Non Western Culture

Non Western Culture is a cunt.

I’m talking “cultural relativism” So were all the same?

OK lets look into that. Mud huts, (even the mosque of Djenne) don’t come anywhere close to the Pantheon, where a concrete dome has stood for 2000 years.

Lets move along a bit to the 1400s . South American Aztecs murdering millions through human sacrifice so the sun comes up in the morning. Well done Cortez, ancestor of AOC for sorting that out.

The Chinks have seen themselves as the centre of the universe for thousands of years without a fork.

I know we have our problems ( the French with their Suppositories) but I’m willing to go out on a limb here. THE WEST IS BEST, by a country fucking mile. Fuck off everyone else, sort your own shit out.

Nominated by: Smugcunt

65 thoughts on “Non Western Culture

  1. The Aztecs were a western civilisation.
    The Alhambra Palace in Grenada is several hundreds of years old and built of mud.
    The Chinese are amongst the majority of the world who eat without a fork.
    The work ethic in Japan is much better than in the west.
    Religion is the great divider.
    Islamic countries are medieval.
    That has nothing to do with what implements they eat with.

    • How is the west not medieval in its machinations. The weaponry we invented, and use of such, is technologically impressive but equally barbaric as the sandy butthole cult. E.g. the nuclear testing in the Pacific and treatment of islanders who were happy until the US fucked them over.

      Our culture is built on lies and corruption. Only our technology gives it a veil of elegance, but it’s only skin deep.

      We’re all as bad as each other, until someone in the group turns away from their animal impulses and draws all toward him.

  2. You’ve got to admire the Chînks for persevering with the chopsticks even after the fork was invented (probably by a Britisher). Little Ho Lee Fuk eats his noodles with them, his dog with them, his fried chicken feet with them, even his birthday cake with them. Maybe a fork makes him disorientated.

    • I loved the cheese thread. Far beyond and above expectations. Loved the post about Red Leicester being Commie, etc.

      Artfully done, crafted & who knows, a non- racists cheese is being marketed soon. Probably light brown, looking and tasting like shit, & hopefully vegan, so it can be offered to schoolchildren, so they can stuff it down their underpants and attempt to flush it down the toilet, just like they do with any brown shit.

  3. Why don’t the Wokes just reset history from 2017, and anything before then didn’t really happen!

  4. Cultural relativism is understanding different cultures from their point of view is it?
    Ok then, Muslim women are second class nobodies who should do exactly as they’re told or get a good thrashing.
    From my own culture understand this.
    Muslim men are absolute filth who pollute the planet, and have no business living in the UK.
    So fuck off back to the desert, and there’ll be no more cross cultural misunderstanding.

    Hey, I think I’ve just invented a new wokeism. Cross cultural misunderstanding.
    It can be used as an excuse for any atrocity commited in the name of whatever fairy story you believe in.

  5. you know what? I couldn’t give a fuck what they do to Western culture.

    another couple of decades and I’ll be wormfood. The wokes want this shit, and they’re welcome to it. I just home future generations will love the new reset culture in the UK come 2050. They really won’t know what hit them as they go to their next prayer meeting – their 5th of the day!

    In the mean time I am sitting on my patio enjoying the sun’s rays, and looking out towards Scafell Pike and drinking a nice cold lager, while watching an old music video of Rush in concert, and Alex Lifeson killing a version of Earthshine with some hard axemanship!

    Fuck the future!

    • Wish I could join you Techno.
      Lake District + booze + Rush = my idea of contentment.

    • I tried replying but the post kept fucking off for no reason I can think of.

      But in essence, yes. You will be ruined if you speak out openly about what’s going on so let the cunts get on with it.

      Things may change when the shit really hits the fan though, so just enjoy life until then. Because no cunt is listening and if you try to help, they’ll just throw you under the fucking bus anyway.

    • 2112 is a bloody masterpiece. They were a 3-piece symphony orchestra.

      Neil was an unbelievable drummer and Lifeson is a massively underrated guitarist.

  6. Cultural relativism is a pain in the arse because it’s created shite like ‘diversity and inclusion’, which seems to mean double standards as far as I can tell.

    You know, Bilal needs his ten breaks during the day to pray and do his ablutions. Cover for him (again) will you? Oh, and we’ve stopped serving your favourite in the canteen , the bacon barm because it offends our peacefuls. We’ve gone halal. What that offends you due to the barbarity of the slaughter method? I’m reporting you for racism.

    Goes on in schools too, with classes being dumbed down in ‘diverse’ areas to account for all the non-English speaking kids (or with English as a second language). When they do learn, British kids are taught to hate their country by some teachers. And the bigging up of other (traditionally non European) cultures. I’ve seen kids’ text books lauding over the Inca civilization. All about their lovely costumes, dances and vibrant markets with colourful illustrations of the smiling locals. No mention of the child sacrifices though. Why not? They seem fucked by quick to goon about (white on black) slavery and the evil British Empire. Not a word about black or Arab slavery on themselves/each other (still going on) or on Arab on white slavery. Or the evils of the Ottoman Empire. Why not?

    Yes, fuck cultural appropriation. All cultures are not equal. Some are better than others, but none are perfect.

    But only ours seems to get shit all over.

    We’re (white British traditional types or non white Brits who aren’t anti British) too fucking soft nowadays, that’s our problem. The result is our country is rapidly going down the shitter.

    Fuck off.

    • You are so right about the brainwashing at school. My daughter was watching a school homework presentation about native Indians in the USA and then she asked ‘were they black?’. When I told her no, they were more like Peruvians or Mexicans I looked at her work and they had also shooed in about Afro Americans in the same lesson. Think it’s to confuse the kids and let them think the blacks were there before the whites.
      Next thing she asks is ‘what does supremacy mean?’ I said was it ‘white supremacy mentioned’ and she said yes.
      I am going to make a complaint.
      They should not be subjecting 9 year olds to woke bollocks or their version of history.

      • 30 or 40 years ago if a teacher was doing that here they’d be fired and possibly charged with terrorism. Quite right too.

        Now, it’s you that may be charged if you make a complaint. I would complain but just be careful how you do it. I’d bring up the Equality Act and discrimination or demonisation of any race is illegal (it includes whites but the cunts don’t seem to think it does). The recent government report stating Britain is not institutionally racist will help too.

        If you have a parents’ group, get support (not to teach ‘white privilege’ etc) and give the Head some shit. That usually works.

  7. I have no problem with non western culture whatsoever, if they want to cut up children’s faces or worse, or marry girls who are 10 years old, wipe their arses with their bare hands in their own country its not my concern.
    The problems start when these backwards cunts come to this country, break the laws about kiddy filing and many other parts of their culture in their country and then have the fucking nerve to question our culture because it doesn’t suit them.
    The country that they have turned up in because its better for them than the fly blown, war torn, povity stricken shit holes they are from, and once here legally or not its first stop housing office, next stop benefits office, next stop NHS, optition, dentists offices and usually all at the tax payers cost and that’s because if try that in Bangladesh or Mogadishu, helmand province you will just get laughed at.
    So fuck their culture when they are here, behave, youve already got away with milking the system, if you don’t like tower blocks with firework clad ding or the NHS waiting list, I have a nice line in paddle s and rubber boats, paddle until you see the North star, turn left and strait on till morning….. Fuck off and take your backwards culture with you…..

  8. No one embodies western culture like what I do.
    I carry the greatness of being a Englishman in every poised move I make.
    Im like the High Peak David Niven.
    The sip of Darjeeling tea from mother’s finest china,
    The gentle thwack of bat on a cricket ground,
    Sat under a parasol my feet gentlely resting on a dark keys whipped back.
    The sophisticated laughter issuing from the public house and the fish friary.
    I am western culture at its peak and no greasy little Johnny foreigners can match that in a thousand years.

  9. Dunno what’s wrong with Western culture. If they don’t like it they can fucking go home.

  10. Most other cultures are fucking awful.
    Unfortunately nobody in politics has ever tried to protect ours.
    So it will be replaced within the next 80 odd years.
    Glad I won’t be here to see it.

  11. Cultural relativism similar to Political Correctness ie pick up a turd by the clean end. Cannot see what all the fuss is about I really don’t give a flying fuck what Abdul, jipixy umbango or Thomas the fucking tank engine do in their own country. Could not give a shit. Come hear and carry on with your weird shit that is not cricket especially as in the majority of cases we the indigenous people are paying for you to be a cunt in our country. Why are we blessed with such useless rotten cunts for leaders.

  12. Western civilisation peaked about twenty years ago, now it continues its slow crawl up its own arse.

  13. The Chinese had their good points, fireworks, porcelain, martial arts. The west, however, is the apex of culture – superheroes, chicken dippers, the EU, bungee jumping, Branch Davidians….

    • Evening Twenty ?
      The Judy Denches apparently invented gunpowder,
      But used it for fireworks!
      How gay is that?!
      Along came a white man,
      Tall, smart, a air of authority about him, said
      “You there! Bring that to me,
      Chop chop you yellow monkey!”
      And his superior brain saw potential.
      Hence cannon, then the invention of firearms.
      Same with porcelain they used it as bowls to cut their hair like the inspiral carpets.
      Whitey came along went back to Stoke on Trent.
      It became the potteries, knocking out Royal Doulton, wade, etc
      The finest in the world.
      Chinks might get the odd idea
      But a western moulds it into a masterpiece.
      Its because chinkys have square heads, the can only invent viruses and plagues.

      • Hi MNC,

        It is also because they have feverish yellow brains.

        Of course, Fu Manchu was a Chinese criminal mastermind, but not a patch on Jesse James or Bruce Reynolds.

      • Ireland only has a few there,
        They arent as progressive as us.
        I call them ‘rice paddys’.

  14. Totally agree with this nom. Other cultures may have various claims to greatness. But the West’s superiority rests on three things – freedom of speech, freedom of thought and liberal democracy. No other great non-western culture had that – the West did not always have it, but when it moved towards it, it took off. It’s freedom of thought and speech that was the starting point for all the other things that made the West excel. Woke fuck-stickery threatens to undo all that and cultural relativism is a pernicious doctrine that puts a Parking Stanley goat shagger on the same level as Locke and Newton – cos it’s their culture, innit?

  15. Totally agree with this nom. Other cultures may have various claims to greatness. But the West’s superiority rests on three things – freedom of speech, freedom of thought and liberal democracy. No other great non-western culture had that – the West did not always have it, but when it moved towards it, it took off. It’s freedom of thought and speech that was the starting point for all the other things that made the West excel. Woke nonsense threatens to undo all that and cultural relativism is a pernicious doctrine that puts a Parking Stanley goat lover on the same level as Locke and Newton – cos it’s their culture, innit?

    Admin – please delete posts awaiting moderation.

    • Oh – ok. The second one worked. Sorry for repeating the post.

  16. The left and other woke cunts will change their tune when the social security/NHS/education system collapses due to too many non contributing cunts.

    Once they can’t claim child benefit, dole, retirement pensions, student loans (heavily subsidised right now with very low interest rates), free education at school or get treated in a hospital or at a doctor’s surgery without flashing the cash, they’ll soon change their fucking tune.

    I’ll just say, “You asked for this. I was ignorant bigoted cunt when I warned you, remember? I was the one who needed ‘educating’ right? Suck it up, you cunts!”

  17. All that bigging up Africa is a fucking joke. The only good things that have ever come out of that dump is the animals. All that cradle of civilisation crap they come out with.Throw billions at the shithole and nothing changes, one nutjob murderous regime after another, a breeding ground for crime and disease, and the most ignorant yet predatory people on earth (apart from those scum from Romania). Yet all we get is ‘African culture’ and ‘African pioneers’ and other such bollocks. The place is a huge rathole. South Africa was the only civilised bit, but they’ve fucked that up now. Any BAME leader or regime spells trouble. Whether it’s psycho Mugabe, the shopping centre bomber Mandela, that Obama cunt, or Suckdiq Khan. No good will ever come of it for civilised society.

    • Indeed. Ian Smith ruled Rhodesia and it was the bread basket of Africa. Post 1980 and 40 years of blek government and the renamed Zimbabwe is now the basket case of Africa.

      Smith argued that the bleks of Africa should never be allowed to govern. Smith and Powell could see what others couldn’t or wouldn’t.

      • Blacks in Africa just grab what they can when in positions of power. Nepotism and corruption on scales that cannot be imagined.

        I saw a documentary recently where a tribe had been living on a small Ugandan island for ages. Then, the government were offered 5 million dollars by what they thought were the North Koreans, (it was a set up) to agree to allow the building of an illegal arms factory and methamphetamine lab, with a small airstip and fake hotel to put the UN off any scent.

        However, they had to get permission to build off the islanders and permission to move them off the island. So the cunts lied and said they were building a hospital for them. The locals were delighted and agreed to be moved due to this ‘hospital’ that would be built for them, and arranged a party for the ‘kind donors’ and local government delegates.

        The corrupt officials smiled and lied to these people all the way through it. They even laughed about it in private.

        Utter, utter cunts. One thing the North Koreans got right was warning the middleman (who was really a spy) that the Africans were greedy, corrupt and lazy. They’ll steal anything they said and you need to watch them as they are totally corrupt when money is involved.

        The rinky dinks are all over Africa, and its resources are being sold off to them for peanuts so Mtembe, the local government dude, can have a Mercedes.

    • Abso-fucking-lutely ?

      I hope Covid finishes what AIDS started in the Dark continent.
      Get rid of all the savage beasts. Leave the animals.

  18. The West is the best and that’s why they want to come over , but they just can’t embrace it so slowly with the help of wokism and lazy politics they get to change things in our society not realizing their going to end up in a similar shithole they had left. Embrace the West and leave behind what you tried to escape you shower of pathetic cunts , then maybe you might enjoy life. Fuck you and you’re skin colour ,you’re creed and belief just keep it to yourself and enjoy the Best of the WEST.

  19. West is clearly best.
    Western culture is way above and beyond anything that has gone before.
    Of course the woke and the rest of the self loathing white Guardian types wouldn’t agree but fuck those lot.
    They’re just cunts.

      • Maybe. But give the cunt his due-he knew how to improvise the sub-base on his patio’s?

      • Apart form it’s everything’s and I agree but that’s how it came to be , it murdered it’s way to triumph and then made laws with each passing of war to become a more stable society and now this is under threat from within buy the very peoples it protects.

  20. Makes me want to scream.

    If you look at the scope of human history you will realise that the cultures developed in christian capitalist western democratic countries have brought about the greatest technological, cultural and human rights advances in the existence of the human race.

    Anywhere you dont have these conditions is essentialy the third world. Be it islam or communism or tribe mentality everywhere else is massively behind. Theres absolutely nothing to knock.

    People can fuck off with the built on slavery etc etc. The africans were hacking each other to bits over who owned what patch of sand long before they were enslaved and still are long after it. Slavery, while wrong, has fuck all to do with that mess. Islam has ensured the middle east is still medieval and communism has fucked the people of china and some of south america. But lo and behold, in the midst of it japan and south korea adopt much of our thinking and what do you know?

    Moving away from slavery, serfdom, giving women rights, giving the poor the vote, policing, crime and punishment, the whole lot, were conscious decisions made by people in our culture.

    We shouldnt be ashamed to look down on the rest. Because we are well above them, and looking down is what you do

  21. My Grandad is welsh. BLM has inspired me to demand apologies from every Italian i meet over the atrocities committed by romans against my celtic ancestors.

    • And my ancient forefathers were pagan and I also demand that Rome should be held accountable , but to be honest I’m not an activist cause I like things to be easy. An Indian Hindu asked me ,many years ago what I thought about Muslims . I was to young for the question. He responded that they are very aggressive and that they cannot help it.

  22. I’ve talked shit for awhile tonight,that’s cause I’m pissed and have no work tomorrow. I bid all cunters a pleasant sunrise as I probably won’t witness it . Good night all ,it’s been a pleasure listening to myself and others

  23. “We” conquered “them” and now “they” are conquering “us”.

    It was “Europe” and “Asia”. Now it’s often called “Eurasia”. In 2050 it will be “Asia”.

    “Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.”
    – Arthur Schopenhauer

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