Aliens and their UFOs

Aliens and their UFO’s are cunts for being so mysterious and baffling.

I have never subscribed to the UFO theory. I have always adopted an ambiguous attitude to the prospect of alien life.

The observable Universe (that part we can see with modern instrumentation) is calculated to extend some 46 billion light years. Within the compass of the observable Universe there are estimated to be 125 billion galaxies. Each galaxy contains thousands of millions of stars. Our own Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated 100,000 million stars.

We know that planets are common to stars. Since 1992 we have detected 4000 exoplanets. Many of these are gas giants and obviously unsuitable for life. Because of their size and the large gravitational wobble they exert on their stars they are naturally the easiest to detect. But rocky planets potentially suitable for life have been detected and are undoubtedly common. The race is now on to detect bio signatures in the light spectrum of candidate planets to see if they betray any indications of life. Radio telescopy has also been in progress for at least 60 years now. So far, nothing.

It’s possible that life, let alone intelligent life, is extremely rare in the Universe. Life might depend on an incredibly rare conjunction of factors to come about – such as a star and planetary system having the requisite character, the advantage of a gas giant guardian like Jupiter to ward of asteroids through its massive gravitational presence and the right conditions needed to ensure the planet has a magnetosphere, the chemistry of the atmosphere and oceans and whatever led to the evolution of the cellular make up and reproduction required for life to take hold.

This “Rare Earth Hypothesis” seems compelling to me. Many stars, particularly supergiants, are totally unsuitable for life bearing planets, the stellar environment being so hostile. There may be very few intelligent civilisations in the Universe. It’s not inconceivable that we are the only one. And yet, statistically when one looks at the trillions of stars there are in the Universe, that seems absurd.

But then there are the laws of physics to contend with. Einstein said nothing could travel faster than light. This universal speed limit has been experimentally confirmed. Without faster than light travel the Universe is permanently sealed of to us or any alien life who will also be bound by the same physical laws.

There is also the problem of time dilation. We can dream about warp travel, bending the fabric of space-time to bring two parts of the Universe closer, but that’s pure science fiction and the energy required to do it is unimaginable. And how could it be controlled?

However I look at it the prospect of aliens and UFO’s looks like a pipe dream. However, there have been credible reports of mysterious objects in the sky apparently defying the laws of physics and moving at incredible speeds which would tear any other vessel apart. The witnesses are credible military personnel. The objects have been filmed. They are apparently taken seriously by the US intelligence services. Barack Obama believes in them. Donald Trump has authorised the release of a hitherto secret dossier which will be published in a few weeks.

These things challenge my understanding of astronomy and astrophysics. It keeps me awake at night. I remain a sceptic. But if there are aliens they appear to be playing with us, acting the cunt and refusing to engage with us. If you are there, come and talk to us. No doubt there is much you can teach us.

Otherwise, you’re just a bunch of cunts and we already have enough of those on Earth.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

(Drake’s Equation “N = R* *fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L“, still rocks! – DA)

85 thoughts on “Aliens and their UFOs

  1. Told this on here before.
    Years ago I was working in the hills above Rawtenstall and a massive circle of light flew through the sky above me!
    I was freaked out!
    Then another and another,
    A alien invasion!!!!
    But… As I crested the hill I realised that as cars passed by below on a road the UFOs flew over.
    It was some atmospheric anomaly,
    The clouds that dense they reflected the headlights below.
    But I certainly at first believed it was the Moonmen ?
    Ive no doubt whatsoever theres life on other planets,
    None at all, and science backs my view.
    But true to form,
    Im predjudiced against them,
    Theyre not welcome here,
    Fuck off back to where you came from.?

    • Should of flashed them Miserable, and if they didn’t shoot off your cock with a laser beam, make first contact.

      “Ey up cocker, not Pakis are you?”.

    • Ah but Miserable what if the boot was on the other foot and you got a lift on one Branson’s spaceships and travelled for thousands of light years and you ended up on ET’s planet. And there they all were ET and his extended all pointing at you with their long thin fingers ‘Go Home…Go home’. Now wouldn’t you feel a little but crestfallen after travelling all that way?

      • And it being you you’d probably sneak onto the planet and live there secretly and maybe after a few years you decipher ET’s language…you never know… and longing to speak to one of them you jump out from behind a bush and say ‘I am Miserable Northern Cunt from Planet Earth I wish to speak to you in peace’ and he in that friendly innocent ET way in his own language says: ‘Go home you cunt’.

      • I dont want to travel as far as Burnley Miles.
        Never mind into space!

        Ill tell you now and ill tell you firmly
        I dont want to go to Burnley
        What they do there dont concern me
        Why do people make the journey?

  2. QDM cunted something similar in January:

    “Now we have the former head of Israeli Space Security, General Haim Eshed, claiming that a few decades ago, a ‘Galactic Federation’ contacted the US and Israeli governments and made a pact with them. They want to help us and give us at least some of their technology. But not yet. They want to remain hidden from the wider human populace, because we’re not ready. In that case, why bother contacting anyone on Earth? Oh yes, they also have a base on Mars. Eshed also claimed that they had to intervene, because Trump wanted to announce their existence to the world. And yet they did fuck all when Eshed did the same. Picky fuckers, this Federation, aren’t they?

    Some of these potty fuckers have even formed a religion around UFO’s, how demented is that?”

  3. I blame Elon Musk for all this mess.
    I suspect he is an alien lifeform.
    He’s very definitely a galactic cunt.

    • You could use one of his rocket engines to warm the oven.

      That would get the contents nice and toasty.

  4. I don’t know if ETs exist, if they coudl visit or if they have but even if they haven’t and UFO’s are just top secret military experiments and abduction stories are just people who’ve had sleep paralysis episodes – that doesn’t mean ETs don’t exist.

    Considering the amount of organic compounds that exist in nature it’s not hard to think that life could form and evolve elsewhere. Also worth considering that experiments have been done for decades under the right conditions and have resulted in basic amino acids, nucleobases and even Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine and Thymine to form spontaneously so it’s not hard to think that life could form elsewhere.

  5. I read once that there are more stars and planets in the universe than grains of sand here on earth.

    That’s fucking staggering when you think about it….

    There has to be some intelligent life out there. Let’s hope so because as Eric Idle sang, “There’s bugger-all down here on earth.”

    Assuming alien civilisations have the ability to travel though the eons to get here, there’s a strong possibility they wouldn’t be arsed. Rather like you or I walking 1000 miles to pour some boiling water down an ants nest.

    • Spot on.
      By the law of averages, I remain certain there must be life out there.
      It’s just that they had a day trip to Rendlesham, prob met some locals, then departed in haste. I believe they spe t a few months lookin at Belgium, and came to the same conclusion.
      Daft sods should’ve called me; I could’ve told them about Belgium.

  6. I have been watching the excellent documentary series ‘Colony’ on Now TV. Aliens are proper cunts and no mistake.

    The superb Chinese writer Liu Cixin’s Three Body Problem trilogy provides compelling scenarios whereby aliens might seek to destroy us if we carry on trying to make contact. Admitting the possibility of intelligent aliens also means admitting the possibility that they will have advanced/different space travel technologies and possibilities.

    MMCM is right not to totally rule out aliens finding us and, given that circumstance, most likely blowing us to fuck.

  7. No need to leave Earth or even the UK to see alien life, we are infested with it.

    Anyway space is racist because it white.
    Cant see dark matter because whitey is hiding it.

    • Arrogance really to think that alien space travellers would want to drop in for a chat with us.
      We pollute our drinking water
      The air we breathe
      Trash our natural environment
      And slaughter each other.
      Theyd probably see us as dangerous termites?
      A highly dangerous animal not to be let loose.
      The cheeky bulb headed cunts.

      • If that Israeli General chap is right and they want to help us, maybe they could start by abducting all the scum punters we have on earth. Please take them up in your big space ships, probe them in the rear end for as long as you want and then dump them off in a galaxy far away when done.

  8. The pentagon has confirmed UFO sightings.

    I don’t know if there is other life in the universe or in the infinite parallel universes physicists are now speculating on.

    Some say UFO’s are inter dimensional beings porting into our reality in some physical but none physical state. Fuck knows how they pull that off?

    It’s possible that life has taken a different route elsewhere in the multiverse and would be unrecognisable by humans.

    Some say life only exists on earth under a giant dome and the sun is much closer on a flat earth.

    The theories are endless for the average folk just trying to get by they are meaningless.

    We should be worrying about the mess we are making on this planet before we start worrying about the rest of the potential migrants we can find in the universe.

    • Quantum physics is my bête noir; I just don’t understand it and when I talk about it I sound like a troglodyte.

      For example, I was watching a doc about the multiverse (I think this is hilarious because of Family Guy). Anyway in this doc, an experiment is conducted by a proper Sheldon type that apparently proves the existence of the multiverse. The experiment involved beaming rays of light into a box made up of compartments. The light managed to exist in all the compartments hence the multiverse exists. Eh? I must be thick as two planks but fuck me, isn’t that just the nature of light or the compartments had holes in it?

      • A neutron walks into a bar… or does it? Anyway it walks into a bar, introduces itself to the bartender, who is a tad surprised and asks if it would like a drink.
        “Well how much?” asks neutron.
        The bartender says, “For you, no charge.”

      • I will have to desist from our exchange Cuntologist but that’s it. I’m sorry.

        See you referenced ‘Sheldon’ in you initial post so that means you are a fan of The Big Bang Theory.

        I have had to endure very many chronically unfunny episodes because Mrs Plastic likes it. I have suffered series after series or season after season as the Americsns say. Truly I have suffered.

        This has been a huge disappointment to me. Cuntologist.

        Maybe we can reestablish relations at a later time. But for the moment I must take my leave.

      • Miles.

        You’ve sat through series after series of something you clearly hate?

        Are you nuts? No need to answer that.

        I’m with Cuntologist: Big Bang Theory is funny.

      • RT this is ISAC you cannot go round saying things like TBB is funny or endorsing ‘The Sprouts’ or even as you did defending ‘Deacon Blue’. These things are just beyond the pale.

  9. Then there is the burning question ‘Was God an Astronaut?’ We are indebted to Mr E Von Daniken for putting this front and centre back in the 1960s.

    • Erik Von Daniken and Immanuel Velikovsky? Great books and terrific reads. Unfortunately the science doesn’t stack up

  10. Strange how aliens have the technology to cross the galaxy yet crash when they get here and always in the USA for some reason….

    • Maybe their looking for a McDonalds drive through?

      Apparently there’s a UK Ministry of Defence report as well which may be released.

      These “aliens” apparently like to hover around nuclear installations.

      Some of the videos look like they could be atmospheric anomalies. But the one with the glowing triangles in the sky is genuinely creepy.

  11. If I wase a intelligent alien being I would swerve planet earth and head straight to the planet of beautiful women,
    If they have been visiting they must be relatives of the flabbot, therefore thick as fuck, or have a very Sick sense of humour

    • And don’t forget that cunt Mork.

      Nanu nanu….shusbot.

  12. A hundred and fifty years ago if someone had said, soon we won’t need gas lanterns, we’ll be able to flick a switch and the whole room will be bathed in light, he would have been laughed at. If someone had said seventy years ago that a beam of light could cut through metal, he would have been dismissed as a nut.
    There’s all this talk of the speed of light preventing this and that, but we’ve no idea what’s going to be invented in the next fifty, hundred, two hundred years time. There are ways of doing things just waiting to be discovered.

    • The cunts in Africa haven’t discovered fire yet otherwise they’d boil the bison piss before they drink it.

  13. Ahem * puts on foil sombrero *

    When they show up they’ll be tall, blonde, and speak with a slight German accent. Maybe.

    All these recent stories are planting seeds. Why would UFOs only show up to do drive-bys on military folk? If I were a young grey skinned mischievous alien, I’d joyride to every chimney in town and drop a green deuce down it (and possibly probe some milf booty).

    Nah. These ones are ours. Not reverse engineered from ETs, just developed from the discoveries of Tesla and Schauberger. The ace up the sleeve, the final unifying threat should all the others lies fail (viruses, global warming, terrorism).

    It’s bad 1950s thinking that they need shiny metal craft to get here. Come on, really? Where’s the imagination? You telling me they can’t just phase in and out of this dimension using their minds only and have to skeet here like some fucking Jetson family? It has all the hallmarks of a poorly constructed human narrative. Get to fuck.

    * foil off *

  14. Any aliens watching us wiill be laughing like the old Smash advert.

    Electric cars?
    Banning gas boilers?
    Burning wood pellets to reduce CO2 and pollution?
    Being lectured by a teenage spanner?
    The TV adverts?
    Chiggun lives matter?
    Biden and Boris?

    You are having a fucking giraffe. Beam us up.

  15. Well I dont trust them.
    No way theyre friendly.
    The sly fuckers want something.
    And soon as they land the creepy little fuckers will be given a house.
    Boris will have his tongue right up their little green arses after a trade deal.
    They land in China theyll be straight in the wok.

  16. Maybe planet earth is a sort of Saga holiday destination for the ageing ETs. And gays, as well, as people claiming to have been taken on board UFOs seem to have been anally probed…

  17. Funny how they travelled across the vast reaches of space to finger bang some redneck up the arse. Its never anybody remotely believable.
    Still, more plausible than any religion.

  18. Ok I accept it’s possible that some lifeform exists on some planet in the universe. It’s also possible that they are so far advanced technologically that they can flit back and forward and clock what we are doing. I’ll even accept that when they kidnap earth cunts to study them there’s a good reason , beyond my understanding, why they pick on dumb rednecks who spend most evenings pissed up on moonshine. It’s all possible.
    Now we are told that governments are about to reveal some startling announcement about these aliens. We have the US Navy releasing all these videos and shit. We even have Barry O’Bummer telling us, or at least implying, that they are real.
    Now call me Mr Suspicious Cunt if you like but with everything that’s going on, with all the bullshit they are feeding us i’m thinking why now? Why the fuck now? I don’t trust any government any further than I can gob so I smell a rat here. A bit fat commie rat with a big red Chinky red star on it’s back.
    When that hatch opens and out pops a diverse crew of BAMES, gays and trannies all wearing George Floyd t shirts we’ll know they’ve had us over again.
    The Cunts.

    • If you wanted information would you pick on a dumb, pissed up redneck, somebody from the BBC or an MP? I know which I’d trust more.

  19. I think the Rare Earth hypothesis is convincing. Life depends on a staggering number of coincidences to start. Not only is there the biological equation but the right planet and the right sun is required. Our sun is often described as common. It’s true that yellow dwarf stars like the sun are very common. But our sun is an unusual dwarf star because it’s very stable and calm. The majority of dwarf stars are actually unstable and prone to flaring during which they eject huge quantities of radiation and matter making them unsuitable for life bearing planets.
    Life is difficult and I believe not common. But even if it’s rare, in a Universe with trillions of stars, that could still add up to a lot of inhabited planets – even if it’s only an average of one intelligent civilization per 20 galaxies. But it makes the possibility of contact or detection highly unlikely.

    I’m not sure about these flying saucers. They seem to break the laws of physics so it’s either a hoax or our understanding of physics is faulty and incomplete.

  20. Admin posted Drakes famous equation on this post. This equation is fascinating. Unfortunately, most of the intergers are totally unknown and therefore speculative so it takes us no further.

    • Are you familiar with The Borde–Guth–Vilenkin theorem MMCM? That basically states that there must have been a Beginning to our universe or any supposed Multiverse (in which it is situate).
      To do with the Penrose number, the Law of Entropy (that all matter tends to dissipate)
      To repeat there MUST have been a beginning or dare we use the word Creation to our universe or any Multiverse in which it was situate.
      The calculations are done.
      It’s in the maths.

      • This is not proof of God’s existence. The multiverse could have spontaneously popped into existence. But then you have to explain how the LAWS of physics just randomly popped into existence?

      • No that’s not the main point. The main point is that the universe or any multiverse in which it is situate must have had a csuse outside of it.
        Whether that cause is God is another question.

      • Yes Miles, I’m familiar with the BGV theorem. It’s very interesting. However, Vilenkin says one condition must be met for it, and that is that there must be a classical space time in which time and causality exist or can be defined. The problem with this is that on very small time and length scales, quantum fluctuations in the structure of spacetime could be so large that these classical concepts become totally inapplicable. So, the BGV theorem fails when applied to quantum gravity and quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics unfortunately buggers up so much grand theorising in cosmology. It’s a huge problem.

      • I actually think the Multiverse concept is very compelling. But there’s just no way we can prove it. The further back you look in cosmology the more you come across an impenetrable wall which we cannot breach because the laws of physics which govern our universe no longer exist and how can you define the undefinable? There’s a void. There’s two responses to this. You can say that there are things we don’t understand yet and possibly never will but they exist or you can place God in this void.

      • The only things that could pop into existence could come out of a Black Hole. The Big Bang started with a singularity which expanded from a point smaller than a grain of sand to several billion light years across in less than a second. It’s still expanding so the Big Bang has not yet finished – it now seems that due to Dark Matter it will carry on expanding infinitely. The only other places where there are singularities are inside black holes. So was our Universe created from a black hole in another universe? It could have been which means there are potentially billions of other universes as black holes are common and it seems likely that every galaxy has at least one super massive black hole in its galactic centre. The black holes in our Universe could be creating other universes. Are these `universes formed with the same physical laws as ours? It still begs the question of how it all started.

      • Sorry I meant dark energy not dark matter in the last post.

        Nothing to do with dark keys.

  21. When these alien bastards get here I hope they are going to take the knee. I don’t want them dissing me, know what i’m sayin’ fam?

  22. If they ever really arrive, we should nuke the fuckers, pronto. If they ever get a foothold, it’ll be like “Avatar” here. Except we don’t have flying dragons to fight the bastards off. But of course, some deluded wankers will say they’re welcome cos they’re “refugees” from some shit-hole planet. Like all the other “refugees” we have to deal with…

  23. What is quite interesting is that Earth will be toast in about 600 million years time. Seems that the Sun will run out of hydrogen and helium from about that time-span, and in a further 4 billion years time it will turn into a red giant, expand to 100+ times its current mass to the point where it will engulf Mercury, Venus and most likely Earth, before going Nova and ending up as a White Dwarf.

    Obviously Greta’s future generations won’t be too happy about that, and they’ll probably blame the West for stealing their childhood.

    To add to the drama, in about 5 billion years time the Andromeda galaxy – currently 2 million light years away, will collide with the Milky Way, causing all sorts of fucked up shit.

    Either way, the Earth will be toast no matter how hard we recycle. So if aliens don’t find us, or we don’t fuck off to some other galaxy by then, then it will be goodbye Vienna.

    • Fuck me Techno, thats cheerful!
      Id reconsider the voluntary work at the Samaritans!

    • All quite correct. But I shouldn’t worry about the collision with Andromeda. The distance between the stars is so vast that they will simply pass between each other. There could be some long term gravitational disturbances though, but nothing too dramatic and it will happen over millions of years. The Sun running out hydrogen and expanding into a Giant Star though- yes, that’s a bugger.

      • Well, it could be that black matter/black energy gig again except we have never found any. Its just a ‘plug’ as our understanding of physics doesn’t explain things that we observe without it. Hmmmmm.

        I’m not convinced of black matter / black energy – so don’t try and tell me that black matter matters.

      • Your friendly Yodel delivery man will deliver your package between 0430 and 2300, next Tuesday.
        Any colour you like, as long as it’s black.

  24. I wonder how many times aliens have explored earth in an attempt to find intelligent life?
    (Starting their search in Pakistan was an unfortunate choice)..

  25. Then they focused on Flabbot’s house and said “fuck this for a laugh let’s fuck off home.”

  26. Perhaps they’re just waiting ’til we’ve all had the jab so we don’t infect them when they come to talk to/eat us. War of the Worlds?

  27. A point of order, and a correction.
    Faster than the speed of light – was if fact, the one and only Muhammad Ali.
    In his own words he told us that he could turn off the light switch and be in bed before it got dark.

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