I feel there is no need for me to write much of an introduction, if any, to this Cunting. The site speaks for itself, viz –
“ This page was created to invalidate the false narrative that the British Media has created against the Duchess of Sussex. The Royal Reporters have used gossip and made up stories to bully(before pregnancy, while pregnant, and even postpartum) a woman who has done nothing but championning for equality since she was a little girl, supporting women businesses, using her voice/ platform to empower girls and giving a voice and bringing attention to charities that wouldn’t be at the forefront otherwise but are doing amazing work. They have been relentless with false stories because they don’t want to focus on what’s really going on in and with the country and any real scandals because she’s the SCAPEGOAT.”
Meghanpedia is the most absurd website I have ever come across. It seems to regard Sparkletits as the second coming of the Mesiah. I wonder who is behind it? It looks very professional so there must be some serious money behind it. I wonder where that came from?
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
The ultimate in narcissism – I just Googled that to see if it’s real (it is) – what a cunt!
I googled it too as I didn’t believe that it could exist but it does!
Notice how there is plenty of the Royal colour ,purple, splashed about.
It’s cringeworthy.
There’s a section called “Meghanomics” to describe Sparkletits “effect on business worldwide”.
A section on her early life describes “ the early life of Meghan, her family and longtime friends. The influence Doria had on her while growing up, her fierce and loyal circle of friends. Meghan’s early education, her career in Hollywood and how she uses her voice to empower others”.
Blah, blah, blah……
“Years from now your site will be like a history book on the Duchess…”
A Meghanpedia reader and supporter.
Oh, and they’ve got the fucking brass balls to ask for donations!
Purple is for Emperors and Popes
Oh wow private citizen who only wants privacy probably funds a website devoted to her. Who could have guessed? Fucking hell Phillip you should have killed the cunt before you clocked it.
Yes Phil, you let us down.
The site’s founders describe themselves as ‘a global tribe’ by which they no doubt mean they are a close-knit worldwide community, but which I take to mean they are a cult of spherical fatties.
Tell the tribe to stop throwing the bloody spears..says Michael Caine
The hag was going to commit suicide but it did not want Hewitt to lose another woman in his life. Christ all fucking mighty, what a total pile shit. Had ire than enough of these cunts, fuck off and die.
The way things are going, I hope the halfwit kills his sprog and Meagain, then offs himself.
Even though I haven’t clicked on the link, I know that it’s a pile of cunt.
With any luck there is a special white FIAT, designed by the late HRH…
So humble and so private.
Sorry, who is it again?
Cannot readily think of a more despised couple anywhere.
For them to say they want privacy and independence, all I can say is that they have a very unusual and unconventional way of going about things.
Privileged woke hypocritical narcissists on the make, that’s all they are. The ultimate in me, me, me.
I don’t know why everyone’s being so unkind to her. Don’t you know she’s black? Why hasn’t she been given her medal yet?
I was diagnosed with acute meghanpedia.
Its starts as a small irritation and develops into a full body rash.
Symptoms include feelings of victimhood,
Identifying as black
And a craving for tangerines.
Canesten cream and a pint of Robbies best bitter sorted it.
Whereas I believed that ‘Meghanpedia’ was actually the technical term for sexual attraction to grasping stick-insects.
And fried chiggun
Like someone else said on here the other day: “she’s about as black as a bleached albino”.
Can’t remember who said that, apologies ?
If I was a narcissist mememe type I would say that was me mikdys, but as I’m not, I won’t. I always thought that I could never hate a woman more than I hate that cunt Nicola Sturgeon but Megain has taken taken cuntitude to a new level. How anyone can be taken in by her bullshit and hypocrisy is totally beyond me.
Meghan Markle once asked how she could reach a ripe old age like some of the senior Royals, to which someone replied “Wear a seat belt and don’t piss the queen off.”
Ignoring that advice could yet still end in tears.
Meghanpedia ? does this mean old sparkle tits of colour has encyclopaedic Knowledge and wisdom? Or is it that she has a predilection for some other sort of Pe dia ? Asking on behalf of all people that are totally confused in the idea that she is anything other than a gold digging cunt.
Fuck me is the sites content written by a deranged chimpanzee?
No I suppose that would be an autobiography?
B o l l o c k s
See the article on Princess Katherine. It’s the ultimate in spiteful nastiness, calling her a “Karen”. The comments all look fake, there so OTTT.
The first paragraph on that site, says it is “fact checked”.
Well, that’s ok then…
A cult for a cunt.
America is welcome to this pair.
I just watched another Harry chats to ‘some black woman’ he was trying to draw a connection between what happened with Diana and Sparkletits. You would have to be wearing tinfoil to make any sense of what he said.
Diana died being pursued because she was in a relationship with someone who wasn’t white, so his wife was suffering the same prejudice.
Sparkletits isn’t white? She is mixed race western woman, was never pursued and lived a nice ‘little’ cottage, being married to a senior royal had all the protection that status provided. Diana would have been pursued no matter who she was shagging, maybe she should have been a little more selective and not gone for the son of Mohamed Al Fayed, a doggy cunt who was refused British citizenship.
Diana had been fucked over for years and was in paranoia (as we know now helped by Bashir), but no one made her get into a car and driven at high speed in the centre of Paris.
Meghan was from the start looking to be a princess in the UK with no idea what was involved and like many ‘uppity yank women’ thought the sun shone out of her arse so could do no wrong but wanted her cake black rather than white to ‘stick it to the media’ which didn’t really work out for the silly little snowflake bitch.
No comparison at all.
I would change that to: “but no one made her get into a car, without wearing a seat belt, and driven at high speed by a French Pisshead in the centre of Paris.“
That’s so very true.
The thing I’ve always wondered is that her bodyguard survived because he was wearing a seat belt yet he didn’t make her wear one, or stop her getting in a car driven by the village drunk. I’ve no idea what’s in the usual job description for a bodyguard but those seem like two epic failure points to me.
But I’m a bit old fashioned. Maybe the JD was along the lines of “just get pissed up, roll around with the others and don’t upset anybody whatever you do as your number one priority”. Yes, that’ll be it, the modern approach to risk. Fast cars, no seatbelts and drunk drivers 0% risk. Upsetting a snowflake 100%.
She probably did it herself. Or at least her ‘people’ did. I bet it doesn’t include how her father and sister openly despise her, how doctors have officially diagnosed her as a textbook narcissist, and the ‘miscarriages’ for which there is no clerical or medical evidence whatsoever. Oh, and how she was barred in no uncertain terms from Prince Philip’s funeral.
Not only is she a total narcissist, she is also an absolute nutter, she is as mad as a lorry load of baboons on PCP. I fully expect this ‘site’ to be crammed with profound ‘quotes’ from the Locust that are nicked from various historical and scientific figures. A shame that old Albert Goldman isn’t still alive, he’d write the ultimate myth busting biography of the royal wrecking snake with tits. This site shows that the Locust and her pet Orangutan are running scared and unraveling. Their stock has fallen further after their Oprah endorsed ‘racism’ slurs and Big Phil’s death and funeral. They are already being unmasked as the cunts they really are. This site is two desperate cunts with their fingernails clinging to the cliff top. Only a matter of time before they plummet to their doom. There are plenty – including the monarchy themselves – who are waiting for it to happen.
Oh, and tuneless pop plagiarist and media whore, Tadger Gaga is cashing in on her ‘friendship’ with Henery Hawk of Hewitt. Gaga is now blabbing about how she opened up to Harry about her ‘rape’. Opening up to someone she hardly knows and letting the MSM in on it? Yeah right…
Oh, dear. The ‘dognapping’ publicity has worn off, has it? What a load of bollocks.
Gaga said I’ll never name the rapist.
Yes that’s because you’ve made it up.
Funny how most of the #metoo crowd never name their ‘attackers’
Surely not naming rapists and therefore not prosecuting then gives them the opportunity to do it to someone else but clearly she doesn’t give a fuck.
Mainly because, again, it didn’t happen
Apparently he was waving a white stick and had a labrador on a harness.
Almost all celebrity ‘Me Too’ and ‘Time’s Up’ ‘victims’ are lying slags. Self serving slappers who sucked knobs and dropped their knickers to further their careers. But when a scandal like Weinstein breaks, they make up all this shite about ‘attacks’ to cover their own slutty activities. And Tadger Gaga is no different.
She’s an ugly Trollope as well. Without the heavy makeup she looks like a crack whore.
Pathetic, but very apt for young Hewitt and his master.
This project assumes that there are people who genuinely give a dry fuck about anything she has to say. Any cunt that does want to be “enlightened” by this load of shit would be a oxygen thief. What’s next? Chiggun George Anglo Outreach Project? FFS!
Forgive me i seem to remember some time in the dim and distant past this fuckmonkey and the ginger cockwomble that lives in her handbag wanted to have a private life and be left alone to live their lives in peace and harmony.
We can only assum they have changed their minds and now want the exact opposite.
Mother MegainTeresa will be curing the blind next, walking on water but when she can turn water into wine my opinion of her may change….a little but until then the latest bullshit narcissistic website dosnt help her cause, the cunt will always be the attention seeking f list actress who fucked a prince and subsequently climbed the social ladder, what a cunt she is as is ginger boy….
If you combine all the site owners names with the names of their writers it is an anagram of “The Democrat party MeGain MarkUp and Burn Loot Murder are behind Meghanpedia and we are rabid jealous hypocrites”
You can tell this is the case by the way they are demonising The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, continually calling Kate “Karen”, mocking Williams baldness and comparing people that don’t agree with their stance to MAGA, Brexit supporting middle aged conservatives, as if that is an insult.
And that’s a Rock Fact!
Fuck off!
Trump was a MAGAlomaniac. You could say.
Hisssssssss….Begone Lucypants 🙁
She’s a Megalomaniac Meghan. A word made for just her. For ‘Megs’ yes ‘MEG’alomania. Describes her to a tee,-
‘Megalomania is a mental illness. People with megalomania have delusional fantasies that they are more relevant (important) or powerful than they truly are. They have inflated self esteem and overestimate their powers and beliefs. People with megalomania more than often showcase disposition towards humbleness.’
Yes, and narcissistic personality disorder.
If the halfwit doesn’t stop whingeing about the First Amendment, some American may sort him out.
Good point. Is Mark Chapman out of clink yet? Mucho kudos for you here Marky boy…
Old Chappers is still in the New York nick.
I hear he is putting a book out though.
It’s going to be titled ‘Why I Wish I’d Shot Yoko’.
She wears the trousers in their marriage.He is pussy whipped.He is a total half wit Hewitt.Both of them bin please
Sparkletits should join Bashir in the Tower for treason.
That never ending quest for privacy doesn’t seem to be going too well.
Fucking arselickers. Great quote
“When her name comes up the world pays attention”
Yes. Most of us are asking “what’s this barmy bat on about now:?
Sparkletits really is one vile cunt. Can she be introduced to the Rotherham grooming squad, I’m sure she would then really sing thier praises of her beloved ethnic minorities.
They wouldn’t be interested in a forty something black gobshite.
They only do white, poor, underage girls.
There a millions of myths and misconceptions about loads of historical and cultural figures, from Elvis Presley to Adolf Hitler. But to make a site about how ‘misunderstood’ a nefarious nobody like the Markle Locust is just takes the absolute piss. Besides, there wouldn’t be so many nasty ‘stories’ and ‘lies’ to ‘correct’ if there wasn’t so many tales about what a complete slippery and slimy cunt the Markle Maggot is. And I wonder why there are so many of those?
Reading the comments section on the woeful, bitter and twisted articles in Meghanpaedia, the astonish thing is how most of them sound the same. Almost as if they were written by the same person.
Not for much fucking longer I suspect 😉
The actor Morgan Freeman was once asked, “How do you get rid of racism?”
His reply, “Stop talking about it.”
I propose a similar solution for… ‘Second Hand Rose’.