Middlesbrough Council are massive cunts.
So the council have spent god knows how much on these fucking ‘drugs overdose kits’ to aid these fucking smack head low lives. Who thought that this was a good idea. Initially after reading the title, I thought it was a kit to aid these mongs to actually overdose and save us all some trouble.
But no. It’s a kit to save them after taking an overdose. No wonder my council tax is extortionate and ‘creeps’ up every year. These people should be allowed to pass on if they take drugs to that extent.
Fuck off MBC and fuck off smack heads.
Nominated by: AsItIs
So it’s a nasal spray? Not much use for those that overdose on cocaine. They usually don’t have a nose.
As a heroin addict I find this nomination offensive!
Fuck off!
I suspect we will be seeing far more drug dependants in the UK-thanks to the current fuckwittery.
Remember the “war on drugs”?
We surrendered years ago so let the fuckers get on with it. Why are we spending taxpayers money keeping this shite alive?
They chose to fuck themselves up and broke the law at the same time. Sorry, I must be a cunt because I say let them die.
When I was growing lots of older lads died from heroin on our estate.
Was a huge heroin epidemic in the early 80s.
Some the same age as me I went to school went on to get a heroin habit.
What amazes me is they knew the score!
Same as me that heroin fucks you up, life of petty thieving to get by, yet still dabbled!!
They only had to see the older lads waiting outside the chemists for their methadone prescription to see that.
I don’t feel sorry for them
Its self inflicted stupidity.
Fuck em.
Zammo and his ‘Just Say No’ message failed to resonate then Miserable?
Seemed to LL.
Maybe Zammo didn’t portray it well enough?
But it wasn’t like these daft cunts weren’t warned is it?
Comes a time in your life when you know not to step in front of moving vehicles, not to jump in the lion enclosure at the zoo,
Not to drink bleach,
Some people refuse to listen to good advice.
Fuck em
The cast from Grange Hill were invited to the USA and The White House, by Nancy Reagan, to promote her “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign.
The young actors had an absolute ball-shagging and getting high.
True story!
MNC@ – When I was a teenager there was one local who dealt smack to kids, but didn’t tell them it was smack until they were hooked – some of these 12 and 13 year olds are still on it 30 years later.
But it’s by their choice, and I have zero sympathy for junkies.
Here’s a novel idea! Fuck them! If they OD the taxpayer can pay for a bodybag and a truck ride. Nothing more.
Fuck right off!
Billions wasted annually supporting these arseless twats and their drug habits. Hard times are ahead for many more deserving folk, thanks to the Covid fiasco, so this waste should cease immediately. We cannot afford it. If they are over 18 it is their choice to take the shit. From now on, only abstinence programmes should be funded from public money.
Waste of money. Let them OD. Bye.
I’m joining the ranks of the ‘fuck ’em’ brigade.
If you’re taking illegal drugs, you’ve already broken the law. Hence you’re a criminal and are thus undeserving of any sympathy whatsoever.
No one holds a gun to anyone’s head and forces them to take illegal drugs. Becoming addicted is a choice, so just fucking die already. Worthless pieces of shit.
Evening IY, I’m of the same opinion.
When I was in Sydney they had ‘shooting galleries’, legal places to shoot up heroin without fear of prosecution. The area, Kings Cross, was a great night out but of course attracted prostitution, biker gangs and petty crime but the liberal twats pushing these social reforms do not have to live around there or run a business.
Evening LL. How are ya, mate?
What you describe there is horrifying. I’ve heard the argument that treating these fucking parasites costs less than dealing with the crime which comes packaged with drug taking. Lovely.
I am SICK AND FUCKING TIRED of behaving myself, paying my bills, being responsible and accountable and then being forced to subsidise arseholes who do the exact opposite. I’ll tell you what’s cheaper than treating these cunts. A .357 round.
I’m good IY, hope you are keeping well.
Our old friend, St George of the Blessed Floyd was high on fentanyl according to some reports and opioid abuse is a massive problem in the U.S from what I have read.
California seems to be the turd with the cherry on top for violent homeless drug addicts, San Fran and LA in particular, not you will seen Nancy Pelosi or AOC dodging the needles and human waste.
Quite so, LL.
I’ve been to San Fran a few times. Always to see a concert at the famous Fillmore Theatre. I will not go there again. California does have a fantastic climate for sure. But it’s full of lefty libtards, shocking taxation, a drug taking and homeless problem that’s out of control and everyone wants to pretend it’s still a wonderful place.
Trouble is, the mass exodus from California is seeing a major influx of cunts into Texas. That’s my home state and I don’t want those arseholes here. There are enough toothless, redneck, trailer park trash arseholes here already. Puts pressure on housing, jobs, etc. No thanks!
Arizona has it bad too. Whole areas and towns near the Mexican border are drug cartel territory. I have to close my eyes and ears to what goes on there. It’s beyond the pale.
On a positive note, I’m doing well thanks. Have managed to steer clear of the ‘rona up ’til now. Still not sure about the vaccine, even though I’m eligible and have been for some time. Job’s a cunt, but it’s paying me well. Weather’s good. And tonight I think we’re having either pizza or fried chiggun’. Simple pleasures.
Legality doesn’t change morality.
This heroin addiction does seem to be a case of Darwin’s Law. i.e. if you are sufficiently feeble-minded to knowingly dabble in an incredibly addictive drug and become addicted then you stand a high chance of throwing a lucky seven and removing yourself from the gene pool.
The taxpayers funds methadone substitute to the value of just under £1 billion per annum. Just think what that money would instead buy – cancer treatment for children, research for incurable cancers such as mesothelioma.
Yes, fuck these snot-nosed addicts. Harsh, but by Christ, what terminally stupid cunts these people really are.
I like that!
Divert the funding to poorly kids.
Its not self inflicted, they are genuinely needy through no fault of their own.
Give it the kids fuck the trainspotting tribe.
Choose life!
I stopped smoking after 30 years. It was fucking hard but I blame only myself for not stopping earlier, despite trying several times.
Good on ya, Moggie. 🙂
Snap Moggie. I eventually managed it when vaping became an alternative.
Smack addicts are nearly as bad a pikeys. Selfish cunts for no concept of anyone else. Let the cunts die.
All rock stars who end up on H are cunts. Keef Richards glamourising it and calling heroin a ‘seductive bitch’ and Charlie Watts getting hooked on smack just because ‘it wasn’t like him to try it’, so he fucking did and it nearly cost him his (then) 20 year marriage. John Lennon and Yoko Fucking Ono claiming they had a smack habit because the other Beatles were so ‘nasty’ to them (Boo fucking Hoo).Numerous other smacked up cunts (Clapton, Page, Aerosmith etc). They’ve got the lot (money, adulation, fanny on tap, talent) yet they’re still not satisfied and they hooked on this shit, whine on about it, and don’t even do time when they are caught. Cunts.
Don’t forget Sid.
Young dumb and punk as fuck.
Shame, he was funny Sid.
No one remembers that.
Made me laugh anyway.
The daft cunt.
Funny. Untalented though.
Glen Matlock was the the talent. Met him a few times-he is still bitter about being replaced.
Sid was true to rock n roll, it’s nasty, unruly, destructive and absolutely no good for you.
He is the eternal rebel, unlike Jagger and many others. Daltrey sang it, Sid did it.
Turn it up to eleven !!!
And stop Bogarting that joint.
Evening, MNC.
Evening Jack, I found mr Vicious no end of fun?
You well Jack?
Hows that young dog coming along?
Im currently entertaining Diane Keen, shes just popped in from 1978 of the set of The Cuckoo Waltz.
We writhed like eels for 5 minutes and off she popped.
That Lewis Collis suspects somethings going on but he better keep his trap shut unless he wants to meet his maker.
‘ My Way ‘ was funny, well it made me laugh.
The dog’s doing well, she’s a year old now.
I couldn’t believe it the other day. Ethel was out shoplifting, she just can’t break the habit, anyway, there was a knock at the door.
Who was it ? Only Lynsey de Paul !!!!
Lynsey de bloody Paul !!!
I couldn’t believe it. I bet you can’t either.
Just then, the phone rang, it was the Rozzers, Ethel had been arrested for stealing Lambrini and gin from Boozebusters. They wouldn’t release her until her bail was paid.
I told them I’d be down, toot sweet.
Two days later, Lynsey left The Rookery, singing Sugar Me at the top of her voice.
When I went to the nick, Ethel was awfully cross.
Women !
Sorry, MNC, Gavin (Lewis Collins) left the Waltz in 1977 and in the same year re-emerged fresh as the wisecracking, hard-bastard Bodie in the Professionals. Sadly Lewis met his maker a few years back.
Did he?
I’m sorry to hear that, didn’t know.
Now I feel guilty as using him in my fantasy bullshit.
The cunt fucked that up for me didn’t he?
I didn’t know the name of the other bloke in the Cuckoo Waltz so used Lewis.
I was only interested in Diane.
First crush!
Hello Paul. FYI, me and MNC have accessed the Time Space Continuum. This means that anything is possible, whether people be alive or dead.
It’s what enabled me and Lynsey to get it on, before she went back to 1972, to appear on TOTP, with Jimmy Saville.
I’ve told her all about him, so she’s going to knee him in the bollocks.
HTH. ?
Hehehe ?
See Paul?
Why I didn’t know he was dead, we saw Lewis just the other day,
He was happy as Larry (although suspicious) and in fine fettle bragging about some new cop show hed auditioned for.
Diane keen never did any mucky photos did she?
Im glad on one hand,
She’s pure still in my mind.
But on the other hand id of had to laminate the photos to stop them getting damp/chewed/soiled.
First crush for me was Una Stubbs in Till Death Us Do Part. My favourite pop dolly of the time was Clodagh Rogers.
The nasal spray should contain 100% sulphuric acid and let the daft cunts blast it straight up their nose into their addled feeble brain.
Just gas the thieving dirty cunts.
Then gas the druggies as well.
Fuck Off.
No one forces them to dump that shit in themselves, in my opinion letting the scum die of an overdose is best for everyone. More fucking money used on the feckless
You have to be some kind dark cunt to be a smack dealer especially the ones that don’t use and knowingly causing dead in mind and spirit zombies around the neighborhoods . Should be vigilantes for this lot ,break them up and run them out. A scourge that should not be happening in 2021. As for giving help to addicts just cut off their supply and let them cold turkey it out . Sorted
Oh ya and fuck methadone as a relief for sickness they just get addicted to that as well
While I despise the IRA they had the right idea when it came to smack dealers.
The past is another country, they do things differently there
Erm, the IRA was (is?) partly funded by the illegal drug trade ?
Yes to buy arms.
But they had a strict line on drug dealers breaking their legs as a warning.
Next time? Your snorkeling in the peatbog.
Dont confuse this as a endorsement for the IRA.
Its more a approval of a tough line with dealers.
MNC@ – Diane Keen got her jubblies out in an episode of The Sweeney – most acceptable!
She didn’t have any smack, Regan and Carter would have found it..
Evening Foxy!
I’ll go Google that!
Lovely wasn’t she in the 70s?
Struggling to type my hands are shaking!!?
Ps watching Foreman vs Peralta 70.
What a fighter big George was,
Im a tad racist, but I love big George!
A great man.
But with the advent of Ecstasy and the rave dance in the mid 1990s .The landscape changed as regards drug taking and it went pandemic . The money was just to easy and every gang come criminal organization could not resist what young people wanted The high experience and it became a right of passage. Heroin on the other hand is the cunt you don’t want around the young.
Unless it was one of there own.
Almost as bad as the smackheads are the cunts who make a good living from the ‘care’ industry that has grown out not really dealing with the problem. You initially think they are deluded lefty liberal do gooders trying to make their pathetic lives mean something by helping these skum, until you find out they are some ‘outreach coordinator’ getting forty grand a year and a handsome pension, all funded by the taxpayer. They should be made to take a junky home with them, see if they still feel the same after they’ve shit all over the kitchen, and most of anything of value is now in cash converters window.
Council tax is used to ensure cunts who dont work or contribute in any way and steal and sponge all their lives, are kept alive?
I dont quite get the economic model of that, thick cunt that I am.
Human rights innit, so there victims aren’t they and they fall through the cracks don’t they. They just don’t care because they can get away with it . If they cannot get away with it . They suddenly would care. There Cunts , for making us despise them because we have to support the feckless who want there free everything to continue. Politics has no solutions because it’s a tough ask and the huma fucking rights brigade would have your career finished in a matter of months. THEY the FECKLESS should be made contribute in some way .
Darwinism in reverse.
In other news –
Ursula Von Der Cunt is still moaning that she was not given a chair during her meeting with Erdocunt in Turkey.
The daft bint told the European “parliament “ – ‘I am the president of the European commission. And this is how I expected to be treated when visiting Turkey two weeks ago, like, a commission president – but I was not.’
She’s lucky she got to sit on the sofa. I would have told her to wait in the kitchen and make a cup of tea.
Well why didn’t she think on her feet when this occurred and say it live then when cameras were present and call the Turks out on it. It would be then I’d give her respect but she didn’t and it’s to late now so fuck right off
She just stood there looking like a fucking lemon.
Well at least she has her priorities in order, its not like there is ongoing pandemic and a failing vaccination programme across the continent.
Only one thing takes priority in Ursula’s world….and that’s Ursula.
Tell you what though, she looks good for 62.
Makes you consider believing all those baby blood drinking elites conspiracy theories.
I nommed the incident a few days ago, the silly tart.
Great. Look forward to the nom, Cuntybollocks.
I would’ve kicked her in the growler.
These fuckers also get housed by local councils quicker because of do gooding social workers saying it’s urgent for him/her to have their own place away from other smack rats, and to get some responsibility and pride.
What then happens is they get a big grant for furniture (vouchers). They spend these and then flog the furniture to buy smack. Then sit around their unfurnished home with twenty other smackrats who then strip the home of its wood and lead to buy more smack.
Then the inevitable burglaries start, the cunts are evicted and sent to a hostel and the process starts again.
What a fucking waste of time and money. They know the fucking risks of taking the drug, and unless they got addicted as minors or got forced into addiction (Albanian/Pakistani pimps etc) l, then let the fuckers OD.
The economy is down the shitter due to the bat flu. Therefore, we can’t waste tax payers money on stupid ideas from virtue signalling twats.
Addiction of any sort is a can of can’t. First is to try a bit, get a taste for it, want some more, then more and more and it keeps going and going.
Wanting it eventually turns into needing it.
Pay any price until the ultimate price: death.
The best thing is not to try it.
Sister Dolly’s golden syrup oatcakes ?
You’re not wrong there, CG. 🙂
Sugar can be addictive as well.
I don’t drink or smoke but I do like my sweet things. 🙂
One of my customers has 10 sugars in his tea!
10 sugars, MNC?! Sweet baby Cheesus!
How big is the cup? Blimey.
Once read that a female friend of Ronnie Kray got pressured and hooked onto heroin by a scumbag dealer. Ronnie found out and apparently the bloke looked like a mix of John Merrick and Quasimodo after Ronnie and Reggie had finished with him.
As a kid of 16, I played rhythm guitar in a punk band.
By the time I was 18, 3 people, 2 lads and one beautiful girl, associated with that band, never saw their 21st Birthday, thanks to “H”.
I have never done hard drugs.
Single malt.
Heroin is a cunt?
They all died? fucking shit luck H is a very strong opiate if you have no tolerance even taking a small dose could potentially be fatal honestly you got to start with the smaller opiates hasn’t anyone read Burroughs? The drug war is total bullshit tho Alot of safer prescription opiates are illegal because we are ruled by no fun spoilsport cunts alot of users get street heroin and OD because they had no legal alternative
I wouldn’t trust the heroin/ cocaine sold on the street don’t know what the fuckers are cutting it with nowadays. Saw a documentary about drug gangs were mixing weak batchs of H potentinizing it with fentanyl thats how that actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died
Well what do you expect from the town that’s the birthplace of that scary skank, Irish-dancing lezza, Steph McGovern?
She is fucking honking. Proper crocadilla-pig.