Sadiq Khan (26)

Another nomination for the whacky Paki, who barring some unforeseen scandal (Khan fisting Jess Phillips on Clapham Common with her 11 year old son watching) will be re-elected as London Mayor in a landslide in three weeks time.

The silly long beaked arsewipe, has continued to mither on about “excluding the City from Brexit), now the stupid brainless motherfucker wants to rename the London Overground railway lines, to “reflect diversity”:

We have had diversity up to our arseholes and enough is enough.

Nominated by: W.C.Boggs

66 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (26)

  1. Incompetent, virtue signaller, peaceful persuasion, practices the ‘taqiya’, fifth columnist, son of a bus driver.
    What’s not to like.

    • Hey, careful Herman! I’m the son of a bus driver and I don’t recognise in myself any of the other qualities you list. However I must confess to being undeniably white and I did work for my living from the age of sixteen until I retired at the age of 69. Morning all.

  2. It’s good that this hook nosed midget has got London so well sorted that he can dedicate some time to this renaming project.
    But I have a feeling that there will be no Churchill or Thatcher lines. The Victoria and Jubilee underground lines will be renamed along with Waterloo Station and Trafalgar Square.
    His diversity team, who are not remotely interested in the true history of the ancient city of London, will be desperately looking for tenuous links with blacks and Asians for the new names.
    And it will be the racist white tax payer’s that will pick up the bill.

  3. How much is this exercise in vanity going to cost? I suppose that it doesn’t matter as it will be paid for by the U.K. taxpayer who is shovelling unimaginable sums into Transport for London.

  4. This cheeky cunt is on a mission to replace any sign of honky history in London.

    We keep being told by these cunts (and our jellyfish politicians) that we ‘need to do more’ with regards to ‘waycism/white privilege/diversity’.

    Well ok then. When I see a white person of British ancestry as the mayor of Lahore, who goes about telling the locals that their statues need pulling down, and that their streets should be named after honkies, I might give them 2 minutes of my time.

    Until then, fucking do one.

    • 60% nose 30% incompetence 10% odour of goat.
      Sad dick is talking about replacing the pound with the sheckle within London boroughs.
      Also proposing making it legal to marry a camel. ?
      Hes a overspiced disgrace.
      He should be be hung from a door handle the midget cunt.

      • it needs to die, be dug up and made to die again, and then be buried with his living relatives

  5. This cunt can’t have been so inept without leaving a trail of corruption.
    Isn’t it about time the cunt was investigated thoroughly?
    It shouldn’t take too long to find enough dirt to slam the foreign cunt behind bars for a very long time.

    • ‘Investigated thoroughly ‘ ?
      I think that he is insufficiently white for that to happen; it will be another fucking Rotherham.

  6. Can’t say you weren’t warned. all of it predicted, all of it avoidable and all of it directed by hidden hand, this was no accident. We put it to the people on the hustings, we offered them a way out of this unconscionable treachery but… as they stood in the voting booth with their pencil quivering in their hand they fucking bottled it…and so … here we are. And that fucking mask is the very symbol of the white man’s current status; anonymised, muzzled and suffocating.

    • Aye. Yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s fact. We were all warned a long time, although really it’s a simple matter of demographics and certain uncomfortable truths about group mentality.

      Let them have it. As soon as London falls they’ll eat their own.

  7. One of the worst (if not the worst) politicians in the UK. Quite an achievement considering our moronic political class.

    Khan won’t be satisfied until he brings London down to the same level as Mogadishu.

    Over the past 4 years Suckdick has –

    – bankrupted London Underground.
    – accelerated the decline of central London through a virtual 24/7 congestion charge
    – threatened to destroy Greater London with another congestion charge
    -made it expensive to drive a vintage or classic car in London with yet another fucking charge
    – made London the laughing stock of the world by supporting the ridiculous Trump blimp
    – convened a council of assorted lefty’s, dark-keys, anti-semites and bigots charged with destroying London’s cultural heritage
    – opposed Brexit and even suggested that London should be an independent city state.

    And yet still the fuckwits and immicunts that have dragged London into the sewer will vote for him. Why is that? Because he’s one of them, a lefty, brain-dead, embittered immicunt Peaceful who hates the UK.

    This is another example of devolution gone wrong. Thatcher went to great pains to abolish the GLC because it was a left wing loony bin that spawned the likes of Newt Livingstone. Labia in effect restored it, by establishing a mayoralty, and this is the result.

    • Thatcher had the right idea. Livingstone was bad but this cunt sinks to a new level. I remember seeing Livingstone interviewed on Parkinson, shortly after the GLC had been binned, and one of the things he said was along the lines of: “I hate cars and if I ever get any power again I’ll ban them from the roads”. I thought it was a bloody good thing we’d got rid of this loony at the time but he was nothing compared to the fuckwittery that occurs now. Was Livingstone policy adviser for the current batch of cunts (maybe not though – his views were probably too conservative by comparison!).

    • its not a politician, its a pedo money stealing monkey cunt that hasnt been stabbed by its relatives yet

  8. Unfortunately and living in London it is sad to say this pug faced cunt rug muncher who seems to care more about the poor BAME’s in London than he does about de bad whitey’s it going to win the mayor’s election.

    He has done fuck all in the last few years and always has that stupid smirk on his face that I’d love to slap off.

  9. I don’t blame him. I blame us, we’ve stood by and watched our governments hand over a our capital city to the third world.

    We bemoan it now but we allowed it to happen.

    Now we reap the results of keeping our heads down.

  10. Labour could put up any incompetent, Carpet kissing smelly dw8rf and he’d still be elected.
    Oh, they have.

  11. ???????

    Voters turning out in London for the mayoral election.

  12. No point posting this useless cunt. London is stuck with him. If the blond cunt hasn’t the balls to scrap his office, then ignore him.

    • i’m 60 and stopped voting years ago, fuck all parties and the goat fuckers they support

  13. Whatever happened to the obsequious P*ki always trying to please. Admittedly years ago now. They were very traditional in their ways and thinking. Maybe Indians I am thinking of. Real love for the ‘mother country,’. Proud of their English accents. Khan has nothing of that. I suppose he’d be embarrassed by it. I wonder did his actual bus driver dad have more ‘respect’. And he’s reacting against it.
    This yoking ? together of very traditional east aisan culture with left wing progressive ideas has the been the most surprising development.

    • Indians tend to be more right wing, respecting the UK and making a positive contribution. Parking Stanley’s on the other hand…….

      • Indians tend to be level headed hard working and hate the goat fondlers.
        Sikhs particularly arent keen.

      • ‘He should be be hung from a door handle the midget cunt.’

        Am I right in saying you are not particularly ‘keen’ Miserable?

      • sikhs dont claim the dole and hate muslims, not keen on them being in my country but better them than than the monkey cunts

  14. Obviously “reflecting London’s diverse history “ will involve names such as Stephen Lawrence, Winnie Mandela, Meghan Markle and the great one……Saint George Floyd the martyr. It won’t be all of a tinted hue though, i’m sure Suckdick can find some shithole to be named after Greta Thundermong. Londonstabistan already looks like a third world cunthole so what’s in a name?

    • We’ll end up with the Chiggin George Line, the Markle Line, the Lawrence Line and the Mandela Line. Fuck that.

    • Not forgetting the immense fatness of Bernie Grant. He should get a statue the size of a whale’s cunt.

      • I believe he was used as a whales cunt during some daring underwater surgery on a right whale that wished to transition to a lady of the species However our poor Bernie was too much of a cunt and the whale rejected him. Current whereabouts unknown.

  15. Just the beginning of the end.

    When the Londonistan demographic spreads beyond that boundary we shall either fully capitulate or there will be war.
    As for that traitorous dwarf,gas it and it’s entire family.

  16. Suckdick has 26 noms. Is that an ISAC record? Suggest admin sends him an ISAC award – like a dog turd in an envelope – in recognition of his achievement.

  17. What diverse history. London was a mono culture until 1950 except for the Hugenots a few ju ws

  18. It really does sadden me, that so many foreigners hold so much power in MY country.
    MINE-not theirs.
    They are NOT British and they NEVER will be.

  19. A formality, Saddam Suckdiq getting back in.
    This is because Londonistan is crammed with P@k!s and they will all vote Labour.

    I saw some film footage of London streets from 1967 recently. I’d never seen so many white people there, it was like another world. Old Enoch – bless him- was ignored or derided. And London 2021 is the result. We are in hell.

    • some of us to remember white England, i never saw a black until i left school at 17 and there was one where i worked, no one liked him

  20. Got to hand it to suckdick, an infinite stream of woke wank. Renaming rail lines etc.
    Machete Junction, kitchen knife line, zombie rail, stabby line they are the sort of names he should be choosing so the whole fucking universe can see what a total arsehole most of London has become. For fucks sake you bloody aliens why don’t you abduct this fucking arsehole for some private probing once you get over vazaline of course.

  21. I had a walk round Bethnal Green a few years back. I felt like a white spot on a domino. Can you imagine Ronnie and Reggie asking for protection money in punjabi???

  22. The Khazi of Kalibar has certainly done a number on what used to be London.
    By the time people wake up to the agenda of islam it will be too late.

  23. What I can’t understand about the Smoke is that surely it is still a whitey majority, so why the fuck do whitey folk vote for this cunt in such large numbers?

    It’s like turkeys at Christmas – voting for a cunt who despises you and wants rid.

    • It stopped being human majority about a decade back.

      It is now crammed full of vermin who hate us, hate our culture but love our welfare system.

      It’s time to abort and deport to reclaim our capital.

      I’m voting Fox by the way.

  24. I despise this horrid little cunt with every fibre of my being.

    A devious, racist, disrespectful fucking turd.

    He being “elected” as London mayor is an indication as to how far this once great country has fallen.

    • A cunning plan – just start the rumour that the police have undercover officers at the polling stations to round up people wanted for child sex and fraud offences – not a single muslim will dare turn up! ?

      • The peacefuls don’t turn up to polling stations anyway. They cast their votes in red pillar boxes at the local post office.

      • You would be amazed at how many hundreds of the goat botherers are registered to a one bedroom flat in Tower hamlets.

    • Londonistan is 44% black, they don’t own any property but have been given ALL the council houses by the monkey cunt councillors to vote for them…great fire of London needed to clear the vermin again

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