Pie keys are cunts, along with their lefty pets.
Having just had an invasion of one of my businesses (hairdresser/barber) by the fucking cunts . Obviously the the Oirish cunts verbally abused the Women working, like it was 1920.
Walked around liked they owned the place and had absolutely zero regard for any consequences because they knew there wouldnt be any.
They are a protected species, like badgers with no natural predator ( law enforcement) . The left love the cunts, but they despise the left for their pathetic weakness. The only thing they respect is violence and force.
Time to give the fuckers both barrels.
Nominated by: smugcunt
…and seconded by Fuglyucker
I second that, pikeys are a fucking breed apart, a throw back from a bygone age that these vermin fuckpigs survived mores the pity.
Cunts with bells on, always were and always will be, now everyone repeat after me- I fucking h@te pikeys.
Sweaty, greasy, untrustworthy, lying, thieving shit stains, honestly i prefer all the other ethnic minorities to these inbred fuck monkeys….
…and thirded by Jessum Priest
And I’d third that.
The next one that knocks on my door to tell me my roof looks dodgy, I’m unlocking the gun cabinet and introducing them to my 12 bore secretary, Sheila, who carefully curates all unannounced visitors
….and on a similar note, although more related to Channel 5 programming, this also from Fuglyucker
Channel 5 are cunts,
Now we already know this is due to programs like 20 kids and counting and meet that Patels , here comes Honey booboo. But now i think they have finally bottomed out, so fellow cunters prepare yourself for the televisual feast that is,,,,wait for it- a new series of…
Here come the fucking pikeys, i mean Gypsies !
The hidden world behind this incredible community.
Witness first hand how they have to fight to survive every minute of every day and delve deep into their unique traditions [ep 1]
They must be having a laugh, the hidden world of dog thieving and skullduggery more like, fighting to survive, more like fighting to steal,lie, fly tip, be cruel to animals, keep slaves live off the state for fuck all and yet have the nerve to moan about it, the list is endless.
Unique traditions, since when has being an inbred thieving cunt been a tradition.
Of course i cant watch this bollocks because my head will explode and my piss will boil to the point where i will rip the telly off the wall and throw it in the fucking garden, so some inbred cunt with unique traditions can liberate it before its even had a chance to cool down..
Channel 5 and pikeys are cunts…
Link to the story here.
How can any of these documentaries be in any way an actual portrayal of real gyppo life? They would never incriminate themselves on camera and as the make their living from crime, and they live an outlaw existence, what the fuck are they filming?
The PR face of the gyppo community,no dog theives no bullying pensioners for shoddy building work, no theyre just a misunderstood violin playing hedgehog eating bandana wearing folk, quaint types sat round a campfire.
Fuck me!
Anyone whos had dealings with these cunts knows the truth!!
Gassing is too good for them.
Here come the gypsies
There goes your family pet.
*How many did Hitler kill?
Wasnt enough.
Impossible to film gyppos up close, as they’d steal your camera before you started. One can only get blurry shots of them from a distance, much like Bigfoot, only Bigfoot smells better.
Until we stand up to the cunts they will persist. I don’t mean get authorities I mean us, in our own communities.
If 30 pikies turn up 500 locals turn up and intimidate them
They say there is safety in numbers….
Try telling that to 6 million 4×2’s.
Sometimes I think Adolf was right and they need the oven.
That was more a logistics problem, He had nothing against them, but they were costly to feed.
He thought they were unclean and dangerous.
Sound familiar?
Seems nearly every ethnicity under the sun is protected these day. All except one of course…………
Trailer for the best documentary about gypsies…
Here’s another you might like…
I massively dislike the Irish Pikey’s and would welcome the para military’s over to sort them out as they do at home.
Where I work we have a few issues with them and they also seem to know me.
The local Pikey’s do their thing, but they have opened up an area for their “Irish” brothers.
Now the micks embarked on a constant thieving spree, we have a policy of one to one service when they come in, so we will and do escort them round the place.
One particular one amuses me, a couple would come in, make a fuss and he would go his quiet merry way and fill his pockets.
We got wise to him to the extent that as soon as he walked through the door we were on him, Then Covid happened, Now you would think this is the perfect cover, But no the silly cunt comes back on the rob without a fucking mask on! what a cunt!
Next his gang leader who had a go at me for being of all things RACIST! because I offer above and beyond personal assistance to them He has decided that I am assuming that because they are travellers they are going to steal goods, and that makes me a fucking Racist.
Now as far as I know “Thief” is not an ethnic group, and I don’t like thieves so I am not sure how he worked that one out.
So apparently I am a nasty Racist who hates travellers
So apparently I am a nasty Racist who hates travellers
A handle to be proud of Lord B?
Well done LB, it appears I’m also raaaaacist and hate pikeys as well…
Agreed LB. Their not Irish if they have a English accent. We have enough they’re yours 🙂
100% Iirsh and proud to be a Bootie.
Another lie about diversity. Lammy called us racists for calling out African corruption too. Well, if anyone has seen ‘The Mole’ ( decent documentary about a spy in North Korea, surprisingly made by the BBC) they’ll have seen the dodgy corrupt cunts in Uganda. Telling islanders that they’re building a hospital for them, when really, they’re building an ilegal arms’ and meth factory with a plan to evicting the locals (who were celebrating the non existent hospital plans). The cunts were laughing about it in private too.
In the end, they declined to comment when found out…apart from one who demanded a fee to talk, the cheeky cunt.
Utter cunts.
Same with pikies. We’re told that they’re lovely travelling folk, with quaint customs. Having had the misfortune of living about a mile from a large gypo encampment, I can tell you that these cunts are an absolute menace. Burglary, bullying non gypo kids, cruelty to animals, stealing pets to use as bait for their fighting dogs and stealing anything and everything. Oh, and the fucking mess the cunts leave everywhere too. They never wash and the girls have big hands like fucking spades.
Kick every one of these cunts out of the country. Back to fucking Ireland or wherever the fuck, just not here.
What people don’t understand is that these cunts have a centurys old history and they are “travellers” for a reason. Once they had picked an area clean of everything they could steal the locals would get themselves organised to sort the cunts but too late……they’d fucked off to trash somewhere else!
A bit more difficult where there is organised law enforcement but then some cunt decided they are a “race” and need protection not prosecution. Well we know what being a “minority” means these days. Do what you fucking like, that’s what it means. Don’t like it? You’re a raaaaaay-sist…..simple.
Channel 4 and 5 are well known for soft soaping and white washing these bastards. I don’t know a single person who has come across this filth and doesn’t hate them with a passion.
It’s called swarms if locusts. Parasites fits the description nicely too .
Channel 4 is even more of a cunt than BBC. Discuss! Lol.
Almost. Thankfully I haven’t seen this programme with pîkeys dribbling turnip soup down their hand-me-down jumpers. If I wanted to watch dopey môngs eating insects and dead pigeons, I’d join a Young Farmers meeting. Cunts.
Cap Mag-serious question: What is it about Farmers that causes you such irritation?
Genuinely curious?
Well CG, farmers are generally well off and actually contribute to society, unlike their lentil munching, yogurt knitting späzmo adversaries!
C.G. I think I can shed some light on that. Farmers have a nasty habit of making “clever”Windbags look rather small and stupid.
Such Windbags are probably better off sticking to Mensa meetings than Young Farmers Meetings.
They don’t like being played at their own game. Years ago I recovered a stolen caravan from a do as you likey site. Once back at base, I had a ferret around and found a Honda generator and a grand in cash inside it. Next day, two p1key blokes came, accompanied by old bill to collect “their” belongings. After a cursory glance inside they asked “where’s the fucking generator?”. Blank looks and denials all round. An hour later a transit load of the fuckers arrived demanding the generator back. We caved in and handed it back and they fucked off. No mention of the thousand pounds though, so we trousered it. Cunts!
The Traveller Community, where the fuck are they travelling to and from and why, total scumbags.
What use are they, lump them in with Roma and P*ki, a complete waste of oxygen.
Makes me sick the way these thieving, cheating, uncivilised, criminal, Oirish spongers are romanticised on the tv.
My Big Fat Pikey Wedding, At Home with the Pikeys, Pikeyfile, Pikeytubbys, Pikeychef, the Great British Pikey-off, Desert Island Pikeys, Top of the Pikeys, Masterpikeymind, etc, etc……
When will tv producers realise that rather than being lovable non-conformists, these cunts are a pestilence who make a living out of preying on the old and vulnerable, not paying taxes, fouling up the countryside and thieving.
Try telling the widow of the policeman that was dragged behind a car by these feral scum that Pikeys are lovable!
Virtue signalling. Whether it’s p1keys or climate change you can bet it’s well off middle class cunts doing it. “Oh, the quaint lovely p1keys” (just as well I live in a gated community to keep the lovable scamps out). “I’m saving the planet with a Nissan Leaf” (I drive a V8 Range Rover in the week – the Leaf doesn’t have the comfort or range I need as a busy executive but I’m doing my bit to save the planet parking a Leaf in my driveway and I carbon offset all my air miles too.)
Virtue Signalling should be a Capital Offence.
Too true mikdys. Then at least a quarter of the population would be in jail. Make room for everyone else. Knobheads.
A more realistic documentary, a mini “Dale farm” and these my friends are the proper gypsy’s.
Even the authorities are scared of them. Google ‘No criminal charges over Kettering traveller funeral’. They think they can get away with murder because they can!
Fuck off!
Kathleen’s bike….
There’s a town in Ireland called Rathkeale or Rothkeale, something like that, which is infested with pikies. It started in the late 80’s when somebody sold a house to a pikey family. Pretty soon the whole street wanted to move but the only buyers were pikies. It soon snowballed to the point where the only normal people were the ones who couldn’t afford to move because their houses were now worthless. Nobody is going to live next door to a pikey through choice. No fucking way.
They should drop a fucking big bomb on the shithole.
Oven them all. No exception.
One street? I thought the whole of Ireland full of pie-kees.
Your mostly right about that part of Rathkeale a small rural village that was largely dairy farming land and horse studs . But these cunts got in and fucked the place. It’s now their spiritual home and every Christmas the dregs of pikeys return from the UK to rathkeale and other parts of Ireland and it’s like a Bollywood set .of course they haven’t an arse to their pants and the flash show of expensive cars and jeeps are all rented. Everyone in Ireland is delighted when they fuck off back and usually that’s after a slash hook battle with each other and then hospitals get there dose of ethnic culture. Everything these cunts are near is fucked. Tar-Mac included
Bring on the cashless society. The will fuck the cunts right up.
One of the big issues with them in Irl is that they can sign on “social” every month AND advertise their work/services etc on their vans including a contact no: ? can anyone fucking explain this? Then a Regular settled lad who’s work has gone quiet has to signs on . Then they get a couple of days work but don’t sign off as it’s only a couple of days. They get found out and have to pay it back and not allowed to apply for social again for 3yrs!! But travelers can work and draw Social??
CPS insufficient evidence, leftwing cunts-
Police say they are deeply disappointed after an investigation into a huge Kettering funeral which blatantly breached Covid rules ended without anyone being brought to justice.
About 150 mourners gathered to pay their respects to Corby Traveller Joe Rooney, known as ‘Gypsy Joe’, on November 9 last year despite restrictions in place to slow the spread of the virus in the second national lockdown.
They have thick plastic over their sofas,chairs etc to protect it, so worried are they about dirt in the caravan but leave the surrounding area like a tip.
My father in law used to be a ‘Knackerman’ and dealt horses so plenty of gyppo acquaintances.
He went to a gyppo funeral and its custom for the women to weep an wail,
Throw their arms about,
A show of grief.
For the dead theif.
Anyway he said one was launching herself about an her tits popped out!
She didnt notice at first.
Should do this at royal funerals?
Ah travellers, the only place I want them to travel to is Unkle Terry’s oven or Tony Martin’s house, fucking üntermensch cunts!!!!
The family in the photo are not Pie keys!
They’re my next door neighbours!
Yeah, they look like a Chav family on holiday in Barry Island.
Where are the piles of trash, the emaciated dogs, the untaxed flat bed trucks? Why aren’t those kids chucking stones at passing cars, torturing small animals?
Round this neck of the woods we had a local councillor (name and party withheld) who for years bent over backwards to accommodate the thieving gyp-po bastards. Provided them land for fixed encampments, always advocated for them in time of trouble and never a bad word to say about them. The tax paying law abiding voters in the area given a damn good ignoring however.
Well rewind a few years and it turns out that the councillor had been accused of improper conduct around underage ladies…. sums the cunt up really. I must dig around and see how the case is progressing.
My ex MP, Tessa Jowell, ( fucking bitch ) once opened an exhibition of historic pikey photographs at the local library. She invited the trash from all over London and Kent and made a big splash in the local rag. A couple of months later some cunts (guess who?) nicked the copper off the roof and they closed the place for about 5 years. A couple of years later some pikeys parked their caravans about a mile and a half away from her country mansion. The coppers shifted the cunts within 24 hours so at least the cow learned her lesson.
I despise these cunts and would happily see them completely eradicated.
Happily ? Happily ? I’d be fucking overjoyed.
As far as I’m concerned, you could oven every last man, woman and child of the cuntish breed.
Utter cunts.
Get To Fuck.
Contribute fuck all to the country, not least rent, council tax, income tax, national insurance etc And yet they expect benefits, Covid jabs, rent-free land and special privileges because of who they are!
One of the funniest stories that I heard about pi-keys, as follows:
There are fields in Send, near Woking in surrey, that can be flooded, to prevent flooding in town. Gypsies invaded these fields years ago. The farmer, under cover of darkness, flooded the fields, so the gypsies were awoken when their caravans started to float?.
Fucking brilliant.
Admin(s)-several replies have disappeared into IsAC room 101-is it because of my use of the pi-key’s favourite swearword: S H I T C U N T
My suggestion is this.
Let Northern Ireland become part of Potatoland again and wash our hands of it entirely. Also, send any ‘travellers’, Motorway Micks and Fenian fucks back to the land of the Leprechaun.
And then nuke the shit out of it. To be sure…
Let’s do it twice, to be sure, to be sure!
That is a Weak comment. Educate yourself. Plenty of Irish looking after your country. EX Bootie and proud of it.
Looking at the nomination picture, I am shocked and appalled!
Such lack of ethnic diversity. Also cultural appropriation regarding the young lady wearing that red Spanish flamenco dress. Haha 😀
p.s the old fella with the tan lines, was he wearing a bra whilst sunbathing?
Nah that’s the print of his short waist hi vis jacket for summertime when tar macin and pretending
If he was he stole it.
I count 8 kids from that pikey couple . The future looks bright