This smarmy, overpaid doom monger who regularly appears on Sit Up Britain, properly known as Good Morning Britain, berated all the people who went out and sat near each other when it was warm last week because doing so increases the C-19 infection rate.
We all know the majority of the at risk groups have been vaccinated, we all know that people under 50 are unlikely to die, we know that the vaccinated have a high percentage of protection, we know that most people have a mild illness, we all know the figures on the infection and death rates have plummeted. So what the fuck is his problem?
This guy gives out such amazing medical tips on the GMB website as ‘apply sunscreen’, ‘limit alcohol’ and ‘take regular exercise’. He has recently said he is frightened of a third wave and believes children being vaccinated is a good thing. He even seemed to support Spain’s mask mandate of wearing a mask whilst swimming!
Can he please fuck off and then fuck off some more? This is the one time I wish the Earth was flat so he could drop off the edge.
Nominated by: Cuntologist
Nicely cunted Cuntologist.
“Health” Nazi with a girl’s name. Nuff said.
Rightly or wrongly I read the stats on a regular basis here.
How fucking low are we expected to get re. new infections, critical cases and actual so called direct deaths.
It’s not gonna get to zero anytime soon.
The metric for lifting all restrictions and returning freedom seems to be once we’ve flattened the economy.
Someone please ask him where he gets his all year round tan from while he wants the rest of us inferiors locked up until xmas ’21’ at least…please fuck off and die you pretentious patronizing ‘if I were chocolate I would eat myself’ elitist and detached from reality abnoxious prick
Dr Hilary, failed GP and smarmy unctuous TV hand patter.
I find it amusing to wait while he posts some nonsense on twatter, innocently ask “Just remind me what your qualifications in epidemiology and virology are again Dr Hilary”? and sit back to enjoy the feeding frenzy of abuse the old gobshite quack gets!??
Never heard of the cunt but ‘Hilary’ for a man says it all.
Were you not an avid viewer of Good Morning TV back in the 1990s, Cuntstable?
Was I fuck. Most of the 90s I was sjamboking kaffirs.
I didn’t know this old fuck was still alive.
My mum used to like this smarmy cunt when he was on TV-AM.
I liked it when they went on strike and they showed repeats of Batman.
There are also studies out there that say it’s difficult to prove asymptomatic people transmit. 70% of transmission has happened in hospitals, where people are symptomatic ,with 3% on pubs. Testing people who exhibit no symptoms is a huge waste of money and resources and the level of false positives is large. Lateral flow is inaccurate and will not distinguish between active and inactive viruses. PCR isn’t much better. Wtf test healthy people? Chances are they can’t even transmit the fuck chop suey virus.
Any man – well, let’s say male, who is named Hilary is a gold plated cunt. I only know two – this wanker and Hilary Benn – of Duckies & Poofters For Europe.
Shirley Crabtree v Hillary Jones. Now thats a fight id like to see.
Marrion Morrison as referee.
I’d love to see a tag match with Shirley Crabtree teamed up with Giant Haystacks versus this Hilary cunt and Owen fucking Jones.
I truly hate being right cunters but the head of the drug company pzifer said 2 shots isn’t good enough for immunization you need a third vaccine too for this year alone
More mystery tard monkey juice to cure us of corona symptoms we don’t even fucking have yet fucking brilliant
Many vaccines require annual boosts. Flu, for example.
It’s not fucking rocket science.
If you think Hillarys a cunt wait till you meet his brother Daphne!
Lots of people claim to be doctors and arent!
Doctor who for starters,
And those quacks, Dr&the medics , dr Dre , dr octopus and Nicola Surgeon.
I only get treated by St Johns Ambulance now.
Dr Strangelove is cool, hur hur…
But you wouldn’t let him carry out a rectal examination would you?!!
I’d let Dr Who if it’s still the blonde bimbo.
You are right its not rocket science its junk science and I don’t trust the fucking shit Take as many vaccines as you like m8 it won’t change a thing imo
If Pzifer really wants to be useful they can legalize percocets, mandrax and demerol fucking stunned cunts are useless to me otherwise.
Dr Strangelove Classic film its Peter Sellers at his best I use to have a dvd of it but lost the cunt
You keep telling yourself that m8, but the vaccines already have changed things.
I’ve got a bag of magic beans for sale. Will do you right as rain sunshine! Bi-annual subscription purchase only. Terms and conditions apply. May cause serious injury or death.
No comments from the peanut gallery.
Don’t mock him RTC, he really has some. He bought them off the ghost of Bigfoot.
Harry Enfield took the piss out of him years ago:
The earth’s NOT flat?
The only possible use for Hilary is inspecting Phil Schofields back passage with his tongue.
He’s employed because he looks the part.
Hes just a catalogue model masquerading as a Doctor.
Plasters is about all he can manage, maybe Germolene.
Proper doctors wear specs.
Quite fuckin right. I wear bins a bit like Herr Flick and I’m the real thing unlike this twat stating the obvious to the dimwits who watch ITV.
I hope the cunt has a cancer scare, gets trapped in the MR scanner and shits himself.
A pompous smarmy overpaid cunt.
Vaccinate the weak twat with Oven.
Who actually still has to work now?! hahaha lol I truly feel those sad cunts who do
Went to the salvation army the last week and the lady working the counter had to spray disinfectant after every costumer thats fucking madness to keep your job what a trooper
I’m still working thank fuck. I’ve never thought the world owes me a living, and I actively despise, and would happily gas, those that do.
I am still working not as much as I was at the beginning.Was on 60 hour weeks at the beginning of this shitshow in March.
While we’re on the subject of twats on the television just now saw a report on the BBC by someone named Victoria Gill who doesn’t even know how to pronounce the word “barium”.
Despicable bastard.
Personally I agree with him. People are behaving like cunts
And for the record he’s a practicing GP
So were Harold shipman, Jimmy Savile and Hitler!
How low are we expected to get exactly then? To all intents and purposes the pandemic is over now most of those in your category have been vaccinated – it’s time to open back up and move on.
I bet this shifty cunt is fully on board with the idea of mandatory microchips the luciferian WHO-shagging cunt. Watching him spout his doom mongering in front of establishment nodding dogs Lorraine ‘vaccine passports are brel-yunt’ Kelly and Giggly Holly and Anus Interrogating Wife Deceiver Phillip without any sort of rebuttal is infuriating.
And it goes without saying that any man who willingly goes through life with a girls name is a grade A Everest sized cunt of the highest order.
Bliar’s doppelganger. That is all.
String the cunt up, if you did it upside down all his shill money will fall out of his pockets.
Cunt has one of those faces that just screams shill/willing whore of the capitalist gangbang.
Dr Shilary!
“Strictly speaking you should be wearing a mask while swimming in the sea”
Medical cunt of the year!!
Can tell you from first hand reports from an acquaintance who fitted his central heating boiler, he is a prick, who thinks he is “dogs” gift to wimminz.
His missus was flirty as fuck?
Twat.Twat.Twat.Send him to the oven Unkle Terry
This cunt knows fuck all, GMB as a show is below loose women in relevance, this whispy haired fucker was rubbishing masks until told to inform us otherwise, I wouldn’t trust this prick to warm up my dinner let alone mess with my bollocks.!!
Alledgly this cunt is a GP maybe if he spent more time seeing patients rather than getting his nice TV work world might be in a better place.
Bet he is like most of the Cunt GPs who have been hiding away and not seeing anyone for past year.
People interacting with other humans.God forbid we live a little before we inevitably snuff it one day.
This cunt argued against mask wearing then demanded everyone muzzle up every day on TV for months then was caught in a chemists without one as he “forgot”CUNT
I do agree with Diocese that people are behaving like cunts but when you treat people like thick cunts they usually behave in such a way.When you treat people like cretins don’t be surprised when a self fulfilling prophecy occurs. Personnally I am sick to the back teeth of everyone’s bar selfies.You went to the pub I don’t give a shit.The fact people are so enthusiastic to sit outside in the cold shows how far we have sunk.Like dogs grateful for leftovers.
That being said I would rather see people behaving like cunts than afraid of everyone and their own shadow.The self righteousness of the militant lockdown fanatics is almost at religious levels of self righteous cuntitude.A bit like vegans ,the militant global warming goblin Greta and the LGB1Txcv5£QIA!? brigade.Constantly preaching to everyone and looking down from their high and mighty self certified throne of morality casting scorn and promises of damned nation.
To be fair Shaun, most people are thick…
The mans a smug arrogant cunt who’s only claim to fame is he’s a failed GP who bleats on about coronavirus like he’s a fucking expert!! You know nothing about nothing you insignificant worm! Fuck off from our screens you tedious cunt!
Point of order. He’s not a failed GP, he’s a practising GP and has been for many years.
Point of order – he’s still a cunt of the highest order and spouts more shit than a muck spreader
Another point of fact – this cunt was pictured at a packed Wimbledon with no mask while telling people who watched the football were risking another outbreak! Fuck off you utter cunt!! You sanctimonious prick!! Disappear to the twilight zone you cunt