Race Report Deniers

Race Report Deniers are my nomination.


(Get your current affairs updates from Pink News do we? Noted. – NA)

They just can’t stand it can they? A government report which has called out institutional racism as fake has been condemned by a multitude of black intellectuals and campaign groups. Too many to list here but headed by the usual suspects. The Begums, the Lammys, the Butlers et al. I guess even Sir Lenny will get around to doing so if he hasn’t already.

They don’t accept that factors such as geography and community limit life chances rather than skin colour. They don’t want to hear anything other than their own biased opinions. All these prominent people who were after all held back by blatant discrimination themselves (as if).

This report claims that poor white boys are actually on the lowest rung of the social ladder and that black Caribbeans do better than those of black African descent.

No, the deniers cry – this is a wicked attempt to divide the black community which we all know.is a solid unit. I mean there is never any black on black violence is there? They all get along just fine or would do if whitey wasn’t always interfering.

The point is why do we bother having public reports if they are going to be rubbished by those whose only interest is to perpetuate myths?

Even Boris and his whimpy ministers don’t defend it with any resolve. They still kowtow to the ‘Britain remains racist’ lobby.

It really is pathetic.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

…and on a similar note, this from W.C.Boggs


A Why-Am-I-Treated-So-Bad? cunting please, with the George Mitchell Choir and a violin section for our favourite part time epidemiologist and professional race baiter, Doreen, who is not best pleased by this weeks official report – led by a black man – which suggests Britain is not the hotbed of racism Hammy Lammy and the The Guardian and BBC like to make out it is. Dame Keir and Lovely Lisa Nandy, and her bouncy funbags have both professed themselves “disappointed”, no doubt because the report does’nt accord with their sense of victimhood.

Wellm honey chile, Doreen knows better. The report, she says “give s agreen light to racism”:


This woman had the terrible misfortune to lose her son in what might, or might not , have been a racist attack. That was 27 years ago – time now, you might think, to shut the fuck up, but this ignorant, deluded woman became a Labour peer.

If tihs country is so terrible, why doesn’t she go and live in de islands, with sea, sun, happy faces – but no House of Lords “expenses”

And even more this time from Lord Cuntingford 

Dal Babu and the Rest of the Rest of the Race “Industry”

An aspiring architectural cunting for Mr Babu, plus the other usual suspects Doreen “Zira” Lawrence and David “Guy” Lammy.

At great expense, the government have produced a document stating what we already know: that race is not an issue in this country. However, no content with looking closer to home for the myriad reasons for black failure to achieve, Lawrence and Lammy start to argue that the report itself is racist. They now have a new spokesman in Babu, a former Scotland Yard Officer who was, no doubt promoted beyond his abilities due to the single qualification of being Asian, hence the “former”. Babu is moaning that the questions were unfair and is, unsurprisingly, given air time by a number of “race organisations”

I predict more of this incessant whingeing as more of them are promoted or given jobs, purely for their race. They then realise they are not up to the job, but then complain that it is all the fault of racism, rather than their lack of ability. I really do feel afraid for the future of my son, who will be growing up in a country where his race (white) and sex (male) seem to be disqualifications for any job. I’m off to Hungary I think.

44 thoughts on “Race Report Deniers

  1. I’d go further than the report and say thay that not is modern Britain a very racially tolerant society, but there’s never been such a thing as ‘racism’. Racialism, yes, but racism is an invention of the left which has been deliberately expanded upon over decades to include cultural facets.

  2. What do you mean Megan Sparkle tits is only slightly coloured and manage to fuck up the royal family in 6 months.
    That’s notable

  3. Yet another footballer blubbering about ‘racist abuse’ on social media. Naturally, they tell all and sundry about this ‘abuse’ (although not what was actually written and the club involved (Tottingham) is ‘disgusted’ and are full of shock and outrage.

    Funny, how they and other clubs and players never got upset about or grassed on cunts who made up songs about air crashes or disasters at grounds like Valley Parade and Hillsborough. But woe betide if their beloved BAMEs get offended,

    Hypocritical knee taking imbeciles.

  4. Doreen Lawrence who tried to claim the fire brigade at Grenfell would have made more of an effort if it had been honkies on the tenth floor. It was pure racism that stopped them risking their own lives to save anyone they could

    Fucking disgrace, what a pure race baiting…….. whenever she is introduced before she speaks the audience should be reminded of this.

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