Phil Foden – A Footballer

A footballer I have never heard of has sacked his ‘ social media company’ over a tweet which he disapproves of. What this seems to mean is that footballers and presumably other intellectual giants such as reality and pop ‘stars’ get a company to tweet for them.

How monumentally thick are these cunts? And he cant be the only one as there seems to be an industry that tweets on behalf of cunts.


Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble 

42 thoughts on “Phil Foden – A Footballer

  1. Most of these fuckwits can barely string a sentence together, they would be off letting the chimps at Twycross Zoo manage their social media accounts as no cunt would be able to tell the difference.

    • They really are the thickest of thick pigshit. Performing seals, mask on, onto pitch mask off, back off pitch mask on again for Instagram. Invariably with a BLM t-shirt. Jesus Nelly.

  2. Possibly the biggest non-story in the the history of the Internet!

    Fuck off!

      • You can Infect Me With Your Love anytime above this piece of corporate shitbag sub-three digit IQ wanker who can kick a bit.

  3. Sadly, I read any old crap but would draw the line at anything a footballer has to say.

  4. Apparently, these ‘media companies’ charge these fucking clods £2-£4k a month for this service. (You can find them on:
    A footballer or reality TV star come to that, actually work about 5 hours a week yet need a grown up to tweet inane bland gibberish for them.
    Fuck me drunk.

  5. Typical overinduldged Gorton Globetrotter. Thick as pigshit blue cunt.
    See also Raheem ‘I can’t be arsed today’ Sterling.

    • I didn’t use to mind Manchester City but now they really are colossal cunts. Up the Blades!! (He says quietly).

    • Put Theo Walcott in his Arsenal days in that City team and he would’ve managed similar goal returns to Sterling. One of the most overrated players in the world.

      • Put Jimmy Greaves or Georgie Best in that Man City team and they would triple it?

  6. Just as you think that the inconsequential could not become …
    FFS why should I contribute to this ?
    The twentieth century saw the massive effort to put men on the Moon, the discovery of penicillin, the defeat of Germany (three times) etc. and this is where those efforts have led us.

  7. I don’t understand professional footballers’ total obsession with social media. They don’t fucking need it and all it does is stir up a load of shit for them. The macaroons go on there and then whinge about racist abuse when someone calls them a naughty word. Ffs, don’t use it. You don’t have to, nobody’s forcing you to. Isn’t being paid millions of pounds for doing fuck all enough? It’s like a normal bloke keep going back to a pub where he’s not really liked – what sort of cunt would do that?

  8. Im deeply shocked as I hang on every word said by footballers.
    I feel so let down!
    Putting them on a pedestal as a beacon of deep thinking, clever advice an observations on cultural and economic matters.
    If it wasnt for the geniuses at Love Island id be adrift!

    • Indeed Miserable, Aristotle Rooney’s musings on post-Covid economic reform and the growing Chinese militarization of the South China Sea is worth a read.

      • An extract from the above, weighty tome:

        : Erm, yeah well, am a telling youse, dem chinks are, erm, grate at making dem chips that Coleen buys. Yeah. Dat covid as’ bin a rite, erm, pain for us. Erm, erm, erm…”

  9. Most EPL footballers are complete fuckwits outside of a football ground. If they’re not kicking a ball around or sharing soap with their team mates in the shower, they’re at a total loss as how to spend their day.

    So they hop onto the usual SM sites, realise they’ve got fuck all interesting to say other than football and all the usual trigger subjects, so they hire a company to do all the Tweeting for them.

    Needless to say when it all goes shitshaped the player blames the company and then just walks away looking the gormless twat he realy is. But will then hop onto SM again to moan about how it all went shitshaped and it wasn’t his fault.

    Foden looks like an arrogant entitled cunt anyway, so fuck him and his social media company.

  10. They rave about this cunt like he’s the next fucking Messi.

    Well, he’s so fucking amazing that he’s still not a first choice on the team sheet. He’s a squad player, happy not to be playing every week because he’s paid silly money at Citeh. Having seen him play several times, I’d say he’s a decent player but nothing special.

    And yes, I’m happy these pricks have fuck all to do with their social media accounts, and that they hire cunts to run the accounts for them. Because footballers’ accounts are full of sycophants desperate for a reply from their hero.

    Well you stupid cunts, you’ve been arse kissing a spotty Indian PR agent for the last 2 years, while your ‘hero’ is out spit roasting some tart in a hotel when ‘playing away’.

    Fuck off.

    • To be fair he is making an impact in a star studded City team so I would say the hype is merited. He’s still a cunt though.

  11. It would’ve been funny if Mbappe (who is a real talent,it must be said) had tweeted back, ‘I am sorry, I have never heard of you.’

    But he probably has fuck all to do with his account too. They probably can’t string a fucking sentence together between the fucking pair of them.

  12. Most footballers are as thick as two short planks. Their brains are in their feet. No surprise they can’t put a simple tweet together. But also, this non-story shows just how false twatter is. Full of self important cunts paying other cunts to tweet shite for them. Pathetic.

  13. Who gives a fuck what some thick as fuck identikit mongoloid footballer thinks anyway?
    “He’s moderately OK at football, I wonder how he is at social and economic politics?”
    Said no cunt with a brain, ever.

  14. I know people were waiting breathlessly for Marcus Rashford to ‘break his (Twiiter) silence’ on the proposed ‘Superleague’.
    When it did come the tweet was described as ‘cryptic’. Inscrutable personality that he has.

  15. Surely we IsAC’ers are missing trick here: we should form a Social Meeja Pr company to represent CUNT’s- then post libellous shit that will see them fucked over?

    • Due to his mother refusing to buy bread Marcus Rashford developed extreme coprophilia.
      To the extend hed crawl up U bends in Whythenshawe youth centre to be slattered in post digested KFC chiggun.

      Like that CG?

  16. I would like to retract all my comments on ISAC including such phrases as “Burn The Cunts”,”Enough rope to sort that fucking problem out” and “I would pay good money to kick the chair away myself”.
    This was not my thoughts but my social media company.
    I pay the cunts four grand a month for this!!!!!!.
    Remind me to have a word at some point.

  17. The only thing I know about Foden is they make lorries. And they should stick to it rather than produce hugely over paid twats who can kick pigs bladders about quite well.

  18. Stupid chav cunt. Looks and acts like a gippo.

    At least Kieran Tierney has the balls to shout out “You’re a fooking diving cunt man” on a live broadcast ??

  19. Is red Leicester racist? Does it offend native Americans? Or the Labour Party

    Is Danish Blue offensive to royalists? Or the SNP? Or the Tory party?

    Why do we give any credence too these loonies?

    Vote Looney. You know it makes sense…

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