Labour Voters (3)

People who vote Labour are cunts.

“My dad voted labour so I vote for them. Typical comment from the few working class reds that still have jobs. They state this as a reason for voting Labour without ever thinking of the impact this will have on our nation. They are absolute cunts.

Obviously BAME, illegals and chavs on the dole (or whatever it’s called now) and puff adders also vote Labour.

Below you stupid fuckers is a massive reason never to vote for the Labour; at others expense; party. The greed and waste of public money.

Liam Byrne. What a monumental waster of tax payers money and a money grabbing deceitful, typical lefty MP. He is standing in the West Midlands mayoral election. Now then you lefty cunts read the story linked. Get a grown up to read it for you “little Owen” and the never darken your mind with such thoughts ever again you Cunts.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt 

39 thoughts on “Labour Voters (3)

  1. Labour and all their associated hangers on, blm, XR, antia etc are harmful bacteria. Their respective voters and followers are worthless serfs and oiks!

    Fuck off!

    • That Byrne cunt was the arsewipe who left the message “there is no money left” when Labour got booted out in 2010. A greedy little cunt, and yet another ponce who Starmer as DPP failed to prosecute.

  2. I said it yesterday, but the Labia party is in its final death throes, like the Liberals 100 years ago, and will hopefully be reduced to a small parliamentary rump within 20 years. I don’t believe they will get to form a government again, unless it’s in an unholy coalition with the SNP or Illiberal Undemocrat cunts.

    They have spent at least the past 10 years pissing on their natural constituency by opposing Brexit, championing woke shite, despising working class communities, mocking Queen and Country, laughing at white vans, demonising the white working class, licking the asses of various dark keys, peacefuls, parking Stanley’s and illegal immicunts and elected a bearded Islington socialist and professional Steptoe imitator.

    Sir Kweer has a lot of catching up to do and it looks like he’s going to fail.

    Anyone who votes for these cunts needs their head examined. Labour is dead. Good riddance. Think I’ll take a piss on its corpse.

    • Which party now represents the white, working class male? we need a new party urgently.

      • Good question. Labour now only represents the Islamic Caliphate of Londonistan, woke snowflakes, Steven Coogan and his pals, effniks, immicunts and nutcase anti-Zionist theorists.

  3. I’ve just left Unite the union which supports Labour instead of looking after its members.
    Just as Labour supports gimmegrants instead of the British.
    There’s no point in throwing good money after bad. Labour is nothing more than a sick joke.

    • I stopped paying those cunts years ago – and had great pleasure in telling them why.

  4. Fuck democracy in its present form.
    Cannot get a fag paper between any of the soppy cunts.

    Our two main parties have completely lost sight of who they represent.
    I’ll never vote again unless some science cunt clones Churchill.
    Fuck Off.

      • Sadly, if the anti white rhetoric continues I could easily see that happening.

        What choice will honkies have if it goes too far and the state is calling it ‘a conspiracy theory’ and ignoring you?

  5. Labour= Democrat. Say no more. If you vote for them I don’t need to hear another fucking word from you. Our world views are too far apart for us to have any common ground.
    A=B=C. Labour=Democrat=Cunts.

    • All political parties are pretty much the same, pigs squabbling at the trough.
      Career parasites, feeding off the taxpayer,
      Making empty promises they haven’t the slightest intention of keeping.
      Backhanding old school chums,
      And sharing the loot,
      Sniffing coke out of rentboys arseholes together.
      All are liberal on immigration
      All are theives
      All are liars
      All should be hung.
      Traitors, ducky bandits, and chinless Ruperts.

  6. I want to know how a tiny part of the population, loud on twatter can get the government, voted in with an 80 seat majority to go down the path of cultural and economic suicide.. No vote for blm, green bollox, mass invasion, cultural marxism.
    Looks like the Tory party is the Labour party
    “ever thought you’ve been cheated”

  7. UK hating communists, indolent immigrant rats and weirdos support “Labour” – AKA the British communist party, filled with crooks and gobshites and nominally run by a piss useless nancy boy.
    They know they will never see power, but are too busy filling their pockets to care.
    Labour died in 1997.

  8. I haven’t seen anything for the local elections except a leaflet from an independent, fuck them, I don’t think I will bother.

    Labour are cunts but if Boris gets his way on cutting carbon emissions by 78% by 2035 we are in for a rough ride.

    This is the great reset, the only people who will pay the price for all this shit are the middle income group, the poor will having everything free and the Rich don’t give a fuck about Monopoly money.
    I saw fucking green zippy look-alike on the box the other day talking about flights ‘everyone would be entitled to a flight at a reasonable price but subsequent flights would be priced much higher’, so basically the ones with money won’t be affected because they can afford to pay double, triple or whatever.

    Watch petrol prices soar when electric starts rolling out (properly), the petrol car will be priced off the road and cheap gas will be distant memory, the cunts want to stop all new builds having gas central heating by 2025 and all gas boilers out by 2035

    And why do the the fucking media keep showing St Greta telling all our leaders they are very naughty and there memory will be trashed if they don’t do as she says. The little cunt is getting fa4 too big for her little boots

    But have no fear, China will still be pumping out CO2 and all our carbon savings will be trashed in a blink of an eye.

    • gBasgic biology CO2 is naturally produce through breathing and decay of fossil fuels, they’ll never get rid of CO2, and saying they did the plants and trees would die and we would suffocate out of exhistance, we live on a symbiotic planet everthing produces CO2, the flora absorbs it for photosynthesis and in exchange we are given life giving oxygen that creates atmosphere. What dumb science is this stopping CO2, the more CO2 the more flora and more oxygen.

      What should be stopped is the destruction of nature to absorb this CO2, man made polution of rubbish, toxins, and chemical poisoning, Greta dumberg is special needs being exploited for a cause. Oh and by the way electric cars are a scam, the main source of it’s power is from the dirty power stations the car may be clean up to the point that the batteries are shot, 2 years on average then the battery is a pollutant, as is the extra energy supply required at source.

      Just some advice car manufacturers’ make the car self charging from dynamo hubs, and from the ground up re-designed the vehicle around the purpose with a new lighter weight concept with less drag and rolling resistance, instead of taking existing overstocked fueled cars and converting and re-badging and overpricing their heavy chassis, you scamming bastards, i’m not fooled.

  9. I liked the photo so much I decided to give it a go myself.
    And just look what happened.

  10. Blair and his pals must have thought it was a good idea to build on the traditional Labour vote by appealing to their newly imported cheap labour, the Nancy boys, the trannies, the Wimminz (remember “Blair’s Babes”?) the tree huggers, the peacefuls and assorted commies and layabouts.
    Unfortunately that had the affect of eventually eroding the traditional support they had taken for granted. Then the rise of the Krankies robbed them of those Scottish seats they had always relied on for a majority. ( another Blair own goal) But the biggest self inflicted wound was trying to reverse Brexit. That was a massive mistake and will never be forgotten, especially as the traitor wankers are still crying about it.
    What a shame the Tories are just as useless, soft as shit, unpatriotic and led by a cunt who only cares about the rough old bit of pussy he’s got stashed away in Downing Street.
    Happy St George’s Day, we are truly fucked.

    • I haven’t seen any mention of St George’s Day…..

      Anything with an English flag is racist.

      • You’d think with St George being a foreigner and all that the media would be rhapsodising abaaaat it!

  11. Once the party of the working class, now the party of effniks and middle/upper class champagne socialists.

    I try to be polite when they kick on my door, but the best I can manage is something like, ‘Can you count on my vote? Your party is an anti white disgrace full of traitors, who sold out the working classes. I’d rather eat my own nutsack than vote for you. Does that answer your question?’

    • ‘knock: not ‘kick’

      If they kicked on my door, I’d throw them down a well.

  12. Sir Steamer knows all about the working classes. His life must have been tough growing up on that council estate with his boarded up windows and smell of a Ford Fiesta on fire in the street. That’s why really connect with him as voters. When I was growing up in a single parent family in Toxteth, Liverpool – with no furniture (couldn’t afford any) and sleeping on my floor mattress (we couldn’t afford a bed for me) and marvelling at the quality of my hand-me-down clothes, I should be thankful knowing that Sir Steamer knows all about what that’s like and how he had it worse. That’s why I DON’T VOTE FOR FUCKING LABOUR.

    • Sir Kweer would maybe point at the obvious white privelige you enjoyed in your childhood as being out of touch with a lot of his core voters.

  13. Labour just like the Democrates, always go after the ethnic, foreign votes by turning a blind eye to their dodgy shit, only soft treasoness bastards a immigrants will vote for them, free stuff for votes, towns like Blackburn and Burnley are prime examples.

    Labour are unelectable, Blair the war criminal fucked this country up and all the parties are too shit scared to put a stop to this bollocks woke drive that’s turning common sense on it’s arse, replacing it with chaos.

  14. Well Ah votedd Layburr cos ma dad voted Layburr an’ is dad voted ferrum an’ all.(continues for last 250 years)
    None of us questioned the fact that us (together with every other Layburr stronghold) live in a fucking shithole.
    Put it another way, what the fuck have Layburr done to improve our livelihoods after all these years?
    At least the “nasty” Tories don’t pretend to give a shit.

  15. Its an illusion that they support the working classes. They support the non working classes. Illegals, deadweight third world imports, puff addicts, career dole claimants.

    I dont particulary like the tories, but you can take solace in the fact that under the tories the scroungers will get well and truly pissed on.

    Something makes my piss boil that i am expected to work my bollocks off and pay all my taxes and my mortage the lot and hope I have enough left for a bite to eat at a hungry horse whilst some family of somalians round the corner can have the same on the taxpayers pocket.

    Havent voted labour in years. Never will again if im honest.

    And keir starmer. Went to a posh music school, oxford and was a lawyer. Man of the people?

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