Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to offer a Holy cunting to the Archbishop of Starmer land, who seems to have mistaken his doctor of divinity qualification for that of a doctor of medicine, as he calls for an enquiry into the Coronavirus crisis:
Like that other posturing old queen , Anthony Blair, he seems to think he has carte blanche to meddle in matters far above his competence and intelligence.
Justin should stick to his organ and the choirboys and shut the fuck up.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Justin has the easiest job in the country.
Indoors, no heavy lifting, all the choirboys he can bum (allegedly, just to be on the safe side – DA)
Well paid, and a purple frock.
Still can’t keep his head down and behave.
Rather than a enquiry into coronavirus how about one into historical child abuse by clergy?
No? Not keen?
Well then shut the fuck up.
That picture at the top?
Hes on the choirs changing room roof .
I can’t forgive him for equating the EU with the Kingdom of God. The CofE is now the EU at prayer.
Morning Mis, ‘all the choir boys he can bum’, does that give you the horn ?
Hair cut this morning, 4 and half months!
You betcha Sicky!!?
Especially when they squeal ?
Can’t be as bad as Blair’s mullet!
? You’re on fire today Miserable! ?
Sorry Admin!
Yes, alledgedly!
Obviously said in jest Justin!
No need for legal action ?
I for one dont even know what people mean by calling you a ‘catamite’.
(Isn’t that a catfood or summat? – DA)
Sorry to get all CS/Ajax/whatever on you MNC but a ‘catamite’ is the boy kept for bummery not the priest.
On second thoughts, Welby – Eton, Cambridge, the law and the church – is almost certainly a passive hom0sexualist.
My own nomination from 2015…
Morning CMC,,
Your right! it is.
I just wanted to seem intellectual,
RTC and Bertie said I had to expand my vocabulary.
But I was in the right ballpark!
A catamite is his boyfriend.?
When I first stumbled across this site that was one of the first “cuntings “ I read ( after the initial Jamie mockacockeney Oliver is a cunt search ). It summed up the complete hypocrisy in church teachings that I was subjected to in a church school I attended in my youth and the subsequent being sent out of class for arguing with the RE teacher.
Happy days
And here’s a joke for your Friday…
I think this prick must be celebrating Ramadan-he can’t swallow anything during daylight.
The choirboys must be relieved ?
Just another irrelevant cunt, trying to be relevant.
Yet another ‘ I don’t have a clue what I am talking about but you must listen to me’ merchants.
Great streak of piss.
Why does he remind me of a used Johnny.?
Welby, oh what a stupid old Cantuar.
(Geddit??! He does, up the jaxie from Alistair Campbell end)
My grandad hated priests.
Not through religious reasons.
When on leave during WW2 he was on his way home through leafy Cheshire, not many cars about then, and he knocked at a vicarage to use the toilet.
Vicar phoned the police!?
On a soldier fighting against the nazis!
After that he had no time for them.
Sussed they were just in it for the money, big house, and lazy lifestyle.
If theres a god my grandad should get into heaven easier than any priest.
The problem is that he and another 25 ‘Lords Spiritual’ sit in the House of Lords and therefore do have a say in political matters.
Anyone who believes that we are all watched over by a sky fairy and live their lives by selectively reading a 2,000 year old book should not be a part of the politics of any country.
Of all the chancers in the house of lords, they should be first to be told to fuck off.
Also, on closer investigation, it looks as if someone has got hold of his ankles. The strategically-placed pedestal to the right appears to be covering a dubious stain.
Nuff said…
Soft as shit, libtard, peaceful loving, remoaner wanker. This cunt is an enemy of this country and not fit to wear the purple dress. I’d love for some goat shagger to cut his stupid cunt head off and piss in his mouth.
(I could be wrong but you seem slightly agitated this morning, Freddie! – DA)
Fuck up Welby, stick to telling idiots about your stupid fairy tales and leave reality to those slightly less retarded.
Probably not as quick to demand enquiries when one of their representatives gets caught fiddy kiddllin, like the cunt who got sent down for extreme child porn in Port Talbot recently.
Or pay tax, the fucking cunt.
This cunt makes me want to vomit every time he opens his mouth, I think he has forgotten that the church no longer has the influence it had in the Middle Ages
Eton educated former oil company executive whose Church had shares in Wonga. Perfectly qualified.
I was converted many years ago.
I can’t remember where I was exactly but I was parked close to a church.
Opposite was a beautiful field with spring flowers and a rainbow in the sky above.
I remember thinking that if there was a God then the place to praise him would be in the beauty of nature and not the ugly, garish monstrosity of the church opposite.
The Church of England is one of the richest institutions in the world.
It’s not just the artwork, jewellery, artifacts and land that it owns, it also has its fingers in many other commercial pies.
And all this to honour a guy that owned just a pair of flip flops and rode around on a donkey.
Your post reminds me of an event, Artful. My mother-in-law who died in 2000 ran a small shop in a Birmingham suburb from the early 1930s until 1982. The building in which the shop was located belonged to the church to whom she paid rent. One day in the 1970s she received notification that the church intended to raise the rent by a margin she considered to be outrageous and she decided to take legal advice. The lawyer she saw was initially all breezy confidence about getting the increase reduced. Then she informed him that the landlord was the church. His face fell immediately and then he said “I’m sorry Mrs **** you’re wasting your time. You would have more chance negotiating with the mob”.
Bigger the cross bigger the pay is the way I’ve always looked at these cocks in frocks.
Always banging on about inequality from his palace, earning >80k p.a. worth over 3million and never sees the irony.
I was listening to this cunt recently and when asked what the answer was to the pandemic he replied,. Prayer!
Just like the dope he excels in others demise,. If not doing that he’s parading around in all the trannie gear.
He’s a total bellend.
Talking of meddling religious twats, Arlene Fosters’ likely replacement is a fucking creationist who thinks the Earth is only 6000 years old. Why the fuck are mongs like these given sharp cutlery let alone political power is beyond me.
Stupid cunts.
Justin Wokeby
Justin – adequate name for a micro penised (probably) God botherer.
Fasten your liberal marxist elite seatbelt for this. Clearly the guardian was in floods of tears as a dark key much loved by them has been accused of alsorts. Flashing his black wang, bullying etc etc. Clearly his uppity attitude and thinking that the schwarz trumps the weiss he thought he was untouchable.
He has of course vehemently denied it. Sorry Noel you’re finished now. Back to the ghetto and drug dealing as per your films.
(You need to create a nomination for this as it doesn’t belong in this Post. Thanks – DA)
If the BLM and the other wokie cokie fuckwits want to cry about slavery they should take a look at the good old CofE. Those cunts were up to their boot straps in the slave trade and still rolling in the money they made to this very day. Welby should take the knee and allow any black man to piss all over him. He’d probably enjoy that though the filthy cross dressing piece of shit. What a cunt he is !
I bet he’s gagging to know what black cock tastes like!
If he doesn’t already know.
But it takes allsorts..
(Dentention for Mr Miserable! Back of the class, and write 1000 lines “My jokes are superficially awful, and cause great offence. I will stop this immediately on pain of sniffing Analeze’s 6 week loaded laundry basket!” – DA)
Hehehe ???
“But it takes Allsorts.”
@Mis. I find that last remark offensive to Berties everywhere!
Yours, Bertie Bassett.
Morning Bertie!
You winning?
Getting to see the grandkids now restrictions have eased ?
Im enjoying being able to ramble in the peaks and go for a pint and Sunday dinner again.
Simple pleasures.
Morning Mis. The great family reunion is planned for the 17th May.
Finally be able to meet our baby grandson who’s now 7 months old.
It will be like discovering a whole new world to be able to walk in the Peaks – It’ll stop you rambling on here at least!
Boil him in horse piss
Look at these four turds in the picture half way down the article. Ffs you’d cross the street to avoid them and you’d never leave a child in their company….alone.
Look at that Ali Baba cunt. What the fuck is he doing walking around in a civilised country without his fucking camel? Is that bird next to him wearing his magic carpet? Cunts.
He’s typical of the modern CofE, pontificating in the wokest manner, hand-wringing about inequality then going very quiet when the church’s own use of zero hour contracts (cleaning etc) came to light.
Now insisting on 15% BAME clergy representation and “contextualising” (ie removing) religious icons and images which might cause offence.
And they wonder why congregation numbers are so low (before, during and after lockdowns).
Bet this cunt has felt no hardship during lockdown, that said he probably hasn’t seen many alter boys in the last year.
I’d be willing to bet that an overwhelming number of these robe wearing toddler touchers don’t actually believe in the existence of their sky fairy, and are in it for the cushy work-free lifestyle and access to certain “vulnerable” members of society.
And of course, free reign to preach pompous hypocrisy to the rest of us.
Morning all.
Morning GCHQ.
Morning Mr President.
Morning Bill Gates, you cunt… ?
He can Fuck Off.
An irrelevance and a cunt in a frock.
Instead of calling for an enquiry, he should be explaining why the Lord has inflicted this plague upon us. He ought to know if he’s in communication with Him on a regular basis. Doesn’t the Lord love his children? Is this retribution for our sins? What use is the cunt if he can’t answer these questions?
The cunt should know why Covid was sent. It is in his manual. God sent it to try us, if he doesn’t know that he is in the wrong job.
I fucking hate this fucking cunt with a passion. I don’t care if he is a ‘man’ of the cloth who dresses lie a tranny, I would still like to kick seven bales of shit out of the cunt.
The house of god has no walls.
The thieves pretending to follow god all have nice houses.
And I don’t recall Jesus waving a collection plate or demanding a new roof.