Big Charity Donations Only!

I’ve just seen an advert on Eurosport for that medical charity (‘text Javid’ or whatever, it’s the doctors without borders cunts).

Now, if people want to donate they should be free to do so, of course.

What got on my tits was the ‘text Javid to send £30’ bit. A bit steep innit bruv? And there was me thinking charities are glad of any donation? Not these cunts it seems.

£30? You’ll get what you’re given you cheeky cunts. Which is fuck all from a tight cunt like me by the way.

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

50 thoughts on “Big Charity Donations Only!

  1. Doctors without borders is just another far left NGO. They are part of the organised invasion of Europe. If you give them money you are a mug and a cunt.

  2. I sent £30 to charity in Liverpool in the 80s, three weeks later I got the deeds to four houses!

    Fuck off!

  3. Last time I donated to charity was in the street. They wouldn’t accept cash and wanted it by mobile only. I gave a fiver to be nice.

    Two weeks later I got a call basically demanding I set up a direct debit with them for 20+ a month. I said no, and they tried to guilt trip me about all the dead people I was causing to create in the world by not helping. Charities are just grifters now. Not to mention how they prey on the elderly.

  4. Cheeky sods asking for a fixed amount – and a high one at that. Most of these charities are fronts for woke left wing operations anyway. And the money doesn’t always end up with the intended recipients anyway. No – fuck off.

  5. It’s easy to give to charity in the street but it takes more commitment when your asked, like I was, whether you’d like to take part in a marathon!

    I was going to turn them down but when they told me it was for disabled children with severe learning difficulties, I thought “Fuck it no. I might actually win this!

  6. I sponsored a kid in a remote African village once and he’d send me drawings occasionally.
    Cunt couldn’t even sketch

  7. Another thing to be careful of is giving “just £3” for whatever – you then find that what they mean is £3 a month. Mrs. Boggs fell for that one last year in a jaw-dropping and rare gesture of generosity in the advert break of one of her soaps. She took a lot of trouble to stop it when she noticed a few months later -it was repeated each month – generosity is NOT the word with the spouse.

    I don’t think any charity should expect or “suggest” any amount. I give money to The Dogs Trust and they are grateful for all donations, however much it is for.

    You might like to consider the latest disaster which needs donations, by the way. Many of you will have heard of the disaster which struck the woke in Hartlepool last night. Dame Keir is aghast and poor Mandy on the TV was almost in tears – defeat obviously made him feel a bit q. ueer.

    If you would like to make a donation please send whatever you can afford to:

    Jess Phillips, Treasurer
    The Lesbian Labour Ladies Group
    Adonis Cottage
    Mincing Lane

    £5 will buy AnalEase a new pair of rubber bloomers
    £15 will keep Dawn Butler in KFC for a week
    £25 will buy Eddie Izzard a few sticks of lippy

    • The Dogs’ Trust grateful for any donation? No they are not. They want to put you on a direct debit of at least £10 a month. You are supposed to sponsor a dog they select for you. I have a DT centre literally down the road from me but they chose one in the north east so I couldn’t visit. When I turned up there one day looking to offer a home to a pup I was met with cold indifference from the slag in reception who was more interested in continuing her phone call to her boyfriend. A dreadful experience. I cancelled my dd. Another time I was at a country show where they had a stand but they would only sign up monthly donations and refused cash. The reputation they have locally stinks. I feel sorry for the dogs in their care kept in concrete stys like a canine concentration camp. I hate them and I’m afraid most charities are more interested in fleecing the public for money rather than helping any victims. They hunt down vulnerable pensioners mercilessly bu selling or swapping contact lists. Avoid.

      • I am sorry to hear that. I an only say that I send donations of various amounts by cheque from time to time and I buy their Calendars and diaries at Xmas time. A shame reception staff let them down. Most of my money goes to the DT Oakfield Centre , which is a home for older dogs.

        That said – Battersea, The Wood Green Animal Charity (not in N22 btw), The Hillside Animal Charity, or, if you have other priorities the Cats Protection League and the Donkey Sanctuary at Sidmouth all need help.

        For those who say charity begins at home, I do support an old carthorse – she is called Mrs. Boggs 🙂

    • Being of very limited means I split £10 per month between Cats Protection and The Donkey Sanctuary with the occasional raffle ticket purchase. It may not be much but they appreciate the consistency of the payments.

  8. We don’t want anything without borders, in fact we want more borders and a lot fewer immos, especially sewer rats in dinghies.
    As for charities they are a scam and they can fuck off. Africa was a much better place when it was run by the British. They told us to fuck off so we did. Now it’s their turn to fuck off.

  9. Thirty quid a month? Fuck me what are they buying, the latest Um Bongo? No sorry, fuck off not my problem. Fuck charities, I give to local ones.

  10. Those cunts that sell those crappy badges and wristbands for ‘Chrarity’. It always says ‘Suggested Donation £3’ or something similar. Their faces when one is taken for nowt. All you have to say is ‘You only suggested it. Besides, I’ve already donated to you lot’. Their faces go purple and their crappy CD or piss poor karaoke is drowned out by their seething. Lovely stuff.

  11. The Charity sector is an industry. The bitching and complaining about cutting overseas aid is because the people working in this industry will be affected. Fuck all to do with the largely pointless expenditure. Therere has been no significant effect on the 3rd world in 70 years of this activity. But a lot of cunts have benefited here. And a lot of twats have had gap years building shit that the locals could build if they werent so fucking stupid.
    £30 will keep the chief exec fed and watered for 3 minutes. Give until it hurts.

  12. I give regularly to an local charity that has never asked me for a penny. Most high profile charities are on the scrounge in order to pay their administrators £100k pa plus, greedy cunts.

    And what about those cunts from OxFamm who were busy using donations to fly out to crisis zones and sample the local prostitutes? And what about Barnardos who didn’t think UKIP voters should be able to adopt children?

    Some chugger cunt came knocking on our door the other evening, he was lucky not to get a boot up the jacksie.

    The whole big charity gig is a massive reservoir of leftie spunk custard.

  13. I like the Sally army one at Christmas..’send £19′. Number one I’ll decide what I give and number two they know you will round it up to £20. But what boils my bladder are the charities that employ managers. Wait wait wait if you employ someone that’s a business so stop using the word charity. People are meant to give their time freely if it’s a charity.
    Then you hear how much gets misused or spent on something they don’t mention or the cunts who just straightforward nick it.
    Charity begins at home.

  14. Most Doctors are Quacks and Charlatans anyhow….
    A few years ago I went for one of those medicals…..the obese bastard had the nerve to tell me (in a letter) that I was basically a fat alcoholic who smoked too much and had high blood pressure. Now, I’m a fair size but it certainly isn’t fat…I lied slightly about the alcohol ( halved my weekly consumption and knocked an additional 20 units off for luck)…I do enjoy my cigarettes admittedly…and the blood pressure thing is only when I get aerated about something ( which the cheeky bugger had caused during the medical with his inane questions).

    I wouldn’t give £30 to any of the snake-oil salesmen.

  15. May sound harsh, if nobody gave to charities, the fucking governments around the world would have to get their arses in gear and sort the issues out themselves. There’s enough money sloshing around the world, there should be no need for charities.

    • If I dont buy my kids birthday presents im hardly likely to donate to some fuckin little umbongos or sand dancers am I?
      “But mtembe has cataracts!
      Without an operation he’ll die!”

      Gods judgement.
      I’ll sleep the sleep of the just.

      • If I don’t buy my kids birthday presents im hardly likely to donate to some fuckin umbongos or sand dancers am I?
        “But mtembe has cataracts!
        Without a operation he’ll die!”

        Gods will.
        Fuck him.

      • There’s nothing wrong with Sand Dancers, they are good wholesome Geordie Folk, not CUNTS.

  16. The problem now is once you donate to one of these cunt companies who pay for advertising, rent, wages, company cars,pensions,travel,phones and allsorts of other bills out of your money before a few pennies trickle down to Mbuko with the turned in eyelashes to have and operation performed by some struck off surgeon in his own country, so no he,s in the Sudan and still wearing his gold Rolex along with all the other disgraced doctors and kiddy fiddlers sent to these places by charities and churches, of course thats assuming the local war lord dosnt get the money for truck loads of AK47,S.
    The list of these so called good charities is endless as well,
    Child line, Help the Homeless crack addled weasles, Donkey sanctuaries, Black kids, Brown kids, Yellow kids,Ginger kids, kids in wheel chairs, blind kids, kids who are using last years iphone, kids without laptops, rspca [although i agree with this one], pikey kids, illegal immigrants who can afford the latest trends, leave money in your pension for cunts……fucking hell im on a roll here.
    Once you have given to one of these cunt companies who try to guilt you into paying for any of the above and lots of other causes, they will sell your details and you will never get another moments peace, hackers will be hacking your arse for the long term foreseeable future.
    The only charity i would be interested in would be donate a fiver to send Handy Bendy Gandy and his family back to Pakistan, or condoms for fucking Africa because if your in the shit have some kids, that always improves a situation, or fireworks for Syria, you get the idea.
    Because im a Caring, Understanding, Nineties, Type so fuck em all i say….leeching cunts

  17. If you are a charity you don’t have to pay tax so more money for freeloading execs to help themselves to. Just like that cunt Miliband over in Yankland, what do they call themselves…….International Rescue innit? They should recruit Greta Thunderbirds, Sparkletits as Lady Penelope and The Flabbot as “Brains”.
    Or am I mixing up my 1970’s puppet shows!

    • Looks like Londons having another BBQ?…
      Hope Lammy isn’t visiting any mates!
      Perish the thought….

  18. Comic Relief have revealed that so far this year they have raised an amazing £52million.
    Although this will probably go down to around £2million when my cheque for £50million bounces….

  19. Fuck em.
    Might as well send a cheque to the MD of Natwest.
    All rats in the same barrel.
    Godfrey Ngobwana got Ebola and the cheeky cunt wants me to pay for treatment?
    Good Luck with that Godfrey.

  20. giving to charities in places like Africa is like a state benefit. The more mouths to feed the more the charities want from you. They’re not happy with just a few quid here and there, they want you to cough up £30+ per month benefit for M’bungo and his 9 brothers and 5 sisters.

    And then next year the charity will increase your DD payments from £30 to £40/month because M’bungo now has 3 more brothers and 2 more sisters!

    No wonder they keep on breeding, and we keep on paying

    fuck them and fuck the national charities.

    Donate locally – hospices, animal charities and other local community charities run by volunteers

  21. I keep dry dog food in the car to help a stray if need be. If a beggar has a dog I’ll go up to him with a handful of dog food, put it down in front of the dog, and walk away.
    That’s my charitable work.
    Fuck off.

    • Oxfam asked me for a donation and I gave them a couple of rubber Johnny’s and told them to practice safe sex.

  22. The charity advert that really gets me goat up in the one from the National Zakat Foundation (NZF).

    The only people this charity helps are peacefuls which means that like all other peaceful charity the only people who will benefit from it are peacefuls. That’s why I will never donate to a peaceful charity.

    The fucking cunts love to say how they are doing good deeds during Ramadamadingdong but we all know they will never do good deeds for the sensible people who don’t shove their arses in others’ face down the local mosque every Friday lunchtime.

  23. Just heard Richard Tice (Reform Party candidate) on the radio, saying the Londonistan mayoral election is currently on a knife edge (no pun intended), with Suckdick and Shaun Bailey (Tory candidate) within 1% of each other.

    So possibly not the landslide Labour expected. If the Right hadn’t been split 3 ways Suckdick would likely have received his marching orders. Still might…

  24. I stopped giving to Unicef years ago when I found out they were all raping the indigenous populations they were supposed to help.
    All donations first go to paying the salaries of the CEO’s and then the corrupt governments who need the aid.
    I now follow David Lammy’s advice.

  25. A lad I knew did some of that street canvassing, to get people to sign up for direct debit to a charity.
    He was getting £150-£300 per day. London, 2010.
    Charity-mostly a fucking scam business ?

  26. I used to keep an eye on an old girl, helping out when needed.
    She rang me when a tree had fallen in her garden, I went round and sorted it for her.

    I went in for a brew when I finished and she made space on her massive dining table (12 / 14 seats)-piles of papers.
    She was sorting out the charities she supported. There must have been 20-30 or more charities leeching off the poor old girl-a spinster in her late 80’s.
    She tried to give me a few quid for helping her out, which I obviously refused.

    They are like fucking vampires☹️?

  27. Tho I have no offspring myself, I give to Clic Sargent. Cancer is a cunt, and I think CS is UK only.
    I hate Medecins sans frontieres, especially that hatchet-faced, whiny blonde tart Erin. Leave the africunts to die, we’d save even more money, and solve a lot of the world’s problems.

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