Dr Zubaida Haque (2)

Join hands and contact the living over at SAGE (and Onion?) for this lady, who holds forth on matters medical, and political on the pandemic:


The good Doctor is in fact a social scientist and has no medical qualifications at all (unless she spent a weekend studying at the Doreen Lawrence School for Epidemiology, held, as you know, in Dame Kweer’s downstairs khasi. Help yourself to Harpic and air freshner)

As somebody, wiser than me, once said on ISAC, opinions are like arseholes – we all have one, and that includes this BAME arsehole, but she THINKS she has something special to say, so who are we to stop her?. She will be getting her own series on Wireless 4 if she goes on like that.


Nominated by: W. C., Boggs

66 thoughts on “Dr Zubaida Haque (2)

  1. A race advisor?
    Well, well, we’ll!
    What a complete fucking suprise.

  2. I see that the “scientists” are refusing to make a recommendation on whether the Clown Cunt Johnson should give the go ahead for vakzining 12 year olds. Apparently it needs to be a political decision. Ha, ha, ha. So Boris is faced with insisting 12 year olds should be vakzed while poor cunts are dying with blood clots, or not insisting they should, and thereby admitting the shit is dangerous/deadly. That dilemma should do for the hopeless shit head.

  3. The vaccines work (even against the new wobbly head version of Covid) so no need to lock things down once every cunt who wants a vaccine has had one.

    Yes, it possible (but rare) to get covid after vaccination, but the virus is rendered as deadly as the common cold due to the spike proteins not growing (due to the vaccine).

    So no need to lock shit down. Yes, the dark keys and peacefuls don’t want a vaccine and that’s up to them. It’s not fucking racist if they die of covid in large numbers due to refusing ‘da honky man’s’ vaccine.

    The vaccine is a personal choice. I do not get arsey if you don’t want it. Yes, I am aware of the risks in taking a vaccine. But don’t whinge that it’s racist if you get covid after refusing a vaccine ffs. That’s just bollocks.

    We shouldn’t all be being locked down due to the peaceful areas not getting vaccinated. Fuck that!

    • My point is ‘let them catch it’ rather than ‘protect them from covid if they refuse to be vaccinated’

      They should still get treatment if they catch it (you may need treatment for taking a vaccine after all), but not be protected from catching it. That’s on them, really.

      There seems to be a priority in protecting them from catching it. Rich means lockdown will never fucking end. Fuck that.

      Open up everything and take your chances if you want to.

      I don’t see a problem with that.

      • I am in complete agreement with Cuntybollocks.
        If people want to go out and take their chances, fucking let them . If cunts want to stay at home and hide for the rest of their miserable lives then let them do that.

    • I think dr zippetydoodah is as much a scientist as im a fuckin astronaut.
      I’ve now had both jabs.
      And theres only one word for whats happened to me.
      Faster,smarter, stronger, modern technology has improved on nature,
      Im like Steve Austin!!
      The six million dollar man.
      You tinfoil trilby’s dont know what you are missing!!

      • What kind of physical deficient needs a vaccine anyway? I can beat anything with a nice glass of orange juice a day.

      • Bill Gates knows where you are now Mis. To avoid embarrasment steer clear of tha New Mills dogging site. For the time being.

      • Hi Mis, question for you. Do you comment as Gloomy Northern Boy on the Speccie’s website?


      • Hiya DKC!
        Hope your well mate?
        No its not me, although I do like the name!!
        To be honest im not that miserable, more just a moaning twat.???

  4. I can’t read anymore. Words fail me. We are having our lives controlling arses.

    • The first version was funnier. Had images of us all with remote controls manoeuvring floating arses around at gunpoint.

      Probably Fat Reg and Barrymore with the guns forcing everyone to float arses to the gays.

      What a fucking disgrace. This must not be allowed to happen. I’m glad you brought it up now.

  5. ” If they are going to refuse the vaccine and die, then let them get on with it, and reduce the surplus population ”
    The vaccine isn’t suitable anyway, being pork based.
    Get To Fuck.

  6. No excuse for not fully lifting lockdown regulations now. The old and otherwise vulnerable have all been fully vaccinated. The tiny minority of those advised not to can take informed precautions or self isolate until herd immunity is achieved. Anti-vaxers are happy to take their chances.

    That said, whatever else happens or doesn’t happen on June 21, you can bet your life that GP surgeries won’t be reopening. The cunts.

    • I’m not sure what the numbers were on the anti lockdown protests before vaccines were available, but I would join an anti lockdown protest now.

      I’d bet fucking millions of others would too.

      • This is what I’ve said for months, once there are enough people vaccinated, it’s time to put on the big boy pants and get back to fucking work. Public opinion is headed that direction too, so it should only be a matter of time before this happens. The government want it, but don’t want to look like they are throwing people into harms way, so will definitely buckle to public when it gets there.
        Let the culturally hesitant decide their own fate, along with the anti vaxxers. Let the feeble scared cunts hide away, but at their own cost, I’m fed up of paying for cunts to sit in the house. It’s bad enough forking out for benefits cunts, without these fuckers soaking up the debt.

        There seems to be a lot in the press lately (don’t want to say MSM, sounds too conspiratorial) about the likely origin of C19 being a leak of a man made virus from the lab in Wuhan. A see a growth in the lawyer business.
        Covid lawyers 4U?

      • Cuntybollocks@ – See you at the next one Squire, the more the merrier! ?
        Hundreds of thousands of people wete at the last one in London a month ago – but syrangely no “spike in infections, a bitter and fucked over Dominic Cummings has pretty much confirmed what I alresdy know – that Johnson and his rat friends need to be at her Majesties.

    • We were told a month ago that 73% of the population had been vaccinated or had acquired natural immunity so we had herd immunity. There is no reason for any more lockdown.

  7. Before 1914 most peoples only contact with the state was the post office. Today we might as we be in the fucking Chinky “social credit system”.

  8. The entire point of lockdown was to minimise the impact of millions needing the NHS. We’ve had a year of this to prepare and vaccines now so it should end and not come back.

  9. As far as social media is concerned it’s the ? in the room. Hardly a mention of multi generation households, religious gatherings and terraced houses knocked through (aledgedly) in many places.

    The City of Westminster send a vaccination bus to Chinatown to innoculate without I.D. or NHS number. Best leave that, it maybe a nom.

  10. Social science is social engineering. There’s a lot of people involved in managing the pandemic that have not a damn thing to do with anything medical.

    • People thinking they are responsible for things they know nothing about. Officialdom.

    • Susan Michie is a prime example a communist who specialises in behaviour control.

  11. It’s her lot visiting their inbred relatives in the sub-continent that are causing COVID infections to rise again in the UK.

    • When the Indian branch of the Kung Flu descended on Bolton the BBC made much f the fact – what they didn’t report so clearly or loudly was that a great number of the Boltonians hadn’t been vaxd and it was typical for 8 people to live in a 2 bedroomed house. I heard that on the BBC World Service Not Wireless 4 (who incidentally have started yet another series on slavery (Fridays 1102-11.30) . The controller of Wireless 4 is, surprise, surprise, yet another effnic.

      I bet the old tart Zubaida – or Fucking Aida as she is known to me, is glued to BBC radio all day.

      I spend the mornings in my shed these days turning off the radio with alarming speed and the “F” word on my lips.

  12. Just what the world needs. Another social scientist (sic) and race theorist.

  13. Social scientist? That’s a synonym for astrologer isn’t it? And don’t forget, the vaccine contains alcohol as well as pork!

    • I thought ‘social scientists’ were those nutters in California that Tom Cruise hangs out with. Disciples of L Ron Cupboard or something.

      • You reminded me BC, that Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was the only person I ever heard of who was awarded the classification “undesirable alien” by the British government. Strangely, the next thought that occurred to me was “dinghy riders”.

  14. In her defence, Zubaida Haque has a qualification in art..
    The brainwashing, gaslighting, propaganda, lies and fear porn will continue until we either learn to love Big Brother or take to the streets and riot – they will never give back our stolen freedom, we need to fight for it back using any means necessary.
    If that means bringing down the Government so be it.

    • Trouble is, Vernon, if Boris & co fail, the only alternative would be Dame Kweer and his BAME-feminist-communist-pansy crock of shit. Be careful for what you wish for……

      • WCB@ – I was thinking more of a right wing dictatorship with IAC in charge! ?
        Jest aside, I was thinking of removal at the ballot box – for all of them.

      • “…Jest aside, I was thinking of removal at the ballot box.”

        I’d put all thoughts of that into the bin marked “NO CHANCE”.
        As the saying goes ‘if voting actually changed anything they wouldn’t let us do it’.
        After the past 18 months ‘They’ have got the full measure of the supine compliance and self-centred apathy they can expect from the British voting public now to whatever invasive dictatorial horseshit they care to inflict on them. There’ll be no ‘voting our way out of it’ now.

    • Rioting is what stupid nasty people do, and it solves fuck all. As a form of protest it’s pointless, as it usually only effects people local to the riot, property damage and violence, and it ends up being a load of skum robbing stores of TVs and trainers. And, it’s easy for those in authority to dismiss it as thuggery, and people will accept that, because they are the ones who would have suffered, their cars burned out, and their stores ransacked.
      There are far more effective and peaceful ways to protest, and still retain the moral high ground. A national strike for instance, where if enough people didn’t turn up for work for a few days, it would be far more damaging to an unstable government attempting to force an unpopular policy, than a bunch of brain dead wankers setting fire to a police van and robbing the local sports direct.
      That’s my opinion anyway, for what it’s worth.

      • GJ@ – the “Government” backtracked very quickly on forced “vaccinations” for care workers when there were angry rumblings about a national strike.
        Can’t see mental slapper Carrie Symonds rolling up her sleeves and wiping arses for minimum wage somehow.

  15. This tart is Independent Sage, so no official standing just a group of self appointed cunts, she gets in as a former Runnymede trust cunt and is therefore fully qualified to shout Raaaaaaacist

    There is only one thing I would keep fully locked and loaded after 21 June, that’s keeping the fucking travel restrictions for all the shitholes, mind you that should be a permanent state of play with or without a pandemic ?

    No interest in anything these ‘experts’ say, it’s clear that as long as the vaccine holds up and the NHS keep an eye on ‘new infections’ probably in the south Asian filth and stop it effecting us white folk… 21 June is done deal!

    I saw a report from one of the BBC specialist Covid reporters (lol) that Black men are ‘coming forward’ twice as fast as whites to get the jab, probably giving the cunts KFC vouchers.

    It really pisses me off the fact that everybody has to travel miles to get the jab but the chicken Georges and Stanleys have it fucking delivered to the doorstep, CUNTS!

  16. Off topic. A planned demo today in London. See what the BBC report is like.
    Last month totally unreported and underestimated. Cunts

  17. I don’t give a fuck what the cunt goes on about.
    I’ve never had the misfortune to hear it papping on.
    Safety first every time.
    Gas the fucker.

    • I think you’re being very unkind. She may not have any qualifications but she’s black, and has a medal to prove it, which proves her opinion is worth listening to.

  18. I would be more inclined to take the advice of a dead badger than this “Doctor”.
    Having a real problem figuring out what a race advisor can bring to the table re Chinky lurgy. They may as well have co opted dirty Abdul from Alladins kerbabery. How much is this highly unqualified person getting in expenses etc?

    • My big mistake (bugger). The Dr is involved with the independent Sage whatever that is so please cunters ignore my previous post as I give not a fuck what she and her cohorts do. Pass the Pisco wife.

  19. Unless your docterate is medical, you shouldn’t be allowed to call yourself ‘Doctor’. I’ll bet she puts herself on the same professional standing as an A&E consultant.

      • There is a line in Frasier the series, when ‘Doctor’ Crane (the psychiatrist) says.
        I don’t wanna make him ‘happy’ I wanna ‘cure him’.

    • Doctor comes from docere – to teach. Priests were the only teachers back in the day and were called doctor/teacher.The title was usurped by the medical profession to give their new fangled practice a tad of legitimacy, given they were originally a bunch of blood-letters/barber surgeons/grave robbers. Teachers have more of a claim to the title. I have a PhD and taught (Engineering) – my title is legitimate and personal meaning it cannot be taken away from me by a trade organisation that conferred it as a job title in the first place, unlike doctors. If they’re struck off the title goes. Not saying it’s right but …

      That being said I don’t use it to try and pretend I’m anything other than I am. I sometimes feel offended that medical doctors can use my title. Perspective 🙂

      • Fuck me, this site’s like an education!

        Had a ‘Doctor’ ‘Help’ at a job. Introduced herself as a doctor. Fucked up a simple task an ECA could have done so was questioned. She was a psychiatrist. Fair play for trying to help, but….

      • A psychiatrist DCI?! One of the best sinecures out there. Paid doctor’s rates for doing fuck all useful.

      • Is there a doctor on board?

        Yes I have a PhD in reimagining Armenian tapestry storytelling.

        Ok then intubate this 6 weeks prem NOW

  20. Saw thia cunt on a sky news interview the other day.Basically calling for mass state intrusion and lockdowns to “eliminate” Covid.That is impossible to do so this strategy would go on forever by her own metric which is also advocated by other Independent SAGE nutjobs such as Christine Pagel and Gabriel Scally as well as everyone`s favourite Communist and actual Government advisor Susan Michie.I swear these people are extremely dangerous.I worry about them more than any virus.I also see Neil Ferguson is chirping in constantly and still getting constant airtime .Wish he would stick to fucking other men’s wives as that is the only skill he appears to have.

  21. If she wants to start calling for mass state intrusion and lockdowns to “eliminate” Covid then start in places like Bradford. Drag the goat worrying peacefulls and Parking Stanley’s to the jab centre along with the Brixton bags of soot.
    None of these cunts abide by the rules. I was on the London tube last week and every cunt that didn’t have a mask fell into the descriptions above. Cunts!

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