Fellow Cunters, for your cuntsideration: the government and media and vaccine shills, using quite frankly, despicable methods of coercion.
Vaccine passports and identification papers will, ultimately, be used to remove the last few freedoms we actually enjoy.
Think I’m in need of “tinfoil hat” removal surgery?
listen to what the former lead scientist of Pfizer has to say about it:
(Pease note-the link was lifted from a news feed website, I am not a subscriber to conservative woman.? Although Maggie would soon sort the current shit show out?)
The final decision as to whether we take the vaccine or not, should be down to the individual. The removal of this right of choice, by the threat of the loss of personal liberties, creating a two tier society, is a choice we should all be eager to protect.
44 million people died to protect the civil liberties we enjoyed. Little by little, they have been removed.
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
..and on a similar but perhaps more sinister note, this from Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
IBM are Nazi loving, world domination bent cunts.
Not content with just smoothing the wheels of the Holocaust, it seems IBM is now up to its tits in preparing the post Covid 19 oppression endgame, so called ‘vaccine certificates’.
Digital vaccine certificates currently being developed, will be “tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data.” What the holy fuck? Let that sink in, cunters “food allocation data”.
Of course, I know I risk being accused of being a tinfoil hatter, but I would politely suggest that there is more than enough evidence from the past year to conclude that the doors to our cages are being pushed closed and the locks are being designed to ensure we can never escape.
Hmmmm – I think I will skip this one.
The take up by the over 50’s is running at around 94% in England so is well above the target to suppress the virus.
The problem will come as we start getting into the younger age groups, all the stuff about passports is being thrown into the mix is to try to put a rod up the arses of the 20 to 35’s
A lot will depend on how other countries decide to control borders, if you want to go on holiday get a jab ?
Fuck the Covid passport, shove it up your arse.
Next you’ll be saying the whole pandemic has been vastly blown out of proportion to enable the introduction of the vaccines (experimental) that can only be used under the emergency powers the government awarded itself and to push the introduction of digital ID’s and the same kind of societal control under test in China.
Worries me that there are people on this site that think for themselves and don’t just sit back and trust in the government, the BBC, Bill Gates, the WHO, Joe Biden and all those other worthy people and organisations that surely have our best interests at heart.
I have tried reading between the lines but I’m not sure what you are trying to say.
This is Sixdog being at his cynical best!
Maybe this fella explains things better than I do.
Robert Dingwall, professor of sociology at Nottingham Trent University, said: “The first thing to remember with any vaccination programme is the primary reason for not taking it up is almost always one of access, rather than outright resistance.
“For the most part, it’s because the vaccination programme hasn’t reached some group in the form that is acceptable to them, at a time and a place and within a framework of persuasion that convinces them that it’s a good idea.
Glad we cleared that up.
Sounds about right, Sixdog!
Vaccine passport advocation should come with a 15 year prison sentence minimum. If fascism is what these people want then fascism is what they shall have.
The Great Re Set is starting early.Wheel out your portable oven please Unkle Terry for these wankstains.
This country is long overdue for a reset.
Been thinking – how many bakery ovens could you fit on the back of a low loader? take the solution to the problem on Unkle Terry’s UK Tour? Franchise the bastard thing, fuckin’ gold mine there!
So long as the scotch and ale keeps flowing I’m happy.
Any mither and in these fucking rats go.
Good Health!
Vaccine /immunity certificates /passports and twice weekly testing is all bollocks and probably impractical bollocks at that. Unless you want to travel to a country that demands a vaccine passport before entering.
Bottom line: old cunts and those otherwise vulnerable to serious illness or death have now been fully vaccinated which means there is no longer any excuse not to fully reopen the economy and resume normal social intercourse. Those who choose not to be vaccinated will no doubt happy to take their chances.
“be” happy to take their chances. ?
“…old cunts … have now been fully vaccinated which means there is no longer any excuse”
But they’re telling us that the ‘vaccine’ doesn’t prevent you acquiring it OR transmitting it… so… errrr… what was the fucking point again?
I called this as total horseshit from day 1 and I’ve seen nothing that has made me review that call. What I have seen though is the biggest power grab/wealth transfer ever attempted along with the media driven inculcation of a soul destroying reflex subservience in a once great people. We are standing in the ruins of a culture contemplating a culture of ruin. Deeply depressing to see.
Very eloquently put sir???
Could be condensed into:
“Total Cuntitude”
Last one vaccinated is a Gaylord.
13 to 14 months of media gaslighting has actually made the very idea of mandatory (in all but name) experimental vaccinations seem like an acceptable idea to a lot of people.
Yup the ‘Behavioural Insight Team’s dialectic worked like a charm turning open apathy (pfft it’s a flu) into mild concern into worry into panic into fear thence paranoia and thus finally into the end goal… blind acceptance. Job done.
See they are now trialling mix and match vaccines after initially advising the second vaccination must be the same as the first.
As always, no plan, just making it up as they go along.
The important thing Willie is that Prince Andrew should get to wear an Admiral’s outfit at the funeral.
Ruff. Willie isnt Andrew’s rock as well is he?
I couldn’t possibly comment, Cuntstable…
This isn’t a new idea, but they have to go with the same vaccine for both because that’s how it was approved by the regulators.
They have to do trials before mixed doses can be rolled out.
“As always, no plan, just making it up as they go along.”
Oh there’s a plan alright Will, the degree of lock-stepped centralised/directed media co-ordination we’ve seen across the globe is testament to that.
The good news is that the Mercola fellow very much sounds like America’s Dr Wakefield. So that second link is probably bullshit.
When the like of Naomi Wolf can be plinthed as a defender of rights then you really know you’re in deep shit! And what’s all this bollocks about IBM inventing punch card data systems for Uncle H?? they used such a system for the 1890 New York election? The Jacquard loom anybody? There’s one in our local museum, magnificent thing… from 1845!
I thank the people who have taken this stuff, their potential sacrifice means that I will (maybe) get to lead something like a normal life.
I have no interest in pop concerts, pubs or football matches so even if the stupid passport thing happens I won’t give a monkey’s cuss.
Same for me.I only want to see new films at the cinema but I am guessing “passports ” too
“..so even if the stupid passport thing happens I won’t give a monkey’s cuss.”
Maybe not you and not now Spanks but once they’ve seen off the boppers, boozers and footie fans they’ll be back for you in the “Final Great Sweep” which will root out the last dissenters.
I’m ready and waiting…I’ve had the killer cough anyway so have natural immunity which means I still have to be texted about twenty times telling me I’m at risk from something I’ve already had…..not to mention it was a mild cold at best.
At least the vaccine certification systems are being developed by the tried and trusted experts in population management. Should make the whole thing much easier for Herr Hancock to explain to the PAC…if that still exists post Covid 19.
How much did they spunk up the curtains on their “world beating” Track-a-Twat system/app that didn’t fucking work? 32billion was it? Now imagine the cataclysmic FUBAR and public ‘debt’ load that will result when they attempt this pointless fuck-wittery.
Jesus fucking christ….
I’ve never gone along with conspiracy theories but for the first time in this argument I am slowly edging towards the belief that government is attempting to manipulate peoples’ behaviour.
According to the Boris cunt, it’s not the wonderful vaccine we’ve been told about that is reducing the number of cases but lockdown!
If it all goes tits up, then he’s now got a double edged sword he can use for his excuses.
Who knows, I might just go and get measured up for my tin hat.
It’s all about getting the 20 to 30’s in the game, even giving them the opt out of not being able to chose which vaccine, they will be offered moderna or Pfizer in preference to AZ
I am a bit like you Bertie. I believe its real. But odd. I clicked on my news feed one morning recently and was struck by firstly how many stories they were and how if not contradictory very dissimilar they were. How every part of the body is affected in strange ways. Down to the very smallest medical details. And where was all this data coming from? Surveys. There must be an army of surveyors in the covid wards.
Just feels funny some days, odd.
Hardly surprising when Boris has surrounded himself with behavioural psychologists. They have been toying with the minds of the public since the start.
When we go back into lockdown again this autumn, which is what his message was priming you for, maybe it will dawn on the country that something else is going on unfortunately.
it’s the Media that boils my piss over this. SLY NEWS being the worse culprits. Yesterday SLY were reporting on new Variants and trying to find any doom mongering scientists that will bolster SLY’s agenda into promoting fear and more lockdowns.
They are all at it, the BBC yesterday morning was nearly wall to wall Covid doom and gloom.
As soon as they have laid old Brian’s stiff out, the papers and the TV will go full out on trying to get another lockdown started.
“new Variants and trying to find any doom mongering scientists that will bolster SLY’s agenda.”
Warwick University seems to have an endless supply of on message talking heads that can be wheeled in front of the cameras at the drop of a fucking crisis. “Seat of learning” my arse? Sink of learning more like.
Warwick uni seem to be the go to media whore for trash stories.
They should hang their head in shame.
The campus and environs is wall-to-wall chinks, almost exclusively so.
I have yet to see what ‘their’ purpose is in eroding our liberties. The passports are probably bollocks except where commercial organisations ask for proof. Travel is an obvious one.
Look at the mercola website link. Told me all I need to know about where this comes from.
Government last year: No we won’t be doing vaccine passports (meanwhile engaging tech companies to this exact thing)
Me: Hardly engenders trust does it? Rhetorical question!
Never fear you will have your Pentagon chip and like it.
The government is woeful when it comes to large IT infrastructure projects, I have been involved sometimes and it’s dogshit. (NPfIT anyone?)
Everyone involved just gets down to stuffing their pockets with cash.
There’s a particular Crapita project I know of which was just that with contractors turning up, putting their jacket on their seat to make it look like they’re in the office, but in reality were off down the cafe/shopping/gone home, all the while charging hundreds a day. This went on for 2 years before Crapita decided the game was up and got in a consultancy to manage it all for them.
I have never been on a protest march but if they bring in Covid passports I may be tempted, at the very least my MP with get a fucking earful
If its no jab, no job I’m demonstrating for sure.
As soon as this appalling idea was even touted, you just knew it would eventually be back on the agenda.
A true case of – Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied.
Johnson, his ilk and his cronies are snake oil salesman.
I already have my vaccine passport. On the front of it is a picture of Matt Hancock grinning open mouthed and giving a double thumbs up!
Fuck off!
Mine has a picture of Matt windmilling his cock.
That sounds like a different sort of passport to me but that’s between you and your own conscience.
“For your cuntsideration” from the OP – I wish I had said that!*
(*”You will, Oscar, you will…”)
I start all my noms with that WC-not that I do many……?
I really cannot fathom why anyone would want to curtail civil liberties in the UK. As we have seen with successive lockdowns, the economy is now a basket case and the full extent of the rot will be seen within the next year when things (don’t) get going again.
Who will benefit from this? As an economy and civilsation crumbles due to a dictatorial government, no-one benefits. Even Saddam Hussein must have wondered if he’d taken the right decisions about his country before the trapdoor opened beneath him.
I have a spare roll of turkey-sized Bacofoil in the kitchen cupboard so I can fashion a nice tinfoil trilby.
I agree Paul. Everyone is talking about resets and Government control but it really looks like bad advice and monumental Government fuck ups
Wheres Big Chunky Cunt?
Hed love this normally?
I always like to read his take on things.
Sorry I’m late, my foil beanie was in the washing machine.
Paul: Who benefits? The cunts at the very top. A neo-feudal setup is far easier to control than our current one where freedom is championed, where people have rights, and the state apparatus can’t just dispose of dissenters or opponents.
It’s in the blood of these scumfucks. It’s their only reason for existing. All roads lead to Rome.
Hehehe ?
Knew you’d like this one Chunky.?
We should do what the French did and get out the guillotine. Blair first on the block. He started the decline…
“Who will benefit from this? As an economy and civilsation crumbles due to a dictatorial government, no-one benefits.”
Then you’re looking under the wrong stone Paul
“…Saddam Hussein must have wondered if he’d taken the right decisions about his country.”
Saddam had very little to do with what happened to his country. Colon Powell on the other hand had everything to do with it as he waved a mock phial of ‘anthrax’ and a CGI rendering of an imaginary “mobile weapons lab” in front of the UN and that was his fate sealed.
Climate lockdowns next, to get the plebs off the roads…
From “three weeks to flatten the curve” to “show me your papers” in little over a year.
Who wants to live in a world like that?
We’ve been done up like a kipper….
Absolutely this.
The pandemic was used to topple Trump and fudge Brexit.
Used to remove basic, hard won human rights.
Used to further politicise the police “service”.
Used to shut down debate.
Used to bring in laws, “emergency guiidlines” that we know will never be rescinded.
Used to change society-the way we interact, the way families behave.
Been used as a big stick. Wielded with glee, in some quarters.
“The great reset”
…and what else could have possibly kept the Epstein rape ring and Biden’s sticky laptop off the front pages. Will Jizzlaine make it to trial? In truth this case has the potential to bring down at least 20 world governmentsi and a swathe of dynastic families if the facts be known.
As you wish Gstick… it’s only a ‘primer’ but pick the bones out of this compendium of cuntery.
It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
So that’s a no to facts then.
“It’s enough to make a cat laugh.”
The fuckers on that map aren’t laughing.
If you say so. I haven’t looked at your silly map.
I was referring to the posts above Gutstick’s @ 2:15 pm
It’s a cracking video RTC, it’s had all of eleven views. I wasn’t going to make it twelve, I’ve seen that boring tinfoil cunt before, another one of his bullshit videos forwarded as ‘evidence’ on here! ??
Digital ID’s.
Electronic money.
The sulphurous smell of Blair behind the scenes.
I am a big believer in liberty, freedom and minimal State control.
So were the millions who have died to ensure what is now being stolen.
Ive just done a sitting for my covid passport photos!
Gone for black&white, dry ice,
A wind machine, and gazing ponderously into the distance.
Sort of a late 80s soft rock ballad look.
Dead excited!!
There is already a two tier society in Britain.
Migrants, peacefuls and ‘minorities’ first. White heterosexual working class and C of E second (or even lower).
Covid jabs or no, this land is well and truly buggered.
Look. You take the shit if you want to. Either way you’re not “going back to normal”.
I’m ready and waiting…I’ve had the killer cough anyway so have natural immunity which means I still have to be texted about twenty times telling me I’m at risk from something I’ve already had…..not to mention it was a mild cold at best.
Coercing people to get an (experimental) medical intervention is illegal. Nuremberg.
The fact this isn’t being discussed is THE red flag. The media should be all over this, but their only ‘concern’ is whether our data will be secure on such potential systems!
It’s right in our face but people don’t want to see it. Only when they see it on Aunty Beeb, in their shitrag of choice, or some dross publication, only then will they go “Ah yes, how obvious”.
Catastrophes happen. We’re in one right now.
I m not vaccinated, although i would get innoculated if that existed. I would gladlt get the jab is it meant I could save others lives, but it doesn’t as for me, I will take my chances since me getting a jab wan’t save anyone else