DJs From My Youth

What on earth were radio and TV stations thinking about when they thrust that shower of shit on the youth of the time?

They were always too fucking old, even when they were young.

David Jacobs.
What teenager could relate to that cunt? Sitting on the Juke Box Jury pontificating if a song would be a hit or miss.

Alan Freeman.
Did you ever know anyone that rushed out to buy the latest cardigan so that they could look as cool as him?

Dave Lee Travis.
Did anyone think that by calling himself The Hairy Cornflake he became less annoying?

Jimmy Saville.
Who dyed their hair black and white and smoked cigars because they were enamoured by that cunt?

Terry Wogan.
Older than most people’s dad’s.

At a time when we would want to copy anyone that was cool, how many people referred to their friends as ‘pop pickers’ or went around saying “Now then, now then, guys and gals”?

These people were shit. Nobody liked them.
They had absolutely no musical ability or appreciation.
They wouldn’t have understood mixing, thinking that it’s something that you do in a bowl in the kitchen.

They used to play ‘pop’ records.
‘Popular’ because we had already gone out to buy them and we already had them in our collection at home.

A useless club of clueless cunts.

Nominated by: The Artful Cunter

112 thoughts on “DJs From My Youth

  1. Johnnie Walker, Annie Nightingale, Kenny Everett, and Kid Jensen were good DJS.
    John Peel was also alright, but he did play quite a lot of Indie crap. Peel and Jensen were a great double act on Top of the Pops.

    • Peel was a cunt. He promote the Likes of Zeppelin in the early 70’s then completely dissed them to jump aboard the punk scene in the late 70’s. Most normal people liked them both and didn’t think that one was mutually exclusive of the other. However if you are a fair weather shallow cunt looking to appear ‘trendy’ then that would prove difficult. Cunts.

  2. Simon Bates was a dreary cunt. Loved Old Terry and Jimmy Young was always a gent. Proper broadcasts unlike today s cuntz. Chris Evans, Nick Grimshite, Zoe Ball, JoWhiney. The list is long and stinks.

    Saville. Duck in wierd. I hated Jim ‘ll fix it. Though my mate thought he was ace after going to the BBC and milking a cow with one teat whilst he was blindfolded.

  3. There are two bewigged men in the pic above. That says it all about how ‘cool’ they were.

  4. I like good old Ken Bruce.

    He’s like a pair of comfortable old slippers.

    Not a trailblazer, – and certainly has never been cutting edge.

    Nevertheless, he’s a consummate professional, easy on the ears, and not full of himself like half the other cunts.

    I like his dry, ‘tongue in cheek’ humour too.

    Oh…..and PopMaster is nearer a religion than a quiz!

    I hate that false whispering slaag Zoe Ball.

    Fatzo Steve Wright is well past his sell by date now. Loving the show Steve…..Fuck off!

    • You realise how good Ken is when someone else takes over PopMaster. None of the substitutes, Trevor Nelson, Lisa Tarbuck, whoever are unable to hold even half a proper conversation and most of them can’t even read out the questions properly.
      Ken is always the first to voice a tribute when someone from the world of radio and music departs this earth and he does it so much better than anyone else.

      • Indeed Wanksock.

        Ken’s tributes are nothing less than genuine.

        He has an art of putting nervous PopMaster contenders at ease.

        Has little time for cheats and arseholes,- he soon gives them short shrift!

  5. Funny there were no scandals or reports of “romps” with women over age 14, like other slebs of the day, like pop stars, footballers, snooker players, ect. They must have had chums in high places of a similar bent.

  6. Is it just me, or does it feel that the tide is turning?

    -Cummings cunting Boris & co?

    -5x drug dealing wannabe gang-banger Dark Keys arrested for using a black gob on a stick for target practice ?

    -SNP racist cunt being investigated for “Hate English” comments?

    -BBC in the shit


    • Cummings is a technocrat foisted upon the Brexit campaign after the fact to ensure that the drive to the great reset is accelerated. I voted to leave the EU having never heard of Cummings and I suspect many of you did too. Imagine my surprise when many months after the referendum, a movie appeared in which an arch remaining cunt played some character called Dominic Cummings whom it was alleged ‘masterminded the Brexit campaign’. What? Wtf? Anyway, the point of this is that the EU was only ever a stepping stone to a global technocracy, but when we voted to leave they decided to accelerate the process and abandon the EU part of it going straight to the main course. A U.K. Government was put in place with Johnson ( always an EU cuckoo in the nest) as PM with his main advisor Cummings now framed as the architect of Brexit. See what they did there? So view the latest theatrics with this in mind.

  7. Perhaps a separate cunting may be in order for wimminz DJs? The fuckers are everywhere and abysmally shite..

  8. Having a closer look at the nomination photo, the phrase “a face for radio”, rings true.

  9. Loving the show, Steve (canned applause).

    Just fuck off, Steve.

    Simon Bates – “quite liderally – a massive cunt”

    Savile – nauseating, vile deviant

    Zoe Ball – fake old bike

    DLT – beardy deviant with wandering hands. An objectionable cunt to boot. Big Hairy Fucktard.

    • I’m glad somebody else hates Steve Wright.

      “On the big show”, clapping, wanky jingles and all that bollocks.

      He really is old hat now.

      Just fuck off please.

      Zoe ‘boot-faced’ Ball is about as genuine as a Rolex brought off a lucky-lucky man.

      I can’t stand her – “we love you to bits” and nauseating false rhetoric.

      Fuck off and play with your dad’s abacus.

      I think the DJ’s of the past were generally better than the sacks of shit on the wireless today.

  10. I remember when that arsewipe DLT was ‘removed from office’, because he was past his sell by date. He made some vile rant about modern DJ’s and how could they ever be any good, because none of them ever came to him for advice…

  11. Cunts to a man. And a few degenerates amongst the fuckers.
    Enfield and Mortimer got them to a T.

  12. Anybody remember Laser 558 in the 80’s?

    Their USP was only 4 minutes talk/ads per hour. No inane verbal diarrhoea from the likes of these cunts and much better for it.

    Trouble was not much advertising meant not much income and they folded. Bloody shame – they gained a big audience.

    Imagine a broadcaster not having to rely on advertising income and actually putting out content people like and want. When the BBC are scrapped keep a little bit of the licence fee intact and use it to resurrect Laser 558?

    • I remember them well.

      The day they finally went tits up I could hear a kerfuffle in the background and they played the whole of the best of Bowie Lp, both sides. When it got changed from side 1 to side 2 an American lady nervously apologised about something going on on the ship and then it played on without interruption and laser 558 was no more! 🙁

  13. And whatever happened to those wholesome DJ’s. Clean living, decent, no scandal.
    Johnnie Walker for example…..

  14. What about Family Favourites with Cliff Mitchelmore and Jean Metcalfe playing “The Teddy Bears Picnic”, “Nelly the Elephant” and “High Hopes” for BFPO?

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