Eurovision Song Contest [4]

Right fuck this. Why are we in the UK funding this outdated shower of shite? I know we get automatic entry but why can’t some other countries fund it besides the usual four? If we really want to take part in this anti British hate fest then let’s just try to qualify.

I for one love watching this with some strong booze and laughing at the eurotrash who take it so seriously. It’s a badge of honour if we finish last but ffs stop giving these cunts our money. Will this country never stop fighting for or paying for Europe?

(Link generously provided by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine. Ta – NA)

Nominated by: Uttercunt

And this from Lord Helpuss

The BBC and Eurovision.

I am no fan of this shite-fest which is a stain on the face of music. Nor did I watch it.

But the BBC’s reaction to the UK entry getting nil points was pathetic. None of the presenters who covered the story the morning after made any mention of the appalling bias shown. Nor did the chumps they brought on to discuss it. Among these was the old trout Cheryl Baker from former winners Fucks Bizz and some effnic Irish nomark.

Their opinion was that the UK faced stiff competition from “so many good songs” (ha ha) and that we need to inject more gimmicks into our act. FFS.

Listen we could have the best song and singer in the world and we would still come last because the rest of Europe hate us. Even more so after Brexit. All the former Soviet states vote for each other en bloc. There are so many of them now that they make up half the votes anyway.

The UK will never ever get a look in. All we can expect is more humiliation. Let’s pull out now and let the talentless tasteless twats get on with it.

Father Ted’s My Lovely Horse was the best ever euro song and it wasn’t even for real.

..and there’s more! This time from Hard Brexit Cunt 

The Eurovision Song Contest is a contest of cunts singing cuntish songs and watched by cunts. Therefore, it is a cunt.

This year, the UK finished last with ‘nul points’, reflecting the fact that we don’t take it seriously and the only people who watch it in this country are sad plain Jane, Bridget Jones-type birds and raving irons.

Why on earth does the BBC waste huge sums of money to subsidise this pageant of camp artists singing shit songs which will never break the Top 1000 of the UK charts? The singers who tend to win these days usually come from Eastern Europe because the Dooshkas listen to shit music and will therefore vote for shit songs.

The BBC should save licence payers’ money for the lawsuits that will inevitably arise from the Parking Stanley Martin Bashir’s unethical interview with the mother of James Hewitt’s ginger-haired son.

If we don’t take the ESC seriously, and we have no good reason to take it seriously, we shouldn’t bother taking part.

51 thoughts on “Eurovision Song Contest [4]

  1. The Eurovision Song Contest would be considerably improved by emptying a Gatling gun into the contestants.

  2. Firstly, why is my country in this turgid wankfest?
    Secondly and far more importantly, Happy fucking Empire day cunters! Buy a veteran a pint and then do a steaming shit in a continental deli or kick a Boche or both, but don’t shit on a Boche, I hear they like it.

  3. No point in moaning about this gay shitfest…….the fact is it pulls in one of the BBC’s biggest audiences of the year and is value for money compared to plenty of other cuntery they splurge our dough on. I’ve never known a woman who would miss this for all the tea in China and that includes the lefty, right on types. I imagine poofs are the same although I don’t know too many fruity gentlemen.
    Eurovision is like immos, Covid and saving the fucking planet…’s here to stay so get used to it.

  4. FtF@ – I imagine Dame Keir and noxious Gnome Sadiq “rig an election” Khan are huge fans..

  5. It’s for the gays so I don’t really care. But yes, I’m sure the gays in Europe hate the UK because of Brexit, so don’t vote for us. And the presenters are too woke to criticise Johnny Foreigner for always giving us ‘nil point’ of course.

    Just leave them all in a big room to bum each other until they get the Aids (just don’t televise it) and have done with it.

  6. Note the Jerry came second with a paltry 3 points and they are one of the few countries, alongside the UK, that fund the wankfest.

    You could see the a mile off; e.g. Cyprus voting for Greece.

    I am just glad the fucking Frogs did not win as this year was a close run thing.

    • We could send the Rolling Stones or reform the Beatles and we would still get nil points.

  7. Excellent cuntings from Lord Helpus, Uttercunt and Hard Brexit Cunt.

    I haven’t watched this shitfest since I was a kid and Bucks Fizz won. The music is dire and has become more so since they opened it up to East European cunts with their Borat music. It amazes me, the scorn directed at the UK, the world’s second most successful music producer. No doubt it’s partly political but it’s also a reflection of the fact that we can’t be bothered with it any more. In which case why spend the money on it?

    I would rather watch 3 hours of Flabbot consuming fried chiggin, with juice dribbling down her fat chin and staining her tits, than this shit.

  8. Pointless (like the GB entry) and irrelevant.

    Just another excuse for the cunts at the BBC to ram the gayness down your throats and make out it’s all totally normal duckies.

    A fine cunting. Now fuck off.

  9. Maybe we should allow Simon Cowell and Amanda Holdon-to-my tits with the rest of the Britain’s Got Talent crew to select our entry?

  10. What was up with Malta’s entry this year (pic above) – a girl group with a 20 stone lead singer?

    I was watching when the final votes were cast and Malta’s offering slipped down the leaderboard. That terminally corpulent lead singer had a face like someone has snatched her extra large bucket of fried chiggun. ?

  11. I wonder if Europeans bother with this shit in the same way as we do? Next foreign cunt I meet i’ll ask him. If he says “no” i’ll say “yeah, well we think it’s great and we’re tired of you stealing it from us every year. Now fuck off back to Lithuania or whatever cunthole you come from.”
    Fuck the BBC.

    • As a music lover ive never watched the Eurovision song contest.
      My jingoism and dislike of foreigners conquers all.
      Always got the impression it was a bit tacky, a bit lame,
      A bit ‘talent contest at Broadmoor’?
      We got nil points,
      It doesn’t mean shite
      Just tactical voting.
      What else is to be expected from foreigners?

  12. They ought to show it for what it is, a popularity contest of countries. Skip the shit songs and go straight to the voting.

  13. The Eurovision Song Contest has always been a fraud. I twigged that as a twelve year old in 1965 and haven’t touched it since.

    Goes without saying Lady Creampuff is glued to the cuntfest every year.

  14. I usually watch ten minutes of it for a laugh but couldn’t be bothered this year. At least when Wogan did it there was a few laughs to be had, as he could barely contain his mirth at the fucking dreadful foreign (and domestic) drivel. Norton is probably the target audience, as gay people have no taste in music whatsoever. He just bitches about some of the entrants, as is par for his course.
    Fuck him, and fuck them.

  15. Off topic but Celia Johnson was shot in the head. Celia is a bame person who has said in the past all Whitey’s should be slaves. Let’s hope the cunt dies and rejoice.

    (There’s a Nomination for that self-rightous bint – DA)

    • I think we should pause and reflect on this sad incident. In fact we should play sad music (Stormzy perhaps) and pray for the shooter.

    • Read about that earlier this morning.

      Fantastic news but the alleged shooter can’t be much of a marksman if the racist white hating bitch is still alive.

      Fingers crossed though.

  16. Unfortunately this display of rampant poofsomeness is hugely popular in mainland Europe.

    In a normal year bars are rammed full of people as if they are watching El Clásico.

    The various nationalities cheering wildly for their country’s entries.

    They all seem to know all of the words to the songs.

    A night to stay at home for the British.

  17. I didn’t watch the show, but did they all bend the knee before performing?

    Moreover just imagine if it was Stormzy representing the UK in this shitfest, and he had finished bottom with no points. I bet he’d be quick off the mark accusing everyone of either racism and/or Brexit!

    But typically despite Europe hating our guts they still want our money to bail the fuckers out – in this case keeping the ESC rolling.

    They wanted our money when we were part of the EU
    They want our money now that we’ve left
    They want us to bail out Eurotunnel, even though it belongs to the French state
    And the recently defunct European Super League of football, was primarily set up because of the rich pickings that could be had from the cream of the Premier League.

    Europe hates us, but not our money!


  18. I suppose I’d watch it if all the contestants had to swim through piranha infested waters before singing their little songs.
    The degenerate vermin.

  19. I saw our “entry”, what a useless cunt he should have got minus points.

    • In my defence, they paid me well to be a “ringer” for them.
      I still wear the costume on New Years Eve-bit tighter, admittedly but er indoors always looks good in bacofoil?


  20. The Eurovision song contest.

    Absolute pile of globo homo crap which (from the snippets I see or hear about) gets more absurd, gay and more anti British with every passing year.
    I used to enjoy the scoring and leader board at the end when I was a pre-pubescent kid and that’s about it.
    Never watched it since.

    We could reincarnate The Beatles, Kinks, Stones, Queen, David Bowie, Clash etc etc to form a supergroup, knock up an entry and it would still be a guaranteed ‘nul point’ from our great friends over in Europe.


    Good Morning.

  21. The Eurovision Song Contest?
    Is that the Europe which includes Australia and Israel?

    A gay fest for arse bandits.

    I suppose the BBC champion this shite, as they know that there are large communities of gays from every single entered country, living in the UK.

    The nomination photo-is it Alison Chiggun from yesterday? If not, it is incredibly cruel of Admins to subject us to two in a row?

    The only positive is that annually, it reinforces the fact that, with virtually no exceptions, commercial pop music comes from England and LA.

  22. They are still wringing the last drops of ‘news’ from this poovefest with the shocking revelation that the Italian winners may have taken drugs (gasp).

    And there was me assuming that everyone involved was on enough coke and poppers to usher in the anti-christ.

    I gather that this year was also BLM heavy, with the blek boyz and girlz singing for Sweden, the Czechs, San fucking Marino and even Israel amongst many others.

    The UK may have gone to the dogs but I never thought one of the 12 residents of San Marino was blekker than Lenry Henry’s ringpiece.

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