Demi Lovato (5)

This cunt may set a record for the most cunt nominations in the shortest amount of time. I have cunted her twice this year and here we are again. What the fuck now you ask?
Her rapid flight from reality has now resulted in her “coming out” as non-binary.
Whatever this lost soul is washing her brain with is going to lead her to another suicide attempt soon. She is rocketing into unreality and therefore deep unhappiness will closely follow.

Any sane person knows there is male and female only. It seems those who have chosen to deny science, biology, and common sense (less common these days) expect the rest of the world to go along with their trip into insanity. I choose to NOT participate, Demi so once again I call you out as the mad cunt that you are.

Nominated by: Meat Curtains

52 thoughts on “Demi Lovato (5)

  1. Why doesn’t Demi Lovesarsehole just cark it?
    Do the world a fucking favour.

  2. You say Lovado, he says Lovido, she says Lovedo.
    I say. ‘Self opinionated, grease wipe’.
    Apparently ‘they’ is booked in for ‘panto’ next Christmas. “Have you seen my career Buttons?”
    “Behind you sweetie”.

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