This poor sod Tony Foulds has looked after a memorial to American airmen in Sheffield for years. I understand, as a kid he watched the plane fly overhead and crash into nearby woods. He was convinced the pilot wanted to avoid him and lost his and the crews lives. As a tribute he’s tended a memorial for donkeys years as a tribute to the brave airmen that fought in the war.
Well all know it was a lovely hot day yesterday and the park where the memorial is was rammed with cunts drinking and generally fucking around. Some utter depraved wanker(s) have chose to damage this memorial leaving the poor old bugger in tears.
I absolutely despair at some people, words fail me. What can these toe-rags possibly get from doing that? They need to be made to repair the damage then put in the stocks on a busy market day with a sign saying ‘I’m a cunt, I damaged a precious memorial for no reason, feel free to throw shit at me and kick me in the bollocks’ then jail for a while whilst they contemplate their pathetic existence.
Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious
Stocks are too good for them. Fucking shithouses.
The cunts should be cuffed and held down in an enclosed structure where a mixture of pig shit, cow shit and any other shit mixed with a cocktail of animal piss and human piss is slowly poured in until the level covers thier poxy heads. Leave for 1 hour and let the cunts suffocate.
Yes!! Sell tickets to this, and use the money to repair the memorial.
Vandals come from all walks of life these days. Sons of politicians and popstars, it is not just oiks and serfs anymore!
One inescapable fact is they’re all cunts, no matter what the reason or excuse!
There is no excuse for such behaviour.
They are just brainless scum.
Maybe we should have draconian punishment like Syria & Iran.
Cut the bastards hand off – they’ll think twice before doing it again.
I’d set fire to the cunts and watch them burn.
Probably the same cunts who left that park looking like a hypo encampment ?
It demonstrates the extent of the void between three generations of the inhabitants of this isle☹️
Fuck you ?
Feral scum with no sense of history or gratitude. But what do you expect when real history is no longer taught in schools and replaced with Woke Studies instead. We’re breeding a generation of Orcs.
Sheffield is trying to compete with Londonistan, Birmingstan and Lutonstan as top shit hole of the country.
They don’t give a fuck about anything except themselves.
I’ve lived in Sheffield all my life and I bought my children up to respect other people, and their property, and I’m extremely proud to say that they are both hard working, law abiding members of society.
So where do these maggots come from? I cannot tell you, but I bet more than a few live in Firvale and Page Hall, the carbuncle on the arse of the world.
Hang the cunts
Don’t forget the cunts who spawned them too. Fuck it as long as the dying is long and painful works for me.
Well done Bertie, I bought this up on the Sheffield litter cunts page.
Cannot blame the culprits, they have zero respect for anything. The cunts are brought/dragged up without any responsibility, remorse or respect. Parents and teachers are all total cunts. It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Find them, break their hands with a hammer (a chipping hammer is best, I imagine), leather them until they need a long stay in hospital.
Tell the police nobody saw a thing – they must have been “vandalised”.
I am of course the mild mannered type and would never approve of this action..
Find them then hand the cunts over to the current members of the USAF squadron the plane was part of.
Horse whipping is too good for the cunts.
Cut their fingers off and brand them across their faces. Undiluted scum.
Pricks want setting fire to. Young cunts these days don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves. To them, the second world war is as distant in time as the Roman empire, yet the uppity young are quite vociferous about the slave trade 200 years ago. Picking and choosing what they want from history when it suits them. The may bank holiday should be moved to the 8th, to commemorate the end of the war, fuck some socialist cause.
I know this story. It is sad that there are such morons about. Young men far from home died and these cunts do this.
Find the cunt, shoot him and the person standing next to him in the face and leave their carcass where it falls for a week as a lesson to the other scumbags.
They are all clinically retarded so there will be a lot of shooting, either they get the message or they all become extinct.
This is what happens when you have marxists, teaching children to hate themselves and where they come from. Its also what happens when those who cannot do, teach generations to be sheep, with no idea about their history. Cunts.
Hang them from a tree at the entrance to the memorial and leave them there.
Whenever I hear the predictable anti-US rants from the usual suspects I want to tell them to go and look at the massive American military cemeteries all over Europe where young men who fought and died for freedom in the Second World War lie. There is an enormous one in Cambridge for example.
I went to the Omaha beach cemetery a few years back. Shows how much our “freedom” cost.
This country is now infested with the blue haired anti-US trigglypuffs, the ‘OK, yah’ middle class Wokies and sub-primates with an IQ of 50, who believe that vandalism of a memorial which is not theirs to touch, is a jolly good wheez, eh? Cunts!
I can’t imagine who was responsible for this senseless, cruel vandalism. This made an 83 year old man cry, FFS. The cunts should hang their fucking heads in shame and should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If they had any fucking bollocks whatsover, they would confess, face the consequences and pay towards the restoration of the memorial out of their own pockets. And deliver a genuine heartfelt apology to the poor old boy that they cunted.
But that is just not going to happen, is it?
Big cellars, and industrial-scale nitrogen extractors. Quick, painless, efficient and non-polluting.
My piss boileth over
Quick and painless is not the way it should happen.
The amount of time freedom lasts is so short compared to the steep price paid. It’s obvious that only a couple generations is all it takes for us to forget. The schools don’t teach it anymore and any parent that thinks they will needs a glass naval to see where they are going because they have their heads up their asses.
Wonder if the same urchins would have a go at a statue of chicken George.
Always surprised that people are shocked when this sort of shit happens, what about that cunt pissing on a war memorial a few years back?. Sign of the times that’s all. Sixty odd years of destroying the things that held us together, legal system that ain’t worth a wank. Always was vandalism, farm gates off hinges etc. Now being a useless cunt of an oxygen thief is a national pastime. Remember that cunt who swung on one of the flags on the cenotaph in court as mitigation his defence claimed that he was unaware of what the Cenotaph stood for. The cunt was doing a history degree at Cambridge at the time. I rest my case.
That chimpanzee swinging on the flag, was as British as Spaghetti, Edam & Bratwurst ?
Great post?
Fucking scumsucking filth. If we had a police force I would suggest they hunt the fuckers down and kick them bloody in the cells. However, this sort of depravity is no longer ‘a priority’ for the fatsos, so I suppose nothing will be done.
Hang them by their ankles from a lamppost and let the people lose on them with an assortment of sharp and heavy tools.
Seek. Detain.. Execute