Foreign aid (3)

Money well spent. Foreign aid.

This fascist racist government has been severely criticised for cutting the foreign aid budget. Mostly from people who earn large sums from it – charidee bosses etc. And of course the woke.

Where does the aid go?
Overall, the top five countries receiving UK aid were Pakistan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Yemen and Nigeria, with almost all the money going to countries in Africa and Asia.

I wonder how long the woke would last in any of these places?

Pakistan. Corrupt, rotten, persecuting non muzzies using a blasphemy law which only works one way. A PM who wants the West to ‘respect Islam’ By instsalling blasphemy laws. Also has a nuclear bomb.

Ethiopia. Doesnt seem to have moved on from 1985. St Bob really made a difference.

Afghanistan. See Pakistan. No bomb but otherwise vile, bigotted and rotten. Has misused $trillions.

Yemen. Another hell hole being used for a proxy war by the benign states of Iran and Saudi.

Nigeria. Where to start? Savage, corrupt, rotten to the core. Any aid going here ends up back in London in certain bank accounts.

We can chose not to contribute to Mbongo’s bucket. However were are taxed to contribute to Mbongo’s political elite.

Money well spent.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

63 thoughts on “Foreign aid (3)

  1. Every time I read one of these Noms, an excellent one cunstable by the way I shudder with the realisation of what a fucking soft touch our so called elected leaders have made Britain into.

    • That chart is interesting, UK is spending 0.7% of GDP, looking at the other countries only Netherlands and Switzerland align with same percentage and only the smug Swedes/Norwegians spend more, the rest all spend way less than we do, more like 0.25% to 0.5%. And that berk Cameron fixed the percentage in law, the dumbest idea ever as effectively the Government each year have to panic and shovel money to anyone going just to meet the budget target, all other departments have budgets set in monetary terms each year but can go over or under depending on circumstances and need which makes more sense. Need to repeal this daft target and shove it in with Foreign Office budget.

      • And you have no doubt noticed that bleating’oppositions’ of all parties never seem to reverse or overturn these decisions once they get into power. I remember Osbourne changing VAT temporarily to 20% to help combat the austerity years. 11 years on and its still 20%. If that twat ‘call me Dave’ can shoehorn something into law, then surely successive PMs can do similar and reverse it. Foreign aid to these cesspits needs to stop. A natural disaster like an eruption or Earthquake merits a helping hand, but im fucked off giving handouts to grinning warlords and similarly corrupt nations.

  2. Aid money like oil money corrupts every society it touches. It keeps people poor by destroying innovation and business. In the 1950s Ghana and South Korea had the same GDP. Today they are worlds apart. Trade has made South Korea rich. Aid has made sure ( among other reasons) that Ghana is poor. Trillions have been wasted for nothing, except for allowing aid workers to fuck kids all over the 3rd world.

    • I resent aid money to any country.
      Provide for your own people,
      Scavenger fuckers should be ashamed.
      That money should be spent here on our own people.
      Ex forces cared for before some pneumatic lipped little wire haired pisstakers.
      I do my bit by pissing into donation bins and being rude to foreigners.
      But they need a good war to thin them out.

      • Joe Cox and her cunt of a husband got to crow about how virtuous they were abroad while completely ignoring the thousands of children being raped abused and murdered right under their noses. I hope the people in her old constituency remember that.

      • Waiting to hear what her sister is going to say about death threats to the teacher. Sorry its islamaphobia…..

      • Thanks for the tip MNC, there’s loads of donation bins around here that I’ve been neglecting to piss in! I’m gonna have to “Up” my game to be a proper Miserable Cunt.

      • Its your duty really Dozy.
        I also write to a little boy in Sierra Leone.
        Lost both his parents to rebel guerilla fighters,
        Also a leg to a landmine.
        I dont send him money just photos of me eating heartily
        Me trying on shoes
        Me playing football
        Things like that.
        Taunt him I think the term is?

      • I bet you have turned him into a Miserable Sierra Leonean Cunt with your wonderful letters of your bountiful life in England.

      • It’s not taunting, more like showing the little bastard what he can aspire to if only he fucking tried.

    • #metoo.
      Only thing we should be sending is landfill and toxic waste.

      The occasional missile to show we haven’t forgotten them.

      • Just need to invest in a parachute and find out where they are from and chuck um out, with automatic paracute deployment as to not ruin our human rights record. Saves tax payers money, if they cant bother to ask for Asylum the proper way they can be deported in the same manner, albeit a bit more fun.

    • I would as well – maybe the following could also be added to the manifesto:

      The day after the election make priority one scrapping the BBC licence tax and tell them to fuck off and sort themselves out in a commercial market like everybody else. No if’s, no but’s just purely and simply axe the tax;

      Scrap the climate change bollox and let people keep their gas boilers and wood burners and ICE cars and still sell their homes without having to fit heat pumps, solar panels and insulation that won’t fit older houses – plus put aside the air fare for a one way ticket for Greta to go to China and preach her sermons there;

      Scrap HS2;

      Stop immigration and make it a treasonable offence for politicians to lie about having stopped it;

      Cut subsidies to Wales and Scotland and dissolve the devolved parliaments;

      Abolish the HoL and cull the number of MPs by 75%;

      Tell the EU to properly fuck off and repeal all their stupid laws starting with the “cookies law” nonsense;

      And, the icing on the cake, make Political Correctness and Virtue Signalling punishable by instant deportation.

      For starters – I can think of a lot more…

      • Should I be elected I will be delighted to give you the job and invite you to the ass kicking party – maybe weld some nails onto the steel toe caps of your boots in readiness (avoid the galvanised ones though – they give off poisonous gas if welded / on second thoughts save this job for some immos once we are in office and don’t tell them about the gas thing?)

      • Given your vivid methods of execution, I think you’d make a wonderful Home Secretary.

  3. I wouldn’t give any of the cunts the steam off my piss! Besides which, I get a fucking good laugh at their starving kiddies on TV when I eat my food, less aid = more starving kids! I fucking love watching the little fuckers trying to get one of those face flies in their gob.

    • I wouldn’t be happy if they stopped foreign aid right now, I’d still be highly annoyed that they hadn’t done it years ago. Is this money that we don’t need? Then why the fuck are we giving it away?

  4. 5 months since my last beer I can’t believe its been that long and by fuck does it taste good
    Why do deprive myself of lifes pleasures like this? Its been a strange year cause of corona shit and I bought into the alcohol exposes you to wuflu hype by cdc/who cunts

    Can you imagine being moslem and not drinking alcohol because it infuriates allah or some shit?! lol fucking purity weirdos I tell ya

    • 5 months with no beer?! I can’t imagine that. I’m stopping drinking for 3 weeks to give my WuFlu jab the best chance of working. I’m still ordering in my weekly rations though and one week in I’ve got enough bottles to start up my own off licence. I’m going to be seriously sloshed when I catch up in two weeks time?

    • Fuck me it’s been nearly 12 hrs since my last drink. % months that’s around 3600 hrs how the fuck did you mange that?

      • mikldys@ I practically have my own fucking minibar here I got so much booze! Rye whisky,half a bottle of scotch,rum, gin,vodka,brandy, 3 liqueurs, various kinds of lager ale stout beers, 2 different white and red wines

        Seeing Elliot Pages Ftm transition the otherday sent me into relapse lol and that sasha cunt getting shot
        avert your eyes cunters for you be not of her plagues twatter mongs are celebrating poor Ellen’s insane decision to transition

        Everyonesacunt @ Plenty of pot and hash to keep me sane m8 thats how

      • Send some over to me if you want it disposed of in an environmentally friendly way – I can offer you a free trial service for the first truck load?

  5. Those fly attracting umbongo kids are great!
    Useful if having a picnic or garden party!
    Plant mtembe at the bottom of the garden and youll be untroubled by bluebottles.
    Should hire them out.
    Feed them a bowl of Coco pops a day.
    Dont give em water though.
    Let them fetch their own.

      • Theyrealways banging on about water but I found some in Sainsbury’s for 50p. It’s Tonic water so contains quinine which should help with any malaria. I’m nothing but magnanimous.

  6. I wouldn’t give those places, and many more like them the steam thing off my piss.
    I truly wished that the one conspiracy bullshit story to be true was the one about Gates trying to infertilise the third world through a fake vaccines program.
    Unfortunately it’s bollocks, so perhaps we can send them our soon to be expired trident missiles? Save cash on decommissioning them….

  7. On Sunday in the Times there was an article about all the medicines being dumped and unused in 3rd world shitholes because of aid cuts by us.
    This is how it works:
    They get medicines and equipment supplied by the west.
    The west pays to distribute and administer it.
    Aid cuts have cut off the supply and administration money.

    These are countries with wealthy elites and armies who cant distribute their own charity.

  8. Perhaps twelve billion pounds would be enough for a new border patrol?
    All immune from prosecution with a mandate to forcibly repatriate any and all rabble.
    Turn up at the airport? The very same airline can take you back.
    Dinghy? Straight back to France with a round through each knee as a reminder to stay away.
    Fuck free money for foreign countries.A shit idea 59 years ago and hasn’t improved with age.

    • Border patrol, what a joke.
      Some beaming faced Devonshire nancy handing out soup an blankets?
      ‘Welcome to the UK’….
      Id have a boat with immos severed heads hanging off the mast,
      Crewed by sever faced cruel men armed with bailing hooks and harpoon.
      Scourge of the seas
      Ship of the damned
      Gathering brown fruit for Davey Jones!!?

    • We should do what the Ivans do and put an AAM up their jet pipes as the cunts are attempting to enter our airspace.

      I can offer you a dual role as Home & Defence Secretary?

      • If the pays good and I can have a midget butler I’ll start Monday morning Mikdys.

      • What you do with midgets in your own time will have to remain your own business sir – after all there is a limit to the level of perversion expected of our Ministers. Pay is good though – £140k taxed and £160k tax free “expenses” (get the midgets itemised as “room service” if you would please).

      • Oh I wouldn’t tamper with them!
        Not a sexy thing!
        I just get great amusement from their oversized heads, stumpy limbs and squeaky voices!
        Also as yet its not considered a hatecrime to mistreat them!
        Me an Fiddler have a bet who can throw one the farthest…

    • Your point about the airport strikes a chord Terry. When I was working at Birmingham airport in the early nineties there was a direct service to New York (which I believe was scrapped some years ago). The check-in staff were under strict instructions to double-check everyone who checked in for this flight had all the required documents in good order. This was because if anyone turned up in New York without the required authorisation the immigration staff would put them straight back on the plane from which they had just disembarked and the airline would be heavily fined.

  9. I read in a magazine some while ago, at the estimated “giving”of aid to the (alleged) 3rd world . It actually runs into Trillions since 1955. Today, the 3rd world remains the hole it has always been, and requires a further investment of many billions per annum, to fund the projects that started in 1955. (?)
    In 1960, a project was started to provide clean water in Africa. To date that project continues to soak up over 164 Million per annum and has provided a little over 4% of what was promised in 1955. Water aid still portrays the same images of the great grandchildren of the originals in their advertising, pulling at the heart strings of suckers as little Adewole struggles with a gallon of Buffalo piss on his head.
    Foreign aid ( like the U,N,….W.H.O and so on ) is the greatest Rock and Roll Swindle of all time. The cunts have gotten away with it for so long, and as long as they are aided by luvvies pulling in vast fees to support them in their campaign, they will continue to get away with it.

    While Johnson pisses up the wall furnished with paper at £840 a fucking roll, I cant help but hear in the backgound, the laughter of Prime Minister Symmonds as she devises her next “Right On” and very Green project

    Fuck Carrie, Fuck Johnson and above all fuck Foreign Aid and all the fuckers who lunch on it !

  10. Can’t think of a better way to waste billions of pounds. Have they done anything with that huge sum of cash? Have they fuck. As for aid to Pakistan most of the cunts live here on handouts anyway.

  11. Aren’t the five countries listed primarily of the peaceful persuasion? So shouldn’t it be incumbent upon their brethren in the faith to aid them first and foremost? Brethren such as the Saudi royal family that are collectively worth $1.5 TRILLION?
    And I’m expected to dip into my pocket?

    They can fuck all the way off!

  12. For 50 odd years Britain has contributed aid to the rest of the world, probabily running into hundreds of billions. But what difference has it made? Moreover, those very same countries hate us primarily because some of them used to be part of the Empire.

    So it would have been interesting how they would have managed financially, economically and socially had the UK never bothered with an Empire or Commonwealth. Would they have been better off? Would they all be well fed and watered? Would they be economic power houses? I dont think so!

    Seems that West is being forced back to the Stone Age thanks to cunts like Greta Icebergs and her Green agenda. At the same time the Left keep on insisting the Big Bad West should offer more and more financial aid to the Third World in order to support an ever-growing population explosion!

    So how the fuck does that work then? The Left are advocating mass population in the Third World, which will mean more climate change, more deforestation, more housing, more pollution. But the Greens and the Left choose to ignore that just so long as those hungry mouths are suitably fed and their nation’s leaders suitably financed with billions in the bank – those very same billions that have probably come out of the pockets of ordinary Joe Public back in the West.

    But nothing ever gets investigated, and if you do start poking your nose you’re instantly accused of racism.

    I wish fat cunts like Diane Abbott would go on a diet for 12 months, eating the same kind of “food” as little Umbongo back in Africa, just to show some level of pain and suffering they’re going through while she gorges her fucking face thanks to another form of “financial aid” – my fucking taxes!

  13. Just seen the news.
    Austria have said ‘fuck off’ to travellers from the UK, good on them, it’s a pity we didn’t do it sooner with India.

  14. I read somewhere (I will try to dig out the link) that 70% of foreign aid is held in Swiss bank accounts, owned by corrupt leaders of third world countries.

  15. I detest the notion that people should be able to go where they want and do what they like. That theres any remote argument for a dinghy full of illegals to not be brutalised and deported.

    Foreign aid is a pisstake. I feel like theres a notion with it that if we keep shitting in the bucket eventually something might happen and loads of places wont be third world medieval shitholes. most of it just ends up in corrupt governments pockets and is used to buy the next batch of ak-47s and machetes.

    Theres a ridiculous notion i should feel guilty about colonialism or something and give back but it’s not something I think much about. Think my ancestors were in a workhouse or factory workers in a back to back when that went on so I didn’t manage to cash in on the ‘white privilege’.

    Fun fact of the day:

    Slavery abolished in America in 1865.

    Workhouses abolished in the UK in 1930.

    Theres nothing that boils my piss more than working class white people in this country being told they have benefited from generations of white privilege. I think thats why woke cunts are so keen to rewrite history because factual basis makes most of their prattle laughable.

  16. All this fucking aid, and they all still pine to come to the UK – the land of milk and honey, fighting for spaces on dinghy’s.

  17. We give the Aid.
    In return, they have given us A.I.D.S.

    Not a fair exchange.

    The only cure for Pakistan and Africa’s woes, is enriched plutonium ?

  18. Another superb counting, Cuntsable?

    You are like The Ambassador, dishing out Ferraro Roche-you are spoiling us???

  19. Foreign aid?
    Not while we need it here.
    Foreign invaders demanding aid?
    White traitors demanding the indigenous white population meekly give away everything they have ever grafted and fought for to people who would rob, dispossess and kill them in a heartbeat and would give no aid if the situation were reversed?
    Any with sense fix their own roof before the neighbours.

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