Aliens and their UFOs

Aliens and their UFO’s are cunts for being so mysterious and baffling.

I have never subscribed to the UFO theory. I have always adopted an ambiguous attitude to the prospect of alien life.

The observable Universe (that part we can see with modern instrumentation) is calculated to extend some 46 billion light years. Within the compass of the observable Universe there are estimated to be 125 billion galaxies. Each galaxy contains thousands of millions of stars. Our own Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated 100,000 million stars.

We know that planets are common to stars. Since 1992 we have detected 4000 exoplanets. Many of these are gas giants and obviously unsuitable for life. Because of their size and the large gravitational wobble they exert on their stars they are naturally the easiest to detect. But rocky planets potentially suitable for life have been detected and are undoubtedly common. The race is now on to detect bio signatures in the light spectrum of candidate planets to see if they betray any indications of life. Radio telescopy has also been in progress for at least 60 years now. So far, nothing.

It’s possible that life, let alone intelligent life, is extremely rare in the Universe. Life might depend on an incredibly rare conjunction of factors to come about – such as a star and planetary system having the requisite character, the advantage of a gas giant guardian like Jupiter to ward of asteroids through its massive gravitational presence and the right conditions needed to ensure the planet has a magnetosphere, the chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans and whatever led to the evolution of the cellular make up and reproduction required for life to take hold.

This “Rare Earth Hypothesis” seems compelling to me. Many stars, particularly supergiants, are totally unsuitable for life bearing planets, the stellar environment being so hostile. There may be very few intelligent civilisations in the Universe. It’s not inconceivable that we are the only one. And yet, statistically when one looks at the trillions of stars there are in the Universe, that seems absurd.

But then there are the laws of physics to contend with. Einstein said nothing could travel faster than light. This universal speed limit has been experimentally confirmed. Without faster than light travel the Universe is permanently sealed of to us or any alien life who will also be bound by the same physical laws.

There is also the problem of time dilation. We can dream about warp travel, bending the fabric of space-time to bring two parts of the Universe closer, but that’s pure science fiction and the energy required to do it is unimaginable. And how could it be controlled?

However I look at it the prospect of aliens and UFO’s looks like a pipe dream. However, there have been credible reports of mysterious objects in the sky apparently defying the laws of physics and moving at incredible speeds which would tear any other vessel apart. The witnesses are credible military personnel. The objects have been filmed. They are apparently taken seriously by the US intelligence services. Barack Obama believes in them. Donald Trump has authorised the release of a hitherto secret dossier which will be published in a few weeks.

These things challenge my understanding of astronomy and astrophysics. It keeps me awake at night. I remain a sceptic. But if there are aliens they appear to be playing with us, acting the cunt and refusing to engage with us. If you are there, come and talk to us. No doubt there is much you can teach us.

Otherwise, you’re just a bunch of cunts and we already have enough of those on Earth.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

(Drake’s Equation “N = R* *fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L“, still rocks! – DA)

85 thoughts on “Aliens and their UFOs

  1. Something is going on we are just starting to understand. Did you know that Galaxies up to 13 million light years away form each other suddenly give birth to new stars in unison? They think that there is more to Dark Energy and Matter than we can comprehend. All the Universe seems to be connected via energy tentacles and things going on don’t match the limit of the speed of light. So you fuckers, the jury is out and some interesting facts coming your way soon, time to get on the tin foil hats!

    • This is nothing to do with aliens. This is some material connection, perhaps a long band of gas where the particles have been excited in some way, promoting the formation of new stars in Galaxies interacting with the band. Very exciting development though.

  2. It’s gone so WOKE that I think I counted in that pic 7 effniks and 3 whitey’s – so is that the right representation of our country.

    Do images like this tell us that the UK has a higher proportion of effniks than whitey’s?

    I’d love to write to the BBCunt for an answer.

    I was also in a motorway service station yesterday and noticed Marcus the Cunt Raggyhead has written a book!

    • I saw that book. Seems to be in WH Smith.

      He’ll probably waffle on about how hard his life is and that every British child no longer starves thanks to his lordship.

      • Yep, that’s where it was – wonder if the cunt is going to donate proceeds for more meal vouchers…

        Fucking bet he isn’t!

  3. Exciting news just in, astronomers have just decoded a radio signal which originated from the centre of our galaxy. It reads: ‘E-P-S-T-E-I-N-D-I-D-N-T-K-I-L-L-H-I-M-S-E-L-F’

    • Oh shocker. He was drove to it was he? Doubt it. Fucking pervert media.

  4. Labour should chase another minority vote, ‘ the little grey men’. Munroe Bergdorf could represent their interests, as well as being black and a transsexualist.

  5. The aliens probably took one look at us, thought, “what a bunch of woke cunts, and as for those cunts called moosleems, sod this for a game of xixarrrian Scrabble” & fucked off sharpish.

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