We have a rotten Parliament, a rogue group of morally bankrupt socialist carpetbaggers alleging to be a “Government” and an opposition which appears to oppose any notion of competence or legal behavior.
Politicians in their entirety are greedy, lazy, stupid, clueless, self serving individuals who have forgotten the first principle of democracy – that those elected serve the people.
And a massive part of why they can get away with what they constantly do is to control through division – vax proponents arguing with those opposed, mask wearers at odds with those who refuse to wear one, those who think ID cards through the lie of digital passports are a great idea so they can have their two weeks a year of Stella and sunburn in some godforsaken shithole then blame people who refuse to be vaccinated when they can’t hop on the fart tube rather than the Governments control and psychological manipulation which is the real reason they have been screwed over and repeatedly lied to.
They have many, many more behaviourists and psychologists than they do epidemiologists or virologists, with very good reason – they are manipulating us, and not just our opinions but our very thoughts and mindsets now with their lapdogs in the MSM doing everything they can to add to this evil farce.
This is more Edgar Allan Poe than PG Wodehouse, and I am now at the point where I just assume every word politicians or the MSM tell me is a lie, a distortion or propaganda.
There is something dirty, premeditated and wholly wrong about this situation.
Nominated by: Vernon Fox
(A final word of warning – Don’t let this nomimation descend into yet another personal shitstorm over conspiracy stories! Constructive argument/banter is good, but we’re getting irritated by certain individuals going over the line with personal attacks on other cunters. It must stop! – DA)
There is nothing new here I’m afraid. Governments always seek to coerce and control – usually for what they see as the common good. The extent to which you agree or disagree usually depends on whether or not you agree with what the government is trying to achieve.
I’m off to get my first dose of nanobots injected tomorrow.
I will probably be posting links to Owen Jones articles and making the case for veganism on Saturday.
All hail the divine emperor, Bill Gates.
Sounds like Billy boy allegedly was/is a pervy. It will come out in the wash. I only turn into a lizard at full moon.
Nanobots? Are these very small robotic beings that look after you when your mother is absent, wear support stockings and smell of lavender?
Always made me laugh when Dianne Abbot went on about how “divide and rule ” enabled the British Empire as she divided everyone up into boxes to be divided and ruled by the labour party.
The only division she understands is crispy skin from fried chicken.
An explanation for the objectives of this wicked manipulation would be good.
To create a more obedient, compliant and pacified population that unquestionably trusts and respects authority?
Ok that’s a guess…?
Fucks sake…
Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
Mass immigration from Middle East and North Africa.
Helping bring about the gradual replacementof traditional European people in their ancestral homelands by way of the introduction of rapid breeding, lower IQ, darker hued peoples.
People who are fundamentally different from traditional Europeans in every way shape and form – from religious beliefs to accepted cultural norms. Completely different with very very little in common.
European nation states gradually lose all sense of collective and historical identity.
Divide and rule.
Look no further than the South Coast daily dinghy invasion (where the UK government clearly lack any willpower to prevent whatsoever)
Angela Merkel’s invitation of the 3rd world to Europe and the white man being written out of his own history amongst other western political treachery to see this ‘conspiracy theory’ unfolding before your eyes.
“To create a more obedient, compliant and pacified population that unquestionably trusts and respects authority?
Ok that’s a guess…”
Well if it was a guess it was a fucking good one! Couldn’t have ‘nut-shelled’ it better. Baron’s summary is all you need to know as regards ‘their’ motive. Now, as to the means…
“Ishmael (the Arab nations) will be the broom of Israel.”
Such control is very easy to achieve when they have engineered and control both sides of the division/dialectic/paradigm/narrative that they themselves have initiated!
“Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi… from religious beliefs to accepted cultural norms. Completely different with very very little in common.
European nation states gradually lose all sense of collective and historical identity.
Divide and rule…”
All true. Kalergi was just a cog in the wheel but a critical one nonetheless. we must look to the like of Theodore Hertzl and his psychopathic pronouncements for the strategic ideological schematics and back 2,5000 years for the ideology that inspired and stokes it even to this day.
I would have linked to a particular site that joins the metapolitical and biblical/talmudic dots but two days ago the ADL of B’nai Brith decided we should not be permitted to hear such blasphemy and instucted SquareSpace to ‘cleanse’ its servers of it. They kissed the ring and caved.
Not conspiracy theory, conspiracy fact and to DA/NA in response to their rider, I do not cunt Cunters, never have, never will. never met a Cunter I didn’t like… unless it was that provocative fucknut from a while back, Robin something… cunt!
Went into Speckysavers this morning. Fuck me, the mask and distancing regime was what you would expect if there was a fucking ebola outbreak. All staff with masks, aprons and gloves, Knock to gain admittance. Full on social distancing fanaticism, Not keen on me not wearing a mask, but know they cannot actually object. Some whale sized cunt behind me went straight to the sanitising station and proceeded to wash in the gloop, slapping his hands and sending it flying in all directions.
Clearly the most significant division in this country is between the majority (bovine wankers and twats) and minority (free thinking individuals). Politicians have decided full on exploitation of this fact is the way to go. Who can blame them? It is what politicians do. Cunts.
Measure your head. …
Unroll tinfoil. …
Mold the hat to your head. …
At each temple, poke a quarter-inch hold on either side of the foil.
Create a chin strap. …
Thread the chin strap through the holes and attach with clear tape.
Don your hat.
The end result should look like this:-
Fuck me, that’s RuffTuff.
I heard that!
Division is nothing new, in the old days it was simple, Labour were for the working class and Conservatives for the toffs, this has been turned on it’s head and with the rise in social media division has become even more polarised.
I am not sure that there is a huge anti vaccination movement and mask wearing isn’t such a issue, Covid ‘passports’ for foreign travel will be more to do with other countries than the UK, absolutely no need for such a thing within the UK.
The vaccine take up has been much better than the government could have hoped for and Boris/Wancock must be rubbing their hands, which shows there is very little division over vaccine, the take up may be less for the under 30’s but I am sure we will hit over 85% of all adults by the end of July.
Labour are now something and nothing, woke with a focus on minorities at the expense of the majority.
Go out and vote, and prove who you are, as someone pointed out if you pick up an Amazon parcel at the post office you need ID.
Postal votes should only be for those who are so sick that can’t get out of the house, fucking sick of all the Labour shit about putting people off voting, fuck off, if you can’t be bothered then tough shit.
Which is of course exactly how postal votes used to be until recent times.
Divide and rule wouldn’t work if the political opposition opposed and challenged, if the mainstream media opposed and asked real questions, if academics asked questions beyond the scope of their institution and donors wishes, if social media giants didn’t engage in outright censorship, if intel and military didn’t wage a stealth info war on its own nations citizens..
If they didn’t keep people apart by shutting pubs and gathering spots, enforcing hysterical fear of being near others..
Every thing that could possibly be done to wage war on the public and divide us has been done. All that’s left is for the individual to decide whether they want to be divided internally by turning away from the obvious but painful truth or not.
Makes you wonder. Even my cat knows not to shit where it walks.
Oops, wrong thread!
“This is more Edgar Allan Poe than PG Wodehouse…”
Very nice.
Although a millenial cunt has zero idea of either…
Do some of you think 100 000+ deaths are part of the manipulating process? Pubs etc were shut for fun? Just to get at the intellectually superior free thinkers. Like Corbyn’s brother.
The virus exists, but the solution provides an opportunity to engage in some social engineering while everyone is distracted shitting themselves in manufactured fear.
I’d blame mass apathy, if I could be bothered.
A dinghy rat comes off the beach in Kent and spots a prozzie.
“Hey you do the sex immigrant style?”
She doesn’t know what “immigrant style” is but doesn’t like the sound of it so says no.
“I give hundred pound for immigrant style.”
“I give two hundred pounds ok?”
“I am giving five hundreds of pounds for immigrant style.”
“I am giving one thousands of pounds”.
So she thinks, well how bad can it be? Yes.
So they fuck right there on the beach in all the positions imaginable. When it’s all over she says “so what’s this immigrant style all about then?”
He says “you send bill to government.”
I’m all pandemic-ed out. Don’t think this is sinister, the end times, New World Order, Great Reset, MK Ultra mind control, Agenda 2030 or any of that. I did at one point think it was all an evil plot, silly me. We’ve had government interventions in the past with regards to public health over cholera and smallpox, back in Victorian times.
Daily Mail became critical of the government a while back as did Talk Radio. Lefty MSM like Sly and BBC are lost causes anyway; they can go into Room 101 along with the Twitterati and the the Corbynist left, all nut jobs.
Don’t have to go back to Victorian times, Cuntologist. I remember in the ’60s government advice not to go to cinemas or other places where large numbers gathered after some people went down with smallpox after returning fom Karachi.
That’s interesting, never heard of that before.
I mentioned the Victorian period as it seems to have been a very large scale govt intervention i.e new sanitation and hygiene standards to break cholera and a compulsory vax for small pox!!!
Outraged lesbians demands end to anal exams on gay men https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-19166156
These lesbians do they have no shame? Clearly the gays don’t get along
Outraged lesbians demand end to anal exams on gay men.
Gay men demand that they continue.
Set these bastards on them: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/massive-police-presence-keeps-gays-1511608
Agree Vernon. Self serving manipulation sons and daughters of cunts. Fucking disgrace the lot of em.
Pigs at the trough.
Reverse Midas Touch the lot of the cunts.
Now a hike then cider!
A little off topic. Apologies Vernon.
Crime drops by 8% during year of lockdowns, says ONS.
Really? Not round here it hasn’t- it’s fucking rampant with many crimes reported in the local arse wipe every day, often (but not always) involving our Eastern European friends.
A local 46 year old bloke minding his own business kicked to death by three Romanians outside a kebab shop. Couldn’t be named initially for reasons unknown. In court the young teenage perpetrator played the race card, and said he feared for his life. Had an IQ of 77. Clearly the judges and jury bought it as he has gone away for less than 4 years, with good behaviour out in 2 and back in the streets. As Nigel Farage once said we are not getting their best people.
Oven the cunts.
Oh well said indeed.
Head first.
All of them.
Entirely off-topic, so please forgive me Admin. I would like to know how some of you cunters get avatars against your name on ISAC? Always wondered as I can’t find a way to do it.
Mine is a selfie but I think RuffTuff might know.
Its a honour bestowed when you ‘make your bones’ and are accepted into the 3rd tier which hold secrets arcane and shocking MMCM.
If you ask nicely Ruff might post the link!
Thank you chaps.
MNC – I detect Masonic influences.
Ruff Tuff – spill the beans on the link.
If Mr RuffTuff hasn’t replied yet it could be because he is “spilling his beans” over pics of Angela Rayner!
Ruff Tuff bin in.
Apologies to Geoffrey Barnard (who is unwell)
Labour and the Lib-Dems (remember them?) are the pastmasters at playing divide and conquer.
Gems from them include – “ooh think of the *cheeeldren/effniks/LBGTV8S/old people (not white)/poor people/low income people/NHS workers/long-term unemployed, etc. etc.”
Pitch those demographics against the majority and, volia, you have the angry, blue-haired Bunny La Roche types making a huge fuss whilst these politicians create a smokescreen for themselves to make nest feathering and work-avoidance a doddle.
Or voila even.
This nomination implies that politicians are cunts, something I think we can all agree on.
Do politicians become cunts or do cunts become politicians? Or both?
Authority attracts cunts…
You’d have to be really brainwashed to go along with anything the government pushes these days. Just sit back and watch the freakshow…
Division in Jockland. There is a clue here: “Eid”
I’d love to see how they deal with illegal immigrants in Islamic countries after Lent.
@Sturgeon and peaceful:
Fuck you cunts?
Have independence, we will pay you parachute payments on ONE condition:
ALL British Mud-slimes to live in Scotland.
Honest and accountable Governments are well known for paying for death certificates to be altered to show a different cause of death.
It makes them easier for them to spin the narrative that “100,000 people died of COVID.
But not to worry, Boris has promised a forensic investigation into the “Governments” handling of the shamdemic, and my mind is at rest – I am sure that three years in the future behind closed doors “enquiry” chaired by Stanley Johnson, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and Carrie Symonds will get to the truth.
And Boris is keeping the fact that he has just had a County Court Judgement against him for debt very quiet – because as far as I can see under current Parliamentary legislation any individual with a CCJ registered against them is not allowed to be a politician.
I blame Paul Weller! ?
Modded twice?
Not a clue.
GCHQ-happens to me a lot?
Superb thread Mr Fox ???
Grabs popcorn
Around the year 2000, during the reign of Satan Blair, I was in the pub having a heated debate on the subject of what was then called “asylum seekers” with a local who was an active labour party canvasser.
He ended up telling that I needed to learn to “trust my government and respect authority” (his exact words).
I laughed in his face.
Now I’d be stamping on it, the cunt
How times change…
There will come a time, probably a national crisis, when the Government calls for us all to fight together against an enemy. They will ask for unity, and there will be none. Fuck them
Silly cunts will probably want us to wear masks and socially distance as we go ‘over the top’!
I consider going into Tesco and Sainsbury without one as ‘going over the top’.
Proud that the amount of “Ooh, I must approach you and ask you a pointless question before I back off ashamedly” hasn’t even reached the fingers on one hand yet.
I just hold my head high and stride forward. They know not to bother ‘approaching’ me.
Fuck off. I’m no more diseased than you are you cunt-fucks.