Gavin Williamson MP (3)

A Three R’s – oir should that be three arse? – cunting please for Edukashon secretary Gavin Williamson, who, in an effort to push the country further into bankruptcy has announced he is pissing £10 million against the wall for “behaviour hubs”:-

What a fucking wanker!. How does he think this will work? – the reason behaviour is so bad at school is usually down to lax parenting and the fact that schools are impotent because they cannot apply “discipline”, because there is no ultimate sanction – i.e. the cane.

The only thing loudmouthed bullies are scared of is six of the best – anything else they will laugh at. Why spend £10 million on a scheme even that halfwit must know won’t work?. It is another meaningless gesture.

It might also help if Parliament, when all the scum get back there, stop behaving like unruly 12 year olds.

Perhaps the only punishment that might work would be for the most obnoxious girl or boy in each class be made to stand in an airless cupboard with a pair of AnalEase’s soiled bloomers over his or her head – the pair due for their monthly wash complete with juicy piss stains and skid marks. That would be more painful than even six of the best. (Unless you were our resident CC or RTC – DA)

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs 

32 thoughts on “Gavin Williamson MP (3)

  1. What a hucking felmet. Kids will be unruly if their parent’s are poor disciplinarians. Simple as that. Lockdown is immaterial.

    I agree with WC. The sooner they reintroduce a clip around the fucking ear, six of the best or a blackboard rubber thrown at their head, the sooner we might see some disciplines in school.

    Give me the £10m instead. I’ll happily hand pick a team of nasty cunts to visit problem schools and lay down some discipline.

  2. I’ve come across many Secretaries of State for Education in my time and when I was teaching but this twat has to be the most incompetent.
    He graduated from the Micky Mouse University of Bradford with a bog standard degree.
    He certainly knows where the bodies are buried after his rise to the top in Defence and Education. It will be funny when he drops Mavis in the shit after he’s sacked.

  3. I would comment further on this clueless politician but what the fuck is the point?
    Throw money at everything?
    That’s worked great up to now.
    Soppy fop cunt.

  4. Say’s the cunt who shut schools down.

    You wait my fellow Cuntmasters – some Tory donar to the party faithful or friend of Dodgy Dave’s will be about to grease their pocket with some untested, out the back of a van idea.

    As they all slapped cocks together at private school wouldn’t surprise me if a deal has already been done.

  5. What a wanker. “Order and discipline “ he jabbers, while the Union Jack is being burned in a school playground and peacefuls are picketing to get a teacher sacked for “insulting” their primitive airy fairy fucking beliefs. What is he doing about that, the prick?
    Try banning mobiles and you will have a phalanx of parents whining that they need them to phone for help when the n*nces (most of whom are peacefuls and other w*gs) come after them on the way to and from school.(despite being ferried by Mum’s car) Kids tell parents what to do these days Gavin, not the other way around. You won’t be taking their phones off them so just shut the fuck up.
    I wonder where these 22 schools with exemplary discipline are? They wouldn’t by any chance be in nice white, middle class areas where they’ve never seen an immo would they? Just a shot in the dark.

  6. Banning phones is a great idea. They can stop texting and looking at TikTok and learn something instead. As Minister for Education I would be implementing this as well as going back to pen and paper so the little darlings can learn to write.

    I would pass legislation to have security guards in classrooms for any headmaster/mistress who requests it. The guards will legally be able to remove the unruly shits into solitary confinement for a few hours each time they offend. Something like a toilet portacabin will do.

  7. Bring back corporal punishment for the unruly cunts.

    Not a fucking chance though. More feels and bollocks that will do fuck all. Kids will continue to suck their teeth at teachers like a rapper thats been ‘disrespek innit?’ and say things like “Nuffink you can do anyway, cunt” as they light up a cigarette in class.

    Kids like that only ‘respek’ one thing.

    Extreme violence.

    Fuck off.

    • Though in my mid forties when I was at primary school I remember like it was yesterday an instance when I was being a right little shit in class – probably only 10 or maybe 11.

      I was taken to the headmistresses office where she showed me her cupboard that had a selection of slippers which were to be used on the arses of naughty kids.

      Now, I never know if they were used but, by god did I behave myself from that day on.

      Went to pick our girls up from school before Easter and some little grunt brushed past me, when I turned round to say watch where you are going dude he told me to fuck off.

      Little shit probably about 14, man did I see red. These little pansied arsewipes need to be:

      A/. strictly taught some basic manners
      B/. slapped by the parents every now and then to tell them whose boss

      • One consolation for the cuntfest that the state edujkation system has become is that especially in Londonistan the worst classroom offenders will be very lucky to see their 20th birthday.
        Not all bad when there’s lots of stab.

  8. Williamson is only there because he makes Johnson look competent by comparison. Same with Hancock and all the other toadies. The only halfway competent potential ministers are on the back benches, which is where they’ll stay if they’ve got any sense, at least until Boris is found out by the electorate and gets his Gaddafi moment.

    • I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that some grainy mobile footage of Doris Johnson being lynched by a baying mob of his fellow countrymen would be highly amusing.

  9. A good firm slap across the back of the head gets the little bastard’s teeth rattling. If their mong parents complain expel the brat . Now fuck off and educate your genetic defective yourselves . Oh wait you can’t because you’re as dense as a barrel of hammers.

  10. No discipline problems in your local Madrasa.
    Full of well behaved students. All keenly learning how to destroy the infidels and their institutions.
    Any misbehaviour would be met with extreme violence.
    But move along, there’s nothing to see here. Don’t be raaaaycist.
    Gavin Williamson is a pathetic wanker.
    Good afternoon.

    • Yeah, and the girls don’t need to go to school anyway……they’re just going to marry some cunt from Pakistan and pop out mini bombers until kingdom come.
      Alan’s Snackbar!

  11. There are a few things that need to happen in our schools –

    1. Stop teaching woke divisive nonsense.
    2. Stop kow-towing to peacefuls. If they don’t like our flag, then tough, but don’t take it down. If they riot, expel the cunts.
    3. Teach British history and British values. Don’t “woke up” history.
    4. Don’t be afraid to discipline the little cunts.
    5. Use detention and, if necessary, the cane.
    6. Reform the teaching colleges.

    All these things worked in my day and no reason they shouldn’t work now. Williams has diagnosed the problem but his solution is rubbish.

  12. Brats with no discipline and softarse liberal teaching.
    A perfect storm – if kids have discipline the vast majority behave, a minority do not so expel the cunts.
    Sir Fiddler will be Education Secretary under my dictat, er, benign and benevolent Government, a few heads down toilets and kickings on the rugby field will soon sort these whelps out!

  13. I wouldnt send my kids anywhere near the British “education ” system. Teaching kids to hate themselves their parents and where they live is not, in my view a good basis for a happy life. All human knowledge is available elsewhere. The only thing worth learning is how to learn with an open mind. Thats not available, so fuck right off “school”.

  14. Great cunting totally correct. Just an exercise for the press to say look at me look at what I’m doing. Kids all rights no responsibilities and encourage to be like this by chav parents, bleedin heart media and cancel woke excuse culture. Cunts I tell you fucking cunts.

  15. Every Education Secretary, if they’re in the job long enough, eventually comes out with this “standards” and “discipline” stuff. Just like every Home Secretary is going to “crackdown” on criminal trash and illegal immos. It’s all hot air….media bullshit. It doesn’t affect them so they don’t give a fuck. Cunts……all of them.

    • Williamson, in common with the majority of politicians, would be out of his depth in a puddle and need a mile long ladder to climb up to the gutter.
      How the fk do these carpetbaggers get these jobs?

  16. It’s the same with everything with this government. As long as they are seen to be doing something, anything, they think they’ve covered their arse whether the something works or not.

  17. I have mentioned this a lot lately, but I’m a fan of shooting the cunt and the person stood next to them for one of two reasons.

    First it sends a clear don’t fuck around message.

    Second, as it’s so effective, you won’t need to do it very often, becuase then the rest of the class will ‘clean house’ with a bit of hazing to ensure this cunt doesn’t act up in case they happen to be next to him when the music stops.

    It’s almost like a perpetual machine for keeping order. Every now and again pop one of the fuckers lest they get any ideas….

  18. The poor education, lack of discipline has coincided with the rise in what in the education system? It’s the Elephant in the room, think about it rather me tell you. Most are scared to publicly say because the prevalence of Cognitive Dissonance, the same is happening to the police force, watch it turn to shit as well.

  19. Given the amount of freedom Williamson has given to LGBT activism groups and their
    role in indoctrination in schools, he’s as much a conservative as the most watery Blairite. Pointless prat.

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