Race Report Deniers

Race Report Deniers are my nomination.


(Get your current affairs updates from Pink News do we? Noted. – NA)

They just can’t stand it can they? A government report which has called out institutional racism as fake has been condemned by a multitude of black intellectuals and campaign groups. Too many to list here but headed by the usual suspects. The Begums, the Lammys, the Butlers et al. I guess even Sir Lenny will get around to doing so if he hasn’t already.

They don’t accept that factors such as geography and community limit life chances rather than skin colour. They don’t want to hear anything other than their own biased opinions. All these prominent people who were after all held back by blatant discrimination themselves (as if).

This report claims that poor white boys are actually on the lowest rung of the social ladder and that black Caribbeans do better than those of black African descent.

No, the deniers cry – this is a wicked attempt to divide the black community which we all know.is a solid unit. I mean there is never any black on black violence is there? They all get along just fine or would do if whitey wasn’t always interfering.

The point is why do we bother having public reports if they are going to be rubbished by those whose only interest is to perpetuate myths?

Even Boris and his whimpy ministers don’t defend it with any resolve. They still kowtow to the ‘Britain remains racist’ lobby.

It really is pathetic.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

…and on a similar note, this from W.C.Boggs


A Why-Am-I-Treated-So-Bad? cunting please, with the George Mitchell Choir and a violin section for our favourite part time epidemiologist and professional race baiter, Doreen, who is not best pleased by this weeks official report – led by a black man – which suggests Britain is not the hotbed of racism Hammy Lammy and the The Guardian and BBC like to make out it is. Dame Keir and Lovely Lisa Nandy, and her bouncy funbags have both professed themselves “disappointed”, no doubt because the report does’nt accord with their sense of victimhood.

Wellm honey chile, Doreen knows better. The report, she says “give s agreen light to racism”:


This woman had the terrible misfortune to lose her son in what might, or might not , have been a racist attack. That was 27 years ago – time now, you might think, to shut the fuck up, but this ignorant, deluded woman became a Labour peer.

If tihs country is so terrible, why doesn’t she go and live in de islands, with sea, sun, happy faces – but no House of Lords “expenses”

And even more this time from Lord Cuntingford 

Dal Babu and the Rest of the Rest of the Race “Industry”

An aspiring architectural cunting for Mr Babu, plus the other usual suspects Doreen “Zira” Lawrence and David “Guy” Lammy.

At great expense, the government have produced a document stating what we already know: that race is not an issue in this country. However, no content with looking closer to home for the myriad reasons for black failure to achieve, Lawrence and Lammy start to argue that the report itself is racist. They now have a new spokesman in Babu, a former Scotland Yard Officer who was, no doubt promoted beyond his abilities due to the single qualification of being Asian, hence the “former”. Babu is moaning that the questions were unfair and is, unsurprisingly, given air time by a number of “race organisations”

I predict more of this incessant whingeing as more of them are promoted or given jobs, purely for their race. They then realise they are not up to the job, but then complain that it is all the fault of racism, rather than their lack of ability. I really do feel afraid for the future of my son, who will be growing up in a country where his race (white) and sex (male) seem to be disqualifications for any job. I’m off to Hungary I think.

44 thoughts on “Race Report Deniers

  1. Britain is institutionally racist eh?, well all I can say is if I had a time machine I’d send these uppity cunts back to 1970s Johannesburg, then I’ll bring them back, should shut them up for a while!!!!

  2. “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”
    Marx and Engels (1848)

    The racism-industrial complex need racism. Like the rest of us need oxygen.

    Pished at the mo. Lovely bottle of red with smoked lamb for Easter Sunday.

    David Lammy is a fat, racist cunt.

    • Very true. If ‘racism’ was suddenly solved tomorrow, cunts like Lammy and Abbott would be out of business.

  3. I didn’t hear these cunts complaining when a report found there was no link between Pakistanis and child sex exploitation.
    In spite of the fact several books have been written by the victims.

  4. The problem is that Sewell is too black. It freaks the left out . They prefer to argue about mostly white Megan Markle . I was never racist. Im over black people. I couldnt give a shit if they stab each other to death, so stop “stop and search” , get on with it. Im bored of their whining and bleating. They are just like the Scotch. The fact of the matter is since the bullshit and lies of blm British people are getting a divorce from these cunts. Get to fuck. Its over.

  5. No I am not an avid reader of Pink News (thank you Night Admin Sir) although interestingly The Pink Un is a paper for Norfolk football fans. There is no connection so far as I know.

    However; Clive Lewis an odious Norwich Labour MP, posted a photo of a Ku Klux Klan member in response to a headline that said the commission found “no evidence of institutional racism” on Wednesday.

    The vitriol aimed at the authors of this perfectly truthful report is unprecedented.

    The unity of this nation, already strained, is under threat from a cabal of liars who seek to destroy it.

    • It’s a bit rich considering the authors of this report were all BAME themselves, apart from the one whitey.

      Presumably they’re the wrong sort of BAMEs… like the blacks who voted for Trump “ain’t black”.

      • The term BAME is now frowned upon RTC although I have no idea what term we are supposed to use for the non-white community.

        People of colour is totally different from coloured people of course in the same way as The Judean Peoples Front is distinct from The Peoples Front of Judea.

        Modern communication is like a word game in which the rules are always changing.

    • Hes almost as white as Megan Markle but only just. He looks Italian. Fucking twat. How many KKK chapters are there in this country. Its a ploy for money and power like the rest of the grievance/race industry worth £billions. Far more than the steel industry.

      • No one is as white as Meagain Markle. Not even the ginger nut halfwit.

  6. Anyone who thinks we have a race relations problem in this country has never been to another country, anytime , ever !
    I note the report concluded that the most important discriminatory factors are class and wealth. Fuck me , no wonder the fake, middle class socialists are up in arms! No wonder the massed ranks of the privately educated Labour front bench, the management of the BBC , the ivory towers of academia, the luvvies, the likes of the oppressed Owen Jones and Polly fucking Toynbee are crying their eyes out!
    The nasty BAMES who produced this report are so obviously raaaaaaaaaaay-sists!
    “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” as somebody once said.

  7. It’s no one’s fault that a fair amount of the black community are feckless, lazy, thuggish cunts. Instead of blaming racism look into why the shaved apes want to be in gangs rather than try to get a career.

    • Why would anybody get a job and save some money when you can get the latest iphone by stabbing some poor bastard who is just walking down the street?

  8. Always convenient to set up a fake enemy and then declare war on it. This seems to range from personal where individuals blame something else for their own failure to a government blaming a group for whatever-think naxis blaming a certain ethnic group. It is either denial of reality or a deceptive cover for an agenda. These days this war on racism is fake as racism barely exists where we are told it is the worst. Conversely where it really exists, it is ignored. So what the fuck is going on? Tearing down a society stabilized by white, christian, straight, men to build it back up with the opposite. Only you won’t and the outcome will be very unstable to say the least.

  9. The opportunities in this country are open to all, the fact that some blacks feel left out is their own fucking fault.
    They should just try being a normal UK citizens not black UK citizens, black police fed, black social workers association, black and me engineering association , there’s even a black swimming association for fucks sake. They’re the cunts excluding themselves from the mainstream , nobody’s forcing the moaning fuckers. The option should be, fit it and get on with things or shut the fuck up and fuck off to endless opportunities offered in Africa and all the other murderous shitholes.

  10. There was some tart recently, may have been Cameltoe Harris’s sister, I can’t be arsed looking it up, who was ranting about the recent mass shooting in the USA. She was saying summat like ‘once again, white males are the major threat when it comes to terrorism’. Then, the news revealed it was a brown peaceful. Did she recant? Apologise?

    Did she fuck! ‘We shouldn’t reveal the identity of these killers and give them publicity’ was her response.

    Oh, so you wanted it broadcast it was a honky when you thought that was the case, but as soon as it’s confirmed it’s a dark skinned type, you suddenly don’t want it publicising?

    Fuck. Right. Off.

    We know your game. At least, some of us do. Make sure your kids are aware of shit like this.

    Anti white racism is real. And it’s actively encouraged by many in positions of power. Be aware.

  11. Just like Brexit, it didn’t go the way it was expected to go despite the fact there was massive pressure to find racism and only one member of the panel was white.
    The bases were loaded, the race baiters waited expectantly but – what a surprise – the report concluded that there was no institutional racism in the UK and digging further into it even stated that white children and adults are discriminated against more with regard to poverty and lack of opportunity. (It did not directly link this to “diversity, equality and quotas” but the comparisons are there and one begats the other).
    All the usual suspects are shouting from the rooftops (or perchance treetops) and stating the independent report is “racist” because it did not find what the race baiters were demanding it found, but had it gone the other way they would have accepted every word.
    Don’t like the UK? Use any means of transport you like, fuck off and don’t ever come back.
    Be loyal or be gone.

  12. If Jellyfish Johnson wasn’t the Jellyfish we all know he is he would say to these race baiting cunts……ok, tell us which country you think has it right, does it better than us, a country we should model ourselves on?
    They couldn’t come up with one and if they did he could say…..well fuck off and live there then. Not that such a country would take these fake shit stirring posh cunts anyway.

    • I genuinely don’t understand what we did wrong to get this utterly useless pile of crusty wank juice as PM? PM as opposed to leader.

  13. Perhaps there should be report into the media, if the MSM didn’t keep banging on about racism and giving a platform to the cunts who will never be satisfied until the police no longer exist, every MP is a shade of black and every large organisation has a BAME CEO (ooops, hate speech alert, can’t say BAME anymore) racism may disappear into the great void.
    The Blacks need to stop crying racism every time they are stopped and searched, stop and search will end when the blacks stop stabbing each other.
    The Muslims are a lost cause, they are influenced or more like ruled by a minority of so called community leaders who may publicly declare that they accept a secular society but privately wish for an Islamic authority.


  14. Sorry but iv had a few but needed to cunt the teaching union leftwaffa for hanging out to dry one of their own. On Easter Sunday as we celebrate (or not ) the forgiveness of original sin, that doesnt exist in Islam ( your sins are weighed with no forgiveness, hence Nice, Orlando, London Bridge 1 and 2 etc etc etc.) Lets remember that all cunting only exists in free societies brought about by the message of hope. I know you cunts dont agree and I havnt been to church for 10 years but im right. So fuck you.

  15. Fuck i am so tired of this relentless race fuckin shit.
    A few years ago i would have read of these issues and actively applied my intelligence and insight and worked through what i thought. THAT WAS BEFORE I WAS TOLD I AM RACIST!!! This shit is like the drip drip drip of chinese water torture to the mind. Be of no doubt they will keep at this until they get what they want,although i don’t believe they do know what that is.
    Now?, if i read hear see anything about this made up madness i immediately turn off and disengage.
    I may write a year book of why i no longer talk/engage with black people ; it will have 365 blank white pages.

  16. Here’s a quote from the great man, Winston Churchill, which seems to sum this current situation up pretty well:

    “No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism”.

  17. How come the BAMES are getting all the sympathy and attention? What about the gays and trannies? What about the gender fluids?

  18. Excellent cunting chaps-made my chocolate egg free Sunday???

    Time to put a lid on this divisive bollocks.
    Take some responsibility for your own lives, live by your own decisions and learn to respect other people’s rights to do the same.

  19. Institutional racism? I see just the opposite.

    British institutions have been falling over themselves to accommodate and often discriminate positively in favour of ethnic minorities for fucking decades.

    The lefty wokes condemn the report as “gaslighting”. Truth is the Left have been gaslighting the white British public into believing they are racist for most of my adult life.

    Now they’ve been called out and they don’t like it up ’em!

  20. Amazing, isn’t it? They refuse to believe a report by pofessionals, yet they take what the Markle Snake says at face value without question. Mind you. they are not the brightest, are they? They could have picked a positive black role model. But instead they chose a thug and a druggie who pointed loaded guns at pregnant women in their own homes. That tells us all we need to know about these cunts.

  21. What would have happened if this waste of time and money had declared everything British as racist?

    A fucking big queue of brown liars with their hands out for compensation.

    What a load of shit.
    Better off rid of the moaning cunts.

  22. Good conclusion to the report, but the usual suspects are not happy, of course!

    The likes of Lammy, Abbott, O Jones and many others, have careers which rely on blaming the straight honky male for everything bad under the sun.

    Until the race baiting industry is shut down we’ll never see an end to this bollocks. You do this by getting rid of that ridiculously named ‘Equality Act’ first (it’s actually a double standards act). And then clamping down on obvious anti whiteism (excluded from job/uni positions or told to ‘stop being so white’ at work). ‘White privilege’ is a fucking myth too and obvious anti white rhetoric.

    These cunts are making your children hate themselves and their country’s proud history. They need calling out. And soon.

    The alternative is for these cunts to keep pushing until whites become a hated minority in their own countries. At that point, whites will have no alternative (including cunts like Owen Jones by the way) but to collectivise to avoid the unthinkable.

    It’s about time some cunt in a position of power called out the race baiting industry. If not, don’t blame anyone but the race baiters and jellyfish ministers too scared of being called ‘racists’, if an Adolf type is put in charge to sort shite out.

  23. If they think it is racist here, move to Mozambique and be cut to pieces by the BLACK peacefuls.

  24. Personally, I’m laughing my bollocks off because the race-baiting bastards never expected this outcome, hence the inability to cope with it in a coherent fashion.
    Plus, their reaction profoundly demonstrates their own biased, racist views & their too stupid/arrogant to see it.
    As a cunter has already pointed out, Sparkletits gets free reign to fabricate any old shit to Orca & it’s accepted without question, but sensible, considered study & analysis is rejected out of hand.
    Utter, utter cunts.

  25. So a report compiled by mainly ethnic persons has had the cold blooded audacity to conclude that the favourite whining winging topic of institutional racism is bollocks. Fuck me I am so so surprised. A big tranche of the ethnic great and good has declared that the report is a massive failure as the report has not come to the conclusion that the ethnical great and good wanted and expected as fair payback for their years of servitude and oppression in the House of Lords, Government ministers, wealthy tv personalities etc and so on. In view of their total disregard for truth and reason plus the horrendous abuse aimed at the authors of the said report I decided that a state of war exists between the world of woke cunts and me. I am accomplished in Ottoman archery and Russian Shaska sword. One thing does bug me somewhat, did that other report state that peacefuls were not the main instigator of organised abuse of underage white girls. Now we all know that was bollocks, so could this new report be, not right. I think no as the producers of the report were of ethnic extraction bar one. Fuck me my head hurts I’m off to slash some plastic bottles.

  26. There are many political careers, votes, livelihoods and a whole industry of unconscious race bias trainers who are invested in the idea that the UK is institutionally racist. Hence the rage when it’s proven not to be. Utter cunts, the lot of them.

  27. This whole Black thing is becoming very boring, you would think that we live in Africa according to the majority of adverts on the idiot box, football is now full of black players and it won’t be to long before they outnumber us in our national team, stop fuckin crying and do something that deserves some sort of accolade other than wanting everything based solely on your colour.!

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