead of “she’s” a f*cking idiot and, Oh “her”, that lying cunt!

      The Demi Potato of politics you could say 😉

      Fuck off!

    • How fucking shit do you need to be to be fired from a voluntary job lol?

      She was moaning and causing a right hullabaloo by all account (allegedly).

      Sounds like they just went, “Just fuck off out of it you silly moo!”

  5. Waste of space, waste of taxpayers money, waste of Oxygen.

    Refused to condemn the fairly recent violence in Bristol, it’s all fine on the left, PTSD, what a cunt!

  6. PTSD is an illness caused by a shocking event, maybe she’s shocked the people of Nottingham are dumb enough to vote for her, I know I was, a good cure for PTSD in 24 year old adult babies is a sjamboking until they are normally functioning cunts again!!!

  7. Waste of tax payers money and a snowflake. The event that caused her PTSD was probably seeing an old episode of Dad’s Army.

  8. This tinklesplash wouldn’t know PTSD if it hit her with a golf club. Ask the thousands of former soldiers on the street what it is you weak willed buffoon.

  9. Come on you cunts. Be fair.
    Apparently being an MP is a ‘full time job’. What with the extra expenses and having to sit at home, never mind pretending to be a care worker.
    I think she deserves a George Cross for her efforts.
    The people of Nottingham can be proud.

  10. Living proof you can put a red rosette on anything in some areas and they will win.
    Thick cunts.

  11. Dozy tart should spend some time with troops on the frontline, or in a fucking helicopter flying behind enemy lines, or the fire brigade scraping a corpse out from under a lorry, or a copper that has to tell a family that their child has been murdered or an ambulance crew that has to tell a mother that her child died in the night and there’s fuck-all we can bastard well do and then have to console the screaming mother whilst praying you were somewhere else and you feel guilty as you’re glad it’s not your child. That shit induces PTSD, not bullshit posted on Social Fucking media or a fucking criminal getting their comeuppance in America or some other bollocks.

    • Well said. I loathe the way PTSD is used today just because some Snowflake had to read Uncle Tom’s Cabin at university or because a lecturer “raised his eyebrows “ at a student.

      • PTSD is a cunt, and worthy of a cunting on it’s own. I’m ashamed to admit that I have been diagnosed with it, but, I have never had a day off sick with it. It’s rife in the ambulance service, and the police due to the (obvious) nature of the job. You go from a ‘Gran Down’ to an infant cardiac arrest to a GP taxi job to another cardiac arrest and get on with it. Our Trust is pretty good and I’ve said ‘Enough’ after the second death in an afternoon and they sent us back to station to wait until the end of shift. My little ‘Room’ is getting full….

        Fuckwits just throwing the term around just make me very, very angry.

    • Its all a work avoidance and attention seeking ruse, GC. The only things this type has to ‘offer’ are ignorant, ill-informed opinions from its brainwashed, woke pie-hole.

    • Nailed on the head Sir, well nailed. Appears that PTSD is being somewhat belittled, a similar occurrence was the number of slebs and other cunts who suddenly found themselves blessed with manic depression or the snowflake version bi polar which happens to display some similar symptoms as the effects of massive cocaine and booze addictions. Funny how so many of these poor people recovered from the scourge of a debilitating mental illness unlike the majority of those who are cursed with the condition. I digress, by the look of her the most traumatic thing that’s happened to her is a hot cup of coffee.

  12. Post had to do some fucking work stress disorder. Oooh it wasn’t like this at school. My little brain is exhausted.
    Fucking lazy bitch syndrome……that’s Dr Frog’s diagnosis.

  13. This orange cunt dribbles on about a poverty crisis. When I was a kid in the early 1970s, our house was small – 2 beds between Mum, Dad, me and Brother. No central heating – drafty metal Crittall windows icing up on the inside in winter.

    No computer or mobiles – they hadn’t been invented. Not much money to go around. Dad had an old 1959 Ford Anglia that had been rolled by the previous owner and the roof repaired.

    We were happy, had three square meals a day, got on and didn’t whinge about poverty. Dad worked hard and Mum stayed at home.

    Fuck off with you, Oompa Loompa.

    • 2 bedrooms, not 2 beds. Although my bedroom was small and shared so we had some old bunk beds.

    • You were lucky to have a house, Paul. We had to make do with a small shoebox in the middle of the road.

      • A shoebox? You posh, ladidah cunt. We lived on a slag heap next to t’pit with no trousers.

      • A “slag heap”!!??

        fucking luxury my lad.

        When I was young, I wasn’t even born. And when I was born we were so poor my mother killed me for Christmas Dinner while sitting in front of an empty shell of a TV set in the middle of a landfill site.

    • She’s obviously getting her excuses in early. No sane heterosexual male would go anywhere near it.

  14. So she’ll be taking a few weeks/months off, but ffs haven’t all politicians come back from another prolonged recess, and will probably get another long break come the summer!

    And no doubt she’ll still be on full pay: no sick pay for cunts like her.

    She’s only been in the job for a few months and already she’s suffering “mental ishoos”. How very convenient. Perhaps if all the emergency services, front-line NHS staff, the supermarket workers, the utility workers, the food distribution workers, the lorry drivers etc etc all took the same fucking attitude there would be no fucking country left as everyone would be tucked up in bed with a fucking headache!

    She needs a good sharp kick in the flange: that would soon wake her up!

  15. That hair!

    She looks as if she modelled the lavatory brush – she should be making money from all the royalties.

  16. I’m so glad that my uncle, who became a pilot at the tender age of nineteen and was promptly sent to bomb fuck out of The Hun, didn’t have to put up with the traumas that this poor girl has had to endure.
    He only had minor irritations, such as flak, night fighters, extreme cold and the possibility of catastrophic mechanical failure, to name but a few.
    Thankfully, he survived the war.
    Fifty odd thousand of his Bomber Command brethren didn’t .
    I have nothing but utter contempt for attention seeking cunts like this pathetic bitch.
    Get To Fuck, you nonentity.

  17. Pitt the younger was 24 when he defeated the French. What a snowflake twat. How embarrassing this pathetic generation is.

  18. Does nothing since being elected, takes time off for alleged PTSD.
    Want to see some real PTSD Nadia?
    Come see my young chum Bren the ex SAS soldier. (But for fks sake don’t make any unexpected loud noises!)
    This is another example of why we need every current MP gone at the next GE.
    Vote Fox and the IAC Party!

  19. Mickey Flanagan’s love child. That cockney so called comedian with a voice like a hinge.

  20. She’s not the first young commie bastard to play the mind card in the liebour party.
    There was an equally useless cunt in Sheffield, he was called jared o mara.
    He was a proper right on social warrior, until it came to light, that he’d not always been so enamoured with women and knob jockeys.
    He claimed cerebral palsy and autism amongst other reasons for his past views, the greedy thieving cunt only stood down at the 2019 election though.
    Smash their fucking skulls in with a big hammer, then put them in a skip.

  21. I take it Nottingham East is full of immos and other two bob trash, the only way this stereotypically wokie sack of dogshit could get elected.
    Fuck knows how she got selected as the Labour candidate. She didn’t shag her way to the top that’s for sure.

    • WikiP suggests that your assumption regarding the Nottingham East electorate is spot on, Freddie.
      One of the constituency suburbs is Hyson Green, scene of Nottingham’s race riots in 1981, boasting the following places of worship:- 1 CofE, 1 RC, 1 Czech Protestant, 1 each Russian & Greek orthodox, 1 Nigerian Catholic, 2 gurdwaras (Sikhs), 3 Hindu, 1 Buddhist and 11 (yes, eleven) fekkin’ mosques.
      Another suburb is St.Ann’s. It’s demographics are said to include (among others) people from:- Pakistan, Afghanistan, the West Indies, Iran, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Brazil, Mexico, Guinea, Thailand, China, Japan & South Korea. Some right sh!tholes amongst that lot. Majority of them benefit claimants I’d guess.
      Yet another suburb, Bakersfield, is said to have “an increasing South Asian population”.
      With the possible exceptions of the Japanese & South Koreans, I can’t see too many potential non-labour voters amongst the incomers. Plus it’s also a university city so there will no doubt be a high number of first time SJW student voters swayed by “right on” / anti-brexit campus causes spouted by the left / remainers and the fact that box ticking Whittome is both BAME and not male.
      It’s no wonder it got elected despite there being no observable talent for the job.

  22. PTSD?

    If she was gang raped and left for dead, I’ll give her a pass I suppose.

    However, I doubt it’s anything like that.

    80k+ p.a. and she’ll be off on full pay for months by the sounds of it. If you can’t handle the job, fuck off out of it.

    Probably just another fucking malingerer who’s hit the fucking jackpot.

    Civil service stress cunts can milk this for years. I used to be a civil servant and have seen it with my own eyes. She’s not technically a civil servant, but I bet similar rules apply. She’ll be suing if they threaten to get rid of her.

    That pattern may be the 6 months full pay, return to work for a week on reduced duties, off for another six months (repeat). I guess they came back after 6 months as their pay was at risk. It was always that pattern.

    I knew of a bloke who did it for years, the cunt. And that was for about £15k a year.

    Imagine doing it for 80k p.a.? Piss take.

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