Recycling Centre Staff

Recycling centre staff are all cunts. I’ve known this for sometime but today confirmed this. Some over zealous bin man gave me a bollocking for turning up 10 minutes early. Treated me like some sort of idiot for not knowing where to put an old microwave oven and took great pleasure in charging me four quid to dump a bag of soil. They seem to thrive on the power of watching some old boy struggling to lift something out of his boot and say “Not allowed to help, health and safety. well how about this, you work in a fucking tip you fuckwit and you work here for a reason, you sir are a cunt. Now help me get this fridge freezer out me boot and fuck off.

Nominated by: Cunty mcfuckwit

30 thoughts on “Recycling Centre Staff

  1. I concur: chippy bastards who were probably re-purposed as “Covid Marshalls” by the local authorities.
    Moving slowly through the skip, like some sort of hi-viz jacketed sloth.
    The highlight of their year is probably when they find a box of grumble, so they can spend the next 2 weeks, camped in their little hut, looking at the sort of women they will never pull.

    Sanitation engineer team member? Recycling operative?
    Nah, CUNTS!

  2. My local council has just brought in rubbish collections every two weeks , the cunts. So now it all goes in the street bin. Fuck em. I never recycle anything . Fuck the planet.

    • Way to go?

      I dug out an old tree root some years ago and put it in bottom of my black bin covered by some bags of rubbish. On collection day the bin wasn’t emptied but left with a note along the lines of “too heavy empty it yourself”. So I did. I went to the small car park at the local common and emptied my contents into the council bin there. Strangely, they seemed to manage to empty that one. Funny that…

  3. I bestow my custom on two recycling centres. In one of them they are very helpful and friendly. In the other one they are cunts and ruled over by some dark key bin man with a peg leg of whom they all appear to be in terror. With his sour grin and bad temper, he reminds me of Captain Ahab. Cunt.

  4. Good cunting indeed.

    At the tip, local to where I used to live worked a real officious cunt. I recall dumping some decrepit furniture there; you had to walk up a platform to throw the refuse into the tall container.

    Well this cunt was watching me like a fucking hawk and when I dropped a chair but quickly caught it before it hit the deck. He rushed up and started wibbling on about having to fill out a ‘near miss’ form. I replied ‘if you like’, walked off, got back in the car and fucked off, whilst Mr Brown Shirt was presumably desperately scrabbling around in his hut, amongst his grumble mags, trying to find the elusive form.

    Back in the 90s, I used to work in sewage treatment plants as a Civil Engineer on the major works program for a large UK sewerage company. The number of officious, nasty little cunts employed to run these shit works was staggering and would give sufficient material for another day cunting. One little twat of note was some shagnasty lacky we nicknamed ‘the dung beetle’ for his love of climbing up the pile of dried shit sludge that fell into the drying area from the overhead conveyor.

  5. I take the precaution of always sending my father in law on such expeditions.
    They are jobsworth cunts indeed.

  6. They’re the same everywhere, haughty shitehawks with permanent chips on their shoulders. They are the reason old mattresses are dumped onto cunty farmers’ turnip fields. They are the town equivalent of a country bumpkin, lolloping about with their extra chromosome, high-viz jackets and low-viz teeth, picking bed-bugs from each other’s oily hair. There’s nothing else these boss-eyed mőngs can do.

    • Sourfaced mafia cunts.
      Rob you and moan!
      Well fuck you!
      Ive discovered that where the local authority tip charges £100 minimum (business waste)
      I can go to private tips much cheaper!!
      17quid the other day at a demolition salvage yard!
      Nice touch!
      And polite!

      • Oh, if you want to upset them,
        On your way out tell them you dumped striplights and asbestos by accident in the green waste.
        Theyll hit the fuckin roof!??

      • “Excuse me Recycling fellow, you might want to check your Green dumper. I accidentally put Chipping in there.”
        – Dat’s alrigh’ ma’e. We not gonnaz charge ya.
        “Oh good. He was a happy chap. Best dog we ever had.”

  7. I may be wrong, but I think that rubbish collection and disposal in the UK is the responsibility of individual councils.
    It is as if every council has got together to make the job as complicated as possible without anyone ever questioning their policy.
    To promote recycling every household seems to have been given at least 3 wheelie bins of various colours for various waste.
    That would be way more than 100 million plastic wheelie bins that can’t be recycled. Eventually they will break and have to be dumped somewhere before being replaced.
    Household rubbish is taken away only every 2 weeks, despite the punitive council tax which everyone has to pay.
    Bin men, or whatever they are called nowadays wander around looking for reasons not to take away rubbish.
    They photograph any bin that is too full or has any item which it shouldn’t have in it.
    They then refuse to take away the offending bin and report the householder.
    Litter Wardens are employed to hand out fines to anyone who drops anything in the streets. There are some that are so cuntish that they will give fines to people that have accidentally dropped something and picked it up again.
    Instead of employing these nasty bastards to hand out fines, why not give them a broom and have them pick up rubbish themselves?
    Personally I would be much more inclined to use a street bin if I saw some guy working to keep the streets clean than I would be if I spotted some cunt in a high viz jacket handing out fines.
    As far as recycling centres go, if the staff there are not prepared to help people then they should be fucked off and replaced with staff that can.
    For a developed country the UK must be the most inept at getting rid of waste.

    • Spot on. Leaving your rubbish out for collection has become so complicated you need a PhD to figure it out. The other week I phoned my council saying I needed another black bin as it filled up too quickly. I said I was prepared to pay. The cunts told me it was filling up too quickly because I was not using my blue recycling bin enough. I said I would dump my excess black bin rubbish in the lobby of the Council’s office instead. Fucking Nazis.

  8. Our local authority hived off recycling centres to a private outfit, but kept control of the admin. side of things.
    Apparently, it’s some fucking authoritarian woman who’s in charge, and boy does she enjoy it. A fucking huge sign has gone up, telling you what you can’t do, for instance, no more trailers. Also, you have to show ID, to prove that you live in the borough, because I don’t have a photo driving licence I was told to bring my passport next time.
    Oh do Fuck Off.
    Showing a passport to get on to a tip ?
    The world’s gone fucking mad.
    I made my feelings known, in no uncertain terms.
    Get To Fuck.

  9. Never use them. I burn what I can and anything else gets chucked into a deep hole and then backfilled…including one or two vehicles that were worth considerably more as “stolen and not recovered” than they were if sold for scrap.

    I sometimes wonder if future archaeologists’ll be puzzled by the Mighty Chieftain who chose to have his war-chariots,the remains of several hounds,a toilet.bath and sink and a couple of greenhouses buried but not himself.

  10. Got to agree with you, Artful.

    Years ago we used to have a streetcleaner, went by the name of John, who used to patrol our estate with his cart regularly. I wouldn’t say you could eat your dinner off the floor, but they were certainly a damned sight nicer to walk around than they are these days.

    Mind you, I was taught from an early age to put my rubbish in the bin. When I navigate the piles of fast food wrappers, etc, discarded on the streets today, I have to wonder what age the culprits are, because they are certainly not my age.

    • I regularly drive out to National Trust and English Heretic places of outstanding natural beauty to tip old paint and chip fat,
      Drums of tainted diesel etc
      And the amount of food wrappers you see are a disgrace!!
      2 at one stately home!
      Luckily they came in useful to wipe my arse as the thrill of flytipping got to much.

    • I was told to fuck off by some little cunt, who couldn’t have been more than 10, when I told him to bin some rubbish he’d just chucked on the ground outside a shop despite being less than 10 feet from the bin. I said he was lucky I was too pissed to chase him otherwise I’d have ripped his arms off. Never saw him again.

  11. This is what happens when you give your average knuckle dragging fuck monkey who would be on the dole if he didn’t know someone in the council, who greased the wheels, give these picks a tiny little bit, tiny little bit, tiny of beiing in charge of some concrete and 5 skips or emptying plastic bins into a bin lorry, or if you can read and you have been working there for 40 years, you get to drive the bin lorry, because judging by how these plebs drive and where they park, there can’t be a test requirement, itturns the fuckers into wanna Hitler types and it goes to their heads.
    These are the type of brain dead cabbages who normally wouldn’t have control of the TV remote at home, so being able to be awkward jobsworth cunts for these cockwombles is like winning the lottery and they take full advantage and never miss an opportunity to be a complete cunts or as per usual council workers hang around doing as close to fuck all as possible.
    The best bit is indirectly it’s us who pay for these mother fuckers very existance.
    So next time you encounter one of these council worker shit stains, you can be happy in the knowledge that while he, s being as difficult as possible it’s money taken from your wages that’s paying him to stand there and say shit like, not that skip, your going to have to climb in and move that cardboard to the skip on the other side of the yard.
    Fuck you council cunts with a slowly rotating pineapple….

  12. Disturbing to see that this issue is country wide, not just my poorly run forever labour council. The tip used to be relatively painless, then the gradually became more draconian. Now, if you turn up with a black bin bag that used to get chucked in the general waste skip, you have to open the bag out onto a table and forensically search and separate the contents, or, take it back home and bung it in your wheelie bin, which is ok. Stupid fucking cunts. No vans, trailers etc, meanwhile they have to send council layabouts to pick up fly tipping after skumbags who have dumped a load of shit at a beauty spot who probably would have taken it to a tip if given the choice.
    Cunts, all of them.

  13. They always take great delight in telling you “you can’t leave that there mate” without telling you where you can leave it. At my local site, they have two separate areas 50 yards apart with ever changing rules on what can be left at each. The fuckers watch you unloading and then shout “not here mate”. Bastards!
    I notice they now have signs up saying “abuse of staff will not be tolerated “. A sure fire sign that you are gonna be treated like shit.

    • Just because it won’t be tolerated doesn’t mean they’re not going to get it.

  14. Where do Xmas trees go please?
    Scrap metal no.17 skip.
    Yes really.
    Off I go to no. 17 and sure enough scrap and Xmas trees. I should have known and now I’m the cunt
    Where do I put this old TV?
    Back near the entrance in the container.
    Ok thanks and so I set off.
    Don’t bother pal, it’s locked up.

    Some fucker goes nuts somewhere with a gun and people ask Wtf was wrong with him?
    They obviously haven’t been to the tip of late.

  15. The recycle centres in Birmingham weren’t too bad up until about 4 years ago when the council offloaded one or two to private contractors. And ever since its been one fucking circus after another, with skips either overflowing, skips completley empty because some dick dumped them in the wrong allocated space; loads of exclusions, no trailers, no trade, ID needed (council tax form usually), random spot checks by Nazis in Hi-Viz jackets and clipboards….

    And apparently its got a whole lot worse since the Pandemic/lockdowns. But its good to know that the latest increases in council tax will be wasted on these fuckwits. And then they wonder why there’s so much fly tipping in and around the city!

    Just pleased I upsticks and moved up north when I did. Copeland council is pretty decent with recycling, garden & general refuse collections. Greta would be proud!

  16. I’m not sure what the local council recycling centres near mecare doing at the moment, during the Chinky Flu Crisis, but usually they shut for the school summer holidays. I kid you not. People take a bit of time out, to do some DIY, and they can’t dispose of the rubbish generated (even if willing to pay extra for the privilege). Even when they are open there’s a good chance they won’t take your junk if “it’s not the right sort of junk”. It’s little wonder fly tipping is so prolific.

  17. I had my first trip to the local tip in 2019. The atmosphere was 50% jobsworth cunts, 30% barely-controlled aggression and 20% child pornogrpahy.

  18. My old village in Switzerland had a tip that was so clean, couldn’t smell it even in summer. And all overseen by the most luscious blonde bird you could imagine. The dreams I had about her in her orange hi-vis jacket were is Filthy as my part of Cardiff, where the pavements are awash with Romanian filth and rats.

  19. My local Recyling Centre, or tip as they’re known, recently had a sign out saying something like ” Due to Covid restrictions our operators are unable to help” They never did anyway the miserable cunts!!!

  20. Prerequisite skill set for municipal recycling centre staff…

    1…. Are you a particularly unhelpful Cunt ?
    2… Are you an indolent cunt?
    3…. Are you a jobs worth Cunt?
    4…. Are you a foreign Cunt?
    5…. Are you a remedial Cunt?
    7…. Does dressing up like a traffic cone Cunt appeal to you?
    8… Are you a shouty Cunt?

    If the answers yes please contact your local centre to arrange an interview……

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