Professor Priyamvada Gopal (3)

Apologies cunters, here’s a bank holiday cunting for this swamp donkey and friend of this august site.
Yup it’s that cunt again, get well soon Phil the Greek and get this noisome bint topped as soon as possible.

Apparently professor gopal accuses the royal family was involved in the slave trade. FFS change the fucking record for once.

63 thoughts on “Professor Priyamvada Gopal (3)

  1. Coming from a long line of slave traders I can assure you I would’ve whipped this insolent tanned munter from one end of the field to the other!

    Tally Hooooo!

    • Urrgh.
      She looks like Yoda imitating Ozzy Osbourne.
      So what if the royals cashed in on slavery?
      Lots of people did.
      Savvy investment!
      I definitely would of, even now.
      But some little shriveled up turd like her?
      What could she be good for?

  2. Do they have brown supremacy in India? The country where Mien kampf sells best is…….India. Fuck off back to India, made up “ professor” cunt.

  3. You’d have thought she’d be more concerned about the 8 million people currently living in slavery in India, the country of her birth and heritage.

  4. Even if they were I don’t give a fuck now fuck off you ugly sweaty curry munching ingrate. You clearly hate Britain, our history and culture so wtf are you still stinking up our beloved land with your rancid carcass? Oh yeah that’s right it’s because you and your bloodline originate in a fly infested,disease riddled rat hole. Now fuck off you puke inducing cunt.

  5. Fucking Tefal-headed, bulb-nosed, bud, bud-ding ding. Move along the bus please and fuck right off you cunt.

    • You’d require a Gopro camera to film navigating round this loony’s forehead. Let’s get Professor Primark Gopro on the Curry Express back to Bud-Bud Land. Jaldi Jaldi, hello please mind your head.

    • related to suckdick khunt then? I think his dad was a bus driver, but I’m not sure as he usually very coy about it.

  6. The privileged daughter of Indian diplomats. India, the most racist country on earth, where people are beaten to death for being the wrong “caste”?

    This cunt has been allowed free reign by Cambridge, to teach hate whitey, critical race bollocks. They need to remove her from her position, for being a racist. She gets away with it on a weekly basis.

    Reading her accusations and comments, even the most moderate person should be alarmed. Everybody should be entitled to an opinion but, can you imagine a white professor with diametrically opposing views, retaining a position in a leading university? I can’t.

    It’s time to clean house.

    • With respect China is the most racist country on Earth. The yellow cunts have viewed themselves as supreme for thousands of years.

    • W.og or n*gger? The old major in fawlty towers excellently cleared this up with regards Indians and West Indians. Interestingly, I went on LubeTube to see the actual video and it is “age related”. So, you can see all sorts of drill rap and filth, but not a funny 1970s classic.

  7. If hate filled race grifters don’t care about whogs and khuns being slaves today, why should I care about them being slaves 200 years ago?

    This is not an academic, it’s a billionth rate Pakidemic. Incapable of proper scholarship this sort of infantile race grift is all it can manage.

    I thought Indie fed this to crocodiles in the temple of khun or was that her dad. Fucked if I tell!

  8. Professor at Churchill College.Doesnt do irony then.
    She needs to get the fuck back to her corrupt ancestral home.
    Caste system, abject poverty, modern day slavery, genocidal history, massacres galore and all that whilst being a nuclear power.
    A few years back they were intending to erect a huge statue of Charlie Chaplin.
    Hard Times indeed.

  9. Well of you hate ‘racist’ Britain so much, the country that allows you to get paid to slag it off constantly, then why not simply fuck off to India?

    • Yes, you think that a professor would be able to work out something that fucking simple.

  10. What good does she bring to the world? None, just hate. A pointless, deluded hate-filled person if ever there was one.

  11. Sick of these foreign cunts constantly looking for things to bitch about my country’s history. And getting well paid to indoctrinate our young at the same time.

    Don’t like our history? Best stop using that computer then. We invented those you know. Bet you jumped in to get your vaccine too right? Almost certainly the one we fucking made. Watch TV? Use the phone? Best stop. We made those too.

    No, best you fuck off to your caste system (of which you took advantage of, I’m sure!) and sit on top of a packed train full of people shitting in bags and gozzing everywhere… actually, we made the trains too so fucking walk, you cunt.

  12. Is this one of the eldritch abominations Hp Lovecraft wrote about?!

    Why does she have such a massive fucking forehead is that were all the evil is concentrated and the demon lives in?! Is she Illithid’s incarnation?

  13. Ugly on the inside, uglier on the outside.

    She really is the cunt that keeps on giving.
    Remember, after her “White lives don’t matter” shit, there was a huge backlash from concerned white Brits.
    How did Cambridge react?

    Jordan Pieterson was removed and she was promoted.
    That speaks volumes about the complete disdain, with which academics hold the rest of us in.

    Cambridge university & Primevil sludge Gopal, in the words of B&W Cunt:

    “Go Fuck Yourselves!”


    • Point of order:

      It was David Starkey, not Jordan Peterson.

      Afternoon General. ?

      • Thank you Ruff-you are absolutely correct. Peterson was “cancelled” as a busing professor of Cambridge, in 2019.

        Must be age related senility ?

  14. Some of those Indian birds are well worth a pearl necklace or two but this ain’t one of them.

    Poor little rich girl
    Looks like a Frog
    Fuck off back to India
    You self entitled w*g

    Professor F Frog
    Oxford Univerity. ?

  15. Fuck, I spelt university wrong. Fortunately it doesn’t matter these days. As long as you’re woke you can get away with anything.

  16. Go to airport. Close eyes, get on plane, follow smell. Land in India, stay there.
    Shit like this really needs sweeping from the UK and the first political movement stating they will get rid of the race baiting vile v*ermin the Country is infested with will win the next election by a landslide.
    Vote Fox – and a thousand year Reich! ??

  17. Identifies as an upper caste woman from a liberal hiindu family.

    I identify her as a total cunt

  18. To locate her office on “what.three.words”, type in:



  19. So she hates whitey’s raaaaaaay-sism does she? Let’s move her next door to a load of peacefuls and see how they get on.
    We don’t need lectures in racial tolerance from any cunt from the sub continent. Sort your own house first Mrs.

  20. Just saw this on the mail referenced article:

    Professor Priyamvada Gopal added that the Royal Family was a ‘white’ institution which had profited from the British Empire.

    Of course it’s a white institution you bongo cunt – it’s the fucking monarchy of the United Kingdom.

    What do you expect, a bud bud ding as King or a deep dark Afriiiiican as Queen,

    Can’t believe this cunt is an Oxford academic.

    If it were to be suggested that back in his mud hut country they should have white kings and queens he’d (or she maybe) would go ballistic.

    Fuck off and get a decent hair cut.

  21. To the tune of ‘Guantanamera’.

    ‘Five foot of forehead! You’ve only five foot of forehead!’

    The demented bitch looks like a Star Trek reject.

  22. She looks like a cunt of all trades and a fanny slack of nothing.

  23. Shes right about whitey being racist.
    I get a bongobongo accent on the phone? ..
    Sorry booked up.
    Its not about peoples skin colour, cultural differences, way the dress,
    Its simply a matter of them smelling.
    And my deeply held prejudices.

  24. On a different but kind of related topic this pissed me right off earlier on the cunty BBC

    What is happening in this world when Hank who voiced Apu in the Simpsons feels ‘compelled’ to apologise for the stereotype. Who, or what has pressured him to do this!

    If the creators felt that bad they could have popped over to Brick Lane in London and found a plethora of candidates. Why the fuck should he apologise, it’s a fucking cartoon with comedic licence thrown in.

    So I am now going to apologise to all my white folk for the amount of BAME’s there are in blighty, I am embarrassed to be around them, wanting to be like us, trying to copy our stereotype of being like de white man.

  25. The fucking mong looks like Gandhi and his favourite goat’s love-child. If it wasn’t for the British Empire she’d be living and begging on the streets of Delhi and not spouting off her racist bullshit in the country that she should be eternally grateful for. Cunt.

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