MSM (7) and Trouble in the Ukraine

As US F15 and F16 aircraft arrive on Poland to bolster EU support for Ukraine, MSM remain silent on the biggest issue in world news. If things continue as they are war may be only hours or days off.

As Hairsniffin’ Joe leads the world pell mell toward a nuclear apocalypse, the media focus on whether pubs will really be fully re-open on 17 May, and Sir Qweer getting ejected by an irate landlord, ffs.

Oh, but wait, hurty words will not be tolerated, footballers are still taking the knee, and Orange Man Bad is not in the Whitehouse anymore, so everything’s all right after all. Tick-tock, tick -tock….

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea


(Some MSM are picking up the story, although at time of writing the BBC, ITN, C4 are still rather quiet – DA )

34 thoughts on “MSM (7) and Trouble in the Ukraine

  1. There is no word in Russian for “safe” . Ukraine has been a buffer state from invasion for centuries. When the Soviet Union fell promises were made and broken by the West. Russia has every right to defend themselves from The West, especially now when its falling apart with woke bollox from within. The US looks likely to descend into civil war. There are no tranny story hours in Mother Russia, and arrests for saying stuff on twatter runs about 30-1 . With the 30 being us. Russia has the same GDP as Italy. It is not a threat to us. Ukraine is not worth the blood of a single Englishman. Wont stop them trying make a war. Its what the Dems do. Im with Putin

  2. To be honest, Stanna Joe could set fire to an orphanage and eat any survivors and the media wouldn’t criticise him for it.

  3. Top news is the ongoing Chiggin George saga, BLM (Bleks Love Mansions) and whether or not someone who lived 350 years ago was a racist. Nothing else is newsworthy. A sign of how monumentally thick and self-obsessed the West has become.

    • Oh and by the way….the Russians are pissing themselves…..with laughter.

  4. Not a good idea to take on the Russian Federation their armed forces are somewhat improved since the 1980’s. What the fuck has this got to do with us anyway? Examination of the other trouble spots the US and it’s allies went into for democracy? Show countries that are shit holes, corruption civil war fuck knows what else. A fantastic result for Western ideals of corruption, debasement, child abuse etc. Russia is hard to defend always has been they have always attempted to have a “buffer” between them and potential aggressors. Remember it will not be Biden, Boris or any political cunt dodging the bullets. Of course the Salisbury poisoning has soured relations between us and Russia likewise the unwoke attitude of the Russian government has upset the legion of weirdos that hold positions of influences in this country. As you so rightly stated in your excellent cunting the taking of the knee trumps all in this World of Woke

  5. There’s a ton of shit that’s not being covered in the news.

    I’ve seen videos of what the cunts are doing in Gaza recently that’ll make your blood boil.Not to mention a couple of revolutions that don’t matter as they’re in countries that the media can’t be bothered with.

  6. All is quiet on the eastern front, as the Russians have mostly gone home. The story was covered, I read numerous articles on the daily mail website, and on Radio fours’ news, so it wasn’t ignored completely. Russia, and it’s plastic headed closet gay megalomaniac cunt of a leader can go fuck themselves. The west are hardly spoiling for a fight, with only a token force sent to the region in response.

  7. Putin is a vicious little KGB thug. Does anyone really think he’d stop at Ukraine? But then again he’s not thick enough to start a war that would require Russian occupation of eastern Europe with millions to police. His economy is in a mess and depends solely on oil . Apart from that they make nothing. He’s diverting attention away from domestic problems.

    • Personally, I agree with you in part…why stop with Ukraine? Take the whole fucking lot I would say.

  8. The troops have gone back to their bases but they have left the heavy stuff behind for another ‘exercise’ later in the year.

    Just keeps everyone guessing, won’t take long to bring the troops back and the kit is already waiting for them, they would be into eastern Ukraine before anyone could do anything about it.

  9. “To bolster the EU” Well now, is this the EU who are currently seeking to form a “Euroarmyl” ? To quell a matter that was of their making? Methinks Biden needs to cut them free. Let them fight their own battles. Is Vlad worried ? Nah! And to be honest, if push came to shove, I hope Vlad fucks the lot of them.

  10. Recent conflicts between India and China. and now this, and yet the MSM don’t seem overly bothered.

    Similarly in Africa, especially South Africa, there’s a whole shitstorm of badness going on, that MSM only touch on, or ignore completely. And yet it persists on trivialities for headlines – 1 black bloke dies, and its 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage; 5000 people massacred in Kashmir, and its tumbleweed time!

    Putin doesn’t need to invade the West with millions of troops or nuclear weapons. All he has to do is call the Wokes a bunch of hurty names, and The West will fall apart.

    Fuck it, time to install W10E on some wank HP Pros.

  11. Well if it all kicks off with nukes we can always get Dianne Abbott to bend over, her ginormous arse would deflect any nuclear weapon, and get her to fart simultaneously, the stench of all the fried chiggun would melt any missile headed our way

    • Just because Vlads a flaming homosexual doesn’t mean hes a soft touch, hes always testing his boundaries to see what he can get away with.
      And its quite a lot!
      Assassin’s in the UK
      Novochok poisoning in UK
      Silencing opponents,etc.
      I agree with Smugcunt its not our fight and that British blood shouldn’t be spilt.
      Its Ukraines problem, they wouldn’t rush to help us.
      Besides theyve all got square heads,comrade.

  12. The inside story on this from a Russian in-law is that Putin is a hard nosed foreign policy guy and useless domestically. Essentially at the time of the Salisbury attack Trump was trying to ease relations with Russia, sick of funding NATO. Sanctions were lifting, Russian people thinking about what economic breaks this may create etc and who to vote for that isn’t putin to do something with the economy, so the bastard plunged them back into the mire on the international front.

    And the russian news is running the story that america has staged the destruction of ukrainian military vehicles on the border as an excuse to launch an invasion.

    Ultimately the people of the country suffer because of a couple of cunts as per

  13. I’m not anti Russian and have never been but cleary this annexation of Crimea in 2014 was a aggressive tactic by Putin

    Crimea is part of southern Ukraine as it has been for centuries to my knowledge. Russia are just bully bastards intent on absolute control of it. However I wouldn’t want a nuclear war or ww3 to break out over it either. Mainstream media and Biden administration are cunts for dismissing and not understanding the complexity of the situation

    • I agree it was an illegal act, and Putin is a thug, but a clever thug not to be under estimated. On Crimea, it was always part of Russia until the mid 20th Century when Stalin handed Crimea to Ukraine as part of their solidarity in the Great Soviet whether the Ukrainians wanted to be part of it or not. In a sense Stalin failed to see future history and the break up of the USSR or he would never have given Crimea as its strategic importance to Russia’s southern flank in the Black Sea. I am more worried about the Germans getting into bed with Russia re Nordstream Gas pipeline, not very diplomatic with their Eastern EU neighbours, but as usual Germany gets what it wants in their EU club. No way should UK or US trust the Germans with any intelligence.

  14. ?I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care if he comes round ere
    Got my my beer in the sideboard ere….let muvver sort it out if he comes round ere.?
    Let the Ruskis come I say! At least we know who the enemy is rather than the wokie traitors on our own doorstep.
    And Ivan knows how to sort the peacefuls.

  15. Vlad kidnapped my sisters hamster and whitehall had to intervene like with that nazinine Ratcliffe.
    After paying Vlad in disco cd’s the hamster was released but was in a terrible state!
    Stunk of shite, and had a nervous tic.
    The mans a duckin monster…

  16. Breaking news –

    4000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire.

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