Jesy Nelson

A massive cunting for this plastic cunt. Only a few months ago she left Little Mix with mental health issues due to the stress of being in a band. Dripping like a septic cock to the media regarding being bullied. She is constantly pulling the mental health card.

Now she has signed a contract for a solo career. This fucking lying bint should be shot. Typical celeb pulling the mental health card. Talking out of her fucking fat arse. I hope her career never takes off and she fucks off for good.

Nominated by: AsItIs

61 thoughts on “Jesy Nelson

  1. Why has nobody ever called these daft-arsed bitches out for taking the piss out of dwarf Oirishmen? I’m offended on their behalf, and I want COMPO!

    • I’ve no idea who this skank is and to be perfectly honest I’m more than happy to leave it that way …….

  2. Stupid bitch, she, s going to be the next unflushable turd that won’t go away, always crying for the telly and making up bullshit stories in the style Lilly the musical mong, anything to get her fuck doll face in the media….

  3. “Get on a diet porky – you weren’t picked for your fucking brains”!
    “Boo hoo – you howwid bullies are affecting my mental elf, luckily I only started feeling bad when I had ten million in the bank” ?

  4. She looks like like the drowned corpse of a overweight transgender steel worker.

  5. Talking about mental health was taboo years ago. Nowadays it is a merit badge.

    • Totally agree with Spooney, it used to be something you kept under wraps if you were nutz, now it’s the theme song for any young person who has a bad day or someone says something they don’t like.
      Cowboy the fuck up you pathetic weak arsed cunts, I think it’s rarely real with these slebs, they always come back for the money in the end, a rinky dink tennis play is banging this drum at the moment, and talking of drums Serina the gorilla couldn’t resist getting involved.
      If this was me making the kind of money these cunts make, I would learn to live the mental problems, if they actually exist, or is it just an excuse to get a bit of attention and explain why your acting like a spoiled cunt, grow a spine

  6. I cunted this cod faced cunt a few weeks back and mentioned then that it was some PR Guru cunt who put her up to this.

    Well, as Cilla would say, surprise, surprise!

    So let me understand this, she is so mentally fucked up that she is able to sign a new solo record deal, which I am sure has landed this ugly cunt a big pay check; I stand up and take my hat off to you. First you make everyone feel sorry for you by lying, then when you’ve hooked these poor gullible teenagers you peddle them your shite music, having grabbed their attention your bound to make a fucking killing.

    I hope you fail.

  7. Yep I cunted the space Hopper wearing lipstick a while ago as well, due to her attention seeking, spineless jellyfish looking cunt…..

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