Gareth Wyn Jones

It appears that some people can dish it out but not take criticism back.

In this case, Gareth Wyn Jones is quite the celebrity in Wales, he’s a farmer who lives in the wilds of North Wales, but he also thinks the world owes him a living. He constantly mouths off about vegans (who I also incidentally despise), and on this occasion he criticised a vegan cafe for not serving non vegan food.

Now if you have a vegan cafe, that generally means that they cater for a small minority of people who are also vegans. But after goading the owners of the cafe, Gareth received some rather vile “death threats” from a nütter claiming to know the owners of said cafe. In the messages he threatened to “end his bloodline”.

Now this is truly awful and must NEVER be condoned, but I will say, if he kept his trap shut and not goaded these nûtcase cunts, he probably would not be on the receiving end of these hate filled messages.

So in summary if you’re going to wind up people, don’t be a thin skinned cunt when they bite back, you daft fucker!!!!

(I don’t know how to add a link but it was in the North Wales daily post)

(Saved from the bin by Miles who provided a link and a little tutorial about how to include links, then fucked up the link. I didn’t bin it just for the comedy value – NA)

Nominated by: Captain Quimson

31 thoughts on “Gareth Wyn Jones

    • I was taken to Rhyl when I was a little kid, and this big dog came up to me and stuck its head into my stomach demanding that I stroke its ears. Or else. When it had had enough it walked off.

      I had a few last night. Where was I? Yeah funny cunts, the Welsh. Always have been.

      • If you want to hear 30 North Welsh cunts revert from speaking English back to Welsh, go into a little pub, (The name escapes me) probably any pub up there in fairness, on a Sunday lunchtime and order a pint with an English accent!

  1. It’s called a vegan cafe for a reason shithead! This cunt is no better than a whining snowflake. If you don’t like vegan shit don’t fucking go in there. I wouldn’t go in your sheep pen and complain that there’s no women to fuck.
    Welsh cunt!

  2. The really terrifying thing in this story is the Vegans. Scratch a vegan and what do you find? – a homicidal maniac. So much for loving the planet.

    • As for Gareth – I like him. Sounds like a grumpy cunt pissed off with the modern world. That must ring a few bells? Good on him for not being scared to call out a few smelly woke hippies.

  3. I was out on a drive in North Wales one day with Mrs B.
    We’d just arrived at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllantysiliogogogoch where I decided to pull in at a fast food drive through.
    I thought I’d give the pretty young Welsh girl a chance to show off her local knowledge and asked her . . . . “Could you please pronounce where we are very, very slowly?”

    She leant out the serving hatch and replied very slowly “Burrr… gurrr… King.”

    • Wotcha Bertie,

      Is Percy Parrot bi-lingual? Can he get his beak “around” all those “coch’s & gogogoch’s” they use?

      Or is that just a nasty rumour started by my cats?

      • Greetings General.
        Percy is indeed bi-lingual!
        His favourite Welsh phrase is Fel rhech mewn pot jam

        Which means ‘Like a fart in a jam jar.’

  4. As vegetarians/vegans/Muslims demand vegetarian/vegan/halal items on menus, I commend this man for criticising a vegan cafe for not serving non-vegan food.

    If I was daft enough to be a friend of a vegan, I would like a non-vegan option if they took me to one of their favourite vegan-muck cafes/restaurants.

    I think Gareth Wyn-Jones should begin a crusade (use intended) demanding that all halal restaurants serve bacon butties for those not mental enough to be peacefuls.

  5. In this case though the cuntee isn’t the thin skinned cunt. The wank stain threatening to kill him is.

    Almost certainly a green commie, say anything you don’t like and it’s off to the death camp with you.

  6. Vegans are like religious zealots. In fact I would say veganism IS a religion. They sure are eager to “evangelize” us meat eating “sinners” the cunts.

  7. I have no issue with people choosing to be vegan.

    I have plenty of issues with vegans who can’t shut the fuck up about being vegan and want to inflict it on others. It’s like ex-smokers who give up and then can’t stop trying to change everyone else. “Ooh I feel so much healthier now” I don’t care, a nice cig and a pint is my choice.

  8. Presumably vegans dont shag sheep so I can see his annoyance. When in Rome and all that.

  9. Most cafe’s offer a full English and at least one veggie alternative, so to ask a vegan cafe to serve a meat alternative is fair in my book. Mr Jones looks like a cunt but he has a point…the cunt.

    • I would have thought the difference was obvious. Vegans are vehemently against eating meat in principle, whereas carnivores /omnivores are generally in favour of eating vegetables.

      Meat lovers do not compromise any strongly held beliefs by offering a vegan option, whereas vegans would be going against everything they believe in if they were to offer a meat dish.

      • Firstly i’m meat and veg man, with a side of hops, I see how being a vegan can appeal to some on an emotional level and drive the change. These folks have seen the cruetly inflicted on the animals prior to their demise.

        Being typical arrogant apes, we struggle to do anything with an eliment of empathy on a repetative basis, once we get de-sensitized then our base instinct kicks in, then we brutilise the beasts before their ultimate end instead of just doing task calmly if we have to, without terrorising.

        This farmers a prime candidate of this and will never understand the Vegan mindset, to this welsh walley it’s just a business, to a Vegan it’s on parr with an isis murder.

        Has i see it, these two stormfronts should never meet and he stupidly threw the first stone.

        I don’t quaify as vegan, so i would be classed as one of the evil ones, and i sort of understand why after seeing what goes on, especially in hallal an kosher practices.

        You need to be dead inside not to feel something.

  10. Whats the difference between a Vegan and Angela Rayner? 30 years of gobbling meat and she is still a cunt…

  11. Speaking as a Vegan myself, I am deeply offended by all this ‘hate’ directed at those of us from the planet Vega. Just because we are blue and have an enormous sexual appendage does not mean we can be a target for your mindless planetist hatespeech. Shame on you all! And fuck the Venusians! (what a bunch of cunts they are, with all that ‘oh look at our sulphur dioxide atmosphere’ boillox).

  12. A few problems there… ending someone’s bloodline in wales would mean genocide of the entire nation because they are all inbred cunts.

  13. I’ve never heard of this Wyn Jones, but he looks and sounds like a cunt to me.

    Some vegans are cunts too. My mate ran a meat wholesalers business some years ago and they made his life a misery, to the point he closed it. They stood outside his house on a Sunday morning with a megaphone.
    “No more quite Sunday mornings Paul….close the Slaughterhouse”. This shit went on for hours. The police were not interested in the slightest.

    North Wales is enough to have me reaching for the tablets every time I’ve visited.

    Strange arrogant inbred folks

    Rain in copious amounts.

    Some depressing shade of slate sliding down a hill.

    Backwater hick-towns that look like nothing has happened there since the 1950’s.

    Misty and murky.

    Tacky souvenir shops, selling shite like Welsh love spoons and them bullet cakes.

    Just makes me feel ill.

  14. How do you know someones a vegan?
    Don’t worry – they’ll spend all fkin day telling you..
    I happen not to be a vegan, but don’t feel the need to lecture every bugger in the world about it.
    Luckily, I am only a quarter Welsh! ?

  15. Saved from the bin by Miles who provided a link and a little tutorial about how to include links, then fucked up the link.’

    Fuck me you try to be helpful and what do you get ridicule! I didn’t ‘fuck up’ the link the kink worked! It was just fucked up their end.

    Of course it was. We must have imagined the whole thing. On a lighter note, kudos was due for trying to help another cunter use links. The idea seems to be catching on and as Tescos likes to say, ‘every little helps’. – NA.

  16. But surely the same should be true for omnivores. If you have a cafe and can’t be ducked to cook Vegan crap, then don’t State that you don’t on the door. Simples.

  17. Wales. The only country where you can get a delicious hot pot, a lovely jumper and a decent shag. All from the same animal.

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