False Community Spirit

False community spirit is a cunt.

A couple of years ago, a shop/post office/chemist opened nearby where we live.
Now, that’s all well and good, but the crap that the owner spewed out at its ‘grand opening’ (with some p@k!s and a couple of old biddies and councilors): he gushed, ‘We are so glad to serve the people of this area. We want to be a hub of the community. We can give back to the community’. What? A community he doesn’t and never has lived in or ever been part of? My arse.

Why is seemingly every new business and venture calling itself or aspiring to be a community hub nowadays? How many hubs can there be? Eg: the church just down the road from this shop was reported in the local press only last week as intending to be one. These shops, certainly, are not hubs – they’re businesses out o make money and nothing more. We’re getting as bad as P@k!stan (coincidentally, the shop owner is a P@k!), where a village with two schools adopts the term “education hub”. Also the fact that this establishment has extortionate prices (usually double the usual RRP), barcodes aren’t used (they write their own prices on by hand), and that they can be incredibly rude to customers is really helping the community, isn’t it? It’s a rip off joint, like many of ‘these’ establishments. But pretending to care about the people and giving it all this community shit is both patronising and insulting. Trying to suck in the gullible and elderly. It makes me fucking sick. Cunts.

Nominated by: Norman

23 thoughts on “False Community Spirit

  1. The Takeaways are pulling exactly the same shit!

    Look at the menu online and make a note of the prices, order by phone, low and behold when it turns up or you go to collect and comes to pay its £4 or£5 quid more. Mention this fact and their go to excuse is “Oh because of the coronavirus we haven’t had a chance to get our menu prices changed”. My reply “The prices are online so I want it for that or you can keep it”

    This has happened at least half a dozen times and every time I have got it for the correct price! I wonder how many people actually fall for it though?

    Greedy sneaky cunts!

    Fuck off!

  2. Kebab shops in Rotherham etc are the community hubs for the exploitation, abuse,rape and murder of white and Sikh children. Fuck right off.

  3. Community is so Keir-like, isn’t it?. Community is so inclusive, so “gay” friendly, tranny friendly BAME friendly. I am sure every business in Brighton and Islington is part of this amorphous “community hub”, at least the ones run by Tarquins and Charolttes. It’s the new “affordable” – the advertising mans must-have

  4. “Community spirit” is dead.
    And as soon as I hear these words used I know there is some greedy opportunist or bloodsucking corporation behind it.
    Fuck them.

    • Agreed.
      If my community includes economic parasites from the 3rd world count me out anyway.
      I dont identify with leeches and chinky chippy owners, kebab vendors or rapey cabbies.
      My community is people Ive grown up with, actually care about, not some fake bonding with abdhul and mr xhing .

  5. The cheeky cunt I am referring to in my nom is a right twat. Kicks off if anyone asks him why his stuff is so overpriced. The fucker also sells Co-Op tins, like baked beans and he writes his own extortionate price on the tin when it’s already got a fucking barcode. Joke is it isn’t even a Co-Op store, and the beans are actually cheaper and fresher at the Co-Op itself, which is only three streets away. Cunt sells near its sell by date stock too. An elderly neighbour of mine went in this fleapit for a packet of Anadin (RRP: just over two quid). Cunt wanted over 4 pound for it and – as usual – wrote ‘his price’ on the box in biro. OAP neighbour promptly told him it was a rip off and refused to buy them. P@k! cunt was abusive and threatening and the old ‘un told him to get stuffed. This twat has made several enemies in this ‘community’ already. And it’s a matter of time before this cunt meets nemesis.

    • Three things in life are guaranteed:
      Death, taxes, and greedy Pakî shop-owners.

  6. I refuse to give my hard earned money to foreign cunts, if possible. I would rather drive an extra 3 miles to a petrol station franchise owned by a white English chap.
    As for kebabs, curry (full of Abdul spunk), chinky food full of artificial colouring and sugar etc, etc, etc-stick it up your arse, you foreign fucks!

    I take pride in preparing my own food-vegetables and fruit groen, prepped and frozen. Same with wild game, shot, cleaned and frozen, when available.
    Of course I purchase from supermarkets, I wouldn’t give the steam off my piss to the likes of the filthy cunt in the nomination.

    Superb as ever Norm?

    • Nice one, CG. And you wouldn’t believe what this cunt is charging for disposable Covid masks. A tenner for three. Ten nicker for three jay cloths with string tied to them. The cunt is the lowest of the low.

  7. We travel miles in order to not use Stanley shops. Even Mrs Infidel who is a serial shopper won’t use them.
    I’ll pay extra to avoid these cockroaches.

    No offence intended…….
    To cockroaches.

  8. We’ll hear more of this “communidee” crap once the shops open. “Support your local” “buy from the little man” etc. It fills me full of conflict. Do we continue with the big corporation supermarkets who’ve made a killing from the Chînk Virus captive audience (no clothes shops/kitchenware/ machine/gadget shops allowed to open but supermarkets can still flog these items)? Alternatively, shop at the mercenary, rapacious convenience shops owned by Pakîs or (round my way) tax-dodging Dooshkas flogging Polish or Romanian dogshit and mutter “Korr-vaa” if you ask for a receipt.

    Good call, Norm. It’s all business.

  9. Personally, I think the Co-op are greedy cunts. They’re usually near where old people live, household name etc, and rely on old cunts to do their weekly shop for twice the price of other supermarkets. They’re usually run and staffed by retards, fully woke, lefty cunts. They also subsidise the Liebour party.
    As for Joey shops, they’re cunts too, and I never use them.

    • You will do when you’re pissed as a fart and don’t get served. These cunts don’t give a shit about law.

    • I try to avoid the Co-op. Always come out of there feeling like I’ve been mugged. The fact that I might be contributing to Sir Keir’s election fund only adds to the feel-bad factor.

      • Co-op branded products are often cheap shit in a kind of Morrisons lookalike packaging to appear “upmarket”.
        The nearest Co-op to us has a branch of Subway in it. That’s Subway the American corporate capitalist sandwich chain.
        Very “socialist” of them…

  10. These “mom and pop” shops in the US are generally run by Koreans, Chinese, Latinos and, to an extent, types from the Indian subcontinent. The people who hate them are not usually white Americans but “African Americans”. I once saw two brothers from the hood calling an Indian guy in Miami all kind of “racist” names and saying they would come back and burn his store down. However, you won´t heard about incidents like on CNN.

  11. At the height of flu Manchu, these fuckers were charging frightened old grannies £30 for a bottle of hand sanitizer, £8 for a few paracetamol, £10 for facemask or £5 for a single big roll.

    The good news is that a few of these cunts did go out of business (a goat botherer near my mum’s went kaput not long ago) as the locals fucked them off for being robbing bastards.

  12. Wots I luv about my town and it’s not really a town as much as a whole lotta lotta rich cunts who spewed their high net worth abodes off a freeway onto half acre blocks smack bang in the middle of two cities and then the canny cunts set up an association called the Arsehole Improvement Association to prevent A: progress and B: subdivision of said half acre blocks. One side of the freeway is the Bronx and the other is Harlem. No dairies, no false bonhomie. Just old cunts on golf carts and nimble cunts smoking da reefer off hole # 4. That’s where we get the community spirit. God bless Middle Class America.

  13. Opening any business is now about connecting emotionally and/pr in a pc way of connecting. Its a load of marketing bollocks. Repeat, marketing bollocks.

    Younger people have no clue. Ker-ching.

  14. The world now runs on bullshit, the more bullshit the better, common sense, morals and decency have no place anymore, due to the fact that these qualities mean you have to actually care about people and things and show your willing to act on your beliefs for the greater good and not just for yourself. Paki’s are hard wired to screw you over, they’d fuck their own for a buck, so will happily screw the infidel English speaking as if it was a command from their all mighty fat cloud fairy. They excel in the art of bullshit, by telling you what you want to hear, then they’ll do fuck all to help, the stupid woke governments are losing their country gby always buying into this shit. When under a spot they are very upstanding in the public eye, behind the scenes they plot and support religious violence against all who don’t follow their twisted viewpoint. There’s no community but there’s a real feel of the caliphate.

  15. An actual community is a rare thing. Mainly we are individuals living in places. Community is a load of shite. Hardly anyone agrees with anyone and most people are indifferent to one another.

    When politicians talk of ‘community’ they mean a group of people they think will win them votes.

    • Totally agree, a dog eat dog society, created by iradicating good values. Also by shoving woke bull down your neck and calling decent folk racist on a whim, is actually breaking human kind. The simple reason is people are just angry seeing their way of life being shafted in support of scum and being told to “shut up you nazi”, if they call it out.

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