UK Respect for Islam Threat

(Will this be the UK in the near future? How will Wokes and Wimminz feel about that I wonder? – DA)

The vipers in our bosom

Muslim leaders in West Yorkshire are to warn Boris Johnson that Britain risks “becoming like France” if the government does not insist on respect for Islam.

That looks a lot like a threat to start killing and beheading to me. Over a discussion about blasphemy, not actual blasphemy. It comes from an alien sect. 500 years behind the times. There would be outrage if the CofE issued such a barbaric edict, but we now accept this from these superstitious degenerates.

And why? From their perspective to prevent children actually thinking for themselves. From our perspective it seems that all the laws on freedom of expression and hate speech do not apply to these sub-humans.

It is time the laws in this country were applied equally and that this threat is treated as such and prosecuted.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble 

52 thoughts on “UK Respect for Islam Threat

  1. State and religion go together like nationalism and socialism. I don’t give a fuck what brand of mass mental illness they are banging on about, keep it to themselves. Don’t like it? Fuck off to somewhere that panders to your stupid religion.
    Talking of stupid religious cunts, the fucking Irish are revisiting their past with night after night of sectarian violence, as fucking Catholics and proddies fight each other and the police.
    What a shithole.

    • The Mick’s just like a good tear up. It’s nothing to do with religion. Just happens that the Scottish Mick’s that came over were Proddies and that the oirish Mick’s were are Catholics. Sod all to do with the teachings of both which DO NOT in anyway support violence. Quite the opposite. Un – like the peaceful religion which shouts out loud and clear in asking for it massive difference.

      • can’t we just move all the peacefuls to norn iron and let them slug it out with the catholics and protestants. Pay per view each evening.

      • The catholic faith is great if you want to be a cunt and remain within its parameters, as anything from child abuse to genocide is forgiven with a few hail Marys. Just don’t wear a condom though, there are limits….

  2. These cunts will never accept that the law of the land in a democratic society trumps ‘laws’ made up be religious leaders.
    Most of the Muslims in the UK are pig ignorant, they just follow the local community leaders who themselves have no interest in being in any way part of British society.
    Blasphemy is not a crime in the UK, the ‘law’ only exists in the confines of the Muslim world, f you aren’t happy with this Mohammed then fuck of and live in Iran, Pakistan or some other shit hole.
    The use of a cartoon in a class where the subject is about Blasphemy and if as reported the teacher explained that it could be offensive then what is the issue. The issue is that Muslims cannot accept anything that isn’t Islam.
    All the threats for cunts who have nothing to do with the school (protestors from Rochdale and Bradford) should be treated as hate crime and the police need to crack down on these cunts.
    Respect needs to be earned not demanded, when Muslims accept they are in a free and democratic society maybe they may find a little respect.

    I would like to see a study on the cost to this country from pandering to these backward cunts, I am sure it would be eye watering.

    In the meantime they remain total cunts.

    • More pandering to these cunts, just put the news on and what is the story of the day.
      Muslims and taking the vaccine in Ramadan, extending opening hours of vaccination centres to allow the cunts to take the vaccine after sundown. Making videos to say it’s fine to take the vaccine during Ramadan.
      Everyone is treated equally in the UK unless your are a fucking effnick and then you get special treatment.

  3. The woman in the photo looks like shes having a dump. Hope shes using the koran as bog paper. The only use I can think of for it.

  4. These cunts want us all dead, it’s as simple as that. If you trust a single one of them then good luck to you, you’ll need it.
    The wokies are welcome to them but , of course, they don’t live anywhere near the wokies.
    The more you appease these primitives the more they take the piss. Respect my arse.

    • Very good comment FF, dead, converted or paying tax for the reason of being another religion which also carries many lifestyle restrictions and other bollocks. Islam and Western ideals are not compatible in any shape or form, thus there is little integration just lip service if at all.
      The so called secular Muslims who do not hang out at the mosque and who take drugs, rape schoolgirls etc are even worse as when finally bought to book they invoke their religious beliefs etc to attempt the granting of leniency. As they are Muslim by birth the local community of believers backs them to the hilt so nothing changes. Our bold leaders will never address the elephant in the country directly or effectively so maybe others will.

  5. The Barbarians sorry Peaceful’s always conveniently forget that their religion is merely a plagiarism of the Jewish Faith and the teachings in the new testament. It is therefore Blasphemous to both of these religions. Pile of cunt. Can’t polish dog turds.

  6. Islamaphobia is the inherent fear of losing your head, in a slow grotesque manner if you do not agree with their medieval ideals.
    Even the dumb blonde bitch von der lying was stood up by the cunts.

  7. When Enoch made his infamous speech years ago suggesting there could be blood on the streets, he was vilified and saw his career in tatters.
    When these advocates of alans snackbar make similar comments we are told we need to “reach out”
    The only reaching out we should be doing is towards the airplane door handle to let the cunts take their seats on their one way journey back to medieval land.
    And they should be grateful we’re not reaching out for the hangman’s lever.

  8. It is about time that any immigrant in the U.K. who does not like being here should leave the country. We did not ask them to come here; most of us would like them to go back to wherever they would be. More comfortable.

  9. What a problem this will cause for Dame Keir. The Labour party is the party of the Asian/Muslim vote, but it is also the buggers party.

    Sort that one out, Keir Duckie. Better not let Mandy do it for you this time though.

  10. Get them out of this country now. Get some fucking dodgy planes and fuck them off. Cheeky cunts. Labour love the muzzies. Thank fuck they are not in power and never will be.

  11. And Boris, afraid of reprisals, will “reach-out” and pacify these cunts with a slurp, slurp, arselick, arselick, “we all must respect the Islamic faith” bullcrap or something similar.

    Respect is a two-way thing. These neolithic cunts need to respect the fact they have been allowed to live in a Christian country, with all the mod cons and medical care that they don’t have back in their stone age, flea-infested sand pits. That little nugget seems to have passed them by. They need to live by our rules, not their’s. If I was Boris, I would increase MI5 surveillance on these cunts to keep an eye on any growing dissension to the British way of life and then fucking stamp on it hard.

    Fuck them all to hell.

      • Politicians are supposed to be astute. Whilst most of us agree that Mrs May was not the brightest one has to wonder what the fuck she was doing agreeing to do that disgusting bit of kowtowing.

      • So Boris has prior form for this shit. Even a Bermondsey sub-human with an IQ of 25 can understand it needs to work the other way around.

        But where is the choice for us folks? Boris the Mozzie appeaser or Sir Queer Varney, the knee-taker.

        Treason May should have had her flailing nostrils knocked into shape with a club hammer for that quisling shit.

        Fucking quaking cunts.

  12. I read that the teacher(s) of that particular class had been demonstrating “blasphemy” in that lesson, for 5 plus years-without a single complaint.
    All pre warned and any parents who did not wish their child to participate, had their wishes respected.

    The context in which an image (any image) of “the prophet” is seen as blasphemy, is actually pro-Islam, if the thick fuckers actually thought about it.

    I also read it was a complete rent-a-mob of fanatics, nothing to do with Muslim parents from the school.
    The police could have removed them under various sections of PACE-as usual, a two tier system in full view👎

    The erosion of British values continues.
    Two legs bad:four legs good.


  13. Their cunt of a leader truecunt made a speech declaring his admiration of the CCP recently. Seems these liberals deep down dream of domination, being dominated that is.

    Justin probably dreams of some muzzle dressed as a nazi smacking his arse.


  14. As already stated it needs a strong message to say that you are living in a country which though multicultural has (had) a strong belief in freedom of speech, and blasphemy is not a crime. If you wish to be part of this society then Islam has to adapt to British society.
    Members of the Muslim faith that do not like this can choose to live in a country that represents their beliefs.
    Of course if Boris said these things he would be forced to resign within days.
    The real day of reckoning will be when the lefty loons finally realise that Islam is incredibly intolerant of women, gays and transexuals.
    Diversity is not our strength, it will be our weakness.

    • “Diversity is not our strength, it will be our weakness”. Oh how very correct Fish Sir/Madam. Definitely this. They come to the west because our ways are best then they fuck about trying their level best to ruin everything. Cunts

    • Well said, FM.
      Respect for Slime?? Fuck off, you medievalist, diddling, rapey, violent scumbags.

  15. Good cunting CC. The tolerance of Muslim abuses of women is the single clearest message that the UK and its cowardly politicians are not serious about equality. They are cunts. Same goes for so-called feminists who are happy to turn a blind eye. Cowardice or hypocrisy? I suspect the former. CUNTS.

  16. They are a pack of bearded savages.

    Their religious text is a load of gibberish used as propaganda.

    When peaceful males are circumcised they should remove the entire penis and not just the foreskin.

    The only animals that should be slaughtered with the halal method are halal butchers themselves.

    During Ramadan, peacefuls should fast at night as well as during the daytime.

    You have to be fucking nuts to dress up in bedsheets and prance around a stone in the middle of the desert each year. Unfortunately, not enough of them are stampeded to death. Perhaps Mecca should be nuked at this time of the year.

  17. When the police capture a really horrible degenerate cunt who has committed the worst crimes possible they stick a blanket over the animals head so people aren’t allowed to see him……..

  18. I taught a Peaceful child who was physically impaired, and not the sharpest tool in the box, but he had a great sense of humour and cheerful disposition. He was forced to attend the mosque to read their ludicrous fairy tale in Arabic, something he was intelectually incapable of doing. He was being continually hit by the CUNT of a Mullah who was teaching this nonsense, because he couldn’t read it. The police were aware of the brutality meted out in these sessions, but steadfastly refused to do anything about it. One day he lost his temper and tore up the sacred comic book, a capital offence in the religion of peace. As they couldn’t torture or execute the boy, they gave him a lifetime ban from the Mosque; his response was one of sheer delight and he returned to being a young man of a very pleasant and happy disposition. Mullahs and their indoctrinated followers are CUNTS of the highest order.

  19. In my country the police dog cannot enter a Muslims house without having special socks on its feet for fear of contamination and the Woke Police comply.
    And the stupid Woke Toxic Feminists just make the future for their granddaughters worse than ever. It’s like they are trying to provide proof that they may be the dumber sex, how normal women put up with this constant erosion of respect for themselves makes me wonder. Time for real women to say enough is enough and fuck the way Islam treats women and put a stop to the Toxic Feminists enabling a disaster for their granddaughters appearing on the horizon. Dumb fucking bitches!

  20. sorry to go off topic – but, REJOICE one and all. Kate Garraway’s husband is out of hospital. for fuck’s sake.

  21. First of all respect is earned, Islam has done fuck all to earn any respect, quite the opposite in fact. That sounds like a threat of violence to me, thr people that said that should have their background checked to see if they have links to any terror organisations. Lastly if you don’t like our laws here you goat shagging bastards don’t fucking live here

  22. Like a persistent eggy drifter, the only real solution is to open the window and throw the offender out of it.

    I’m just tired of hearing about these medieval throwbacks. As if there weren’t enough issues we need to resolve without trying to appease sandy buttholes.

  23. These cunts now think they’ve got the upper hand and can make threats to ensure special treatment. I say fuck of you ignorant goat shaggers

    • Sadly, ‘these cunts’ are correct, they are now untouchable, almost by law. The only way to get rid of this filth is by exterminating it, but that will never happen in this country. Next stop, Caliphate.

  24. This is a difficult subject to comment on because debate is just closed down immediately and you MUST be wrong if you say anything which does not fit in with the narrative.

    I honestly don’t give a shit about any religion…in my opinion wizards, ghosts and spooks have as much basis in reality as all of them but talking about them won’t get your head cut off by some brainwashed fanatic.

  25. The more we kowtow to these savages and their fuckwit beliefs, the worse it will become.

  26. England in 20 years or even less will be just like Iran with shit weather.

    This land is finished. Our whole way of life threatened by a barbaric death cult that belongs in the dark ages. Our monarchy dictated to by a Z-List failed movie actress low rent scrubber. And our main public service broadcaster that has sambeau criminals and drag queen freaks as their deities. Woke is a modern plague, but what they really want is a new religion. In years to come, the UK could easily be a caliphate instead of C of E.

    And it will happen and it won’t be stopped. Wimmin certainly will do nothing to prevent the ascent of the muslam savage, and neither will the law (the police or the system). Frank Zappa (RIP) was once asked if people were stupid enough to welcome a Nineteen Eighty Four type scenario. Frank replied ‘Oh yeah. They’ll welcome it. They are so dumb that they will ask for it’. And he was absolutely right.

  27. Islam The “ Religion of Peace” is anything but. It’s an intolerant creed , a Theocracy which elevates barbarism into a virtue.
    Some wise Cunt said that.

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