Stupid mother fuckers are cunts, you know the fuck monkeys I mean, cunts who do shit like this….
Man found unconscious in the sea at Tenby after tombstoning off cliff
A 23-year-old was unconscious and stopped breathing after leaping from the cliff.
Next thing you know his family will be crowd funding for an electric wheel chair and a 24 hour carer to wipe veggie boys runny arse.
That’s assuming natural selection doesn’t sort the cunt out and the stupid fucker lives…..
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Heads toning more like ,ya man cool like trippin
Thats the coolest thing ive seen millennials ever do.
I approve.??
For a minute I thought it was all eight that jumped in tandem, now that would be some amount of-tombstones .
Ah yes. Stupid stunts to post on soshul mejah. What must the self esteem level be to risk your life for a few likes? It’s a lose-lose proposition. You look like a stupid cunt either way it goes. If you wind up a drooling paralyzed burden on your family there is no amount of likes to make up for it.
Young men should be doing really stupid, dangerous stuff. 14-18 year old men dont look past the next three hours. Its the only reason we are a free (for now country). Bring back violence on the terraces.
There’s those mad Ivan cunts who run around on thin bits of scaffold and thin planks at the top of half built tower blocks.
I felt sick just watching the mad cunts. I bet they’re all fucking dead by now too, the fucking mad bastards.
All normal young lads do dangerous shite.
Its why being young is great.
Come on youngsters!
Off the fuckin computer
Do something reckless and life-threatening!
Itll cheer you up remembering it as a old cunt!
Unless your dead or a cabbage.
Either way its worth the risk.
Fire services around the world do Hook ladder races. I’ve no idea with sending links but it’s on YouTube. Mad fuckers. Shame there were none of them on duty at Grenfell.
I’d never heard of this until now. Here’s one for you:
Cheers Moggie ? A lot of the Europeans do it, trust the Yanks to do it off the back of something with a V8 in. ?
Reminds me of Billy Gibbons Master of Sparks:
No, sorry, can’t watch more than 7 seconds.
My eyes hurt
Wants to jump with a noose round their necks.
Do a proper job.
Or their balls ; castrate the buggers.They can then warn others of their folly albeit in a voice only dogs can hear.
If I had my way I would charge this person, and any other who requires the Emergency Services to rescue them, the full cost to the RNLI and any other costs such as medical treatment.
It’s utterly reckless, puts other people at risk as well as theirseves, and image how his family would have felt had he died.
Unless, of course, he was hatched not born, the complete cunt!
its Themselves
I wholeheartedly encourage tombstoning, for it weeds out the terminally stupid from those with a little more sense.
Long may it continue. Perhaps H&S legislation exempt tombstoning venues could be set up around the UK coastline.
It could be televised – just imagine the commentary (John McCrirrick would have been ideal for this) “Silly cunt, look at him; he has just jumped, misjudged and caved the rear of his skull in on the rockface. Ha, ha, just look at the pieces of brain cascading into the water below and the hungry seagulls feasting on it”.
Daft cunts.
Paul, you seem to be missing your usual milk of human kindness.
This is not to say that I disagree with you.
Stupid Cunt? Thought that was.Kenny Everett. Can anyone post a photo of Cupid Stunt in drag. Currently at Her Majesty’s Pleasure so only have access to a hooky crapphone.
Ta ever so. Very much relieved.
Sir Limply-banged up??
Banged up?
3-2-1 Jump! Darwin’s law at its finest!
By way orf explanation there is an enormous Spade here who wishes to have congress with me old arse and I have managed to convince him of the superior attractions of Miss Stunt plus a bit of green and some snout. You have all doubtless heard of,
If not practised, phone sex.
Indeed, Limpers, I tried phone sex, but got stuck in the slot.
Young men have always done stupid things to impress their mates, they think they are immortal and can’t envisage their own death. If they could there would never be another war because nobody would sign up for that shit.
There isn’t nearly enough of it these days, the snowflake cunts are only risk takers on a computer screen. Obviously now and again somebody comes unstuck……that’s life. Shit happens, as our American friends say.
Young chaps do very daft stuff.
It’s part of growing up.
Having emergency services run round after a nasty accident however is a cunts trick.
Walk it off you fucking puff.
When a young un on a school camping trip we climbed onto the roof of a toilet block and leaping off onto a banking,
Only I went right through the roof sparking myself out as I landed and being rushed to hospital.
When I regained consciousness the first person to talk to me was another patient in this hospital in Anglesey.
“¥$π#~$$¢π¶∆?” He said.
“I said boyo you feeling ok?”
I thought my brain was fucked!
Oh to be young again.
When I was at university I ended up pissed on the roof of a 4 storey building and somebody called the Fire Brigade to get me down. Everywhere was locked up tight and to this day I have no idea how I got up there and nor does anybody else.
Lucky it was Anglesea. In Cwmscwt he’d have fucked you.
Fuckin hell Cuntstable, as an Anglo Welshie, I’ve just wasted half an hour trying to find out anything about Cwmscwt without success.
What the fuck/where the fuck is it? Is it a suburb of Newport and why is it significant? ??
No doubt there will be an inquiry to discover whether the reckless young chap was wearing a mask.
When one of these silly cunts kills himself, his cunty mates and soshul meeja followers all say what a legend he was and lived life to the full etc….
No he wasn’t a legend, he was an irresponsible stupid twat who dared the devil, and the devil won. Fuck him.
The cunt doing the jump cheated as far as I’m concerned. Wetsuit and shoes . Do it bollock naked you soft cunt ya and see the amount of likes you’ll get on My Face when you’re talking two octaves higher.
Remember that silly cow that dropped off a cliff taking a selfie, in Sydney I think. I’m still laughing at the stupidity of it all. The little wankers cry if you call them nasty names on social media but are happy enough to abuse themselves. Cunts.
One word: Darwin Awards. Again.
Swimming in rivers
Swimming in reservoirs
Climbing up shite
Jumping off shite
Rope swings
Spontaneous fights
Getting adults to go in the off license for you.
Bricking kids from other estates
Getting chased by older kids from other estates
Coping a feel of tit
Next on that fag,
Listening to the Jam sat on a park
Stealing from the paki shop
Trying to get served in pubs with a bumfluff moustache.
Enjoy being young millennials!
I fuckin loved it.
Brings a tear to the eye, Mis?
Oh for those carefree days….
Lol reminds me of Hot Fuzz
Police Officer to an obvious underage in pub: Excuse me. When’s your birthday?
Underage little shit: 22nd February
Police Officer: What year?
Underage little shit: Every year
Police Officer: Get out
I had been drinking in pubs for 2 years, before the prove it scheme was rolled out, just before my 18th?
The landlord of the Nags Head, upon me being unable to prove my age, after drinking theee for two years: “you cheeky little twat!”-as he handed me a free pint??
Next on that fag.
Haven’t heard that phrase in a long while.
Are you an old Carthusian or Etonian?
Otherwise known as the Darwin Awards.
Excellent, loved the one about the lawyer, absolutely priceless!
Heights scare me. I could barely watch these two teenage suicide merchants climbing the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco at night.
We used to swim in a quarry that had been flooded-there was a cliff-face at the back. I never had the bottle to dive off it-must have been 40-50ft, fuck-dat!
Unfortunately, there had been several cars pushed over that cliff, as some poor fucker found out.
One less cunt in the world…..
I can’t do heights more than 6 feet off the floor now without getting the jelly legs.
Never used to even think about it as a kid.
I remember being about 12 or 13, when a few of us would often walk along the wall on the top floor of the multi storey car park as well as other similarly stupid stunts.
Thick little cunts we were, casually having a daily brush with death for no reason other than a laugh.
My old man would have kicked my arse all over town if he’d ever caught me.
Wait until the peacefuls take over. There’ll be a few fruity gentlemen dicing with death on the top of multi storey car parks on that day.
There’s another place down here in Pembrokeshire called the “Blue lagoon” that so many cunts frequent, it’s an abandoned slate mine full of water, but many stupid cunts have tried this there, and some have shuffled off their mortal coils trying too as well!!!, the stupid cunts!!!!!
Similar place near me, with the charming name of Gullet Quarry. Several fatalities over the years. Numerous “danger of death” signs telling people to keep out and saying how dangerous the water is. Come the summer the place is thronged by Darwin Award candidates sunning themselves beneath the unstable rocks, or going for a dip in the cold and murky water. I can imagine the Donald Pleasance voiced fiend from the old public information film cackling away to himself in a corner somewhere as he contemplates adding a few more daft cunts to his tally of victims.
err, stupid cuntss… no wait Lemmings have more thought to these clowns. They deserve everything the deserve…grrrrrrrrrr
err, stupid cuntss… no wait Lemmings have more thought to these clowns. They deserve everything the deserve…grrrrrrrrrr