Moby (3)

Why is almost every famous person out there who tells the world about the wonderful benefits of veganism, such a monumental cunt? This time its 90’s electronica pioneer speccy slaphead Moby who is also an expert epidemiologist tweeting that veganism would stop pandemics.

“A reminder: in a vegan world there would be no pandemics,
100% of pandemics are zoonotic in origin. #veganforlife”.

Well thanks Doc, you bullshitting cunt. His claims were debunked straight away by actual eggheads pointing out that malaria and yellow fever are transferred through mosquito bites or cholera by contaminated water for example. I’m sure you average 14th century serf was wringing his hands over the lack of stuffed curried aubergines while the Black Death swept across Europe as golf ball sized cists grew on his neck.

So Moby, you weird scrawny looking fuck, stick to the meditating and finding enlightenment up your own arse.

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

31 thoughts on “Moby (3)

  1. I understand why people become vegan. But dont understand why they make such a song and dance about it. And this cunt passed me by some years ago, whatever it is he did.

    • I recognise the name but didn’t know what he did and didn’t even know he was white.

  2. “Vegan for Life” eh ?…..well that life wouldn’t be very long if I ever got close enough to pull the twat’s arsehole up over his ears…bet the Cunt has the strength of a watery fart and is about as appealing.
    Probably enjoys getting bummed with a prize-winning marrow.

  3. I wonder how many men storming sword beach were vegan. 1st world, beta male cuck. I only eat things that dont eat meat so Moby is in my sights. Free range long pig as it were.

    • A bit old and scraggly,but youd probably get something out of him with a slow roast

  4. This prick, who looks like a tortoise without a shell, somehow managed to bang a prime Natalie Portman, the lucky bastard.

    How the fuck was that possible?

    • Oh, I remember that. Moby said that Portman was all over him and she acted like a total slag who threw herself at many of the ‘rock stars’ of the day. Probably true and all. Needless to say, Portman used the ‘Me Too’ card to get out of it and played the Princess Innocent Knickers Victim card to the hilt. Also, needless to say, that soft cunt Moby issued an ‘apology’ for daring to point out that a Hollyweird slapper could ever behave like such a cock hungry trollop.

      • Well he’s a soft cunt then. He should’ve said, ‘She came onto me and I slipped her one. Who wouldn’t have?’

        He’s an even bigger cunt than I thought if that’s true.

      • Oh aye, without a doubt. Adamantly said he was telling the truth. But a few shrieks from the Me Too Mob and he retracted the lot. Hard to imagine Mick Jagger or George Best doing that and being so pussywhipped. They just shagged ’em and moved on, like proper ladies men.

      • Adam Ant invented a great diet though.

        Don’t chew ever.

        I’ll get me coat…

      • Aye I knew she was a four be two for years (real surname is Hershlag I think).

        Still, I would’ve rattled it until her head came off. She hasn’t aged well though over the last 10 years. She’s looked in her 40s since her early 30.

        Probably why she’s suddenly doing all her woke ‘activism’ now the roles are drying up almost as much as her fanny.

  5. This cunt is one of those ‘artists’ with no talent to speak of. A bit like Fatcunt Slim, Pete Mong – I mean Tong, Dave Haslam, or those Daft Punk bellends. Pressing a button or two and badly ripping off Kraftwerk and New Order is not a talent. The ‘Superstar DJ’ was a breed of up themself cunts who thought they were George Martin meets Grandmaster Flash. There has been some excellent electronica: Gary Numan, New Order, OMD, Kraftwerk, Human League. But the 90s saw the rise of cunts like Moby and that Tin Tin haired fuck who used to ball Zoe Ball. People actually paying loads to stand in a field to watch an arrogant wanker play with a laptop and use the same crappy sample over and over? No doubt about it, Moby is a cunt.

  6. Be a Gay. Be a vegan. Be whatever. Just stop trying to evangelize the rest of us. Why is “Live and let live” such a hard concept for these cunts to adopt. I don’t have the fucking time or inclination to prod others to see things the way I do. I do what I want and you do the same and we’ll be fine.
    Let me be and don’t be that cunt.

  7. Mopy Prick.

    Porcelain was his only recognisable song that I know of. I actually listened to that album through and genuinely felt angry about having done so.

  8. I await the day someone tells me they are a vegan. I just cannot wait to tell them they are a cunt.

    • Mr Burns!!
      Well I think he looks the picture of health!
      If you can get a polo mint upto the top of your arm your not fat.
      Hes leathery, skinny , and bald.
      People love this look,
      Get this lad a pork pie.

  9. Get some black pudding down his scrawny gullet or some fried tripe, do wonders for him.
    He’ll be cheerfully whistling in the morning,
    His problems hes hungry.
    Hes got a body like a RSPCA poster, and bottle bottom bi focals, so going blind from lack of vitamins.
    Take away his alfalfa sprouts and replace it with liver he’ll be hod carrying in a fortnight.

  10. Moby: GO! For a meat pie and a pint of Guiness, you stupid bald cunt.

    The problem with many Vegans, is that they have to tell you they are a Vegan, the fucking minute you meat (pun intended) them.
    Have they not got anything else in their sad, hollow lives?

    They are also so-fucking-miserable looking.

  11. Like MnM said to the cunt in the 9, s its over, let go, fuck off, it was correct then and still is, this fucker looks like a vegan as well, I wonder if he could muster enough energy for a good wank or is that against what these cunrs stand for ae Well…

  12. This cunt is Lord adonutpuncher’s transatlantic cousin.

    I wonder who would win if they challenged each other to an arm wrestle?

    I would love to see an adaptation of Bank Holiday Monday’s The World’s Strongest Man, pitching Moby against Adonis. They could have toothpick snapping contests and a grape crushing tournament.

  13. Obviously the cunt has passed the “more money remix” phase and resorted to selling his bowl movements to make money. Who on earth gives a shit if animals, plants, fuck men, women, plants or wank off in the middle of bushes. Go to fuck!

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