East Lancashire Hospitals Trust

A slow handclap please for the senior management of the East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, who persecuted nurse, Leone Harris for the crime of saving a life.

She didn’t follow hospital protocol and was subsequently persecuted and persude by the hospital suits over a period of 4 years.

Link to story here.

Nominated by: Jessum Priest

(** Late correction thanks to Lord Biryani, who pointed out it was East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, and not East Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust. Thanks – DA)

46 thoughts on “East Lancashire Hospitals Trust

  1. Disgraceful.
    ‘inexplicably altered statements’
    Jumps out and lets you know whats really happened.
    I hope the poor woman sues the fuck out of them.
    Good nom Jessum?

    • If anyone is waiting for Matt Handjob to stand up for NHS staff and eradicate bullying, then they are deluded. Like Northern Ireland veterans or frontline police officers, senior management and their Westminster overlords couldn’t give a flying fuck.

    • Sue them? The managers responsible for this should be taken out into the street and beaten to death in full view of the public.

  2. Put her in a “Benny Hill” type, sexy nurses outfit, black hold-up stockings etc.
    Then I will spend a week giving her regular meat injections and my own special organic B6 face pack’s?

    That will cheer her up.

  3. The conflict between admin and medical. Acting in the interest of the patient especially if patient will die if action not carried out must trump the fucking paperwork.
    But what do I know.

  4. I hope she sues the arse off the cunts for constructive dismissal.

    This is a glimpse into what Doctors and Nurses have to put up with the the NHS. The GMC will even side with the man on the fucking moon if they have the chance to hang one of their own out to dry.

    • I recall the QMC in Nottingham appointing an ex army colonel to run the place about 15 years ago. He resigned within a week!
      Whilst I don’t know the details of the situation it seems to me to be more than a bit strange that a proven person felt that he was unable to do the job.
      Just saying..

  5. How very typical of the time serving, pen pushing, box ticking, arselicking wankers you find at the top of every public service industry. There must be a reason why these cunts had it in for this bird but I can’t see it just from reading that article. Maybe she was too British, too white.

  6. The annoying thing is the cunts who persecuted her will get absolutely no punishment. The very minimum they should get is sacked. Cunts who’ve never saved a life, never been at the sharp end. Utter and total cunts.

    • Wonder how poor old DCI Gene is getting on?
      Bet hed tell the score on this.
      Fuckin penpushers in the NHS,
      Too many fuckin suits and not enough staff.

      • @Miserable . Did you not see DCI Hunt’s return on yesterday’s cunting of India’s COVID crisis?
        It was later in the evening after 10pm.
        He was asking after you.

      • Bertie@
        Well I never!
        No, not until read your post.
        Just looked and sent him a message.
        Glad hes ok, hes one of the best of us.

      • Cheers, MNC, too kind. Regarding the thread, it’s a fucking joke. She did the RIGHT thing, not the ‘Correct’ thing. And that is what our job, emergency medicine, is about. We have guidelines, but, that’s what they are. I’ve done stuff that I shouldn’t have, outside of guidelines, that’s for sure. Took the husband of a patient in with us to hospital, completely against our Covid protocol. She was never going to come out of hospital, they’d been married donkeys fucking years and the poor old cunt was crying as we wheeled her out. They’d been shielding since Covid kicked off so no risk. I went back in the house, had a word and told him to leave the talking to me at the hospital. We took him, too, quick word with the nurses and all was well. Correct thing to do? No, it was against guidelines. Right thing to do? Fuck yeah. He was with her when she died.

        Did you know that we have eight minutes to get to a CAT 1 call? If we get there in ten and save the patients life, we failed? Get there in seven, they die, it’s a success. What a cracked-up world we live in.

      • Glad your ok DCI!
        Suppose decisions sometimes have to be made on the spot in difficult circumstances,
        Its ok for some office stiff to point the finger they aren’t in the thick of it unlike you.
        You take care of yourself and stick around.??

      • Glad to see you back, DCI! Yes, please stick around and don’t let a minute number of arseholes on here grind you down.?

  7. The NHS is shit. There are wonderful people and cunts employed by this absurd behemoth . It’s the 28th best health service in the world ffs. Any criticism is met with a comparison to the US thousands of miles west, when the answer is just over the North Sea in Holland and thousands of miles east in Singapore.

  8. It makes you wonder how much taxpayers’ money is wasted on useless desk johnnies in the NHS, MoD, other government departments, councils and quangos.

    Matt Hancock has the appearance of an accountant-cum-management consultant and looks totally unfit to do a proper job.

    Hand-on-cock and the desk johnnies need to be fired.

  9. Apparently the young lady whose life she saved was in danger of bleeding to death in the ambulance and there were two bags of blood left, both of which were very close to their expiry time (they don’t last long after being taken out of cold storage).

    This lady took a chance and hooked one of the bags up to her patient. It was either this or the patient would likely bleed to death. In the emergency, the prescription for the bloods was not picked up.

    If she would have let her patient die then she would have been in the clear, as it was she saved her life. This has all the hallmarks of an overzealous management team who then went so far with the procedure and at some time realised they couldn’t turn back, so they went in for a kill.

    Penpushing, pencil-necked cunts.

    • What really annoys me is that if she had followed protocol, and not used the blood with the patient subsequently dying, chances are this nurse would have been blamed for that anyway!

      Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t.

      Agreed PM, they shot themselves in the foot & then tried to unshoot the gun.

      Utter, utter cunts.

  10. It’s East Lancashire Hospital Trust, not Lincolnshire, and Royal Blackburn Hospital, the hell hole of hospitals with a management team to die for and if you go in RBI, then there is every chance you will die.

  11. I live in Lincolnshire and the nhs is a total bag of wank honestly even Yorkshire is better health care wise than here.

  12. It never goes well when paper shufflers and pen pushers are in charge of practical people.
    It might look all cosy and nice in the rule book but these rules change dramatically on the job.
    Being skilled in a job is not always about doing it right but knowing what to do when it all goes wrong.
    I am sure lessons will be learnt and not one of these faceless cunts will face justice.

    • “Knowing what to do when it all goes wrong.” Hugely important and not understood by almost all managers. I once had a conversation with a commercial long-haul pilot who said anyone could do his job most of the time. You earned your money was when it all went tits up.

  13. I don’t want to be a cunt but she works for East Lancashire NHS Trust not East Lincolnshire.

    • She may well do now, as East Lincolnshire Trust have made her unemployable in their area, due to this unjustified witch hunt.
      I know people have called for her to sue but she won’t because
      It’ll take vital funding away from those who need it and also
      It’ll take vital funding away from those who need it.

    • My Lord, I have recently discovered that the on line news report has amended its report. You are correct, its Lancashire not Lincolnshire.

      They’re still cunts.

  14. Load of vindictive bureaucrats pissing away plenty of taxpayer cash.
    They tend to lend themselves to obfuscation and corruption as they know they are very unlikely to ever be held to any sort of account.
    It’s a poison that requires total eradication.
    What fucking good to the NHS are the cunts?
    Every penny spent on this shambles should come out of their pockets.
    On pain of oven.

  15. I believe the NHS have marvellous incinerator’s, for medical waste.
    Be a change of scene for you, Unkle T?

  16. I withdraw my offer of sexual gratification to this nurse. Having viewed the nomination photo on my desktop, as opposed to my tiny phone screen, she is what we used to call a “Golden Deciever”:

    “Nice from far-but far from fucking nice?”

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